
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Kaliya pathni Sthuthi

Kaliya  pathni  Sthuthi

Translated  by

( A serpent called Kaliya    started  living in river Yamuna  and started  poisoning it .When Lord Krishna  went to attack it, it caught hold of him but when his parents and friends start crying Krishna got up on the hood of  Kaliya   and dancing there .Seeing that Kaliya    would die. His wives came and prayer to Lord Krishna    to save their husband  ,This is that prayer ,, This can be  seen in Skanda 10   chapter  16   and slokas  33-53.krishna gets please   and releases  Kaliya  )

1.Nyayo hi danda  krutha kilbeshsmin,
Thavaavathara khala  nigrahaaya,
Ripo suthaanaam api thulya  drushte,
Dathse dhamam phalamevaanu samsan.

It is only proper   to punish  those who do a crime,
Also enemies   and friends are  alike to you.
Because you have been born to kill  those who do crime,
You are punishing  people   expecting   good results.

2.Anugrahoyam  bhavatha kutho hi no,
Dando asathaam they kalmashaapaha,
Yadh dandhasukathwamamushya  dehina,
Krodhopi  they anugraha eva  sammatha.

What you have done to us is blessing  and we are happy by that,
And  even the punishment you give to evil people  is a blessing to them,
Possibly  Kaliya   was born as   an evil snake  , due to the sin he did,
And the enmity  that you showed to him  has become a blessing to him.

3.Thapa  suthaptham  kimanena  poorvam,
Nirasthamaanena cha  maanadhena,
Dharmo adhavaa sarva jananukambaya,
Yatho bhavan  thushyathi   sarva  jeeva.

 This Kaliya should have done penance  in previous birth,
And must have respected  to every one else
Or he should have  observed  Dharma with pity  to all others,
And because  of this you have  become happy   with him.

4.Kasyaanya bhavosya na deva  vidhmahe  ,
Thavamgri renu sparsaadhikaara,
Yadh vaanchayaa srir lalanaa achara thapo,
Vihaaya kaamaan suchiram  druthavathaa.

What   great  Karma   should  have been done by him,
So that he  got the chance   to bear  the dust of your feet,
Desiring Which   the Goddess  Lakshmi  , left everything ,
And did penance   , till  her   desire   was fulfilled.

5.Na naakha prushtam , na cha sarva bhoumam,
Na paameshtyam, na rasaadhipathyam,
Na yoga sidheera punarbhavam  vaa,
Vaanchthi   yath paadha raja prapannaa.

Your devotees  desiure  to have the  dust of your feet,
Not to  reach heaven  nor   to become  master of all,
Not to be greatest god  , not become  king of all interests,
Not  to get results of Yoga, nor  for  getting salvation.

6.Thadeshsa naadhaapa duraapamayai,
Thamojani krodha vaso apyaheesa,
Samsara  chakre bramatha sarrerano,
Yadhichaatha syaadh vibhava samaksh.

Though born in darkness , by nature very angry,
This king of snakes, has reached your unapproachable feet,
And the people  who pray   to reach your   feet,
Thogh in wheel of Samsara  become  great.

7.Namasthubhyam hagawathe,
Purushaaya  mahaathmane,
Bhootha vaasaya   bhoothaaya ,
Paraya  pramaathmane.

Salutations to you God,
Who is Purusha    and a great soul,
Who lives  in all beings and who is,
The divine soul, beyond all  causes.

8.Jnana vijnana  nidhaye,
Brahmane  , anantha  sakthaye,
Agunaya  vikaaraaya,
Namasthe  apakruthaya  cha.

Oh treasure  of wisdom and experience  ,
Oh Brahman of endless  power,
Who is  beyond properties , not affected by feelings,
Salutations   to you  , Oh God

9.Kaalaaya  , kaala naabhaaya,
Kaalaavaya   saakshine,
Viswaaya thadupradashte,
Thath  karthre, viswahethave.

Salutation to the time , the power behind time,
The witness  of all time ,
The  universe, the witness  of universe,
Its creator  and cause  of everything.

