
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Mookambika Suprabatham

श्रीमूकाम्बिका सुप्रभातं
(A good morning to Goddess  Mookamba)

Translated  by

( Being a Keralite  , Mookambika  temple is extremely important to me  .I have translated   a few prayers about this Goddess. A few days back my friend Sri Psa Easwaran contacted me   and Asked me whether  , I have translated  this great Suprabatham.When I  requested him for  the lyrics  , he sent me the lyrics( The Sanskrit  Lyrics are  typed by him) .Thanks toi him, I was able to translate , this great suprabatham. You can hear it sung by Smt P.Leela in
  Chant the prayer  , read the meaning  and then hear the great Stotra. May she bless you all and  Sri Psa Easwaran) 

उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ मूकाम्बा उत्तिष्ठ जगदीश्वरि
निद्रां मुञ्च महामाये त्रिलोकीं परिपालय १॥

Uthishtithishta  Mookambaa, Uthishta  Jagadheeswari,
Nidhraam   muncha  , mahamaye, Trilokim  Paripalaya

Oh  Mookambika  , please do wake up , Please  wake up   goddess of the world,
Please leave out  the sleep , Oh great Maya, please look after  the   three  worlds

ब्रह्मर्षिसिद्धमुनिसङ्घमुपेत्य देवि
     त्वद्द्वारदेशमधितिष्ठति दर्शनार्थम्
निद्रां जहि ह्यमलभक्तजनानुकम्पे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २॥

Brahmarishi  Sidha muni sangha  mupethya  devi,
Thwa dhwaraa desam adhishtathi, darsanaartham,
Nidhraam jahi hyamala bhaktha  jananukampe,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 2

Oh Goddess Brahmrishis, Sidhas   and groups  of sages  are approaching you,
For   taking care  of their country and to see  you,
Stop  your sleep and wake up, Oh Goddess  who has  sympathy   to her devotees,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

ब्रह्मेन्द्ररुद्रवरुणा भगवाननन्त-
     शेषो धनेश शशिभास्करवह्निमुख्याः
तत्त्वं त्वदीयमवगन्तुमुपस्थितास्ते
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३॥

Brahma Rudra  Varunaa bhagawan anantha-,
Sesho  , dhanesa, sasi  , bhaskara , vahni  mukhya,
Thathwam  thwadheeya mava ganthu upasthithaasthe
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 3

Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva  , Varuna, The God  ,
Who sleeps on Adhisesha.Khubera, Moon, Sun , fire  and other  important gods
Have   all come to you, so that  they  all can salute you,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

     भृग्वङ्गिरा सनकनारदवामदेवाः
द्वार्यागताः सगुणरूपमुपासितुं ते
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४॥

Valmiki, kasyapa, Parasara, Gauthamadhi,
Brugwaangira sanak Narada, vama deva,
Dwaryagathaa saguna roopa upasithum they,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 4

Sages Valmiki , Kasyapa , Parasara , Gauthama ,
Brugu , Angeerasa, Sanaka  , Narada and Vamadeva,
Have come near your gate to worship  your worldly form,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

     गन्धर्वसिद्धपितरश्च समास्थितास्ते
द्रष्टुं तवाङ्घ्रियुगलं कृतकृत्यतार्थं
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ५॥

Vidhyadhara , pramadha , Kinnara, Yaksha , Naga,
Gandharwa Sidha pitharascha samaasthithaasthe,
Drushtum  Thavangri yugalam krutha kruthyathaartha,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 5
Vihyadharas, Pramadhas, Kinnaras, Yakshas, Nagas,
Gandharwas, Sidhas  and Pithrus have   assembled here,
So that   they can see  your twin feet   and become blessed,
  Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

त्वद्दर्शनाय विधिवद्विहिताग्निहोत्रा
     तिष्ठन्त्युपायनकरा ऋषयो मुनीन्द्राः
उत्तिष्ठ जागृहि महेश्वरि मुञ्च निद्रां
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ६॥

