
Friday, July 5, 2019

Roga Nivarana slokas from Narayaneeyam

Roga Nivarana  slokas  from Narayaneeyam

Mepathur  Narayana Bhattathiri

Translated  by

( DEue to giving his health to his Guru  , When Mepathur decided to compose  Narayaneeya, he was  a very sick man , sitting in front of Lord Guruvayurappan   and composing his great book.From  Dasaka  5 onwards( Except Dasaka73) , In the last sloka of every Dasakam  , Meppathur  requested God Guruvayurappan to cure him , till Dasakam 99.  He completes  the work in the last sloka  of Dasakam 100, saying “Ayur , Arogya Saukhyam”(long life, health  and pleasant life)
    I thought  that if we   chant only these slokas where he requests  God to cure him, He would cure us also.Here are  the slokas of Meppathur  requesting God to cure him)

Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 10

 अण्डं तत्खलु पूर्वसृष्टसलिलेऽतिष्ठत् सहस्रं समा:
निर्भिन्दन्नकृथाश्चतुर्दशजगद्रूपं विराडाह्वयम् 
निर्भातोऽसि मरुत्पुराधिप  मां त्रायस्व सर्वामयात् ॥१०॥
aNDaM tatkhalu puurvasR^iShTasalile(a)tiShThat sahasraM samaaH
nirbhindannakR^ithaashchaturdashajagadruupaM viraaDaahvayam |
saahasraiH karapaadamuurdhanivahairnishsheShajiivaatmakO
nirbhaatO(a)si marutpuraadhipa sa maaM traayasva sarvaamayaat10

This golden egg was submerged in the primeval creation of causal water,
And was divided by you in to fourteen parts and you called it Virat,
And you became all the beings yourself and existed as Virat Purusha,
Along with thousands of hands, legs as well as heads,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you who are the Virat Purusha,
May be kindly pleased to save me from all the diseases. 5.10

DAsakam 6   Slokam 10

दृग्जगन्मयवपुस्तव कर्मभाजां
कर्मावसानसमये स्मरणीयमाहु
तस्यान्तरात्मवपुषे विमलात्मने ते
वातालयाधिप नमोऽस्तु निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

iidR^igjaganmayavapustava karmabhaajaaM
karmaavasaanasamaye smaraNiiyamaahuH |
tasyaantaraatmavapuShe vimalaatmane te
vaataalayaadhipa namO(a)stu nirundhi rOgaan ||

People who are wise are of the opinion that those who depend on action,
Or those who are then in the end stages of action should meditate on this form,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, my salutations to you, who is the inner form,
Of this Virat Purusha and who is extremely pure,
I pray to you, please cure all my illnesses.

Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 10

आताम्रे चरणे विनम्रमथ तं हस्तेन हस्ते स्पृशन्
बोधस्ते भविता  सर्गविधिभिर्बन्धोऽपि सञ्जायते 
इत्याभाष्य गिरं प्रतोष्य नितरां तच्चित्तगूढस्वयं
सृष्टौ तं समुदैरय भगवन्नुल्लासयोल्लाघताम् ॥१०॥

aataamre charaNe vinamramatha taM hastena haste spR^ishan
bOdhaste bhavitaa na sargavidhibhirbandhO(a)pi sa~njaayate |
ityaabhaaShya giraM pratOShya nitaraaM tachchittaguuDhaH svayaM
sR^iShTau taM samudairayaH sa bhagavannullaasayOllaaghataam ||

And then he fell at your reddish feet in salutation, and you lifted him up,
And told “I would give you that knowledge and I assure you that,
There would not be any more problems in the job of creation.”
And then you hid yourself in the mind of Brahma,
And encouraged him to start the job of creation,
And Oh god bless me with good health. 7.10

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam:13
अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥१३॥
asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
tvamitthamutthaapita padmayOniH |
anantabhuumaa mama rOgaraashiM
nirundhi vaataalayavaasa viShNO || 13

Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who is the form of divine Brahman,
You who thus made Lord Brahma emerge from the lotus,
And you who has the undivided greatness,
Please cure all my diseases. 8.13

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 10
God Brahma, created the three worlds
तवैव कृपया पुनस्सरसिजेन तेनैव :

प्रकल्प्य भुवनत्रयीं प्रववृते प्रजानिर्मितौ 

तथाविधकृपाभरो गुरुमरुत्पुराधीश्वर

त्वमाशु परिपाहि मां गुरुदयोक्षितैरीक्षितै॥१०॥
tavaiva kR^ipayaa punassarasijena tenaiva saH
prakalpya bhuvanatrayiiM pravavR^ite prajaanirmitau |
tathaa vidha kR^ipaabharO gurumarutpuraadhiishvara
tvamaashu paripaahi maaM gurudayOkshitairiikshitaiH ||10

Then he due to your mercy and grace only , created the three worlds,
With the lotus as the base and engaged himself in creating of living beings,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, with your merciful and mercy drenched looks,
Be kind enough to protect me completely . 9.10

Dasakam: 010 -- Shlokam: 10
जानन्नुपायमथ देहमजो विभज्य
ताभ्यां  मानुषकुलानि विवर्धयंस्त्वं
गोविन्द मारुतपुरेश निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

jaanannupaayamatha dehamajO vibhajya
striipumsa bhaavamabhajanmanutadvadhuubhyaam |
taabhyaaM cha maanuShakulaani vivardhayamstvaM
gOvinda maarutapuraadhipa rundhi rOgaan ||

Later understanding the strategy to do further creation,
Brahma split his body into two halves and made ,
Them as Manu the male and his wife Satha roopa the female,
Oh Govinda who lives in the town of Guruvayur,
You who are multiplying the human race using them,
Please cure all my diseases and afflictions. 10.10

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 10

ततो जलेशात् सदृशं भवन्तं
निशम्य बभ्राम गवेषयंस्त्वाम् 
भक्तैकदृश्य कृपानिधे त्वं
निरुन्धि रोगान् मरुदालयेश ॥१०।

tatO jaleshaat sadR^ishaM bhavantaM
nishamya babhraama gaveShayamstvaam |
bhaktaikadR^ishyaH sa kR^ipaanidhe tvaM
nirundhi rOgaan marudaalayesha ||

Having heard from Varuna that you are a match for him to fight,
He ran here and there in search of you,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who is the treasure of mercy,
Oh God, who can be seen only by your devotees, please cure my diseases. 11.10

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 10

अभ्युद्धरन्नथ धरां दशनाग्रलग्न
मुस्ताङ्कुराङ्कित इवाधिकपीवरात्मा 
क्रीडावराहवपुरीश्वर पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥
abhyuddharannatha dharaaM dashanaagralagnamustaankuraankita
ivaadhikapiivaraatmaa |
kriiDaavaraahavapuriishvara paahi rOgaat ||

Oh playful Lord in the form of a boar,
You who after taking the earth in your tusks,
Started lifting it up and it appeared,
As if it is a small piece of the root of grass,
And you appeared with a grossly large body,
And you who emerged from the ocean,
With the water being churned greatly,
Please save me from this disease. 12.10

Dasakam: 013 -- Shlokam:10
महीयस्या मूर्त्या विमलतरकीर्त्या  विलसन् 
स्वधिष्ण्यं सम्प्राप्तसुखरसविहारी मधुरिपो
निरुन्ध्या रोगं मे सकलमपि वातालयपते ॥१०॥

muniindrairityaadistavanamukharair mOditamanaaH
mahiiyasyaa muurtyaa vimalatarakiirtyaa cha vilasan |
svadhiShNyaM sampraaptaH sukharasavihaarii madhuripO
nirundhyaa rOgaM me sakalamapi vaataalayapate ||

You with a delighted mind, after having heard this praise of the sages,
With a very huge body and shining with the great fame,
Reached Vaikunta which was your own place,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you are the same joyful killer of Madhu,
And be pleased to completely stop all diseases affecting me. 13.10

Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 10
 वनमेयुषि कर्दमे प्रसन्ने
मतसर्वस्वमुपादिशन् जनन्यै 
कपिलात्मक वायुमन्दिरेश
त्वरितं त्वं परिपाहि मां गदौघात् ॥१०॥

vanameyuShi kardame prasanne
matasarvasvamupaadishan jananyai |
kapilaatmaka vaayumandiresha
tvaritaM tvaM paripaahi maaM gadaughaat ||

Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who was born as sage Kapila,
With your birth the very satisfied Kardhama left to the forest,
And you, who took up the task of teaching our religious principles,
To your mother, may please cure me of all diseases. 14.10

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam:10
 परम किमु बहूक्त्या त्वत्पदाम्भोजभक्तिं
सकलभयविनेत्रीं सर्वकामोपनेत्रीम् 
वदसि खलु दृढं त्वं तद्विधूयामयान् मे
गुरुपवनपुरेश त्वय्युपाधत्स्व भक्तिम् ॥१०॥

parama kimu bahuuktyaa tvatpadaambhOjabhaktiM
sakalabhayavinetriiM sarvakaamOpanetriim |
vadasi khalu dR^iDhaM tvaM tadvidhuuyaamayaan me
gurupavanapuresha tvayyupaadhatsva bhaktim ||

Oh God who is great, what is the use of telling too much?,
You again and again tell that, the devotion to your lotus like feet
Removes all fears, and fulfills all desires, and so Oh Lord of Guruvayur,
Please cure all my diseases and bless me to have devotion to you. 15.10 

Dasakam: 016 -- Shlokam: 10
 क्रुद्धेशमर्दितमख तु कृत्तशीर्षो
देवप्रसादितहरादथ लब्धजीव
त्वत्पूरितक्रतुवरपुनराप शान्तिं
 त्वं प्रशान्तिकर पाहि मरुत्पुरेश ॥१०॥

kruddheshamarditamakhaH sa tu kR^ittashiirShO
devaprasaaditaharaadatha labdhajiivaH |
tvatpuuritakratuvaraH punaraapa shaantiM
sa tvaM prashaantikara paahi marutpuresha ||

That Daksha’s sacrifice was destroyed by Lord Shiva,
And his head was also cut off, and later due to prayer,
Of devas, Lord Shiva gave back Daksha his life,
And was able to complete the sacrifice he has started,
And he also got back his peace of mind,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who gives peace to all,
Please be kind enough to protect me. 16.10

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 11
अन्ते भवत्पुरुषनीतविमानयातो
मात्रा समं ध्रुवपदे मुदितोऽयमास्ते 
एवं स्वभृत्यजनपालनलोलधीस्त्वं
वातालयाधिप निरुन्धि ममामयौघान् ॥११॥

ante bhavatpuruShaniitavimaanayaatO
maatraa samaM dhruvapade muditO(a)yamaaste |
evaM svabhR^ityajanapaalanalOladhiistvaM
vaataalayaadhipa nirundhi mamaamayaughaan ||

When he neared the end of his life, he rode in a plane brought by your people,
And went along with his mother and occupied the land of Dhruva and is there even now,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you who are interested in thus protecting your devotees ,
May please be kind enough to completely remove all my diseases. 17.11

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 10
विज्ञानं सनकमुखोदितं दधान:
स्वात्मानं स्वयमगमो वनान्तसेवी 
तत्तादृक्पृथुवपुरीश सत्वरं मे
रोगौघं प्रशमय वातगेहवासिन् ॥१०॥

vij~naanaM sanakamukhOditaM dadhaanaH
svaatmaanaM svayamagamO vanaantasevii |
tattaadR^ikpR^ithuvapuriisha satvaraM me
rOgaughaM prashamaya vaatagehavaasin ||10

Following the advice of Sanaka and other sages,
You as Pruthu understood the divine knowledge,
And went to do penance and you became yourself.
Oh God who is the Lord of Guruvayur, you,
Who assumed the form of Pruthu,
May please remove all my diseases immediately. 18.10

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 10

अवाप्य दक्षं  सुतं कृताध्वरा:
प्रचेतसो नारदलब्धया धिया 
अवापुरानन्दपदं तथाविध-
स्त्वमीश वातालयनाथ पाहि माम् ॥१०॥

avaapya dakshaM cha sutaM kR^itaadhvaraaH
prachetasO naaradalabdhayaa dhiyaa |
avaapuraanandapadaM tathaavidhastvamiisha
vaataalayanaatha paahi maam ||

Then the Prachethas after begetting a son called Daksha,
Carried out several Yagas and using the knowledge given by Narada,
And attained salvation and divine joy and Oh God, Oh lord of Guruvayur,
You who are mighty like this may protect me. 19.10

Dasakam: 20-- Shlokam: 10

शयुव्रतं गोमृगकाकचर्यां
चिरं चरन्नाप्य परं स्वरूपं 
दवाहृताङ्गकुटकाचले त्वं
तापान् ममापाकुरु वातनाथ ॥१०॥

shayuvrataM gOmR^igakaakacharyaaM 
chiraM charannaapya paraM svaruupam |
davaahR^itaangaH kuTakaachale tvaM
taapaan mamaapaakuru vaatanaatha ||10

Adopting the life style of a python and also that of,
A cow, deer and a crow for a very long time,
In kudajadri* you merged with the forest fire,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please remove my sufferings. 20.10
*Near Kollur Mookambika temple of Karnataka

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam:12

पातालमूलभुवि शेषतनुं भवन्तं
नीलाम्बरं धृतहलं भुजगाङ्गनाभि-
र्जुष्टं भजे हर गदान् गुरुगेहनाथ ॥१२॥

paataalamuulabhuvi sheShatanuM bhavantaM
lOlaika kuNDala viraaji sahasrashiirSham |
niilaambaraM dhR^itahalaM bhujagaanganaabhirjuShTaM
bhaje hara gadaan gurugehanaatha ||12

I sing about you in the form of Adhi sesha, holding a plough,
With a fluttering single ear ring worn in its thousand hoods,
Who wears blue cloth and is served by serpent maidens,
And occupies the heart of the nether world,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure me. 21.12

Dasakam: 022 -- Shlokam: 11

स्वकिङ्करावेदनशङ्कितो यम-
स्त्वदंघ्रिभक्तेषु  गम्यतामिति 
 देव वातालयनाथ पाहि माम् ॥११॥ 

svakinkaraavedana shankitO yamastvadanghri
bhakteShu na gamyataamiti |
svakiiya bhR^ityaanashishikshaduchchakaiH
sa deva vaataalayanaatha paahi maam ||

When the messengers of Yama related to Yama of this fact,
He became scared and told them not to go near devotees of Vishnu,
And strictly gave orders regarding this fact,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, You who are like this, please protect me. 22.11

Dasakam: 23-- Shlokam: 11
त्वत्सेवनेन दितिरिन्द्रवधोद्यताऽपि
तान्प्रत्युतेन्द्रसुहृदो मरुतोऽभिलेभे 
दुष्टाशयेऽपि शुभदैव भवन्निषेवा
तत्तादृशस्त्वमव मां पवनालयेश ॥११॥

tvatsevanena ditirindra vadhOdyataa(a)pi
taanpratyutendra suhR^idO marutO(a)bhilebhe |
duShTaashaye(a)pi shubhadaiva bhavanniShevaa
tattaadR^ishastvamava maaM pavanaalayesha ||

Though Dithi , the mother of Asuras served you and requested for a son,
To kill Indra, she got Maruts as sons and they became friends of Indra,
Proving the fact that even if bad people serve you, only good will result.
And Oh God who is like that , please save me. 23.11 

Dasakam: 024 -- Shlokam: 10
अरे क्वासौ क्वासौ सकलजगदात्मा हरिरिति
प्रभिन्ते स्म स्तंभं चलितकरवालो दितिसुत
अतपश्चाद्विष्णो  हि वदितुमीशोऽस्मि सहसा
कृपात्मन् विश्वात्मन् पवनपुरवासिन् मृडय माम् ॥१०॥

are kvaasau kvaasau sakalajagadaatmaa haririti
prabhintesma stambhaM chalita karavaalO diti sutaH |
ataH pashchaadviShNO na hi vaditumiishO(a)smi sahasaa
kR^ipaatman vishvaatman pavanapuravaasin mR^iDaya maam ||

