
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Prayer of Lord Brahma addressed to Lord Vishnu before he started creation (from Bhagavatham)

Prayer  of Lord Brahma   addressed  to Lord Vishnu before he started creation (from Bhagavatham)

Translated by

(When Lord Brahma  was created by Lord Vishnu and asked to create the world  , he gets terribly jittery and prays Lord Vishnu (skandam3   chapter  9 slokas  1-25) and then Lord Vishnu  replies to enthuse him to start  the creation.He also tells Brahma   that this prayer  would solve all  problems of devotees if they  use it to ,pray him. ( Skandam 3 chapter 9   sloka 29-43) )

1,Jnathosi  medhya  suchirannanu  deha  bhaajaam,
Na jnayathe bhagawatho gathirithyavadhyam,
Naanyathwadasthi bhagavannapi thanna  shuddham,
Maya gunavyathikaraadhyadhoorur  vibhasi

Due to long time penance  , I am now able  to understand you,
 It is not right that the beings  do not know the principle  of God,
Actually there is nothing except you  and others  that we feel are  there,
Are not true and is your maya nature which appears  as multiple   world.

2.Roopam yadhethadha ava bodha rasodhayena,
Saswanivrutha thamasa sadanugrahaaya,
Aadhou   graheetha mavathara sathaika  bheejam,
Yannabhi padma bhava naaadhahamaaviraasam.

Your form which would never be touched  ,
Darkness  of ignorance, was assumed by  you,
It is a primeval form of several  incarnations,
And I am born in the lotus  which has  sprung from your belly.

3.Natha param parama yadh bhavatha swaroops-,
Mananda maathramavi kalpamavidha varcha,
Pasyaami  viswasyajameka viswaathman,
BHoothendryaathmakamadastha upaasrithosmi.

I do not see any thing greater than  your divine form,
Of   pure happiness and you alone, the creator of the universe,
The appropriate   the cause of beings  and their organs,
And at the same time you are  the unaltered  pure form and I salute you.

4.THadhvaa yidham  bhuvana  mangala mangalaaya,
Dhyaane sma no darsitham  tha  upaasakaanaam,
Thasmai  namo  bhagawathe anuvidhema  thubhyam,
Yo  anaadhyatho naraka bhagbhirasath prasangai.

Oh auspicious one, this form  that you  show to devotees,
Like us  is our good  and only  those  who have taste  for evil,
And  are  travelling to hell, would  not   worship  this form,
Oh God who is like  that , our  salutations   to you.

5. Yethu thwadheeya charanaambhuja kosa  gandham,
Jigranthi   karna vivsarai   sruthi vaatha  neetham,
Bhakthyaa  graheetha   charana parayaa   cha theshaam,
Naapaishi naadha hrudayamburoohaatha swapumsaam.

The wind of Vedas, makes, the scent of  your  lotus like feet,
Reach   the hearts  of your devotees and  you never ,
Go away from the lotus like  heart  of  your
 Very great devotees .   who have caught hold of    your feet.

6.Thavadh bhayam  dravina geha  suhru nimitham,
Soka    spruhyaa  paribhavo   vipulascha  lobhaa,
Thavan mamethya sadavagraha aarthi moolam,
Yavanna theyngrimabhayam pravruneetha loka.

AS long as   people do not completely    surrender  to your feet,
They must  be slaves to the concept  of notions like “me” and “mine”,
And because of that due  to  wealth, property  and friends,
They  would experience sorrow, greed, insult and miserliness .

7.Daivena   they   hathadhiyo  bhavatha prasangaath,
Sarvaasubho upasamanaadh vimukhendriyaa  ye,
Kurvanthi  kama sukha  lesa lavaaya dheenaa,
LObhaabhi bhootha  manaso  akusalaani   saswath.

Those  devotees who are  not interested in getting associated,
Through devotion to you who   destroys   all that  which is bad,
Have lost their brain due  to  bad fate and such pitiable   individuals,
Do evil acts for getting silly  aimed at getting pleasures of silly passion.

8.Kshuthrut  tridathubhirimaa  muhurar ardhyamaanaa  ,
Seethoshna vaatha varshair  ritha retharaascha,
Kaamagni naachyutha rushaa cha   sudhur bharena,
Sampasyatho  mana  urukrama   seedathe  mama.

Oh valorous  God, seeing  the troubles  which will come to ,
My future  creations  like   hunger, thirst  , diseases,
Heat  , cold wind  , rain, mutual   quarrel,
Passion,  unending anger, my mind  becomes weak.