Thwad darsanaaya  vidhi vadvihithaa agni hothraa,
Thishatan athyupayanakaraa rishayo  Muneendraa,
Uthishta  Jaagrahi , Maheswari  Muncha  Nidhraam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 6

For seeing you  those  who do  Fire worship  as per rules,
Are  sitting along with very gifted Sages   and great Munis,
Please  get up  with care, Oh Greatest Goddess and stop this sleep,
  Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.
क्षेत्रं महद्फलदमन्यसुकर्मकर्तुः
     कोलापुरं तव महीतलपुण्यभूमिम्
आयान्ति साधकजनास्तपसेऽतिदूरात्
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ७॥

Kshethram mahad phaladha manya  sukarma  Karthu,
Kolapuram   thava Mahee thala  punya  bhoomim,
AAyaanthi saadhaka janaas  sthapase   athi dhooraath,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 7

Kolapura   is   the temple which gives great results to those who do  good deds,
And is the auspicious  place  of  yours in this earth,
From long distances the  devotee people have arrived here  to do penance,
  Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

इत्थं पुरश्चरणयोग्यमतिप्रशान्तं
     क्षेत्रं पवित्रमिह सिद्धजना वसन्ति
त्वत्सन्निधौ भवभयार्तिविनाशनाय
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ८॥

Itham purascharana yogya mathi prasaantham,
Kshethram  pavithramiham  sidha janaa vasanthi,
Twa sannidho bhava bhayarthi  vinasanaaya,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 8

This city suitable   your  staying there  is very calm,
The temple is very holy and People who have attained  Sidhi live there,
So that  your presence would remove    the   fear  of fate,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you.

त्रैयन्तवेद्यविभवे निगमातिदूरे
     सृष्टिस्थितिप्रलयकारिणि सर्वनाथे
भक्तार्तिनाशिनि सदाचरणप्रसन्ने
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ९॥

Trayantha  Vedhya  vibhave , nigamaadhi dhoore,
Srishti Sthithi  pralaya   kaarini Sarva  Nadhe,
Bhakthaa aarthi nasini sadha charana prasanne,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 9

Oh Goddess    who grants the needs of people of three worlds, who cannot be understood by the Vedas,
Who is the  Goddess of all   who takes care of creation , nurture  and  is the cause  of deluge,
Who destroys sufferings of her devotees and who is happy with proper conduct,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you

कल्याणि मङ्गलमये निजबोधरूपे
     भक्तेष्टदाननिरते भवसिन्धुसेतो
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १०॥

Kalyani, mangala maye, nija bodha roope,
Bhaktheshta  Dhana nirathe, Bhava  Sindhu setho,
Kolarshi   Narada mukhai    roopa geetha keerthe,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 10

Oh Goddess  filled with virtue  and auspiciousness  ,who has true form of our understanding,
Who is engaged in fulfilling   the wishes  of devotees, Who is the bridge  to ocean of Samsara,
Whose  greatness   was sung  by  Kola rishi   as well   as Narada,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you

श्रीमन्महेश्वरि सदाशिववल्लभेति
     कामेश्वरीति भजतां भयहारिणीति
वागीश्वरीति मनसां वचसामगम्ये
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ११॥

Sriman Maheswari   sadhashiva  Vallabhethi,
Kameswareethi   bhajathaam  bhaya  Haarineethi,
Vageeswarithi manasam  Vacha  Sama  gamye,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 11

Goddesss who is the greatest , who is the  consort of Sadhashiva,
Who is Kameswari  and I pray  her  who removes   all fear,
She is the goddess  of speech, who makes  words  come in to our mind,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you        

सर्वाश्रिते जननि चन्द्रकलावतंसे
     कम्भासुरासुहरशक्तिधरे भवानि
मूकाम्बिकेति सततं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १२॥

Sravasrithe Janani  , Chandra  kala vathamse,
Kambhasurasu   hara  sakthi dhare  bhavani,
Mookambikethi  sathatham  pravadanthi santha,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 12