Hiranyakasipu the son of Dithi started shaking his sword,
And asked , “Where is that Vishnu who is the form of all the three worlds?,
Hey silly boy, where is he?” and gave a blow sufficient to shatter the earth on the pillar,
And Oh God , I am unable to continue to tell as to what happened further ,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is the soul of mercy and soul of the world,
Please bear with me, give me solace and make me happy. 24.10

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam:10
 एवं नाटितरौद्रचेष्टित विभो श्रीतापनीयाभिध-
तत्तादृङ्निखिलोत्तरं पुनरहो कस्त्वां परो लङ्घयेत्
प्रह्लादप्रिय हे मरुत्पुरपते सर्वामयात्पाहि माम् ॥१०॥

evaM naaTita raudracheShTita vibhO shriitaapaniiyaabhidha
shrutyantasphuTagiita sarvamahimannatyanta shuddhaakR^ite |
tattaadR^iN nikhilOttaraM punarahO kastvaaM parOlanghayet
prahlaada priya he marutpurapate sarvaamayaatpaahi maam ||

Oh God, who put on this act of great rage and anger,
Who has a very clean body and who is having,
All the great qualities as mentioned and sung,
In the Nrusimha thapaneeya Upanishad,
Who can match you , who can be more greater than you,
And who can dare to Attack you,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who likes Prahlada,
Please protect me from all sort of diseases. 25.10

Dasakam: 26-- Shlokam:10 
एतद्वृत्तं त्वां  मां  प्रगे यो
गायेत्सोऽयं भूयसे श्रेयसे स्यात् 
इत्युक्त्वैनं तेन सार्धं गतस्त्वं
धिष्ण्यं विष्णो पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

etad vR^ittaM tvaaM cha maaM cha prageyO gaayets
O(a)yaM bhuuyase shreyasesyaat |
ityuktvainaM tena saardhaM gatastva
M dhiShNyaM viShNO paahivaataalayesha ||

Oh Lord you told him, , “any one who sings,
About elephant or me in the morning,
Would become one of great fame,”
And later you went to Vaikunta along with elephant,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me. 26.10

Dasakam: 027 -- Shlokam: 11
तत्राब्धौ चिरमथितेऽपि निर्विकारे
एकस्त्वं करयुगकृष्टसर्पराज:
संराजन् पवनपुरेश पाहि रोगात् ॥११॥

udbhraamyad bahu timi nakra chakravaale
tatraabdhau chiramathite(a)pi nirvikaare |
ekastvaM karayugakR^iShTa sarparaajaH
sanraajan pavanapuresha paahi rOgaat ||11

With lots of whales and crocodiles moving here and there,
The ocean in spite of lot of churning did not give out anything,
And seeing this you started churning the ocean using Vasuki all alone,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please save me from diseases. 27.11

Dasakam: 28-- Shlokam:10
तरुणाम्बुदसुन्दरस्तदा त्वं
ननु धन्वन्तरिरुत्थितोऽम्बुराशे
अमृतं कलशे वहन् कराभ्या-
मखिलार्तिं हर मारुतालयेश ॥१०॥

taruNaambuda sundarastadaa tvaM
nanu dhanvantarirutthitO(a)mburaasheH |
amR^itaM kalashe vahan karaabhyaama
khilaartin hara maarutaalayesha ||10

And then you yourself who was as pretty as the new cloud,
Came out in the form of Dhanvanthari carrying,
Two golden pots containing the divine nectar.
And Oh lord of Guruvayur , please destroy all my problems. 28.10

Dasakam: 29-- Shlokam: 10

भूयोऽपि विद्रुतवतीमुपधाव्य देवो
त्वन्मानितस्तव महत्त्वमुवाच देव्यै
तत्तादृशस्त्वमव वातनिकेतनाथ ॥१०॥

bhuuyO(a)pi vidrutavatiimupadhaavya devO
viirya pramOksha vikasatparamaarthabOdhaH |
tvanmaanitastava mahatvamuvaacha devyai
tattaadR^ishastvamava vaataniketanaatha ||10

When you slipped away from his embrace and ran away,
Lord Shiva pursued you and due to discharge of his virile fluid,
Suddenly came to his senses and being respected by you,
Explained your greatness to Goddess Parvathi and others,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who has none to compare, protect me. 29.10

Dasakam: 29-- Shlokam: 10

भूयोऽपि विद्रुतवतीमुपधाव्य देवो
त्वन्मानितस्तव महत्त्वमुवाच देव्यै
तत्तादृशस्त्वमव वातनिकेतनाथ ॥१०॥

bhuuyO(a)pi vidrutavatiimupadhaavya devO
viirya pramOksha vikasatparamaarthabOdhaH |
tvanmaanitastava mahatvamuvaacha devyai
tattaadR^ishastvamava vaataniketanaatha ||10

When you slipped away from his embrace and ran away,
Lord Shiva pursued you and due to discharge of his virile fluid,
Suddenly came to his senses and being respected by you,
Explained your greatness to Goddess Parvathi and others,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who has none to compare, protect me. 29.10

Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 10

दर्पोच्छित्त्यै विहितमखिलं दैत्य सिद्धोऽसि पुण्यै-
र्लोकस्तेऽस्तु त्रिदिवविजयी वासवत्वं  पश्चात् 
मत्सायुज्यं भज  पुनरित्यन्वगृह्णा बलिं तं
विप्रैस्सन्तानितमखवरपाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

darpOchChittyai vihitamakhilaM daitya siddhO(a)si puNyairlOkaste(
a)stu tridivavijayii vaasavatvaM cha pashchaat |
matsaayujyaM bhaja cha punarityanvagR^ihNaabaliM taM
vipraissantaanitamakhavaraH paahi vaataalayesha ||10

You blessed Maha Bali, by saying “All that I have done was aimed,
At destroying your pride Oh Lord of Asuras,
And due to your good deeds , you have achieved everything,
And let you get a world which is much greater than heaven,
And later let you come and merge with myself,”
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , you who got completed,
The Yaga done by Maha Bali through Shukra and others protect me. 31.10

 Dasakam:32 Shlokam:10
स्वतुङ्गशृङ्गक्षतवक्षसं तं निपात्य दैत्यं निगमान् गृहीत्वा 
विरिञ्चये प्रीतहृदे ददानप्रभञ्जनागारपते प्रपाया॥१०॥

svatungashR^ingakshata vakshasaM taM nipaatya daityaM nigamaan
gR^ihiitvaa |
viri~nchaye priitahR^ide dadaanaH prabha~njanaagaarapate prapaayaaH ||

With your lofty horn , you tore apart the chest of Hayagreeva,
Retrieved the Vedas sand gave them back to the pleased Brahma,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect and save me. 32.10

Dasakam: 033 -- Shlokam:1 0
राजा प्रतीक्ष्य मुनिमेकसमामनाश्वान्
सम्भोज्य साधु तमृषिं विसृजन् प्रसन्नम्
भुक्त्वा स्वयं त्वयि ततोऽपि दृढं रतोऽभू-
त्सायुज्यमाप मां पवनेश पाया: ॥१०

raajaa pratiikshya munimekasamaa-manaashvaan
sambhOjya saadhu tamR^iShiM visR^ijan prasannam |
bhuktvaa svayaM tvayi tatO(a)pi dR^iDhaM ratO(a)bhuutsaayujyamaapa
cha sa maaM pavanesha paayaaH10

