
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sri Yadagiri Lakshmi nrusimha praparthi

श्रीयादगिरि लक्ष्मीनृसिंह प्रपत्तिः
Sri Yadagiri  Lakshmi  nrusimha praparthi

Vangipuram Narasimhacharya

(Saint Yada was   the son of Sage  Rishya Srunga and his wife  Santha (adopted daughter of King Roma Pada   and  she  is also  elder sister  of Lord Rama) . He is supposed to have performed Thapas in Yada giri Gutta  (yaadadri) and was able to see  Lord Narasimha   in three forms viz Jwala  Narasimha  , Gandaberunda  Narasimha   and Yogananda  Narasimha.  AS per his request  LOrd Narasimha was consecrated  in these  three  different forms on this hill., This great prayer  is addressed  to Lakshmi Narasimha form of the Lord  in this great temple)

TRanslated by

लक्ष्मीनृसिंह ललनाम् जगतोस्यनेत्रीम्
मातृस्वभाव महिताम् हरितुल्य शीलाम्
लोकस्य मङ्गळकरीम् रमणीय रूपाम्
पद्मालयाम् भगवतीम् शरणम् प्रपद्ये १॥

Lakshmi narasimha  lalanaam   jagathosya   nethrim,
Mathru swabhava   mahithaam  hari thulya   seelaam,
Lokasya  Mangalakarim  ramaneeya  roopaam,
Padmaalayaam  bhagawathim   saranam prapadhye

I surrender   to the goddess  who lives  in the lotus flower,
Who is the darling  of Lakshmi  Narasimha , who is the   eye of the world  ,
Who is the  great one having characters of mother , who has  behaviour equal to Hari,
Who makes the   world auspecious    and who has a  very pretty form

श्रीयादशैलशिखरे सतत प्रकाशौ
भक्तानुरागभरितौ भवरोग वैद्यौ
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये २॥

Sri yada  naamaka   muneendra thapo viseshaath,
Sri Yada   saila shikare   sathatha  prakasou,
BHakthanuraga  bharithou   bhava  roga   vaidyou,
Lakshmi nrusumha   charanou   saranam prapahye

I  surrender   at the feet  of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
Who   always   shines at the top of  Yada  mountain,
Due   to the  great penance undertaken  by  the great sage yada,
Who is filed with love  to his devotees and who is the doctor curing   disease of Samsara.

देवस्वरूप विकृतावपिनैजरुपौ
सर्वोत्तरौ सुजन सरु निशेव्यमानौ
सर्वस्य जीवनकरौ सद्रृशस्वरूपौ
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये ३॥

Daiva swaroopa  vikruthaabvapinai ja   roopou,
Sarvotharou  srujana   saru nishevyamanou ,
Sarvasya  jeevana  karou  sadrusa   swaroopou,
Lakshmi  nrusimha  charanou   saranam  prapadhye,

I  surrender   at the feet  of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
Who  has the form of God but has assumed   an extraordinary form,
Which form is honoured     above   all his known forms  ,
And which   form resembles  a form that does  good to all life.

लक्ष्मीशते प्रपदने सहकारभूतौ
त्वत्तोप्यति प्रियतमौ शरणागतानाम्
रक्षाविचक्षण पटू करुणालयौ श्री
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये ४॥

Lakshmisathe  prapadhane   sahakaara  bhoothou  ,
THwathopyathi   priya thamou  saranaagathaanaam,
Rakshaa  vichakshana   pat   karunalayou   sri,
Lakshmi  nrusimha  charanou   saranam  prapadhye,

I  surrender   at the feet  of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
Who is the God of Lakshmi  who keeps away  all  cooperating  evil spirits,
Who along with his darling wife  protects all those who surrender to him,
AS he is an expert   in protection and a  temple of mercy.

प्रह्लाद पौत्र बलिदानव भूमिदान
कालप्रकाशित निजान्य जघन्य भावौ
लोकप्रमाण करणौ शुभदौ सुरानाम्
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये ५॥

Prahladha  pouthra bali dhanava bhoomi dhana ,
Kala prakasitha nijaanya   jaganya  bhavou  ,
Loka pramana  karanou  shubhadou   suraanaam,
Lakshmi  nrusimha  charanou   saranam  prapadhye,

I  surrender   at the feet  of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
When the grand son  Bali  of Prahladha   gave   away the land,
You assumed   the form    which    shines  over time,
For the   sake of proving yourself  to the world  and for doing to the devas

कायादवीय शुभमानस राजहंसौ
वेदान्त कल्पतरु पल्लव टल्लि जौतौ
सद्भक्त मूलधनमित्युदित प्रभावौ
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये ६॥

Kaayaadhaveeya   shubha  manasa   Raja hamsou  ,
Vedantha  kalpatharu   pallava    talli jouthou  ,]
SAdbhaktha  moola dhana  mithyudhitha prabhavou,
Lakshmi  nrusimha  charanou   saranam  prapadhye,

I  surrender   at the feet  of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
Who is inserperable   from the good natured  royal swan like goddess,
Who  shines   like the new growth   of wish giving tree  of Vedantha,
With the innate power  coming out of good   devotion that spurns   wealth

इति श्री वंगीपुरम् नरसिंहाचार्य विरचितं
श्री यादगिरि लक्ष्मीनृसिंह प्रपत्तिः समाप्तं

Thus   ends   the  Yadagiri  Lakshmi Narasimha  Prapathi   composed  by Vangipuram  Nasaimhacharya

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