Oh Mother  on whom all depend  who wears   the  moon’s crescent,
Oh Bhavani    by whose  power  Khambasura   was killed,
And  the sages   always   call you   as Mookambika,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

इन्द्रादि सर्वविबुधामलशक्तिराशे
चन्द्रार्धधारिणि लसच्छुभभालदेशे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १३॥

Indradhi   sarva  vibudhamala sakthi rase ,
Mookasuraakhya  khala  dhana darpa naase,
Chandrardha  dharini lasad shubha  phala  dese,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 13

She who gives  power  to Indra and  all other  learned men,
Who destroyed  the sediment  or remaining  pride of Mookasura
Who wears    half the moon  , which shines  on her forehead,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

शैलाधिराजतनये परदिव्यरूपे
     मुकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १४॥

SAiladhi   raja  Thanaye, pari divya  roope,
Shumbasura pramukha   daithya  vinasa  sheele,
Sad vrutha bhaktha jana dukha  bhayarthi hantheri,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 14

Oh daughter of the  king of mountains   who has  a great divine form,
Who has the habit  of destroying   great  Asuras  like Shumbasura,
Who  removes  sorrow, fear and sufferings  of   her  well behaved  devotees,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

त्वं भक्तरक्षणविधौ विविधस्वरूपं
     धृत्वा विनाशयसि दुष्टजनं सलीलम्
एतेन ते प्रकटिता भजकानुकम्पा
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १५॥

Thwam  Bhaktha rakshana  vidhou , vividha   swaroopam,
Druthwaa  vinaasayasi   dushta  janam   saleelam,
Yethena   they  prakatithaa  bhajakanukampa,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 15

For protecting   your devotees   you take  ,
Very many forms   and  as a sport   you destroy the bad people,
Towards   whom also , if they pray  you, you show sympathy to them,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

ज्योतिर्मयं निखिलदैवतसारभूतं
     सर्वार्तिहं मुनिसुरार्चितदिव्यलिङ्गम्
कोलापुरे लसति गर्भगृहे त्वदीये
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १६॥

Jyothirmayam   , nikhila   daivatha  saarabhootham.,
Sarvaathiham  muni   surarchitha  divya  lingam,
Kolapure   lasathi    garbha  grahe thwadheeye,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 16

Pervaded   with light   you   are   the essence  of all devas,
Who is everything and a form worshipped by  Sages and devas,
And you shine  in your sanctum    in Kolapura,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

निष्कामभक्तनिवहाच्च सकामकाच्च
     जिज्ञासवत्सहृदयाच्च नितान्तभक्त्या
स्वस्वाधिकारमनुसृत्य भजन्ति सर्वे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १७॥

Nishkama    bhaktha   nivahaascha, sa kamakaascha,
Jijnaasa  vathsa  hrudayaascha nithantha  bhakthyaa,
Swa swadhikaaramanusuthya bhajanthi    sarve  ,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 17
You look after  all desires of those who have  devotion without desire
Who have a curious but good heart along with  endless  devotion,
And all people sing about you following  their own ability,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

श्रद्धालवो जपतपश्चरणानुरक्ताः
     कुर्वन्ति साधनमसह्यमपि त्वदीयाः
सिद्धिं प्रयान्ति ततत्पदमग्रहेण
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १८॥

SRadhalavo   japa thapa schsarananurakthaa,
Kurvanthi saadhana masahyaamapu thwadheeyaa,
Sidhim prayaanthi cha thathpadhama grahena,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 18

Along with attention  we  will be  chanting ,  doing  and loving  your feet,
To which   we  will  meditation  along with great  devotion to you,
So that we get  powers and blessings   of   you,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

     सर्वाभिलाषमपहाय भजन्त्यनन्याः।
तेषां प्रसीदसि मनोरथपूरणाय
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् १९॥

