
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Akroora Sthuthi When he was taking Lord Krishna to Mathura

Akroora Sthuthi When he was taking Lord Krishna to Mathura

Translated by

(Saint Akroora was sent by Kamsa  to bring Krishna .Krishna   accompanies him    and shows  his Mega   form when he dips in the water  for bath,This prayer  is chanted    at that time  by akroora (Skandam  10 Chapter 40 sloks 1-30)

1.Naythosmyaham thwaakhila hethu hethum,
Narayanam purusha maadhya mavyayam,
Yannabhi jaathaad aravinda  kosaadh,
Brahmaa aaviraaseed yath   yesha  loka.

I your devotee salute you, who is  cause  of all causes,
Who is Narayana , Purusha, the primeval  stable one,
And  was it not from his belly that  the universal  lotus flower ,
Rose and from which Lord Brahma  the creator arose.

2.Bhoosthoyamagni pavana  khamaadhir,
Mahanajaadhir mana indriyaani,
Sarvendriyaardha vibudhaascha   sarve  ,
Ye hethavasthe jagathonga bhoothaa.

The earth , water  , fire , wind and ether  which are ,
The cause of earth, and great principle   which caused them,
Prakruthi and its cause Purusha, mind   , sense organs,
And all devas  are  all a  part of   yourselves.

3.Naithe swaroopam vidhoorathmanasthe  ,
Hrujaadhayo anathmathayaa  gruheethaa,
Ajo anubandhasagunai rajayaa,
Gunaathparam vedha  na  they   swaroopam.

Prakruthi as well  the others are  things  without life,
And could be realized only by conscience and the beings ,
Associated with them  will not be   able realize you , who sees,
And you cannot be known by Brahma  also as he belongs to them.

4.Thwaam yogino  yajanthyaddhaa,
Maha purushameeswaram, ,
Saadhyyathmam saadhi bhootham cha,
Saadhi daivam  cha  saadhava.

Yogis worship you as   in yourselves,
As the one god and as  the all souled,
Purushothama and others worship you,
As one in your body, prakruthi    and as in devas

5.Thryya cha vidhyayaa kechith  ,
THwaam vai  vaithaanikaa   dvijaa,
Yajanthe vithathai   yajna,
Nana roppaa maakhyayaa.

The Brahmins who  have learnt  ,
The worship  according  to rules  of Karma,
And Yaga and  worship you  through   yajna,
In its various   aspects   as well as names.

6.Yeke thaakhila  karmaani,
Samnyasopasamam  gathaa,
Jnanino jnana  yajnena,
Yajanthi jnana   vigraham.

The realized  Jnanis one  after another  ,
Abandoning  all the  karmas   and actions,
Prefer to worship you  who is form of Jnana,
By  the   method  of  widening  jnana.

7.Anye   cha    samskruthaathmano,
Vidhinaabhi hithena the,
Yajanthi  thwanmayaasthwaam  vai,
Bahu oorthyaika moorthikam.

Some other    developed   souls,
Follow the  method  of devotion,.
And meditating  on you in  your ,
Well known forms attain  completeness.

8.Thwamevaanye shivokthena,
Maargena   shiva  roppinaam,
Bahwaa charya  vibhedhena,
Bhagawan samupaasathe  .

Due   to the various   advices given,
By teachers  of  differential thought  ,
The Shaivas   prefer  to worship,
You  in  the form   of Lord  shiva.

9.Sarva   yeva   yajanthi thwaam,
Sarva deva   mayeswaram ,
Ye  apyanya devathaa bhakthaa,
Yadhyapyanyadhiyaa  prabho.

All those   who worship other Gods,
Who are  the followers  of other beliefs,
Only worship   you   who is pervaded,
With   all other  devas  in your  form.

10.Yadhadhri prabhavaa nadhyaa,
Parjanyaa poorithaa  prabho,
Visanthi  sarvatha sindhum,
Thadhathwaam  gathayo   anthatha.

Oh Lord , just like  Rain water  from ,
Mountains reach   and flow   through,
Very many rivers    reach    the ocean,
All  methods  of worship   reach  you.

11,Sathwam rajasthama  ithi,
Bhavatha   prakruthyer gunaa,
Theshu   hi  praakruthaa prothaa,
AAbrahma sthavaraa  dhaya.

Your natural   characteristics  can be,
Divided as peaceful , regal    and evil,
And  all   beings  of the universe,
Right from Brahma were created  from these.

12.thubhyam  namasthe asthwa vishaktha  drushtaye,
Sarvathmanesarvadhiyaam  cha  saakshine,
Guna pravaho ayamavidhyayaa krutha,
Pravarthathe devanruthirysagaathmasu.

I who am the amalgamation of all these  salute you,
Who is not  related to any  but acts   as a witness  to all,
The scene of this world  is due to your Maya and it affects,
All beings there but it does not   affect you, who is its lord.

13.Agnirmukhm  they avanirangrireekshanam,
Suryo naabho nab hi radho  disa   sruthi,
Dhvow kamsurendrasthavabahavornnavaa,
Kukshir maruth praana balam prakalpitham.

14,Romaanivrukshou shadhaya siroruhaa,
Meghaa parasyasthinaghaani the adhraya,
Nimeshanam rathrya hanee  praja  pathir,
Medasthu vrushti thava viryamishyathe  .

Fire is your face, earth  is your feet and fire  is your sight,
Ether  is your belly  , directions    your ears,
Devas  are yoyr hands, the  ocean is   your belly  ,
The wind is your   soul, trees  and plants  , your hairs,
The clouds  are  your  curled   hairs ,
The mountains   are your bones as well as nails,
The day and  night  are lashing your   eyes,
Prajapathi is your  reproductive organ  and ,
The years  are your seed and this is how  you look.