10.Bhootha maathre indriya prana-,
Mano budhya aasyathmane,
Trigunenaabhi maanena,
Gooda swathmanu bhoothaye  .

Salutations to you   who is not only  in all beings,
But also in all  sense organs, soul, mind  , intelligence,
Salutations to you, who hides the  pride,
Resulting from  three types of characters.

11.Namo ananthaya  , sookshmaaya,
Kootasthaya  vipaschithe,
Nanaa vadhanurodhaaya,
Vaachya   vachaka  sakthaye.

Salutation you who is endless as well as micro,
Who is very stable  and who is wise  ,
Who is described  in different ways by different schools,
Who is indicated by a name and Who is the power for that .

12.Nama pramaana  moolaaya,
Kavaye  sasthra  yonaye,
Pravruthaaya  , nivruthaaya,
Nigamaaya  namo  nama.

Salutations to the root of principles,
Who is the poet from whom Sastra  emerge ,
Salutations to one   who explains  ,
Action as   well  its  cause .

13.Nama Krishnaaya  , Ramaya,
Vasudeva  suthaya  cha,
Pradhyumnaya , anirudhaya,
Saathwathaam pathaye  nma.

Salutation  to Krishna, Balarama ,
Who are   the sons  of Vasudeva,
Salutations to you who is Pradhyumna,
Anirudha and lord  of all  devotion.

14.Namo guna  pradheepaaya,
Guna athma aachadhanaaya  cha,
Guna vruthyupa lakshyaya,
Guna   drushte   swa samvidhe

Salutation to him who lights  up good characters,
Who has   been hidden by  these characters,
Who can be known by these   characters,
And who himself  is a witness  to these characters

15.Avyaa  krutha  vihaaraaya ,
Sarva vyakhyatha  sidhaye,
Hrishikesa  namosthesthu,
Munaye  mouna   saline

Salutations to him who works  ,
Without our seeing, who is  the place  of origin,
Of the changing world, Who is the lord of senses,
And who is  also   a silent sage.

16.Paraa vara  gathijnaaya,
Sarvaadhyakshaaya they nama,
Aviswaaya cha  viswaaya,
Thad  drushtyase   cha  hethave,

Salutations to him who knows the direction ,
Of all highs and lows and the  one manages  everything,
Who is the universe but  not affected  by it,
And who  sees everything  and is the cause  of everything.

17.Thwam hyasya janma sthithi  samyamaan  prabho,
Gunai neehokrutha kaala  sakthi   druk,
Thathath swabhaavaath prathi bodhayan satha,
SAmeekshayaa  mogha vihara   yeehase  .

Oh God, though you do not have   any desires yourself,
As a a sport with  the power of time, you   wake up,
The micro desires   of all beings and   also do,
The creation , nurture   and destruction of the world.

18.Thasyaiva they amoo stha navastrilokyaam,
Saanthaa  asaanthaa utha moodayo naya  ,
SAnthaa  priyaasthehyadhunaavithum  sathaam,
Sthathuscha they dharma paripsaye  hatha.

In this   universe, there  are peaceful , violent,
As well  foolish people and all  of them,
Are  your part only but as  the protector of Dharma,
You prefer   to have with you peaceful people.

19.Aparadha sakrudh barthaa,
Sodavya swa prajaa kruthaa,
Kshnthu marhasi saanthathman,
Moodasya thaamajaanathaa .

Oh peaceful one , thefirst  mistake 
Of your slave, merits to be pardoned,
Especially   if they  are done  unintentionally,
So please  the mistake of Kaliya who is a  fool.

20.Anugrahneesha bhagawan,
Pranaana thyajathi  pannaga ,
Sthreenaam na sadhu sochyanaam,
Pathi prana  pradheeyathaam.

Oh God  please bless us as the life ,
Of the serpent  is vanishing,
And not allow  ladies  to be sad ,
As Husband   is the soul of  us.

21.Videhi  they kinkareenaam,
Anushteyam thavaajnayaa,
Yath sradhayaanu thishtan vai,
Muchyathe   sarvatho  bhayaath.

Please   give your lady servants,
The order to obey your wish,
We will   do it  with great attention,
Please   free  our husband from all fear.

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