Samsara  sagara samudharanaika  hetho,
SArva  abhilashampayaya   bhajanthyanyaa,
Theshaam   praseedhasi    mano radha  pooranaaya,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 19

Oh cause  of  help for us to cross   the ocean of Samsara,
We sing about you   so that   all our desires  are  fulfilled,
So that you   are  pleased with us   and help to fulfil  our desires,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

     मातर्भयं भरसि भावुकसज्जनानाम्
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २०॥

Thwath pada padma  bhajanaa archana thathparaanaam,
Mathar abhayam  bharasi   bhavuka   sajjanaanaam,
Thwath   sevanaadvigathaakalmasha  manasam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 20

I am interested  in singing   about   and worshipping  your lotus like feet,
Oh mother please grant  protection  to good and auspicious  people  ,
Who are  interested in serving you    with  mind devoid  of evil thoughts,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

सौम्यं वपुः सुललितं तव सुप्रसन्नं
     शिष्टेषु कोमलतमं सदयं तथापि
दुष्टेषु निर्दयमतीव भयं करोति
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २१॥

Saumyam vapu  sulalitham    suprasannam,
Sishteshu   komala  thamam  sadhyam thadhaapi,
Dushteshu nirdhayamatheeva bhayam karothi,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 21

You hava  peaceful form  , very  simple, always pleased,
Which  is extremely pretty and also very kind, but,
You   are very cruel to evil people and without  kindness  you scare  them,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you 

सञ्चिन्तये यदि गतं तव सौम्यरूपं
पद्मासनोपरि रतं स्मितहास्ययुक्तं
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २२॥

Sachinthaye yadhi gatham    thava  saumya  roopam,
Sri Pancha janya varadhaa abhaya  chakra  hastham,
Padmasanopari   ratham  smitha  hasya  yuktham,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 22

I think about   your peaceful form  possibly of the past,
Holding  in your   the Panchajanya, chakra and showing  protection   and blessing symbols
And   you are sitting  on a seat  of lotus., smiling   andmaking other smile,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

आलस्यदोषनिहताः खलु भाग्यहीनाः
     प्रारब्धकर्मबलवान्मनुजा वदन्ति
ते तु प्रयत्नविमुखाः प्रपतन्ति दुःखे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २३॥

AAlasya  dosha nihathaa , khalu  Bhagya   heenaa,
Prarabdha karma balawan manujaa vadanthi,
They thu   prayathna  vimukhaa prapathanthi  Dukhe,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 23

Oh goddess  who removes the bad effect  of laziness from those who are not lucky,
The man  who is strongly tied to  the fate   , tells,
They those    who are   not  interested  in effort , suffers sorrow,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

चित्तस्य शुद्धिमखिलस्य ममास्तु कर्म
     सत्कर्मशुद्धहृदये मनुजो विकारी
शुद्धिं विना मनसो निजबोधलाभः
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २४॥

Chithasya   Sudhi makhilasya mamasthu  Karma,
Sath karma    shuddha  hrudaye manujo  avikaari,
Shudhim  vinaa  na  manaso   nija bodha  laabhaa,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 24

It is my worldly duty   to keep  my  mind clean,
For  Those men  who do good action  with clean mind do not get  upset,
The mind with   cleanliness, is  a conscious  profit  ,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

सर्वत्र चञ्चलतरं भ्रममाणदीनं
     मां पालय ह्यविरतं दययेति मातः
विश्वासतस्तवपदं शरणं प्रपद्ये
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २५॥

SArvathra  chanchala tharam  bramaanadheenam,
Maam palaya  hyaviratham  dhayayethi Mathaa,
Viswa   sathasthva Padham  saranam prapadhye,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 25

He who is always  fickle  is in the control of  perplexed  nature,
Oh mother kindly protect me  from   this  nature,
And I am protecting   your form of  permenant   alertness,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

नाहं तपश्चरणमर्चनसाधनं वा
     जानामि कर्तुमभयं कुरु पाहि मातः
जाने केवलविधिं किमपीह दीनः
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २६॥