The king who waited for the coming of the sage for one full year,
Did not take any food or drink during that time ,
And he fed the great sage well and bid farewell to him who was pleased,
And then took food and he became more devoted to you,
And attained salvation , and Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me. 33.10
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam:10
भूयस्तन्वीं विचिन्वन्नहृत दशमुखस्त्वद्वधूं मद्वधेने-
त्युक्त्वा याते जटायौ दिवमथ सुहृद: प्रातनो: प्रेतकार्यम्
गृह्णानं तं कबन्धं जघनिथ शबरीं प्रेक्ष्य पम्पातटे त्वं
सम्प्राप्तो वातसूनुं भृशमुदितमना: पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

bhuuyastanviiM vichinvannahR^ita dashamukhastvadvadhuuM madvadhenetyuktvaa
yaate jaTaayau divamatha suhR^idaH praatanOH pretakaaryam |
gR^ihNaanaM taM kabandhaM jaghanitha shabariiM prekshya pampaataTe tvaM
sampraaptO vaatasuunuM bhR^ishamuditamanaaH paahi vaataalayesha ||10

Then , when you were going in search of Sita , and when Jatayu breathed his last,
Telling you that Ravana killed him when he tried to prevent abduction of Sita,
You did after death ceremonies for that great friend , and later killed Kabandha,
Who attempted to catch both of you and eat you both ,
And then visiting Shabhari who was your devotee , you met Hanuman,
Who was the son of wind God on the banks of Pampa and became,
Happy because you got his help , Oh Lord of Guruvatyur , please protect me. 34.10

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 10
सोऽयं मर्त्यावतारस्तव खलु नियतं मर्त्यशिक्षार्थमेवं
विश्लेषार्तिर्निरागस्त्यजनमपि भवेत् कामधर्मातिसक्त्या
नो चेत् स्वात्मानुभूते: क्व नु तव मनसो विक्रिया चक्रपाणे
त्वं सत्त्वैकमूर्ते पवनपुरपते व्याधुनु व्याधितापान् ॥१०॥

sO(a)yaM martyaavataarastava khalu niyataM martyashikshaarthamevaM
vishleShaartirniraagastyajanamapi bhavet kaamadharmaati saktyaa |
nO chet svaatmaanubhuuteH kvanu tava manasO vikriyaa chakrapaaNe
sa tvaM satvaikamuurte pavanapurapate vyaadhunu vyaadhitaapaan ||10

It is definitely true that this famous incarnation of you as man,
Is to teach that excessive attachment to desire and Dharma,
Would lead to anguish at parting from each other and
Sacrifice and sufferings of innocent fellow beings,
For if this is otherwise, Oh God who holds the holy wheel,
How can there be sorrow in your mind which is full of divine joy?
And Oh virtuous lord of Guruvayur , please cure my diseases. 35.10

Dasakam: 036 -- Shlokam: 11
न्यस्यास्त्राणि महेन्द्रभूभृति तपस्तन्वन् पुनर्मज्जितां
गोकर्णावधि सागरेण धरणीं दृष्ट्वार्थितस्तापसै:
ध्यातेष्वासधृतानलास्त्रचकितं सिन्धुं स्रुवक्षेपणा-
दुत्सार्योद्धृतकेरलो भृगुपते वातेश संरक्ष माम् ॥११॥

nyasyaastraaNi mahendrabhuubhR^iti tapastanvan punarmajjitaaM
gOkarNaavadhi saagareNa dharaNiiM dR^iShTvaarthitastaapasaiH |
dhyaateShvaasadhR^itaanalaastra chakitaM sindhuM sruvakshepaNaadutsaaryOddhR^
itakeralO bhR^igupate vaatesha sanraksha maam ||11

Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was Parasurama himself,
When after you discontinued use of weapons ,
And was doing penance in the Mahendra mountain,
Seeing the land mass submerged in the sea from Gokarna,
After hearing the prayers of very many sages,
Using the bow summoned by meditation ,
You sent an arrow called fire arrow,
Fearing which the sea moved away with its water,
And you saved and brought up the land of Kerala,
And you who is such a God, please protect me. 36.11

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 10
प्राप्ते सप्तमगर्भतामहिपतौ त्वत्प्रेरणान्मायया
नीते माधव रोहिणीं त्वमपि भो:सच्चित्सुखैकात्मक
देवक्या जठरं विवेशिथ विभो संस्तूयमानसुरै:
 त्वं कृष्ण विधूय रोगपटलीं भक्तिं परां देहि मे ॥१०॥

praapte saptamagarbhataamahipatau tvatpreraNaanmaayayaa
niite maadhava rOhiNiiM tvamapi bhOH sachchitsukhaikaatmakaH |
devakyaa jaTharaM viveshitha vibhO samstuuyamaanaH suraiH
sa tvaM kR^iShNa vidhuuya rOgapaTaliiM bhaktiM paraaM dehi me ||10

Then the king of snakes became the foetus of the seventh pregnancy of Devaki,
And Oh Madhava , according to your suggestion Maya Devi , put that child,
In to the womb of Rohini and at that time you who are embodiment of divine joy,
Entered the womb of Devaki and the devas submitted prayers to you,
And Oh God, you who did all this may please remove all my sickness,
And bless me with supreme devotion towards you. 37.10

Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam:10
शेषेण भूरिफणवारितवारिणाऽथ
स्वैरं प्रदर्शितपथो मणिदीपितेन 
त्वां धारयन्  खलु धन्यतमप्रतस्थे
सोऽयं त्वमीश मम नाशय रोगवेगान् ॥१०॥

sheSheNa bhuuriphaNavaarita vaariNaa(a)tha
svairaM pradarshitapathO maNidiipitena |
tvaaM dhaarayan sa khalu dhanyatamaH pratasthe
sO(a)yaM tvamiisha mama naashaya rOgavegaan || 

Then the very lucky Vasudeva carrying you was shown the way,
By Adhisesha who prevented him from getting drenched in the rain by his hoods,
And lighted his path by the gems on his head ,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , who is like that please cure my diseases. 38.10
Dasakam: 039 -- Shlokam: 10
 भवत्कुशलकाम्यया  खलु नन्दगोपस्तदा
प्रमोदभरसङ्कुलो द्विजकुलाय किन्नाददात् 
तथैव पशुपालकाकिमु  मङ्गलं तेनिरे
जगत्त्रितयमङ्गल त्वमिह पाहि मामामयात् ॥१०॥

bhavatkushala kaamyayaa sa khalu nandagOpastadaa
pramOdabharasankulO dvijakulaaya kinnaadadaat |
tathaiva pashupaalakaaH kimu na mangalaM tenire
jagat tritayamangala tvamiha paahi maamaamayaat ||10

That Nandagopa becoming extremely joyous and happy,
Gave all sort of Charity to Brahmins, to ensure your well being,
And similarly the cowherds did very many holy acts for your sake,
And Oh Lord who grants good to the entire three worlds,
You kindly cure and save me from my diseases. 39.10

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 10
भुवनमङ्गलनामभिरेव ते युवतिभिर्बहुधा कृतरक्षण
त्वमयि वातनिकेतननाथ मामगदयन् कुरु तावकसेवकम् ॥१०॥

bhuvana mangala naamabhireva te yuvatibhirbahudhaa kR^itarakshaNaH |
tvamayi vaataniketananaatha maamagadayan kuru taavaka sevakam ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is good to all the worlds,
You who were sought to be protected by the Gopi lasses,
By my chanting your own names, become pleased,
And make me healthy and accept me as your slave. 40.10

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam:1 0

निपाययन्ती स्तनमङ्कगं त्वां विलोकयन्ती वदनं हसन्ती 
दशां यशोदा कतमां  भेजे  तादृशपाहि हरे गदान्माम् ॥१०॥

nipaayayantii stanamankagaM tvaaM vilOkayantii vadanaM hasantii |
dashaaM yashOdaa katamaaM na bheje sa taadR^ishaH paahi hare gadaanmaam ||10

When putting you in her lap and while feeding you,
Yasoda used to get immersed in the beauty of your smiling face,
And was transported to an immeasurable state of real joy,
And Oh God Hari you who are like that save me from this disease. 41.10

