
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Brahma sthuthi with devas due to Durvasa’s curse(from Bhagavatham)

Brahma sthuthi  with devas due to Durvasa’s  curse

Translated by

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(due to  curse of  sqage Durvasa  Devas lost their prosperity.They approached K Lord Brahma   who took them to Lord Vishnu    and prayed to him (Skandam 8 chapter 5 verses   26-50)

1.Avikriyam  sathyam anantha maadhyam.
Guhasayam  nishkala mapra tharkyam,
Mano agrayaanam vachasa niruktham,
Namamahe  deva  varam varenyam

He   who is  the change  less truth, who  does not have end or beginning,
Who is the secret  principle, who is beyond   words and thought,
Who is faster  than mind, who lives  in our hearts,
We   salute  such a great deva who is the  most chosen.

2.Vipaschitham prana manodhiyathmanaam,
Arthendriya    bhasam  anidra mavrunam,
Chaayaa  thapou yathra na  grudhra  pakshow,
Thamaksharam kham triyugm  vrujamahe.

He who is the witness of mind , wisdom and pride,
Who is seen as   the sense organs  and their   activities.
Who due  to being free of body does not have   acts like sleep,
Who does not have  vidya and ignorance, who is spread everywhere  like sky,
Who takes  incarnation in all yugas and we  depend on such a god.

3.Ajasya chakram thyajeryamaanam,
Manomayam pancha dasaaramaasu,
Trinaabhi vidhyychalamashta  nemi,
Yadakshamaahu thamrutham   prapadhye.

He who is  the mind, who  is  the  wheel of the body  which has fifteen  spokes*,
Who has  holes  of the form  of three characters to fix the spokes,
Who has  the frame of  five elements and mind, wisdom and pride,
And we surrender   to such a god  who is the    form of truth
      *Ten sens organs and five pranas

4.Ya eka varnam  thamasa param thadh,
Aloka mavyaktha mananda  paaram,
AAsaam  chakoropa  suparna  menam.
Upasathe yoga  radhena dheera

He who is one , not having  any ignorance,
Who is unclear , who has crossed limits of joy,
Who is the controller of lives and who wants them to be great,
And a courageous person serves  him travelling in the chariot  of solitude

5.Na yasya kaschaathi thitharthi maayaam,
Yayaa jano muhyathi veda naartham,
Tham  nirjithathma athmagunam paresam,
Namama   bhootheshu samam charantham.

Due to maya all people forget that they are  soul and not body,
And no one can win over this illusion  except  the Lord,
Who has won over  his  usual  power and we salute ,
The God of all who is spread   among  all  the  beings.

6.Yime vayam  yath priyayaiva thanvaa,
Sathvena srushtaa bahir anatharaavi,
Gathim  na  sokkshmaam  rishayanchavidhmahe,
Kutho asuraadhyaa ithara  pradhaanaa.

We who are devas,made only  by sathva  character  ,
Are unable to understand , who has  conscience inside ,
And existence outside, which  is  his micro divine form,.
Then how can asuras and men  filled with rajas  and thamas  understand you.

7.paadhou maheeyam  swa kruthaiva yasya,
Chathurvidho   yathra  hi bhootha sargaa,
SA vai  maha purusha athma  thanthra,
Praseedathaam  brahms maha  vibhoothi.

He created the world , which is his feet,
And which has   four types  of beings,
And  let him who has condition less  freedom,
And endless  fame be  pleased   with us.

8.Ambasthu yadhretha udhara  veeryam,
Sidhyanthi  jeevanthyutha vardhamanaa,
Lokaasthrayo  adhakhils loka pala,
Praseedathaam  brahma maha vibhoothi.

Let that  Brahman  from whose   seed  gave rise to ,
The three worlds  the eight   guards  from the  water of universe,
And  which continue   to exist   and grow,
And which has endless greatness, be pleased   with us.

9.Somam mano yasya samamananthi,
Dhivoukasaam vai  bala mandha aayu,
EEso  nagaanaam  prajana  prajaanaam,
Praeedatham  na sa  maha   vib huthi.

Let god Soma  who is the food  and strength of devas,
The king of trees  and producer   for the people,
And  Vedas   say that he is  the mind of Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased

10.Agnir mukham  yasya   thu jaatha vedhaa,
Jaatha   kriyaa kanda nimitha  janmaa,
Antha samudhre anupachan  swadhaathoon,
Praeedathaam  na sa  Maha    vibhoothi.