Naham   thappascharana archana sadhanam vaa,
Jaanaami   karthumabhayam   pahi matha,
Jaane na kevala vidhim   kimapeeha  dheena,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 26

I do not know  ritual  of penance  nor how to do worship,
Oh mother   grant  me   protection ,
I do not know   even ordinary rules , though I am poor in this world,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

भावेन देशमनिशं वशमानयन्ति
     भावोऽपि कारणमतः कवयो वदन्ति
त्याकेशसादृशमिहाद्य भवानि भावं
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २७॥

Bhaavena desa manisam   vasamanayanthi,
Bhavopi karanamatha kavayo  vadanthi,
THyakesa   sadrusa mihaadhya  bhavani bhavam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 27

By sentiment you constantly  make this country as yours,
And the poets tell that   your sentiment  is the reason for that,
The  look of Bhavani  is  then similar to the nature  ofGod who sacrifices,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

 यद्भावनान्वितहृदा भवतीं भजन्ति
     तद्भावनानुसरणं तव स्वभावः
तस्माद्भजामि भवबन्धविमोचनाय
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २८॥

Yad bhavananvitha hrudhaa  bhavatheem bhajanthi,
Thadh  bhavanusaranam cha    thava  Swabhava  ,
Thasmadh bhajaami bhava  bhandha vimochanaaya,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 28

With whatever moob that  I  pray to you,
According   to that mood would be your  behaviour,
And so I sing about you   for freedom from  ties of Samsara,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

यादन्तरङ्गदमनं विषयेषु शान्तिः
दान्तिश्च बाह्यविषयेषु विनिग्रहाख्या
शीतोष्णदुःखसूखयोः सहनं तितिक्षा
मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् २९॥

Yadantharanga   dhamanam vishayeshu  santhi,
Dsaathischa   bahya  vishayeshu   vinigrahaakhyaa,
Sithoshna   dukha   sukhayo    sahanam thithksha,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 29

By doing   control of the mind , WE get peace  in all aspects,
By self restraint    we get   disinterested  in outside  aspects,
And so  we have  to learn  cold and heat  and sorrow  and joy as equal,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

वेदोक्तकर्मनिचयाचरणेन नित्यं
वाञ्छन्ति भावुकजनस्त्वदनुग्रहेण
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३०॥

Vedoktha karma nichayaacharanena  nithyam,
Vaakkaya manasika papa samoola  naasam,
Vaanchanthi   bhavuka jana sthvanugrahena,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 30

By  properly  observing the rituals   as per the Vedas,
The sin committed by words , body  and mind is completely  destroyed,
And so the happy prosperous  people   need  your blessings,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

शक्तिस्तु सर्वजगतां तव देव्यधीना
     विश्वं सृजस्यवसि हंसि देवि काले
लिलेयमीश्वरि तवातुलदिव्यरूपे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३१॥

Sakthisthu   sarva jagathaam  thava   devyadheenaa,
Viswam   srujasyavasi  hamsi   cha devi kaale,
Lileya meeswari   thavaathula  divya  roope,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 31

Due to your power  all   the  worlds are your control,
And so you create the world and make it laugh in your  time,
Your sports   goddess  is only equal  to your divine form,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

मोहान्धकारचरमूढजनो चैतत्
     जानाति देवि जगतीति तवैव माया
मायास्वरूपमवलम्ब्य तनोषि विश्वं
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३२॥

Mohandhakara chara  mooda jano  na chaithath,
Jaanaathi   devi   jagatheethi   thavaiva  maayaa,
Maya swaroopa mavalambya thanoshi viswam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 32

The  foolish people moving in the darkness  of passion  will not understand,
They do not know  Oh Goddess that  this world is your illusion,
For  by adopting   the form of illusion , your body   is the universe,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

सृष्ट्वा चराचरमिदं जगदात्मशक्त्या
     तस्मिन्प्रविश्य विविधं तनोषि रूपम्
तस्मान्न चास्ति किमपीह विना त्वयात्र
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३३॥