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam:11
प्रपूजितैस्तत्र ततो द्विजातिभिर्विशेषतो लम्भितमङ्गलाशिष
व्रजं निजैर्बाल्यरसैर्विमोहयन् मरुत्पुराधीश रुजां जहीहि मे ॥११॥

prapuujitaistatra tatO dvijaatibhiH visheShatO lambhita mangalaashiShaH |
vrajaM nijaiH baalyarasaiH vimOhayan marutpuraadhiisha rujaaM jahiihi me || 11

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , after that in your house,
The Brahmins who were invited for your birthday,
Carried out special worship for your well being ,
And showered on you their auspicious blessings,
And Oh God who drowned the entire Vruja desa,
In joy by your baby pranks , remove my sorrows. 42.11

Dasakam: 043 -- Shlokam:10

वातात्मकं दनुजमेवमयि प्रधून्वन्
वातोद्भवान् मम गदान् किमु नो धुनोषि 
किं वा करोमि पुनरप्यनिलालयेश
निश्शेषरोगशमनं मुहुरर्थये त्वाम् ॥१०॥

vaataatmakaM danujamevamayi pradhuunvan
vaatOdbhavaanmama gadaan kimu nO dhunOShi |
kiM vaa karOmi punarapyanilaalayesha
nishsheSha rOgashamanaM muhurarthaye tvaam ||10

Why ,oh Lord of Guruvayur , you who have killed,
This asura who had the form of the gas,
Are not curing my diseases caused by gas?
What should I do? And I pray again to you,
To completely cure all my diseases. 43.10

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 10
गर्गेऽथ निर्गतेऽस्मिन् नन्दितनन्दादिनन्द्यमानस्त्वम् 
मद्गदमुद्गतकरुणो निर्गमय श्रीमरुत्पुराधीश ॥१०॥

garge(a)tha nirgate(a)sminnandita nandaadi nandyamaanastvam |
madgatamudgatakaruNO nirgamaya shriimarutpuraadhiisha ||

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , You who was nurtured and pampered,
By the very happy Nanda Gopa and others,
After the departure of sage Garga , may please ,cure my illness. 44.10

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:12

kiM kiM batedamiti sambhramabhaajamenaM
brahmaarNave kshaNamamuM parimajjya taatam |
maayaaM punastanayamOhamayiiM vitanvannaanandachinmaya
jaganmaya paahi rOgaat ||

When the father was wonderstruck and started prattling “What, what is it”,
You drowned that father for a moment in the divine ocean of joy,
And later brought back the illusion of you being his son,
And Oh God who is like that , save me from my diseases. 45.12

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam:1 0
धृततत्त्वधियं तदा क्षणं जननीं तां प्रणयेन मोहयन् 
स्तनमम्ब दिशेत्युपासजन् भगवन्नद्भुतबाल पाहि माम् ॥१०॥ 

dhR^itatattvadhiyaM tadaa kshaNaM jananiiM taaM praNayena mOhayan |
stanamamba dishetyupaasajan bhagavannadbhutabaala paahi maam ||10

Then , when for a second she returned to the world of realty,
You charmed her with the very affectionate illusion ,
And asked from her more milk and lay on her lap,
And Oh wonderful child , please take care of me. 46.10

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 10

यद्यपाशसुगमो विभो भवान् संयतकिमु सपाशयाऽनया 
एवमादि दिविजैरभिष्टुतो वातनाथ परिपाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

yadyapaasha sugamO vibhO bhavaan sanyataH kimu sapaashayaa(a)nayaa |
evamaadi divijai-rabhiShTutO vaatanaatha paripaahi maam gadaat || 10

Oh Lord, the gods in the heaven praised you,
“Oh god, if you are available to only those without attachment*,
How did Yasoda who has great attachment to you , tie you,”,
And Oh God please save me from this sickness. 47.10
*Pasa the word also can be translated as rope.

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam:10
महीरुहोर्मध्यगतो बतार्भको
इति ब्रुवाणैर्गमितो गृहं भवान्
मरुत्पुराधीश्वर पाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

mahiiruhOrmadhyagatO bataarbhakO hareH prabhaavaadaparikshatO(a)dhunaa |
iti bruvaaNairgamitO gR^ihaM bhavaan marutpuraadhiishvara paahi maamgadaat || 10

The Gopas saying that “ This baby who was caught in between the trees,
Was only saved by the power of Lord Vishnu, without any problems,”
And took you to your home and Oh Lord of Guruvayur,
You may kindly save me from this diseases. 48.10

Dasakam: 049 -- Slokam: 10
तथाविधेऽस्मिन् विपिने पशव्ये समुत्सुको वत्सगणप्रचारे 
चरन् सरामोऽथ कुमारकैस्त्वं समीरगेहाधिप पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥   
tathaa vidhe(a)smin vipine pashavye samutsukO vatsagaNaprachaare |
charan saraamO(a)tha kumaarakaistvaM samiiragehaadhipa paahi rOgaat ||10

With great enthusiasm to graze the calves in that forest,
You started traveling in that forest along with Balarama and other friends,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who did like that , save me from all diseases. 49.10

Dasakam: 050 -- Shlokam: 10
ललितमुरलीनादं दूरान्निशम्य वधूजनै-
प्रथितवसते शौरे दूरीकुरुष्व ममामयान् ॥१०॥ 

lalita muraliinaadaM δυυρααννισηαμυ vadhuujanaiH
tvaritamupagamyaaraadaaruuDhamOdamudiikshitaH |
janitajananiinandaanandaH samiiraNamandiraprathitavasate
shaure duuriikuruShva mamaamayaan ||10

Oh Krishna , who made your mother and father overjoyed,
And the Gopis , who rush to see you when they happened to hear,
The sweet music that was flowing from your flute,
And stare at you with greatest joy and expectation,
As the one who is living in the famous temple of Guruvayur,
Please remove all my diseases and drive them out. 50.10

Dasakam: 051 -- Slokam:10 
सुखाशनं त्विह तव गोपमण्डले
मखाशनात् प्रियमिव देवमण्डले 
इति स्तुतस्त्रिदशवरैर्जगत्पते
मरुत्पुरीनिलय गदात् प्रपाहि माम् ॥१०॥

sukhaashanaM tviha tava gOpamaNDale
makhaashanaat priyamiva devamaNDale |
iti stuta sitradashavarairjagatpate
marutpuriinilaya gadaatprapaahi maam ||10

The devas prayed, “the happiness that you get,
By taking food sitting in the midst of the Gopa boys,
Seems to be much greater than your taking food with us,”
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure me of all my diseases. 51.10

 Dasakam: 052 -- Slokam:1 0
नश्यन्मदे तदनु विश्वपतिं मुहुस्त्वां
नत्वा  नूतवति धातरि धाम याते 
पोतैसमं प्रमुदितैप्रविशन् निकेतं
वातालयाधिप विभो परिपाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

nashyanmade tadanu vishvapatimmuhustvaaM
natvaa cha nuutavati dhaatari dhaama yaate |
pOtaiH samaM pramuditaiH pravishanniketaM
vaataalayaadhipa vibhO paripaahi rOgaat ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , who made Lord Brahma loose his pride,
And made him bow before you again and again in humility,
And made him return back to his abode in Sathyaloka,
And who returned with the happy gopa lads and calves home,
Please be kind enough to cure all my diseases. 52.10

Dasakam: 053 -- Slokam: 10
हतो हतो धेनुक इत्युपेत्य फलान्यदद्भिर्मधुराणि लोकै
जयेति जीवेति नुतो विभो त्वं मरुत्पुराधीश्वर पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥ 

hatO hatO dhenuka ityupetya phalaanyadadbhirmadhuraaNi lOkaiH |
jayeti jiiveti nutO vibhO tvaM marutpuraadhiishvara paahi rOgaat ||10

When you all shared these fruits with all people,
They said, “Dhenuka has been killed, killed,”
And ate the very juicy and tasty fruits,
And added , “Victory to you, Let you live long”,
And oh Lord of Guruvayur , protect me from diseases. 53.10

