
Friday, June 7, 2019

Hari Sthuthi during Daksha yaga

Hari  Sthuthi  during  Daksha yaga

Translated  by

(Lord Shiva married Sathi devi  the daughter of Daksha .,Daksha conducted a Yajna  without inviting  his daughter and also did not give Yaga  offering to Lord Shiva.,Goddess  Sathi jumped  in the Yajna fire  and died.Lord Shiva  sent Veera Bhadra  who cut off  the head  of Daksha ,The devas and Gods  felt that  A Yajna  should not be stopped   and as perdirection of  Lord shiva  pasted  a goat’s head on Dakshas body .All the  guests  of the yajna  prayed  Lord Vishnu  , who blessed  and helped  them to complete the Yajna(Skanda 4  chapter 7 slokas 26-47) Lord Vishnu blesses  them (Skanda  4 chapter 7   slokas  50-54  )

1.Daksha  uvacha
Shudham swadhmnyu parathaakhila budhyavastham,
Chinmathra meka mabhayam  prathishidhya maayaam,
Thishtamsthayaiva purushthwamupethya thasyaam,
Aasthe   bhavaan  aparishudha yivathma  thanthra.

Daksha said
Crossing over all  the greatness  due to wisdom   and  mind,
You are  the  only pure power  which is fearless  and based  on only  your own importance
You who win over maya and live as pure entity, also   depend on Maya,
Work inside  that Maya and appear   as if you have lost your completeness.

2.Rithwik uvacha:-
(The priests  of the Yaga said)

Thathwam na they vayamananjana rudra  saapath,
Karmanya vagraha dhiyo bhagavan vidhamaa,
Dharmopa lakshana midham trivyadhadhwaraakhyam,
Jnaatham  yadartha madhi  daivamadho vyavasthaa.

Oh God, who has no taints, due to the  curse  of Lord Nandi,
WE can only  concentrate  on  vedic rituals  but would not  be,
Able to understand you reality  and as we  know  only  Vedas,
We know  the form of each  God as  described  in Vedic rituals.

3.Sadasya  uvacha
The audience   told

Uthpathysdwanya sarana uru  klesa  durge anthakrogra,
Vyaalaa nishte vishaya mrugathya shyaathmaa  gehoru bharaa,
Dwadwaswa brehalamya  ghabhaye soka dhave  ajna saarthaa ,
Padhowkasthe saranadha kadhaa  yaathi kamopasyashta.

Oh God who protects people  from the  troubles  of Samsara,
We the fools wandering in this forest, which are  very tough,
Where  the powerful serpent called death is hiding,
Where pleasure  and pain  are  creating  ups and downs,
Where evil beings create fear, where  the mirage ,
Attracts people  and  misleads  them from right path,
And the  family and other responsibilities  makes them carry a big burden,
And they are also sick by  the  disease  called  passion and anger,
And  When do such people like us get protection of your feet?

4.Rudra  Uvacha
Rudra  said

Thava  varada varaangravaasishehaa akhilaarthe,
Hyapi munibhirasakthairaadharenaarhaneeya,
Yadhi rachithadhiyam  maa vidhyaloko apavidham,
Japathi  na  ganaye thathwath  paraanugrahena.

Hey God  who blesses, your feet which can grant  all the needs,
Are suitable to be worshipped by greatly detached  sages  with great  respect,
And I whose mind is fully  entwined in you  , do not bother,
If ignorant people consider me  as banished from good practices.

5.Brugu uvacha
Sage Brugu said

Yan mayaya gahanayaapa hruthaathma bodhaa,
Brahmadayasthanubhoothasthamasi swapantha,
Naathman   sritham  thava vidandhya  dhunaapi thathwam,
Soyam  praseedathu bhavan  pranathathma  bandhu

Due to your  deep Maya, Brahma and other  persons  have lost,
Their consciousness  and  are  in the state of deep sleep  of ignorance,
And they  do not realize  you  who  are  acting as  their inside  souls,
And Oh God    who is the near relation  of your dependents  , please bless us.

6.Brahmo uvacha
Lord Brahma said

Naithath swaroopam  bhavatho asou padartha-,
Bhedha grahai purusho  yaava  dheeksheth,
Jnanasya  cha arthasya gunasya   chasrayo,
Mayaa mayaadh  vyathiriktha yathasthwam 

Those who  differentiate  between things ,
Would  not  be able understand you, for you stand out,
Of science of distinction , the  concept  of visionary things,
And sense organs and are  completely free  from world  of Maya.

7.Indra  Uvacha
Indra said

Idham apyachyutha viswa bhavanam,
Vapoor aananda karam mano drusaam,
Sura vidwitshapanai rudhaayudhai,
Buja dandai rupa pannamashtabhi

Oh achyutha who never  ever gets destroyed,
This form  with eight hands  holding  weapons,
Is a  blessing to this world and grants,
Joy  to the  mind and eyes of all.