Srushtvaa   characharmidham  jagathathma  sakthyaa,
Thasmin  pravisya vividham  cha  thanoshi roopam,
Thasmanna   chaasthi kimapeeha  vinaa  thwayaathraa,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 33

After creating moving and not moving beings by the power  of your soul,
You made  them assume   very different forms with different bodoes,
And thus    your   journey   is proceeding without  problems,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

धूम्राक्षलोहितभवौ मधुकैटभौ
     चण्डं मुण्डमपि शुम्भनिशुम्भ सौख्यौ
दुर्गेति हंसि जगतः सुखशान्तिसिद्ध्यै
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३४॥

Dhoomraksha  Lohitha   bhavou , madhu kaidabhou cha,
Chandam   cha  mundamapi  shumba nishumbha   saukhyai,
Durgathim   hamsi   jagatha  sukha   santhi   sidhyai,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 34

For Doomraksha  , Lohitha  , Madhu  , Kaidabha,
Chanda  , Munda  , Shumbha  and Nishumbha you brought,
Bad fate from  comfort   and gave  Pleasure  and peac e to this world,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

दुर्गेति दुर्गतिहरं तव नामधेयं
     श्रीशाम्भवीति सुखङ्करमप्रमेयम्
संसारसागरसमुद्धरणं शिवेति
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३५॥

Durgathi , durgathi haram  thava  namadheyam,
Sri Shambhaveethi   cha  sukhankara  maprameyam,
Samsara   sagara  samudharanam Shivethi,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 35

Bad  fate  and destruction of bad fate  are  your names,
As well as consort  of Shambu and one  who creates immeasurable  pleasure,
And Oh consort  of Shiva  , you help us cross  ocean of Samsara,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

तेजोमयं सुरमणीयमति प्रसन्नं
     अत्यन्तसुन्दरमतीव मनोभिरामम्
स्वेच्छाधृतं ललितरूपमिदं त्वदीयं            
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३६॥

Thejomayam su ramaneeyamithi   prasannam,
Athyantha sundara  matheeva   manobhiramam,
Swecha  drutham  lalitha  roopamidham  thwadheeyam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 36

You are pervaded  with luster, very  pretty  and pleased,
You  are  extremely beautiful  and have great mental  beauty as well,
But  of your own accord    you assume  this very simple form,.
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

सच्चित्सुखं तु निगमागमशास्त्रसारं
     ज्ञानं तु शोभनमतीन्द्रियकं सुवेद्यम्
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३७॥

Sachith sukham   nigamagama  sasthra  saaram,
Jnanam   thu  shobhanamatheendriyakam  suvedhyam,
Sruthyai   vasad   guru mukhadhi  gamyam amba,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 37

The  summary  of the Vedas   and sasthras  give us divine  pleasure,
The wisdom of yours  is beyond your  senses  and is very    famous,
And oh mother learning Vedas   from a grerat Guru is  desirable,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

केचित् स्वकर्मफलमेव वदन्ति धीराः
     भक्तिं तथा नवविधामपरे महान्तः
अन्ये विरक्तिमतुलां परमाप्तिमाहुः
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३८॥

Kechith  swa karma  phalameva vadanthi  dheeraa,
Bakthim thadhaa  nava  vidhaamapare  mahaantha,
Anye  virakthi mathulaam  paramaapthi  maahu,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 38

Some times the  bold ones   talk about  the results  of their karmas,
And the great people   talk   about  nine  divine  ways of devotion,
But   the comparison less  freedom from desire is  the real  divine one,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

श्रद्धासि देवि निखिलागमकर्ममूला
     भ्रान्तिश्च मोहजननेन भयार्तिमूला
त्वत्सेवया जनहितं विधितुं समर्थः
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ३९॥

Sradhhasi   devi nikhila aagama   karma moolaa,
Branthischa   moha jananena bhayarthi  moolaa,
Thwath sevayaa jana hitham   vidhithum   samartha,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 39