9.Yaavath pradakthmidhamaathmana indriyaartha,
Mayaa  balambhagavatho jana  eesa pasyeth.
Thavannasamsruthirasouprathi sankrametha ,
Vyathaapi  dukhanivaham vahathi   kriyaartham.

As long  as man thinks he is different from  god,
This samsara   which exhibits  itself due to God’s maya,
Exhibits itself   in the form of  sense organs and their actions,and
Would keep on troubling him and the enjoyment  of Karma would lead to sorrow.

10.Ahnaapya thaartha karanaa nisi  niseyanaa,
Nanaa mano radha dhiya, kshana  bhagna  nidhraa,
Daivaaha thartha  rachanaa rishayopi  deva,
YUshmath prasanga   vimukhaa yihaa samsaranthi.

Even the Rishis  who are experts in Sastras, if not devoted to you,
Would  get caught in the  wheel of birth  and death   and suffer  greatly,
After working hard  in day time  their organs  would get weak and due  to,
Mind which is upset, they  would not  get sleep and their  effort,
To get  pleasure in domestic life, would defeat them and make them fail.

11.Thwam bhava yoga  paribhavitha hruth  saroja,
AAsse  sruthe kshitha  padho nanu naadha  pumsaam,
Yadh yadheeyaa tha urugaaya vibhavayanthi,
THathad   vapu pranayase sadhanugrahaaya.

Oh Lord who is praised  for  his   greatness  by all, in  the mind,
Of those good people   who learn  , understand  and also  the  BHakthiyoga,
You live  and  for the sake  of blessing them, show that  forms,
Which are  liked by them  and meditated  by  them.

12.Naathi praseedathi  thadho upachitho upachaarai,
Aaraaditha  sura ganair hrudhi  badhaa  kaamair,
Yath  sarva  bhoothsa dhayayaa sadalabhya yaiko,
Nanna janesha vahitha  suhrud   ntharaathmaa.

Oh god   who is the friend  soul  inside  of all beings,
You become more happy with those  who develop  mercy,
Without  any reason on all beings  than on devas who worship  you with ,
Many rituals and such mercy is not there to the  persons who are not your devotees.

13.Pumsaamatho  vividha karma bhira dhwaraayai,
Dhaanena cho ugra  thapasaaa , vrutha  charyaa  cha,
Aaraadhanm hagawathasthava sath kriyaatho,
Dharmorppitha karhichith hriyathe na yathra.

Only to those  people   who  do Yaga  and other rituals,
Charity  , great penance  and  several religious observances,
As your worship   , would get  proper good results out of them,
Because   and act which is offered to you  never fails.

14.Saaswath   swaroopa mahasaiva nipeetha  bhedhaa,
Mohaaya  bodha  dhishanaaya nama  parasmai  ,
Viswoth bhava sthithi layeshu  nimitha  leelaa,
Raasaaya   they nama   idham  chakrameswaraaya.

Due to the great luster  of your form, the differences,
And desires have all disappeared in you  and your wisdom,
Is full consciousness and My salutations  to you who is divine,
The creation,  nurture and destruction of the world is only  your sport,

15.Yasyaavathaara guna  karma vidambanaani,
Naamaani ye asuvigame vivasaa  gunanthi,
They anekajanma samalam sahasaiva hithwaa,
Samyanthyapaavruthamrutham thamajam  prapadhye.

Though sorry   at the time of death, if some one remembers ,
Your incarnations, qualities and acts and repeats  your names,
All the sufferings  due from several births   would  gets destroyed,
And he will attain the lustrous truth  and I surrender to such aa god  without birth.

16,Yo vaa  aham  cha  girisascha vibhu   swayam cha,
Sthithyudbhava pralaya   hethava  aathma moolam,
Bhithwaa   tripadha  vyadha yeka uru praroha,
Sthasmai  namo bhagawathe bhuvana  drumaaya.

You  cut off your power called Nature and for creation, nurture  and destruction,
Of the world, divided   yourself  in to   the three forms of  Brahma, Vishnu   and Shiva,
And later grew  in the various   forms  of all the beings  on earth,
My salutations to the God who shines  in the form of tree  of universe.

 17.LOko vikarma nirathaa, kusale  pramatha,
Karmanyayam  thadhudhithe bhavadarchane swe,
Yastha vadhasyabala vaaniha jeevithaasam,
Sadrus chinnathya nimishaaya namosthu  thasmai.

As long as people do not obey your advice that  , all  their actions ,
Should be done   as your worship and involve  in doing   sins,
You in the form of god of death, without   ever lashing your  eyelids,
Destroy  their strong   desire  to live,  and we salute   you.