8.Sthri ouchu
Women told

Yajnaayam  thava  yajanaaya kena  srushto,
Vidastha pasupathi naadhya  daksha  kopaath,
Tham  nasthwam  sava sayanaabha santhamedham,
Yajnathman  nalinaruchaa drusaa puneehi.

Oh God  who is the soul of Yajna, this Yaja was  started,
To worship you  by Daksha and due to anger against Daksha,
Rudra  destroyed it and please  using your  holy as well as pretty vision,
Purify  this Yajna  which is like cremation ground.

9.Rishir  Ouchu
The sages  told

Ananvitham they bhagawan  vicheshtitham,
Yadhaathmanaa charasi  ni karma  naajyase,
Vibhoothaye yathas upasedhureeswareem,
Na manyathe swayamanu  varthatheem  bhavaan

Oh God your  ways seem strange to us for  though,
Are involved  in creation of universe , it does not affect you,
And the goddess  Lakshmi   to whom every one prays   for prosperity,
Herself  is dependent on you and you seem to be not  bothered about her.

10,sidha Ouchu
Sidhas  told

Ayam thwath kadhamrusha peeyusha nadhyaam,
Manovaarana klesa  davaagni dagdha,
Trushaartho avagaado na samsaara dhavam,
Na nishkraamathi brahma  sampanna  vanna.

The elephant like  mind of ours, wandering here and there ,
As it was burnt in the forest  fire  of domestic  problems,
Got a dip in  the nectar of your fame and has  forgotten the fire,
And that mind is not coming out as if  it has reached the Brahmam.

11.Yajamani uvacha
The wife of the person who conducts  Yajna told

Swagatham they praseedesa , thubhyam nama,
Srinivasa , sriya kanthaaya thraahi na,
Thwam amruthadheesa naam gair makha  sobhathe,
Seersha heena kabandho   yadhaa  purusha.

Welcome  to you, please shower your grace  , My salutations,
Oh sreenivasa  along with  your consort of Goddess Lakshmi, protect me,
Oh nectar like Lord  without you   this Yajna  would not shine,
Just like   a body  of Purusha  without head .

12.Loka pala uvacha
The guardians of world said

Dyashta kim no   dhyagbirasadgahai sthwam,
Prathyag drushtaa   drusyathe  yena   drusyam,
Mayaa  hyeshaa  bhavadheeyaa  hi bhooman,
Yasthwam   shashta panchabhir bhasi  bhoothai.

Oh limitless  god, you  the soul are  the person who sees things,
How can we who have capability  of seeing this false world ,
Be able to see you? Though you are much greater  than ,
The five elements, you are seen  as them, due to  your Maya

13Yogeswara  Uvacha
Master  of Yogas  are  saying

Preyanna   the anyo asthyamrutha sthwayee prabho,
Viswathma neekshenna prudagya aathmana,
Adhapi   bhakthye   sathayopadhaavathaam,
Ananya vruthyaanugrahaana   vathsala.

Oh God, the devotee  who thinks  that he is not different,
From you who is the universal soul  is most  dear to you,
Still Oh God please bless also  those   who pray  to you,
As  some one different but along   with great  devotion.

14.Jagath  udhbhaa sthithi layeshu  daivatho,
Bahubhidhyamaana gunayaa athma  mayaya,
Rachithathma bedha mathaye swasamsthayaa ,
Vinivarthitha brhama gunaathmane nama.

As one involved in creation , nurture  and destruction of the world,
Depending  of the karma  of beings, taking hold  of Maya,
You shine as  the  differentiated world, but it does not affect you,
Our salutations to you who is the soul, beyond differentiation made by nature .

15,VedamurthiBrahma  uvacha
The words of Brahma , lord of Vedas

Namasthe  sritha sathwaaya,
Dharmaadheenaam  cha  suthaye,
Nirgunaaya chayath kaashtaam,
Naaham vedha parepi cha.

Salutations to you who has  sathwa  devotees,
Who gives  them Dharma, Kama  as well as Moksha,
But who himself does not have any qualities,
And me or any one else  do not know  your essence.

16.Agnir  uvacha
Lord Fire  told

Yathejasaaham  susamidha  thejaa,
Havyam vahe swadhwara aajysiktham,
THam yajnaayampancha vidham cha panchabhi,
Swishtam yajurbhi pranathosmi  yajnam.

I am worshipping  the God of Yajna who has ,
Five yajna forms and is worshipped by  five songs of Sama,
By whose power, I am able to clearly  burn in yajna,
And am able  to receive and deliver  all offerings to devas.