With  great attention  all actions  stated in Vedas is done  , Oh goddess,
By  madness  the people of passion  do everything with fear  and grief,
But the intelligent people   do good  to the people  as your service.
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

कामेश्वरि प्रणतभक्तजनानुकम्पे
     सर्वान्तरङ्गयमुने परिपूर्णरूपे
मामुद्धरोद्धर भवाद्भवतापहन्त्रि
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४०॥

Kameswari  , pranatha bhaktha jananukampe,
Sarva   antharanga yamune , paripoorna  swaroope,
Maam udharodhara bhavad bhava  thapa  hanthri,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 40

Oh Kameswari who  has pity  to those devotees  who pray her,
Oh goddess  who mixes all the insides and who has a  full form,
Please  raise and raise me up, Oh destroyer of the pain   of Samsara,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

बुद्धिप्रचोदिनि चराचरविश्वरूपे
     निष्कल्मषं कुरु महेशि ममान्तरङ्गम्
मज्जन्मसार्थकमिहास्तु तव प्रसादात्
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४१॥

Budhi  prochadhini , charachara  Viswa roope,
Nish kalmasham  kuru   mahesi  mamantharangam,
Majjanma   sardhaka mihaathu    thava  prasaadaath,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 41

Oh Goddess  who enthuses of our brain , Oh  super form of moving and not moving beings,
Make my  inside   without   any  dirt or stain,  Oh great   goddess,
And let my  present birth  become  meaningful   due to your grace,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

सा त्वं दयामयि मयेप्सित भुक्तिमुक्तिं
     सर्वं प्रदापय जगज्जननीशपूज्ये
सर्वज्ञतासि तव देवि महानुभावे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४२॥

Saa  thwam dhayamayi  mayopsith  Bukthi  mukthim,
Sarva   pradhapaya jaga jananeesa poojye,
Sarvajnathaasi   thava  devi mahanubhave,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 42

You are  pervaded  with kindness, Please  grant me happy life  and devotion,
AS it is  time to give to all, who worship  the mother  of universe,
Oh Goddess  who is very great ,All are  waiting  for that,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

ऐश्वर्यवन्तरहितं कमलालये त्वं
     ज्ञानं सर्वविषयं तव देहि मह्यम्
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४३॥

Aiwarya  vantha  rahitham   kamalalaye thwam,
Jnanam  cha  sarvaa  vishayam   thava  devi mahyaam,
Aananda    thundhila mano radhamaprameyam,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 43

For the  sake of prosperous people, Oh goddess who is in lotus,
Grant  wisdom  in all  aspects, Oh goddess ,  to me  ,
Oh joyful  Ganesa   , this is my  non changing   desire,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

एकापि सर्वगतया त्वमनेकरूपा
     अन्तो लभ्यत इति त्वमनन्तरूपा
सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्मकतया त्वमलक्ष्यरूपा
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४४॥

Yekaapi  sarva gathayaa  thwam aneka  ropaa,
Antho  ne  labhyatha ithi  thwam   anantha  roopaa,
Sookshmaadhi sookshma  kathayaa , thwam alakshya  roopa,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 44

Though onr  for  the sake of all  you take several forms,
And  since  at the end it may not be available  , you  take  the endless  form,
And  for the smaller  than the smallest, you take  a   careless  form,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

शान्तं विशिष्टकमनीयकलाविचित्रं
     सान्निध्यपूर्णमतिसुन्दरमन्दिरं ते
प्राराजते कुटजपर्वतमूलदेशे
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४५॥

Santham  visishta  kamaneeya kalaa vichithram,
Saannidhya poorna  mathi  sundara  mandhiram they,
Praarajathe   kutaja parvatha  moola   dhese,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 45

Peaceful ,Specially  beautiful combination of various forms,
Your  presence  is complete  and very pretty  in your   temple,
And  you rule over  The  base  area  of the Kutaja mountain,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