18.Yasmaadh bibhemyahamapi  dwiparaardha  dhishnya,
Madhyaasitha sakala loka namaskrutham   yath,
Thepe thapo   bahusavo avaru ruthsamaana,
Sthasmai  namo bhavathe   adhi makhaaya   thubhyam.

Though  living in sathya  loka which is very great  and long standing,.
Fearing you    in the form of   God  of death, with a   wish to attain you,
Keep on doing   several   yagas  , meditations and other rituals,
And my salutation to you who is the one  giving result  to those  .

19.Thiryang manushya vibudhaadvishu  jeeva  yoni,
Shwaathma  chchayaa athmakrutha sethu  parpsayaa  ya,
Reme  nirastharathirapya varudha   deha,
Sthasmai   namo   BHagawathe  purushothamaaya.

Though you do not  have any reason to follow your own rules,
You of your own self  take birth  as   birds, animals,
Men, devas and  all such   different   beings.
My salutations   to you  who is divine God  of all.

20.Yo  avidhyaa nrupa hatho   api  dasardha vruthyaa ,
Nidhraamuvaaha  jadaree krutha loka     yaathraa,
Anthar  jale ahikasipu  sprasanukoolam,
Bheemormmi malini   janasya sukham   vivrunvaan.

Though not having touch of ignorance, wising that  all beings,
Of the universe should get   some rest   from,
Sufferings of samsara, you  keep all  the worlds within you,
And have yogic sleep   on a serpent in this moving water  of deluge  

21.yannaabhio   padma bhavanaadhahamosameedya,
Lokathrayopakarano  yadhanya   grahena,
THamai  namasthe udarasthabhavaaya   yoga-.
Nidhraavasana vikasannalinekshanaaya.

Oh worshipful lord, by your mercy, I was born out ,
Of your belly   as the creator of the world and you ,
Have   within you  all the worlds  and is engaged,
In deep yogic sleep   with   fully   open eyes, My salutations.

22Soyam samastha  jagathaam  suhrudheka  aaathmaa,
Sathwena yath  mrudayathe bhagawaan bhagena,
Thenaiva may   drusya manusprusathaadh yadhaaham,
Srakshyaami poorva  vadhidham   pranatha priyosou.

Let  that God by whose power of wisdom, all beings  are happy,
Who is alone, the  friend of all the world and who loves  those  who surrender to him,
May please  awaken my   conscience by that  same power,
And make me able to create  the world , like  previous kalpas.

23.Yesha  prapanna  vardho   ramayaa aathma  sakthyaa,
Yadh    yathkarioshyathi  gruheetha gunaavathaara,
Thasmin  swa vikramamidham srujathopi  chetho,
Yunjitha   karma samalam  cha  yadhaa vijahyaam.

Are not these  worlds  the  place of sporty incarnations  of you ,
As wellas goddess Lakshmi who is the  power  of your  athma,
And let these  worlds, during  the time  of my creation ,
Not affect me with  the related  aspects  of desire and hatred .

24,Naabhi hrudaadiha satho ambasi  yasya  pumso,
Vijnana  sakthirahamaasa manatha  sakthe,
Roopam vichithramidhamasya vivrunvatho may.
Maa reerisheeshta nigamasya giraam   visarga.

I have risen up  from the deep belly of this  God has endless power,
When he was lying on the  sea of deluge and let me  ,
Who is engaged  in  creating  the   various  forms of Gods,
Not forget  the Vedas, which tells about  the principles of God.
25.So asaavadhabrakaruno bhagawan  vvrudha-,
Prema smithena nayanamburooham vijrumban,
Uthaya  viswa vijayaaya cha no vishaadham,
Maadwayaa giraapanayathaath purusha  purana.

Let the god  who is  primeval purusha, the treasure  of endless  mercy,
Who has eyes  like  the opening  lotus flower  , has  a smile filled with love,
Get  up from his  bed of serpent  for the  good  of the  world,
And dispel  our  ignorance  using  words  filled with sweetness.

Realizing that  lord Brahma does not have innate  energy to do his job of creation, to remove his  sorrow and to enthuse  him  Lord  Vishnu told 

1.Maa Veda garbha gasthanthreem,
Sarga udhyama maavaha,
Thanmayaa  upaathidhm hruge  ,
Yanmaam   prarthayathe  bhavaan.

Oh Lord who has Vedas  with him,  Do not despair,
Start activity  of creation fot the knowledge  ,
That   you are now asking from me,
Has been given by me  to you earlier.