17.Devaa ouchu
Devas told

Puraa kal.paapaaye swa krutha  mudareekruthya vikrutham,
Thwamevadhya thasminsalila  uragendradhi sayine,
Pumaan seshesidhair hrudhivimusithaa  adhyathma  padhavi,
Sa evaadhyaksnorya padhi charasi  bruthyanavasi na.

At the end of Kalpa, you merge  all the worlds  that you have  created,
Within yourselves and in the causal water  take rest on Adhi sesha bed,
And this form is   worshipped by the  sidha purushas and that  divine Purusha,
Has come here in person to   save   and protect us today.

18.Gandharwa  ouchu
Gandharwas  told

Amsaa sasthe deva  marechyaadhaya yethe,
Brahmendraadhyaa deva ganaa rudra  purogaa,
Kreedaa bandam  viswamidham   yasya  vibhuman,
THasmai  nithyam nadha namasthe karavaama.

Oh Lord Brahma  , Rudra  , Indra , mareechis  and ,
Other devas  are a small part of yours, Oh God ,
With endless  form , this  universe  is just,
A toy for you, Our salutations  to you.

19.Vidhyaadhara  ouchu
Vidhyadharas  told

Thwan mayayaarthamabhi padhya kalevare  asmin,
Kruthwaa   mamahamithi durmathiruthpadhai swai,
Kshiptho apya sadh vishaya lalasa athamamoham,
Yushman   kadhamrutha nishevakaudhvryadhasyeth.

After having got a birth as salvation possible  humans,
Due to Maya they have  a mistaken notion of me  and mine,
And lead by his walking on wrong way people  he  gets attached  to things,
And only those  who drink nectar  of your stories can win over this  feeling.

20.Brahmana  uvacha
Brahmins told

Thwam kruthusthwam   havisthwam , huthasa swayam,
THwam hi manthrasamidharbha pathraani,
Thwam sadhayath dwijo  dampathi devathaa.
Agni hothram swadhaa  soma   aajyam pasu

You are the Yajna, the offerings, fire of yajna, manthras,
SAmith  , dharbha, vessels , priests, audience,
The person and his  wife  who perform the  Yajna,
Devas, fire sacrifice, swadha , soma, ghee    and cow  .

21,Thwam puraa gaam rasaayaa   maha sukaro,
Dhamshtrayaa padmineem  varanendro  yadhaa,
 Sthyumano  nadhan leelaya  yoghbhir-,
Vrujya hartha thrayee  gathra  yajna  kruthu.

Oh God  who is the lord of Vedas, you who is the yajna  and one who does it,
At ancient time took   form as Maha varaha and when ,
The sages  were praying you, You lifted  the earth by your tusk,
From the water as if the king of  elephants lifts the lotus flower,

22.Sa praseedhaasmaakamakaamkshathaam,
Darsanam   they pari brushta  sath karmaanaam,
Keerthyamaane nrubhir naamni  yajnesa  they,
Yajna vighnaa  kshayam yaanthi thasmai  nama.

Our good ritual  in the form Of Yajna has  been stopped.
Please bless who have been waiting with great desire to see you,
Oh Lord of Yajna  , if we sing   various  ,
Names of yours, would not this interruption end 

After the Yajna  starts again   the God told  Daksha:-

1,Aham brahmaa cha sharvascha,
Jagatha  karanam param,
Athmeswara  upa drushtaa,
Swayam dhyuga viseshana.

I am Brahma , I am shiva,
The divine cause of the  world,
God of the soul and  the one  who teaches,
And one   who  is lustrous  himself

2.Athma mayaam   samavisya,
Soham  guna mayeem dwija,
Srujan Rakshan  haran viswam,
Dhadre  samjnaam  kriyochithaam.

Oh Brahmin  using   the  Maya of mine  ,
I take up   various  properties,
And create  , nurture    and destroy the  world,
And take the forms  which are   suitable to them.

3.Thasmin   brahmanya  dwitheeye,
Kevale  paramathmani,
Brahma  rudrou  cha  bhoothani,
Bhedhenaakjnanu   pasyathi

Though  im with no second and  the Divine Brahmam,
 The  innocent   and ignorant man,
Sees  in me Brahma , shiva  abds Vishnu,
With  a differentiating  human mind.

4.yadha pumaan   na  swaamgeshu,
Shira  paanyaadhishu kwachith,
Parakya   budhim   kuruthe,
Yevam bhootheshu  mathpara.

Human being   does  not feel  ,
That  his limbs   are   himself ,
And not different and he sees  ,
Brahma, Shiva and others  also as different.

5.Thrayaanaam,   yeka  bhavaanaam,
Yon a pasyathji vai  bhidhaam,
Sarva bhoothathmanam Brahman,
SA  santhi madhi gachathi.

Those   who do not find  any difference,
Between Brhama , Vishnu  and shiva,
Who are  pervaded   everywhere  ,
In this world , gets peace 

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