15.Thwayya vyayaa athman  purushe  prakalpithaa,
LOkaa   sapaalaa  bahu    jeeva  sangulaa,
Yadhaa  jale   sanjihathe   jaloukaso ,
Pyudhambhare vaa  masakaa  mano maye.

Oh god who is forever , in your form of   very many dimensions
Several worlds, the beings  that live there  and the  gods,
That these  beings worship live, which include  minutest beings,
But they   who live in various parts  , do not  know each other at all.

16.yAanee   yaaneeha ropaani,
Kreedanartham  bhibarshi  hi,
Thairamyashta sucho lokaa,
Mudhaa gayanthi they yasa.

All the several   forms that  you tpook,
For the sake of sport and for  a purpose,
Are    praised     and sung  by all,
All  the worlds  which are way from sorrow.

17.Nama  karana  mathsyaya,
Pralayaabdhi  charaaya   cha,
Haya   seerrshne namasthubhyam,
Madhu  kaidabha      mruthyuve  .

Salutations   to the causal  fishn
Which moved about in water  of deluge,
Salutations   to  the one with face of horse,
Who lead   to the death of  Madhu and Kaidaba.

18,Akupaaraaya bruhathe ,
Namo mandhara dharine,
Kshithyddhara viharaya,
Nama    sookara  murthaye.

Oh Turtle   of huge  dimesnsions,
Salutations  to him who lifted Mandhara,
As a sport he simply lifted   the earth and placed,
Salutations    to  the boar  who did it.

19,Namasthe adbutha simhaaya,
Sadhu loka    bhayaapaha,
Vamanaya  namasthubhyam.,
Krantha   tribhuvanaya cha.

Salutations   to the wonderful lion,
Who  removed fer of good people,
Salutations   to Lord Vamana  ,
Who measured the  three  worlds.

20.Namo brugunaam pathaye,
Druptha kshathra vana chidhe,
Namasthe Raghu varyaya,
Ravananthakaya   cha.

Salutations to lord of Braghu clan,
Who destroyed the fire  of Kshatriyas,
Salutations to lOrd of Raghu clan,
Who  was the  killer   of Ravana.

21.Namasthe  Vasu devaya,
Nama   sankarshanaaya   cha,
Pradhyumnaya  Anirudhaaya,
Saathwathaam  pathaye nama

Salutations    to Lord   Vasudeva,
As well as  Lord  Balarama,
Pradhyumna and Anirudha,
Who are   all the lord of peaceful people.

22.Namo budhaya  shudhaya,
Daithya dhanava mohine,
Mlecha praya kshathra  hanthre,
Namasthe   kalki roopine.

Salutation to Budha   the pure,
Who created  mental   confusion    among asuras,
Salutations    to Kalki  who,
Destroyed Foeign rulers.

23.bhagawan  jeeva lokoyam,
Mohitha sthava mayayaa,
Aham  mamethya sad groha,
Bramyathe karmavarthmasu

Oh God  Due to being attracted,
By the living  world due to your Maya,
Due  to  brain which is not sath,
I am rotating in the  wheel of samsara.

24.Aham chathmathmajaagaara-,
Darartha swajanaadhi shu,
Bramami swapna  kalpeshu,
Mooda sathya dhiyaa  vibho.

I just like moving and  not moving beings,
Started feeling that body, children and relatives,
Which are  things of dream as real,
Though   they are  transient  and unreal.

25.Anithyathma dukheshu,
Dwandwaa ramasthamo vishto,
Na jaane thaw aathmana  priyam.

Due to thinking that things which are not related toAthma,
Are  permanent and only  lead to pleasure,
The ignorant me fell in to dilemma  ,
And am not knowing you who likes  athma.

26.Yadha budho  jalam  hithwaa,
Prathicchannam thadhudbhavai,
Abhyethi  mruga thrushnaam vai,
THadwatvaham  paraangmukha

Like a man leaving pond covered with green algae,
And going  in search of a mirage ,
I am unable to recognize you  covered with maya,
And am trying   to get pleasure  out of physical acts.

27.Nothsahe aham kupunadhee ,
Kama  karma hatham mana,
Rodhum pramaadhischaakshai,
Hriyamaana mitha sthath.

Having no power of decision , pitiably,
I get   attracted to passion  and acts   due to it,
And become powerless and I am being  pulled,
Here and there by powerful sense organs.

28.Soham  thavangryupa gatho asmyasathaam  dhuraapam,
Thachapyaham  bhavadanugraha eesa  manye,
Pumso  bhavedh yarhi samsaranaapavarga,
Thwayyabja nabha sadhyapasanayaa mathi syaath.

Tied by the  sense organs I am myself surrendering at your feet,
And  this is not possible  for people  who  have dirty  uncontrollable  mind,
And  though  unsuitable  I am able to do it, due  to your mercy and good company,
HJey Lord, only when the time of salvation comes  both these  become possible.

29.Namo vijnana  maathraaya,
Sarva  prathyaya  hethave,
Purushesa  pradhaanaaya,
Brhamane   anantha  sakthaye.

Salutations to you who has  form of consciousness,
Who depends always  on consciousness  and who,
Is the Brahmam which controls time   and acts,
Which controls  the fate   of all beings,
And who  is the Brahmam   with unlimited power.

30.Namasthe vasudevaya,
Sarva  bhootha  kshayaya cha,
Hrishikesa namasthubhyam ,
Prapannam   pahi maam prabho.

Salutation  to Lord Vasudeva,
Who takes  of all beings  ,
Salutations   to Hrishikesa,
Oh Lord please protect this devotee.

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