
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Reply of Rugmani to lord Krishna

Reply  of  Rugmani  to lord Krishna

Translated  by

(once  Lord Krishna teased  his wife Rugmani that he  is not at all a suitable husband  to her.This prayer  is her reply   skanda 10 .chapter 60 sloka 34-46)

1.Nanvevamethadh aravindha  vilochana ha,
Yadhvai  bhavaan  bhagwatho  asadhyasi  vibhumna,
Kwa  swe mahimnya bhiratho bhagavaamsthyadheesa,
Kwaaham   guna  prakruthi  rajna graheetha  padhaa

Oh lotus eyed one , You were telling  the truth only  ,
When you  said I am not  very suitable to you, for,
You are spread everywhere, lord of all  powers  and,
Lord of Trimurthis and I am only  one worshipped  by the ignorant.

2.Sathyam bhayadhiva gunebhya urukramaantha,
Sethe   samudhra upalambana  mathra aathmaa,
Nithyam  kadhhendra ganai kutha  vuigrahasthwam,
Thwath  sevakair nrupa Padham vidhutham  thamondham.

Since you are in the deep difficult  to approach pockets of Gods,
When you say I am  in the midst  of ocean,   you seem to be right,
And since you live fighting  with sense organs, your saying that  you have,
Great enemies  also is right and since you  keep  away  even royalty,
There is no wonder in your saying , that you  are not the king?

3.Thwath padha padmamakarantha jusghaam muneenaam,
Varthmaa sphutam  nrupa shubhir  nanu  dhurvibhavyam,
Yasmaadha loukika vehitha meeswarasya,
Bhoomamasthave hitha madho  anu ye  bhavantham.

When you said  your path is difficult   and come with you ,
Too is difficult ,you are right, for the path of your devotee  saints,
Is also difficult and  the people   who   are  cow like,
They cannot   even think about it and so there is no ,
Wonder  that  your path   is very difficult.

4.Nish kinchano nanu bhavaan  na yathosthi  kinchidh,
Yasmai balim  balibhujopi  haranthya jaadhyaa,
Na thwaa vithanthyasoothrupoanthaka maadya thaadaa,
Preshto bhagawan  bali bhujamapi thepi thubhyam.

You said you are poor and that you like  only the poor,
But devas  like Brahma who are worshipped  by the kings of the world,
Are  worshipping you who is poor and only  those  who are proud of their wealth,
And who do not know  how far is death from them are the  only ones,
Who do not search you and to all others, they  all love you.

5.THwaam vai   samastha  purushartha  maya phalaathma,
Yadh vaanchayaa sumathayo   visrujanthi   kruthsnam,
Theshaam  viho samucitho   bhavatha samaaja,
Pumsa   sthriyaascha rathayo   sukha  dukhinorna

You are  the end result  of all things like Dharma, wealth ,
Passion as well  as  salvation and people   who want to have you ,
Sacrifice all  these and they  are  most suitable  to relate to you,
And that  is proper  marriage and not relation of   those ,
Who want to live   a married life  with pleasure  and sorrow.

6Thwam nyastha bandha munibhir gathio thanu bhava,
Aathmaa athmadascha   jagatha mithi may  vruthosi,
Hithwaa  bhavadh broova udhiritha kala vega,
Dasthaa sisho abhja bhavanaakaptheen   kutho anya.

You  are  the soul of the universe and you give  the devotees yourself,
Say the sages who are full of love and who have  sacrificed  everything,
And just by  the movement  of your eye lids  , the  post  and power,
Of all devas  including  Shiva  and Brhama  will cease  and so I married you.

7,jaadyam vachasthava  gathagraja yasthu  bhoopaan,
Vidhraavya saarnga  ninadhena jahartha  maam thwam,
Simho yadhaa swabala mesa pasoon swabhagam,
Thebhyo  bhayaadh  yadhu dadhim  saranam prapanna.

Oh Lord , chasing  away the kings  who had  assembled  there,
Just by hearing  the twang, just like  a lion  chasing away ,
Other animals before catching its feed, you  robbed  me ,
Who is yours and so your saying   that    due  to the fear,
Of those  kings  only you are  staying in Dwaraka  sea.

8.yadh vaanchayaa  nrupa   shikhaamanayonga vainya,
Jaayanthanaahyusha gayaadhaya eikapathyam,
Rajyam visrujya  vivasur vanam ambujaaksha,
Seedanthi theanu padaveem tha  yihaa sthithaa  kim.

When you tell that ladies who follow  you  are put  in,
Great difficulty  , it is meaningless because  kings  like,
Prathu ,Bharatha, Yayaathi  .Anga , gayaa, gave away,
Their  kingdoms and chose the troubles  of forest to live with you.

9.Kaanyaam  srayetha  thava padha   saroja  gandham,
AAgraaya sanmukharitham  janathaapa  vargam,
Lakshyaalayam  thwavai ganayya  gunalayasya  ,
Marthyaa  sadhoru bhaya Martha viviktha  drushti.

You said  I could have chosen a  better  person than you,
Which lady would prefer men always   afraid of death ,
Leaving you  who is the store house  of all good qualities,
Which lady  who have  experienced the  perfume of your feet,
Which is praised by learned people and which removes,
The sufferings of your devotees, would  choose another  husband?

10.Tham  thaw anuroopamabhajam  jagathaam adheesam,
Aathmanamathra cha  parathra cha  kama  pooram,
Syaanme thavangri tharanam  syoothib hir bramanthyaa,
Yo vai bhjantham upayaathyanya thapa vargaa

Deciding you are my proper groom , I surrendered to you,
Who is lord of universe, the soul of all and one  who fulfills,
The desire of everyone and caught  in this wheel of birth and death,
Let  your feet  which removes  the  misunderstanding that   soul is body,
And which always  protects  all devotees, be my protection.

11.Thasyaa sruyarachyutha  nrupaa  bhavathopadishtaa,
Sthreenaam   gruheshu   kharagosva bhidaalabyathyaa,
Yath  karna moola mathi karshana nopayayadh,
Yushmath kadhaa mruda virincha sabhasu  geethaa

Oh achyutha  , you    felt that  I should have chosen   some other king,
Let the kings who are happy to live like   donkeys, bulls  , dogs, cats ,
And servants  become the husbands  of ladies  who have  not heard,
About  the praises of you which are  sung  in Shiva and Brhama lokas.

12.Thwaksmasruromanakha kesa pinadha  mandhar,
Mamasaasthi   raktha krumi vit kapha  pitha vaatham,
Jeevachavam  bhajanthi  kantha madhir   vimooda ,
Yaa the padabja  makarandha majigrathi  sthree.

Only those  ignorant women who have never  enjoyed,,
The perfume of your feet, would bother  to  have  ,
A husband filled with meat  , phelgum ,  bile , and gas,
And covered  with skin,  hair and nail and live like living corpses.

13,Asthwambujaaksha  mama they   charanuraaga,
Aathman  rathasya mayi  chanathiriktha drushte,
Yarhyasya   vrudhaya uaatha rajo  athimathro,
Maameekshase thadhu na paramanukambaa.

You  Said  that you  do not have  any special  interest  in ladies,
Even if you are at peace with your soul  and not  interested in me,
Let me have  love to your feet and I am sure, As God in beginning of creation,
You would seeme who is prakruthi    with  Regal sight  and,
I consider  it as a great blessing  that I may be able to serve you.  (

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