He    whose face is fire, who helps  us,
To do yajna, who being in the   belly  ,
Helps us to digest the  food  is Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased

11..Yachakshuraaseedh tharaneer deva  yaanam,
Trayee mayo brahmana eva  dishnyam,
Dwaaram  muktheramyatham  cha  mruthyu,
Praseedathaam  na sa  Mahaa  vibhoothi.

He whose  eye is sun god who is the God,
Of the path  to spiritual bliss. Who has a vedic form,
Who is the  home of Brahmam, who is nectar,
As well as cause  of death, is Brahmam
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

12.Prannadabhooth  yasya charaacharaanaam,
Prana saho balamojascha vayu,
Anvasmasamraajamivaanugaa vayam,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

Brahman  is   from whom was born  The  Prana,
Which   is  obeyed and followed by all  like an emperor,
And from  whom Wind the power giver of mind and body was born,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

13.Srothadh  dhiso   yasya  hrudascha  khani,
Prajnire  kham   purushasya  naabhyaa,
Pranendriyathmaasu  sareera  ketham,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He from whose  power of hearing  was born the  directions,
He from whose   heart   was born the holes  of the body,
He from whose belly was born soul , sense organs and mind is Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

14.Balan mahendrasthridasaa prasaadhaan,
Manyor gireeso  dhishaadh   virincha,
Khebhyascha  chandhamsi   rishayp medratha  ka,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He  from whose   strength , Indra was born  , he from whose ,
Pleased  state the devas were born, he   from whose anger,
Rudra  was born , he  from whose  brain Lord Brahma was born
He from the holes of his body, the sages, meters  were born,
And he from whose  reproducing organs Prajapathi was  born is Brahman,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

15.Sreervakshasa pithraschayayaa aasan,
Dharma   sthanabhithara  prushtatho  abhooth,
Dhryouryasya  seershno apsaraso  vihaarath,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He  from whose chest ,Lakshmi , from his  shadow the Pithrus,
From his breast   dharma, from whose  behind adharma,
From head heaven and sports Apsaras were born is Brahman,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

16.Vipro mukham  , brhama cha   yasyaguhyam,
Rajanya aaseed bhujayorbalam cha,
OOrvor vidojo  angrira vedha   shudrou,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He from whose face  Brahmin and Vedas, from hand Kshatriya,
And strength, From his  thighs  Vaisya   as well practical  intelligence,
And from whose  feet Shudra  and non Brahmin  rituals were born is  Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

17.Lobho adharaath  preethi roopa rooparyabhoodh  dhyuthir-,
Nastha pasavya sparsena  kama,
Broovor yama pakshmabhavasthu  Kala,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He  from whose  lower lips avarice, from upper lips love,
From nose  splendor from touch animal like passion,
From Eye brows Yama and eyelids Time was born is Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

18.DRavyam vaya  karma gunaan visesham,
Yadhyoga maya  vihithan  vadanthi
Yadh  durvibhavyam prabudhabha badham,
Praseedathaam  na  sa  maha vibhoothi.

He whose  yoga maya  can be won over only,
By jnanis, which  gave birth  to  five elements,
Time , Karma   and natural  conduct is Brahmam,
And let that Brahmam with endless  greatness be pleased.

19.Namosthu  thasmaa  upasantha   sakthaye,
Swarajya  labha prathi prithatthmane,
Guneshu mayaa rachitheshu vruthibhir,
Na sajjamaanaaya  nabha swaduthaye.

Salutations  to him, in whom  all powers  are at peace,
Who has reached perfection in happiness  of his form,
Who is not affected by action of organs and who is not ,
Related  to anything whatsoever though he always  moves.

20.Sathwam no darsayathmanam,
Asmath karana gocharam,
Prapanaanam  didrukshunaam,
Sasmitham  they  mukhambujam.

We are  all waiting  to see you ,
And for the cause  of showing to us,
As well as those who  have surrendered to you,
Please   show us   your  lotus  like face.

21.Thaisthai  swchadhyathai  roopai
Kaale kale   swaym vibho,
Karma durvishaham  Yanno,
Bhgawamsthath  karothi ha.

As  you wish   you assume   the form
That you like , from time  to time oh lord,
And  you perform  those type of acts ,
Which are  difficult to perform for us , Oh God.

22.Klesabhoorya  alpa  saaraani,
Karmaani viphalaani vaa,
DEhinaam  vishayaarthaanaam,
Na thadhi varpitham thwayi.

People  who  are attached to results,
Do acts   which are difficult   for them,
And which is not of any use   for them,,
But had  they  dedicated  to you, it would not happen,.

23.Naavamakarma kalelpaa api,
Kalpathe   purusha syasha,
Na hyaathmaa   dhayitho   hitha.

