
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sthuthi to Mathsyavathara by Sathya vrutha

Sthuthi   to Mathsyavathara by  Sathya vrutha

Translated  by

(When king Sathyavratha  was doing Tharpana  in a river, in the water  that he took in his hand there  was a small fish, which requested  the king to save him.The king grew that fish in his palace   and when it became very huge  , he left it in the ocean.Then the fish told him that within seven days  there would be a great deluge.It instructed the king to bring two samples each of all plants and animals in a ship. When the ship was being tossed  in the great wind, the fish saved him and took him to safety.This is the prayer  used by King Sathyavrutha   to pray the fish. It occurs in Skandha 6 chapter 24  slokas 46-53)

1.Anaadhya vidhyopa  hathaathma  samvidha,
Thanmoola samsara parisramaathuraa,
Yadruchaye hopasyathaa  yamapnuyu ,
Vimukthidho  na   paramo   gururbhavan.

The people who  wander with   hidden Athmajnana,
And  troubles  of Samsara due   to primeval ignorance,
Sometimes  get a chance  to surrender  to you  , by your mercy,
And may you who frees us become  our divine teacher.

2.Jano abhudhoyam  nija  karma bandhana,
Sukhechchayaa karma sameehathe asukham,
Yathsevaya thaam vidhunothya sanmathim,
Grandhim sa bhindhyaath  hrudayam sa no guru.

The ignorant one tied by his  own karmas, gets engaged ,
In action with aim to get pleasure, but gets  sorrow only,
And the  feeling that  action leads  to pleasure, can be,
Destroyed only by praying to you, Oh Lord

3.Yath sevayaagneriva rudra  rodhanam.,
Pumaanvijahyaanmala mathmanasthama,
Bhajetha  varnam nijamesha sovyayo,
Bhooyath  sa eesa paramo   guror  guru.

Only by putting in fire  , gold and silver  would become pure,
And like that only by serving you, the behavior dirt   affecting,
The soul can be removed  and it can be  made  to shine,
Oh lord of all and who is permanent, please  become,
Our Guru   and divine   guru and grant us wisdom.

4,Na yath prasadaayutha bhaga  lesam,
Anye  cha devaa guravo janaa swayam,
Karthum samethaa   prabhavanthi pumsaa,
Thameeswaram  thwaam  saranam prapadhye.

Even if all  other   devas  , gurus  join together,
Will they be   able to   grant   even,
A  a very small  bit of your  great mercy,
And so I am surrendering   to you.

5.Achakshurandhasya   yadhaa granee  krutha,
Sthadhaa  janasyaa  vidhusho  abudho guru,
Thwam arka druk  sarva  drusyaam  sameekshanaa,
Vyatho  gururna swagathimmbubuthsdahaam,

An  ignorant man choosing another  ignorant man  ,
As Guru is like, a blind man  asking  another  blind one,
To show him the way and we who are  seeking divine knowledge,
Controlling all  our senses, choose  you,
Who is  self resplendent  like   the sun god.

6.Jano  janasyaadhi satha asathim  mathim,
Yayaa prapadhyetha dhoorathyayam  thama,
Thwam thwayam  jnanamamogha manjasaa,
Prapadhyathe yena   jano  nijam Padham.

The gurus divine wisdom without  , lead people in the path,
Domestic desires and they get caught  in the darkness of Samsara,
But you would teach us  divine wisdom which is forever ,
And never not useful and help us to get the  true knowledge.

7.Thwam sarva lokasya suhrud priyeswaro,
Hyaathmaa gurur jnanam abheeshata  sidhi,
Thadhaapi loko na bhavathamandathee,
Jaanaathi santham hrudhi badha kamaa.

You are the friend of all the world  and dear god,
The soul, the guru  giving wisdom  and fulfilling of desires,
And in spite of it, because  the blind world  is running after,
Passion,  they would not  recognize you , who is in their heart.

8.Thaam thwamaham  deva varam varenyam,
Prapadhya eessam prathibodhanaaya,
Chindhirtha dheepair bhagawan  vachobhir,
Grandheenhrudayyan  vivruna   swamokaa.

I  choose  you who is a great deva, who shold be chosen,
I surrender  to that god  for receiving  instruction,
Because  with his lustrous words , my ignorance  will disappear,
Please cut off the  chain of ignorance which ties  my body to my soul.

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