
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Shiva Sthuthi of Prajapathis

Shiva Sthuthi  of Prajapathis

Translated  by

(When the ocean of milk was churned, the first thing to come out was Halahala poison.This was creating great problem by burning  everyting it touches. The devas  as well as  Prajapathi(people who created people)   prayed to Lord Shiva. Using this stotra  .This occurs in Bhagawatha purana  skanda 8   chapter 7   slokas  21-35)

1.Deva deva  Mahadeva,
Bhoothathman, Bhootha Bhavana
Thrahi na saranaa aapannan,
Trilokya dahanaath   vishaath.

Oh God, Oh God  , Oh great God,
The soul  and protector of  all beings,
Please protect   your devotees from Danger,
Of the  poison which may  burn the three  worlds.

2.Thwameka , sarva jagatha,
Easwaro, bandha mokshayo,
Tham thwamarchanthi kusalaa
Prapannarthi  haram gurum.

You are   god of  all worlds ,
Who determines  the   attachment and release,
The learned devotees   worship you  ,
As  Guru, protector and remover  of sorrow.

3.Gunamayyaa swasakthyaasya,
Sarga sthithya apyayaan vibho,
Dhathse yadhaa  swadrug  bhooman,
Brahma  Vishnu Shivaabhidhaam.

By   your innate  power  , you,
Determine creation , upkeep  and destruction,
And   for doing   these  activies,
You assume the forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

4.Thwam Brahma  parama guhyam,
Sadha sadh sadh bhavana,
Naanaa sakthi bhiraa bhathaa,
Thwam athmaa  jagadheeswara.

You are  the very much hidden Brahmam,
And you are also  the soul  and Lord  of the universe,
Due to the   various powers   which are in you,
You become   the soul of the God of universe.

5.Thwam sabdha yonir jagad adhir   aathmaa,
Pranendriya dravya   guna   swabhaavaa,
Kala krathu sathyamrutham   cha  dharma,
Thway aksharam  yath trivia  dhamananthi,

You are  the point of creation of  Veda  and universe  whose soul is sound,
And   are  having  the  properties  of soul organs, wealth and characters,
You are also the  pride , time, yaga, truth  , duty   as well  as Dharma,
And the  nature  with three  type of qualities      rests  in you.

6.agnirmukhm they akhila devathaathmaa,
Kshithim vidhur loka  bhavangri  pankajam,
Kaalam gatthim  they akhila devathathmano,
Dhisascha karnou rasanam   jalesam.

You are the   soul of  all devas with face of agni,
And the earth   is lotus  like   feet of yours,
Time is your movement and you are  the soul of all devas,
The directions are your ears   and the ocean  is your toungue.

7,naabhir nabhasthe swasanam  nabhaswan,
Sooryascha chakshookshi jalam sma   retha,
Paravaraathmaa aasrayanam thavaathmaa,
Somo mano dhyour  bhagawan   sirasthe.

Oh god , sky is your belly, the wind , your breath,
The   sun your eyes  and water is your   sperm,
Your power to bear the small  and big is your pride,
Moon  is your mind and the heaven is   your head.

8.Kukshi samudhraa , girayo  asthi sanghaa,
Romani   sarvoushadhee veerudasthe,
Chandhaamsi  saakshaath  thava  saptha  dhathava,
Trayee mayaathman  hrudayam   sarva dharma.

Oh Lord  , The  oceans are your stomach , mountains   your bones,
All the crops   your hair , the meters  ,
Of the Vedas , the seven types of minerals of yours,
And   all the Dharmas  of the world is your heart.

9.Mukhaani   panchopanishadha sthavesa,
Yais  trimsadha ashtothara   manthra   vargaa,
Yath   thachivaakhyam  paramartha thathwam,
DEva swayam  jyothir avasthithasthe .

Oh god  your    five faces are the  starting point,
Of the thirty eight  type   of manthras ,
And  the name Shiva which is  the philosophy ,
Of truth  is the conscious  shining truth.

10.Chchayaa thwa  dharmomishu yair visargo,
Nethra  thrayam sathwa rajas thamamsi,
Sannkhyaathmanaa sasthra krutha  sthavekshaa,
Chandho mayo deva   rishi  puraana.

The  waves of ocean of Adharma   are your shadow,
The qualities Sathwa, rajas  and Thamas   which   are,
The cause of creation are   your eyes and Vedas  with meter,
Are your side glances which are the starting place  of sciences.

11.Na they   giri thrakhila loka  pala-,
Virincha   vaikunta  surendra   gamyam,
Jyothi  param    yathra  rajasthamascha,
Sathwam na yadh  brahma  nirastha bhedham.

Oh Lord Shiva the great  luster  of your   form,
Is the Brahmam  without any   divisions and 
Without your touch, Brahma, yourself, lord Vishnu 
Indra   and  the protectors of earth cannot b e reached.

12.Kamaadhawara  Tripura kala garaadhyaneka ,
Bhootha dhrooha   kshapa sthuithayo   na thath the,
Yath sthwantha kaala   idhamaathma  krutham  swanethra,
Vahni   sphulinga shikhaayaa  bhasitham  na vedha  .

At the time of deluge the world    which is your own creation,
Is turned   in to ashes  by the  flame of fire  from your own eyes,
And so  praising   you for  burning  God of love and  Three cities,
The destruction of Daksha yaga  are  very in adequate  and insufficient.

!3.Ye  thwathmarama gurubhir hrudhi chinthithaangri,
Dwandwam  charantham umayaa  thapa saabhithaptham,
Kathantha ugra purusham  niratham smasaane,
They nuna moothima vidhamsthava haatha lajjaa

Due to your always being with Uma, you are in love with uma.
Due to your living  in cremation ground you are terrible and hated,
 And those  who criticize  like this   without knowing  that your feet,
Is  the subject of meditation  of great sages are silly  and shameful souls.

14.Thath thasya they   sadha satho  paratha  parasya,
Naajna swarupa gamane   prabhavanthi   bhoomanaa,
Brahmaadhaya kimutha samsthavane  vayam thu,
Thath sarga sarga vishayaa  api sakthi mathram.

Your form beyond the cause and effect  as well as ,
Macro and microi states is not fully known to even Brahma and other devas,
Then how we who are your and Brahmas creation can praise ,
You properly  and this is only  an inadequate  of your great strength.

`15. Yethath param  prapasyaamo,
Na param   they  maheswara,
Mrudanaaya hi  lokasya ,
Vyakthisthe avyaktha karmanaa .

Oh Lord we know  only the form you showed us,
And we do not  know   your very  divine principle,
And your actions and capabilities  are not known,
And we know  you showed your form for the benefit of the world.

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