2.Bhooyathwam   thapa  aathishta,
Vidhyaam chaiva madhasrayaam,
Thaabhyamanthar hrudhi Brahman,
Lokaan  drakshyasya paavyathaan.

Again meditate  on me   with ,
Complete  concentration and then,
You would be able to see  the worlds,
Which are  within you   clearly.

3.Thatha  aathmani  loke cha,
Bhakthi yuktha samaahitha,
Drushtaasi maam thatham Brahman,
Mayi lokaan thwamaathmana

When your  mind gets  concentrated,
With devotion, I will spread  in your world,
You  would be able   to  see that   the worlds,
As well as its beings are  all within me.

4.Yadhaaathu sarva  bhootheshu,
Darushamagneemiva sthitham,
Prathi paksheetha maam  loko,
Jahyaatharhyeva kasmalam.

Just the fire  which is pervaded ,
Within the fire wood, when man sees me,
AS pervading in  all the   beings,
Then only  he would loose  attachment.

5.Yadhaa  rahithaathmaanaam,
Bhoothendriya gunaasayai,
Swaroopena mayo petham,
Pasyan  swarajyamruchathi.

Understanding    that his   soul,
Is not related  to five elements, mind and others,
And are  merged   with my form, He attains,
The state  of his form which is detached  from all

6.Nanaa  karma vithaanena,
Prajaa  bahee  sisrukshathaa.
Naathmavaseedhathyasmin  they ,

Though you desire  to create  beings,
As per the   result of their  earlier karma,.
Your mind does not get weak   because of that,
And this   is due  to my   blessing.

7.Rishimaadhyam  na badnaathi,
Paapiyaan thwaam rajo guna,
Yanmano mayi nirbadham,
Prajaa samsyajatho  api they.

The Rajo trait   due to sin does not,
Affect you  in the  creation of beings,
That is because of your  being   the,
Primeval seer  concentrated on me.

8.Jnaathoham   bhavathaa  thwadhya,
Dur vijnayopi   dehinaam,
Yanmaam thwam   manyase ayuktham,
Bhoothendriya  gunaathmabhi.

Though  beings   find  it very difficult  ,
To know me, you have understood me,
As  the pure  existence  not   related to,
The five elementsd, organs, characters  and conscience.

9.THubhyam  madhvi chithsaayaam,
AAthmaa  may   darsitho abahi,
Naalena salile   moolam,
Pushkarasya vichinwatha.

To you  who searched  for my origin,
IN the stem of the lotus flower  holding you,
By getting  down in it   through it
Inside the water , I showed that  I am within you,

10 Yacha karthhanga math stotram,
Math  kadhaa abhyudhyaangitham,
Yadhwaa  thapasi  they  nishtaa,
Sa yesha madhanugrahaa.

Your   composing this prayer   steeped,
In  my greatness and your  being able,
To  do  meditation    about me,
Are  all   due  to my blessing.

11.Preethohamasthu bhadram they,
Lokaanaam  vijayechchayaa,
Yadasthousheer guna mayam.,
Nirgunam maanu varnnayan.

I have  started  liking you,
And let you  become auspicious,
The prayer  in which   you praised me,
As one with and without  attributes ,
Is definitely   for   the good of the world.

12,Na yethena pumaan nithyam,
Sthuthwaa sthothrena maam bhajeth,
Sarva  kama  vareswara.

To the one   who prays  me daily  ,
Using this prayer, I  who would 
Fulfill  all his desires,
Would be  pleased   with him speedily .

13.Poorthena thapasa yajnai,
Dhaanair yoga   samadhinaa,
Raadham nisreyasaam pumsaam,
Math preethi sthathwa vinmatham

The philosophers  are  of the opinion,
That result desired  by the people  ,
Who do penance  , meditation, rituals,
And duties, is to get  my great love to them.

14.Ahamaathmaa athmanaam datha ,
Preshtasath preyasaamapi,
Atho mayi  rathim   kuryaath,
DEhaadhir yathkyathe  priyaa.

Oh Brahma , I am the soul  of,
Every body’s soul and  because of that,
I should become dear to all and so  , people,
Instead  of loving  their body  should love me.

15,Sarva  veda mayenedham,
Aathmanaa, aatthm,  Aathma  yoninaa,
Prajaa  sruja yadhaa poorvam,
Yaascha mayyanu serathe.

Oh Brahma  , you are  born out of me ,
And is the form of Vedas and so without ,
Seeking help from any one else,
Like earlier start creating all beings

1 comment:

  1. Sir,

    Thank you for translating those divine verses into our languages, I tried to contact you through FB messenger , but unable to contact you . Can you give us your mail id or contact number .