Even act is very simple    and not complete,
If it is  offered to got, it does not become useless,
Because  God  is   the soul  of every being,
And a very dear person who does  good to all.

24.Yadhaa hi  skandha  saakhaanaam,
Tharor  moolava   sechanam,
Evam aaraadhanam vishno,
Sarveshaam athmanascha  hi.

Just like pouring  water  at the roots,
Of the tree   wets its   branches  and leaves,
Our Worshipping   lord  Vishnu ,  is like,
Worshipping the souls of all beings.

25.Namasthubhyam  ananthaya,
Dur vitharkhyaathma   karmane,
Nirgunaaya gunesaaya,
Sathwasthaaya cha  sammbrathaam.

Salutations to you whose  principles,
And action , we are  not able  to understand ,
By  our brain and though  you appear  in ,
The  sathwic form, you are the lord of all forms. 

When prayed like this Lord Vishnu appeared before them like one thousand suns,Only Brahma  and Shiva   were  able to see  the lord as the eyes of devas were dazed.All of them saluted the god falling on earth   and prayed  like  this. (skandam  8 chapter 6   sloka 8-15)

1.Ajatha janma sthithi samyamaayaa-,
Gunaaya nirvana sukharnavaaya,
Anoranimne apari ganya  dhamne,
Mahunubhavaya  namo namsthe.

We salute and again salute  the great God,
Who is not born but  who creates  and nurtures the world,
Who is above qualities, who is ocean of pleasure of nothing,
And who is not limited by time  and position and is endless.

2.Roopam thavaithath purusha sharbhejyam,
Sreyo arthibhi vaidheeks  thanthrikena,
Yogena dhathaa  saha nastrilokaan,
Pasyamyamushmin nru ha  viswa moorthou.

Oh lord of universe, this is   the form  , which,
Should be worshipped by  methods  of manthra  and THanthra,
By all those   who want greatness and  in this form ,
Which has  everything,  we see all including ourselves.

3.Thwayyagra aaseeedh  thwayi Madhya  aaseedh,
Thwayyantha aaseedh idhamathma thanthra,
Thwam aadhi antho jagathosya madhyam,
Ghatasya mruthsneva para  parasmaath.

The birth of this universe is from  you ,
Who is always free and its existence is in you ,
And at  the end  it would  merge  with you,
Like mud for pot, you are beginning ,
Middle and end of the universe.

4.tHwam maayayaa aathmaasrayayyaa   swayedham,
Nirmmaaya  viswam thadanu pravishta,
Pasyanthi  yukthaa  manasaa maneesshino,
Gunavyavaaye apya gunam  vipaschitha.

Using the Maya which is under you  , you  created the world,
And you merged   with it and though  you are in it,
The characters and conducts  oof world does  not affect you,
And this is known  to Wise   people who know you.

5. Yadhagnimadhyasyamrutham  cha  goshu,
Bhvyanna ambudhyamaane cha vruthim,
Yogair  manushyaa  adhiyanthi hi thwaam,
Guneshu budhyaa kavayo vadanthi.

Like the man finds fire in wood, milk  in cows, grains in earth,
Water  below earth, and job  to live in  his own efforts and ,
The wise men say find you who is spread   everywhere ,
By using intelligence, wisdom , yoga and control of organs.

6.Tham thwam vayam Nadha samujjihaanaam,
Saroja nabhaathi  chirepsithaartham,
Drushtwaa gathaa  nirvruthi Madhya sarve,
Gajaadhavarthaa gaangamaambaa

Oh lord just like elephants troubled  by  ,
Forest fire  enjoy when they  reach ganges water,
WE are  extremely glad that  our long standing ,
Desire has been fulfilled   and we are able to see you.

7.Sa thwamvidath swaakhila loka  paalaa,
Vayam  yadarthsthavaz paadha  moolam,
Samagathasthe bahir antharathman,
Kim vaanya vijnaapya masesha  saakshina.

Please  fulfill our our objective  in reaching you ,
With all rulers of the world and  to you  who is ,
Witness of all and who is in and out  of all beings,
What  is the need for us to say   anything?

8.Aham giritrascha suraadhayo ye ,
Dakshaadhayo agneriva ketha vasthe,
Kim vaa vidhaamesda prudag   vibhaathaa,
Vidathsa sam no  dwija deva  manthram.

We including lord Shiva  and other devas are  standing,
Seperately from you  like  Fire from  those heated in them,
With our limitations    what do we know and so please   do,
Good to the worlds , devas   as well as all good people. 
God Vishnu advised them to enter in to a treaty  with them and churn the ocean of milk,

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