
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Sthuthi of Lord Krishna by devas

Sthuthi of Lord Krishna  by devas

Translated by

(Brahma, sages like sanaka  , prajapathis , lord shiva, Indra and other devas and very many sages   came to see Lord Krishna.They went on looking at him   and prayed him with these  honey coated words and later  they requested him to leave the earth    and return back   to  Vaikunta ,He told them that  the Yadhavas    with him were blind with pride and after  destroying them, he would  come  .Bhagavatha   skandam 11   chapter 6   slokas   7-19)

1.Nathaa  sma   they  Nadha padaravindam,
Budheendriya prana mano   vaachobhi,
Yadh chinthyathe anthar  hrudhi bhava  yukthai,
Mumumkshubhi karmamaayoru  paasath.

We the devotees   are  saluting your lotus like feet,
By our  knowledge, organs  , soul ,  mind and words,
And thinking   in our  interior  mind with proper   emotions.
As we desire  freedom from the   ties  of Karma

2.Thwam  maayayaa  trigunayaa aathmani durvibhavyam,
Vyaktham  swajasya vasi  lumbasi  thadh gunastha,
Naithor bhavan ajitha   karmabhi rajyathe  vai,
Yath se sukhe avyavahithe    abhiradho  anavadhya.

Oh Lord  who cannot be won,, working  as the controller   of,
The maya which is pervaded by the three  type of gunas, you,
Are creating nurturing and destroyingthis universe   within yourself , but  being ,
Not connected with emotions, these  actions  never bind you.

3.Shudhir nrunaam   na thu  thadhedya duraasayaanaam,
Vidhyasruthaadhya ayana   dhana thapa  kriyaabhi,
Sathwaathmanam  Rishabha they  yasasi  pruvrudha-,
Sachradhayaa   sravana  samboothaya yadhaa  syaath.

Oh famous lord, , the humans with a   dirty mind  cannot,
Gain the   as much purity  of mind   by  meditation  , learning of Vedas, Charity,
Penance  and Vedic rituals, as by hearing   your stories,
From firm believers who also have a  pure mind.

4.Syaannasthwaamgrir  asubhasaya   dhooma  kethu,
Kshemaaya  yo  munibhir  ardhrahya dohyamaanaa,
Ya  saathwathai  sama vibhoothaya aathmavadhbhir,
Vyuhe   architha  sava nasa swarathikramaaya.

Let your feet, which is meditated with love by sages  to get salvation,
Worshipped   in the form of idol by devotees , to get your power,
And worshipped by wise  people to   win over   the land of devas,
At dawn, noon and dusk, be  the fire that burn   all our   sins.

5.Yaschinthyathe prayatha pnibhira dhwaragnou,
Thrayaa  niruktha  vidhinesa havir  graheethwaa,
Adhyathma yoga uthayoghibir aathma maayaam,
Jijnaasubhi parama  bhagawathai  parishta.

Let your feet, Which is  imagined by   vedic scholars while  putting
The offerings in the fire, which is meditated  as per yogic science,
 By yogis who  want to get  the eight type of occult  powers,
And is worshipped  by great devotes with love , burn all our sins.

6.Parushtayaa thava  vibho  vana maalayeyam ,
Samspardhanee  bhagawathi  prathi pathnivachree,
Ya supraneetham amuyarhanamadha dhanno,
Bhooyath  saddagrir  asubhasaya dhooma  kethu.

Just like the wife  getting upset , when another co wife  occupies,
Her  position, Goddess Lakshmi who occupies your chest  becomes,
Jealous of the pretty  forest flower garland  offered  by  the devotees ,
Occupying  your chest, when you   without bother   receive that garland,
And let that   garland become the fire   that burns   all our sins.

7.Kethu sthri vikrama yutha sthri pathath  pathaakaa,
Yasthe   bhayabhaya karoi  asura  deva chamalaa,
Swargaaya saadhushu  khaleshvitharasaya bhooman,
Padha  punathu  bhagawan  bhajathamagham na.

Oh God, let your feet which  measured the  three worlds by three feet,
Remove all our   sins and make   us  pure  and those  feet,
With a flag of flag  of ganges   grant protection to  Devas,
And create  fear to asuras and  we sing about it.

8.Nasyotha   gaava   iva  yasya   vase bhavanthi,
Brahmadhayasthanubhootho   midhirardhyamaanaa,
Kaalasya   they  prakruthi purushayo   parasya,
Sam nasthunothu  charana  purushothamasya.

Let the feet  of that Purushothama , who is the  lord,
Of  Nature and purusha   which controls , all beings  ,
Right down from lOrd Brahma  , similar,
To  the cows   are controlled  by the   thread through nose.

9.Asyaasi   hethuradhaya sthithi  samyamaanaam,
Avyaktha jeeva  mahathaamapi  kaalamaahu,
So ayam  trinaabhir akhilaapachaye   pravrutha,
Kaalo   ghabheeraraya  uthama purushasthwam.

You   are the reason of creation   and upkeep  of all worlds,
And  Vedas say  that  you are also the cause of  control ,
Of Nature and Purusha and you are  also the wheel of time,
Which leads  all for destruction and with all these  you are  indeed the  great Purusha.

10.Thwatha pumaan  samadhigamya yayaa swaveeryam.
Dhathe mahaanthamiva garbham amogha  veeryaa,
So aym  thyanugatha aathmana aanda kosam,
Haimam  samsarja bahiraavaranair upetham.

The purusha getting strength from you  , with the help of,
Yoga Maya, wears this  greatness of  the seed  formed  universe  as garland,
And with   the help of Maya , the purusha creates,
The Brahmanda which is shining  and with subsidiaries

11.Thathasthushascha jagathascha  bhavaan adheeso  ,
Yanmaayaayotha guna  vikroyapaneethaan,
Arthaan   jushannapi  hyasheekapathe   liptho,
Ya anye  swatha parihyaathaadhapi bhibrathi sma

Oh Lord   of all the sense organs, Though you the lord of this world,
Of all type of beings, enjoy  the  results of the   sense organs,
You are  not  mixed   with them and though others stand ,
Separate  from them , they are  always  scared  about them.

12.Smayaavaloka lava  drsitha bhava  haario,
Bhoomandala prahitha  souratha manthra  soundou,
Pathnyasthu  shodasa sahasramananga  baanai,
Yasyendriyam  vimadhithum karanairna vibhvya 

It is not at all  strange   that  the  arrows of love,
Like  pretty loving looks, sweet smile, conversations of love
Of   your    sixteen thousand wives   were  not,
Able   to create   any  mental quakes  in you.

13.vibh vyastha vaamyatha kadhodhavahaa  sthrilokyaa,
Padhaa  vaneja  saritha samalaani  hanthum,
Anusravam sruthibirangrija manga sangai,
Theertha dwayam suchisha  dastha upaspyasanthi.

The   river of songs and prayers describing   your  sports ,
As well as  the ganges which carries  the  water ,
That  has washed your feet are  both  capable  of,
Destroying all the  sins of the world and those,
Who follow  rituals   take bath in them.

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