
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Sri Sita Krutha Gauri Vandana

Sri Sita  Krutha  Gauri Vandana

Translated by

(This stotra was taken from a book  Devi Stotra  Rathnakara  published by  Gita press Gorakhpur)

1.Jaya jaya   Girivara raja   kishorim
Jaya  Mahesha mukha   Chandra  Chakori

1.Hail hail  darling daughter of  king of great  mountains
Hail  the Chakora bird which wants to drink  the moon like face  of Lord Shiva

2.Jaya gaja vadana  Shadanana  Matha,
Jagat   Janani   damini   duthi gaathaa

2.Hail   the   mother of  Lord Ganesa and Lord Subrahmanya,
Oh mother of the world, who has a body like the  luster of lightning.

3.Nahin thava  AAdhi Madhya  Avasaanaa,
Amitha  Prabhavu   bedhu  nahi jaanaa

3.There is no beginning , middle and end to you  ,
Your greatness  was not even known to Vedas

4,Bhav  Bhav Vibhav  paraabhav karini,
Vishva vimohini   swabhas viharini

4.You are the  cause  of creation , upkeep and destruction,
You the bewitcher  of the world who  wanders in the forms she likes

5.Pathi devatha   sutheeya  mahun   mathu  pradhama  thathr Rekh ,
Mahima  amith na sakahi   kaho sahas  saradha   shesh

5.Mother, You are the one who  considers husband  as  god  and in this you are first,
Your greatness  cannot be described by  thousands of Saraswathi or Adhi sesh

6,SEvath thohi   sulabh phal chari ,
Varadhayini   puraari piyaari

6.You grants  results easily to those  who worship you,
You  are giver of boons , and darling of he who burnt three  cities/

7.Debi   pooji pad kamal  thumharo,
Sur nar   muni   sab  honji  sukhaare

7.Oh  Goddess  your lotus like feet   are .
Worshipped  by devas, humans   saints   and  it leads them to happiness

8.Mor manoradhu jaanahu  neeken,
Basahu   sadaa  ur par   sabahin ke

8.Oh Goddess  you know well  as to my wishes,
For you always  stays in the city of heart of others.

9.Keenhevoom  pragat    na kaaran thehi ,
As kahi   charan   gaahe   Vaidehi.

9.And that is the reason why I did not publicly say,
SAing this Lady Sita  caught hold of the feet of the Goddess

10.Vinay  prem   bas bhayi  bhavani  ,
Khasi   maal  moorthi   muskani

10.BHavani fell in for the humility   and  love of Sita,
And  her  very costly necklace got broke   and fell down and the Goddess  Laughed

11.SAdaar   siya prasadu   sir darevu ,
Bholi  Gowri    harashu  hiyaan bharevu

11.With great respect  Sita wore that gift of goddess  on her head,
And the heart of Gowri was filled with joy and she told,

12,.Sunu siya sathya asees  hamari  ,
Poojihi   man kaamnaa  thumhari.

12. Oh Sita please  hear my very true words,
The desire  of mind   would   be fulfilled.

13.Narad bachan   sadaa   suchi saachaa,
So baru  milihi  jaanhi manu  raachaa.

13,The words of sage Narada are pure  and truthful ,
Because of that your mind has fallen in love and that would happen.

14,Manu jaanhi  raachevu  mileehu so baru  sahaj sundar   saamvaro,
Karunaa   nidhaan   sujaan   seelu   sanehu   jaanath   raavro.

14, You would get  whom your mind is attached as  he  is a pretty pleasant groom,
He is a treasure of mercy , very wise, having good conduct  and he knows about  your love and nature.

15.Yehi baanthi   Gowri assees   suni  siy sahith   hiyan   harshi ali,
THulasi  bhavathihi  pooji  puni  puni   mudith   man mandhir   chali

15.Hearing these  words of blessings of Gowri, her friends  became happy,
And they told  mother Thulasi , “Please make her  ,
Worship again and again   “ and they went back to their palace.

16.Jaani Gowri   anukool   siya hiya harashu  na jaayi kahi ,
Manjul mangal   mool  Vam Ang pharkath lage

16.Hearing the positive words  of Gowri  , Sita’s mind was filled with joy  ,
And due  to the pretty auspicious words her left side organs started to twitch.

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