अष्टाधिकेषु विविधेष्वपि शक्तिपीठेषु
     अष्टादशेष्वपि तथा नवकोटिमूर्तिः
एकाप्यनेकशुभरूपधरा विभासि
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४६॥

Ashtadhikeshu  vividheshvapi  sakthi peeteshu,
Ashta daseshvapi  thadhaa  nava  koti moorthi,
Ekapyaneka shubha  roopa dharaa  vibhasi,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 46

In  the different   eighteen  sakthi  peetas,
Eighteen    but  nine crores   of your forms are there,
Though one  , you shine here  in  your auspicious form,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .
नानुष्ठितं किमपि सार्थककारि कार्यं
     लब्ध्वापि चोत्तमजनिं सुविचारमग्नम्
तापत्रयार्थभयभीतमिमं प्रपाहि
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४७॥

Nanushtitham   kimapi  sarthaka  kaari karya,
Labhavapi chothamajaneem  suvichara magnam,
Thapa thrayartha  bhaya  bheethi mimaam  prapaahi,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 47

Though not practicing  the action is one   which grants good results,
For we get something   very great   with   silent   very good thoughts,
Please  remove the three  types of pain  ,and  fear fears for me,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

त्वन्नामरूपममलं निगमार्थसारं
     नित्यं निरञ्जनमनन्तमजं पुराणम्
ब्रह्मेति शाश्वतमखण्डसुखं वदन्ति
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४८॥

Thwannama  roopam amalam  , nigamaartha  saaram,
Nithyam   niranjana manatham majam puraanam,
Brahmethi  saaswatha  akhanda   sukham vadanthi,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 48

Yor name   and form are  holy and pure  and  are the summary of Vedas,
It is for ever, spotless  , endless  , not born  and very ancient,
And  Brahma says  that it would give broad  and forever  happiness,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

स्वान्तःसुखाय वरदे सुमतिप्रकाशं
     कृत्वाव मामिति पुनःपुनरर्थयामि
सच्चित्सुखानुभवशान्तिहृदं कुरुष्व
     मूकाम्बिके परशिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ४९॥

Swaantha  sukhaaya  varadhe ,  sumathi  prakasam,
Kruthvava maamithi   puna punar dhyaayami,
Sachith    sukhanubhava santhi   hrudham kurushva,
Mookambike  , Para Shive thava  suprabatham. 49

Oh  Goddess of endless  comfort   who blesses , making my brain  bright ,
I am again  and   again  praying to you,
Please  give  me pleasant experiences and peaceful heart,
Oh Mookambike, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you  .

     याचत्यनन्तभव आर्तजनानुकम्पे
भक्तिं प्रयच्छ भवतापविनाशयित्रि
कोलापूरेश्वरि शिवे तव सुप्रभातम् ५०॥

Thwadhasa sadhaa   sagana  nayaka , sathya sasthri,
Yaachathyanantha  bhava artha jananu kampe,
Bhakthim prayascha bhava  thapa   vinasayithri,
Kolapureswari Shive thava  Suprabatham-50

Your  servant   for ever  is the good  Ganesa who tells the truth,
I  am begging you endless prosperity  of  wealth , Oh goddess  who sympathizes  with people,
And oh  Goddess  who  puts an end to sorrow  , I request you for devotion  towards yoy,
Oh  Goddess  of Kolapura, Divine consort of shiva, A very good morning   to you            .

मङ्गलं तेऽस्तु मूकाम्बा मङ्गलं सर्वमङ्गले
मङ्गलं तव सद्रूपं त्रैलोक्यं मङ्गलं कुरु ५१॥

Mangalam  thesthu  Mookambaa  , mangalam  sarva  mangale,
Mangalam  thava  sadroopam , trilokyam mangalam  kuru

Auspiciousness  to Mookamba , auaspiciousness , auspiciousness  for all,
Your  form is auspicious  , Make   the three  worlds   auspicious.

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