 Dasakam: 054 -- Slokam: 10
एवं भक्तान् मुक्तजीवानपि त्वं
रोगात् पाया वायुगेहाधिवास ॥१०॥

evaM bhaktaanmuktajiivaanapi tvaM
mugdhaapaangaiH astarOgaamstanOShi |
taadR^igbhuuta sphiita kaaruNya bhuumaa
rOgaatpaayaa vaayugehaadhinaatha ||10

Thus oh lord even when your devotees die,
You with your very pretty glance,
Revive them giving back their life,
And you who is endowed with such great mercy,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , remove all my diseases. 54.10

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 10
ववृषुकुसुमानि सुरेन्द्रगणा
त्वयि नृत्यति मारुतगेहपते
परिपाहि  मां त्वमदान्तगदात् ॥१०॥ 
jahR^iShuH pashupaastutuShurmunayO 
vavR^iShuH kusumaani surendragaNaaH |
tvayi nR^ityati maarutagehapate 
paripaahi sa maaM tvamadaanta gadaat ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , the Gopas became happy,
When you started dancing on the hoods,
And the sages also became happy,
The Devas showered flowers from the sky,
And Oh God who is like that please cure me from disease. 55.10

Dasakam: 056 -- Slokam:10

शिखिनि वर्णत एव हि पीतता परिलसत्यधुना क्रिययाऽप्यसौ 
इति नुतपशुपैर्मुदितैर्विभो हर हरे दुरितै:सह मे गदान् ॥१०॥  
shikhini varNata eva hi piitataa parilasatyadhunaa kriyayaapyasau |
iti nutaH pashupai-rmuditai-rvibhO hara hare duritaiH saha me gadaan ||10

Then the very happy and contended Gopas praised you ,
“ It is well known that yellow *colour is that of the fire,
But due to this act of drinking*, it shines further”
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please destroy all my sins as well as diseases. 56.10
*Peetha denotes yellow colour and act of drinking

Dasakam: 057 -- Slokam: 11
 आलम्बो भुवनानां प्रालम्बं निधनमेवमारचयन् 
कालं विहाय सद्यो लोलम्बरुचे हरे हरेक्लेशान् ॥११॥

aalambO bhuvanaanaaM praalambaM nidhanamevaM aarachayan |
kaalaM vihaaya sadyO lOlambaruche hare hareH kleshaan ||11

Oh Hari who shines with the luster of black bee,
You who are the support of the entire earth,
Carried out the killing of Pralamba properly,
And Oh god do not wait any further,
And cure all my diseases speedily. 57.11

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 10
अथ शरदमुपेतां तां भवद्भक्तचेतो-
विमलसलिलपूरां मानयन् काननेषु 
तृणममलवनान्ते चारु सञ्चारयन् गा:
पवनपुरपते त्वं देहि मे देहसौख्यम् ॥१०॥

atha sharadamupetaaM taaM bhavadbhakta chetO
vimala salila puuraaM maanayan kaananeShu |
tR^iNamamala vanaante chaaru sa~nchaarayan gaaH
pavanapurapate tvaM dehi me dehasaukhyam ||10

Then you enjoyed the autumn which followed the rainy season,
Which had copious water clear like the minds of your devotees,
By grazing your cows in the fertile grass lands,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please give me good health. 58.10

Dasakam: 59-- Slokam:10
रागस्तावज्जायते हि स्वभावा-
न्मोक्षोपायो यत्नतस्यान्न वा स्यात् 
तासां त्वेकं तद्द्वयं लब्धमासीत्
भाग्यं भाग्यं पाहि मां मारुतेश ॥१०॥

raagastaavajjaayate hi svabhaavaan
mOkshOpaayO yatnataH syaannavaasyaat |
taasaantvekaM taddvayaM labdhamaasiidbhaagyaM
bhaagyaM paahi vaataalayesha ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , the gopa maidens were indeed lucky,
Because while love occurs by itself, the way to salvation,
Can only by arrived at by constant Endeavour,
And both of these were easily got by these Gopa maidens,
And God, please be kind enough to save me. 59.10

Dasakam: 060 -- Slokam:11

 इति नन्वनुगृह्य वल्लवीर्विपिनान्तेषु पुरेव सञ्चरन् 
करुणाशिशिरो हरे हर त्वरया मे सकलामयावलिम् ॥११॥

iti nanvanugR^ihya vallaviiH vipinaanteShu pureva sancharan |
karuNaashishirO hare hara tvarayaa me sakalaamayaavalim ||11

Oh Lord full of mercy , who blessed the Gopis thus,
And later started roaming deep inside the forests like before,
Oh Hari, please cure all my diseases speedily. 60.11

Dasakam: 061 -- Slokam: 10

  निरूप्य दोषं निजमङ्गनाजने
विलोक्य भक्तिं  पुनर्विचारिभि:
प्रबुद्धतत्त्वैस्त्वमभिष्टुतो द्विजै-
र्मरुत्पुराधीश निरुन्धि मे गदान् ॥१०॥

niruupya dOShaM nijamanganaa jane
vilOkya bhaktiM cha punarvichaaribhiH |
prabuddhatattvaistvamabhiShTutO dvijaiH
marutpuraadhiisha nirundhi me gadaan ||10

Those Brahmins became very thoughtful after that,
And realized their mistakes and understood the great devotion,
That their wives had towards you and thus knowing the truth,
Praised you and Oh Lord of Guruvayur ,
Be pleased to cure all the diseases affecting me. 61.10

Dasakam: 062 -- Slokam:1 0
 सुरेन्द्रक्रुद्धश्चेत् द्विजकरुणया शैलकृपयाऽ-
प्यनातङ्कोऽस्माकं नियत इति विश्वास्य पशुपान् 
अहो किन्नायातो गिरिभिदिति सञ्चिन्त्य निवसन्
मरुद्गेहाधीश प्रणुद मुरवैरिन् मम गदान् ॥१०॥

surendraH kruddhashchet dvijakaruNayaa shailakR^ipayaa(a)-
pyanaatankO(a)smaakaM niyata iti vishvaasya pashupaan |
ahO kinnaayaatO giribhiditi sanchintya nivasan
marudgehaadhiisha praNuda muravairin mama gadaan ||10

You consoled the cowherds by the words,
“ we need not be upset by the rage of Devendra,
Because we have the blessings of Brahmins,
And the mercy shown by Govardhana towards us,”
And were impatiently waiting for Devendra to act,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, killer of the ogre Mura,
Please cure me from my illnesses completely. 62.10

Dasakam: 063 -- Slokam: 10
धरणिमेव पुरा धृतवानसि
क्षितिधरोद्धरणे तव श्रम
इति नुतस्त्रिदशैकमलापते
गुरुपुरालय पालय मां गदात् ॥१०॥

dharaNimeva puraa dhR^itavaanasi 
kshitidharOddharaNe tava kaH shramaH |
iti nutasitradashaiH kamalaapate 
gurupuraalaya paalaya maaM gadaat ||10

You who were praised by the devas using the words,
“In your previous incarnation as a great boar,
You had lifted the entire earth by your tusk,
And so it was not difficult to raise a very small mountain,”
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me from this disease. 63.10

Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 10
करबदरवदेवं देव कुत्रावतारे
निजपदमनवाप्यं दर्शितं भक्तिभाजाम्
तदिह पशुपरूपी त्वं हि साक्षात् परात्मा
पवनपुरनिवासिन् पाहि मामामयेभ्य: ॥१०॥

karabadaravadevaM deva kutraavataare
nijapadamanavaapyaM darshitaM bhaktibhaajaam |
tadiha pashuparuupii tvaM hi saakshaat paraatmaa
pavana puranivaasin paahi maamaamayebhyaH ||10

Oh God , You have not shown the vision of your supreme abode ,
In any of your previous incarnations like a fruit in the palm,
To any of your great devotees earlier and so you,
Who had taken the form of a cowherd in Gokula,
Are indeed the manifestation of supreme soul,
And so oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure me from my diseases. 64.10

 Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 09

 अभ्यागताभिरभितो व्रजसुन्दरीभि-
विश्वैकहृद्य हर मे पवनेश रोगान् ॥९॥

abhyaagataabhirabhitO vrajasundariibhiH
mugdhasmitaardra vadanaH karuNaavalOkii |
nissiima kaanti jaladhistvamavekshyamaaNO
vishvaikahR^idya hara me paramesha rOgaan ||9

Those bevy of beauties from Gokula who stood on both sides,
Saw you as one whose face is well lit with a sweet smile,
As some one who has unmatched brilliance,
And as one who showers mercy by a mere sight,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is saluted by the universe,
Please be kind enough to cure all diseases of mine. 65.9

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 10

आराधये भवन्तं पवनपुराधीश शमय सकलगदान् ॥१०॥
raadhaa tunga payOdhara saadhu pariirambha lOlupaatmaanam |
aaraadhaye bhavantaM pavana puraadhiisha shamaya sakalagadaan ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur I worship you ,
Whose mind is immersed in thinking about,
Hugging the tall breasts of Radha devi,
And please cure all sort of diseases of mine. 66.10
Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 10
सन्दिग्धसन्दर्शनमात्मकान्तं त्वां वीक्ष्य तन्व्य: सहसा तदानीम्
किं किं चक्रु: प्रमदातिभारात् त्वं गदात् पालय मारुतेश ॥१०॥

sandigdha sandarshanamaatmakaantaM tvaaM viikshya tanvyaH sahasaatadaaniim |
kiM kiM na chakruH pramadaatibhaaraat sa tvaM gadaatpaalaya maarutesha ||10

Seeing you after having lost all hope of seeing you again,
Was there any thing that those Gopis did not do?,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure me from my illness. 67.10

Dasakam: 068 – Slokam:10

इति गिराधिकं मोदमेदुरैर्व्रजवधूजनैसाकमारमन् 
कलितकौतुको रासखेलने गुरुपुरीपते पाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

iti giraa(a)dhikaM mOdamedurairvrajavadhuujanaiH saakamaaraman |
kalita kautukO raasa khelane gurupuriipate paahi maaM gadaat ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur who engages in play,
With the lasses of Gokula who became very happy by these words,
And one who is very much interested in Rasa Kreeda with them,
Please save and protect me from these illnesses. 68.10

Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam:11
कामिनीरिति हि यामिनीषु खलु कामनीयकनिधे भवान्
पूर्णसम्मदरसार्णवं कमपि योगिगम्यमनुभावयन् 
ब्रह्मशङ्करमुखानपीह पशुपाङ्गनासु बहुमानयन्
भक्तलोकगमनीयरूप कमनीय कृष्ण परिपाहि माम् ॥११॥ 

kaaminiiriti hi yaaminiiShu khalu kaamaniiyaka nidhe bhavaan
puurNasammada rasaarNavaM kamapi yOgigamyamanubhaavayan |
brahmashankara mukhaanapiiha pashupaanganaasu bahumaanayan
bhaktalOka gamaniiyaruupa kamaniiya kR^iShNa paripaahi maam ||11

Oh treasure of all that is attractive , like this you spent the entire night,
And bestowed on those Gopika lasses the happiness that could only be got,
By those very great yogis and which was indefinable,
And created a fame for them even among Gods like Shiva and Brahma,
And oh God who has a form which can be understood only by devotees,
Oh very pretty one, Oh Lord Krishna, please protect me always. 69.11

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam: 10
औक्षकाणि परिधावत दूरं वीक्ष्यतामयमिहोक्षविभेदी
इत्थमात्तहसितै: सह गोपैर्गेहगस्त्वमव वातपुरेश ॥१०॥

aukshakaaNi paridhaavata duuraM viikshyataamaya mihOkshavibhedii |
itthamaattahasitaiH sahagOpaiH gehagastvamava vaatapuresha ||10

You then returned home along with the Gopa boys,
Who were playfully warning, “Hey Bulls,
Take care , for this one is the killer of bulls.”
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please save me. 70.10

Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 10

एवं विधैश्चाद्भुतकेलिभेदैरानन्दमूर्च्छामतुलां व्रजस्य 
पदे पदे नूतनयन्नसीमां परात्मरूपिन् पवनेश पाया॥१०॥

evaM vidhaishchaadbhuta kelibhedaiH aanandamuurchChaamatulaaM vrajasya |
pade pade nuutanayannasiimaaM paraatmaruupin pavanesha paayaaH ||10

Oh God who is the Lord of Guruvayur, by such acts,
Which are indeed sports which are wonderful,
You made the Gokula a limitless place of joy,
And went on doing this again and again,
And be kind enough to protect me from my illness. 71.10

 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam:12

चन्द्रागृहे किमुत चन्द्रभगागृहे नु
राधागृहे नु भवने किमु मैत्रविन्दे 
धूर्तो विलम्बत इति प्रमदाभिरुच्चै-
राशङ्कितो निशि मरुत्पुरनाथ पाया॥१२॥

chandraagR^ihe kimuta chandrabhagaa gR^ihe nu
raadhaa gR^ihe nu bhavane kimu maitravinde |
dhuurtO vilambata iti pramadaabhiruchchaiH
aashankitO nishi marutpuranaatha paayaaH ||12

Oh God, Several very jealous Gopis not seeing you told,
“That deceiver must be in either house of Chandra*,
Or Chandra Bhaga or Radha or Mithravrinda,
And spending his time deceitfully there,”
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me. 72.12
*Other Gopis 

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 10
शिष्टैर्दुष्टजनैश्च दृष्टमहिमा प्रीत्या  भीत्या तत:
सम्पश्यन् पुरसम्पदं प्रविचरन् सायं गतो वाटिकाम् 
श्रीदाम्ना सह राधिकाविरहजं खेदं वदन् प्रस्वप-
न्नानन्दन्नवतारकार्यघटनाद्वातेश संरक्ष माम् ॥१०॥

shiShTairduShTajanaishcha dR^iShTamahimaa priityaa cha bhiityaa tataH
sampashyan purasampadaM pravicharan saayaM gatO vaaTikaam |
shriidaamnaa saha raadhikaavirahajaM khedaM vadan prasvapan
aanandannavataarakaarya ghaTanaat vaatesha sanraksha maam ||10

Oh Lord , then you with the great fame of granting satisfaction to the good,
And fear to the wicked , admired the prosperous look of that great town,
And by evening reached back to the garden where you were staying,
And told your friend Sri Dhama about your pangs of separation with Radha,
And slept that day with satisfaction , that the opportunity to lessen the burden,
Of the earth has at last arrived, and Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please protect me. 74.10

Dasakam: 075 -- Slokam: 10
तद्भ्रातृनष्ट पिष्ट्वा द्रुतमथ पितरौ सन्नमन्नुग्रसेनं
कृत्वा राजानमुच्चैर्यदुकुलमखिलं मोदयन् कामदानै
भक्तानामुत्तमं चोद्धवममरगुरोराप्तनीतिं सखायं
लब्ध्वा तुष्टो नगर्यां पवनपुरपते रुन्धि मे सर्वरोगान् ॥१०॥

tad bhraatR^InaShTa piShTvaa drutamatha pitarau sannamannugrasenaM
kR^itvaa raajaanamuchchairyadukulamakhilaM mOdayan kaamadaanaiH |
bhaktaanaamuttamaM chOddhavamamaragurOraaptaniitiM sakhaayaM
labdhvaa tuShTO nagaryaam pavanapurapate rundhime sarvarOgaan ||10

You then killed the eight brothers of Kamsa and after that,
Quickly saluted your parents and made Ugrasena the king of Mathura,
And thus fulfilled the wishes of all Yadavas and you then made Udhava,
Who had learned Dharma from Brahaspathi and was your great devotee,
As well as your friend and due to this he started living in the capital happily,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please be kind enough to remove all my diseases. 75.10

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 11
एवं भक्ति सकलभुवने नेक्षिता  श्रुता वा
किं शास्त्रौघैकिमिह तपसा गोपिकाभ्यो नमोऽस्तु 
इत्यानन्दाकुलमुपगतं गोकुलादुद्धवं तं
दृष्ट्वा हृष्टो गुरुपुरपते पाहि मामामयौघात् ॥११॥

evaM bhaktiH sakalabhuvane nekshitaa na shrutaa vaa
kiM shaastraughaiH kimiha tapasaa gOpikaabhyO namO(a)stu |
ityaanandaakulamupagataM gOkulaaduddhavaM taM
dR^iShTvaa hR^iShTO gurupurapate paahi maamaamayaughaat ||11

Udhava came back from Gokula with a very gladdened heart and told,
“Nowhere else in the world can we see this type of devotion,
Which I have never seen nor heard. What is the use of Vedic sayings?
Or even staunch penance . My salutations to the Gopis.”
And you became very happy to hear these words,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , Please remove the collection of my diseases. 76.11

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam:12 

तदनु मथुरां गत्वा हत्वा चमूं यवनाहृतां
मगधपतिना मार्गे सैन्यैपुरेव निवारित
चरमविजयं दर्पायास्मै प्रदाय पलायितो
जलधिनगरीं यातो वातालयेश्वर पाहि माम् ॥१२॥

tadanu mathuraaM gatvaa hatvaa chamuuM yavanaahR^itaaM
magadhapatinaa maarge sainyaiH pureva nivaaritaH |
charamavijayaM darpaayaasmai pradaaya palaayitO
jaladhi nagariiM yaatO vaataalayeshvara paahi maam ||12

Then later you went to the city of Mathura and killed all Kala Yavana’s army,
And when you were returning to Dwaraka , you were again stopped by Jarasandha,
And you thinking to make him little proud and gave him victory over you and ran away,
And went and reached Dwaraka and oh Lord of Guruvayur please save me. 77.12

Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 10

प्रमुदितेन  तेन समं तदा रथगतो लघु कुण्डिनमेयिवान् 
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥१०॥

pramuditena cha tena samaM tadaa rathagatO laghu kuNDina meyivaan |
gurumarutpura naayaka me bhavaan vitanutaaM tanutaaM nikhilaapadaam ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur you, who then you proceeded with a delighted Brahmin,
In your chariot to Kundina within a second, please reduce my pains a little. 78.10

Dasakam: 079 -- Slokam: 12

तदधिकैरथ लालनकौशलैप्रणयिनीमधिकं सुखयन्निमाम् 
अयि मुकुन्द भवच्चरितानि प्रगदतां गदतान्तिमपाकुरु ॥१२॥

tadadhikairatha laalana kaushalaiH praNayiniimadhikaM sukhayannimaam |
ayi mukunda bhavachcharitaani naH pragadataaM gadataantimapaakuru ||12

Then you enhanced her joy and happiness by still bolder talks,
And new methods and increased the pleasure more than before
Of Rukmani who was your dearest darling and Oh Mukunda,
Please cure diseases of mine , who is narrating your story. 79.12

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 11
यातं भयेन कृतवर्मयुतं पुनस्त-
माहूय तद्विनिहितं  मणिं प्रकाश्य 
तत्रैव सुव्रतधरे विनिधाय तुष्यन्
भामाकुचान्तशयनपवनेश पाया॥११॥

yaataM bhayena kR^itavarmayutaM punastaM
aahuuya tadvinihitaM cha maNiM prakaashya |
tatraiva suvratadhare vinidhaaya tuShyan
bhaamaakuchaantashayanaH pavanesha paayaaH ||11

You later summoned Akroora who had run away out of fear,
With Kruthavarma and brought out the truth that the syamanthaka jewel,
Was entrusted to him by Sathadhanva and gave him that great gem,
To him , who was leading a very disciplined life according to Sasthras,
And you took rest on the bosom of Sathyabhama, and Oh God,
Who is the Lord of Guruvayur please take care of me. 80.11

Dasakam: 081 -- Slokam: 10 

कल्पद्रुं सत्यभामाभवनभुवि सृजन् द्व्यष्टसाहस्रयोषा:
स्वीकृत्य प्रत्यगारं विहितबहुवपुर्लालयन् केलिभेदै
आश्चर्यान्नारदालोकितविविधगतिस्तत्र तत्रापि गेहे
भूयसर्वासु कुर्वन् दश दश तनयान् पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

kalpadruM satyabhaamaa bhavana bhuvi sR^ijan dvyaShTasaahasra yOShaaH
sviikR^itya pratyagaaraM vihita bahuvapuH laalayan keli bhedaiH |
aashcharyaannaaradaalOkita vividhagatistatra tatraapi gehe
bhuuyaH sarvaasu kurvan dasha dasha tanayaan paahi vaataalayesha ||

Then you planted the Parijatha tree in the courtyard of Sathyabhama,
And also accepted the sixteen thousand ladies as your wives,
And due to your yogic power you assumed as many forms as there are ladies,
Entertained them separately and looked after each one of them with care and love,
And this caused great astonishment and surprise to Narada who visited you,
And later you begot ten children with each of them,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me. 81.10

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 10

 दिविजरुषा कर^इकलास वपुर्धरं
नर^इगनिर^इपं त्रिदिवालय माप्यन |
निजजने द्विजभक्तिमनुत्तमां
उपदिशन पवनेश्वर पाहि  माम् || 10
dvijaruShaa kR^ikalaasa vapurdharaM
nR^iganR^ipaM tridivaalaya maapayan |
nijajane dvijabhaktimanuttamaam
upadishan pavaneshvara paahi maam ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , you who sent to heaven the King Nruga,
Who was made in to a chameleon due to Brahmin’s curse,
And instructed your own people of the greatness,
Of Devotion to Brahmins , please save me. 82.10

Dasakam: 083 -- Slokam: 10
साम्बं कौरव्य पुत्रीहरण नियमितं सान्त्वानार्थी कुरुउनां
यातस्तद्वाक्य रोशोद्ध्र ^इतकारि नगरो मोचयामास रामः |
तेघात्याः पान्दवेयैरीति यदु पर ^इतनां नामुचस्त्वं तदानीं
तं त्वां दुर्ब्धलील्लं पवनपुरपते तापशान्त्यै निषेवे ||10

saambaM kauravya putriiharaNa niyamitaM saantvanaarthii kuruuNaaM
yaatastadvaakya rOShOddhR^itakari nagarO mOchayaamaasa raamaH |
te ghaatyaaH paaNDaveyairiti yadu pR^itanaaM naamuchastvaM tadaaniiM
taM tvaaM durbOdhaliilaM pavanapurapate taapashaantyai niSheve ||10

When Samba was imprisoned when he tried to abduct ,
Lakshana who was the daughter of Duryodhana,
Balarama went to free him by conciliatory talks,
And when he was abused , he prepared to destroy Hasthinapura,
Fearing which Samba was set free and you did not send the yadava army,
At that time with the intention of killing of the Kaauravas by Pandavas,
And Oh God, I request you who is difficult to understand to save me. 83.10

Dasakam  084 Slokam 11
व्यपगमसमये समेत्य राधां दृढमुपगूह्य निरीक्ष्य वीतखेदाम् 
प्रमुदितहृदयपुरं प्रयातपवनपुरेश्वर पाहि मां गदेभ्य॥११ 
vyapagama samaye sametya raadhaaM
dR^iDha mupaguuhya niriikshya viitakhedaam |
pramudita hR^idayaH puraM prayaataH
pavanapureshvara paahi maaM gadebhyaH ||11

At the time of separation you approached Radha,
And embraced her very tightly and seeing her,
To be free of all her sorrow you became happy,
And returned back to the city of Dwaraka,
And oh God of Guruvayur who did all that save me from my diseases. 84.11

Dasakam: 085 -- Slokam: 11
 तदा हसितमुत्थितं द्रुपदनन्दनाभीमयो-
रपाङ्गकलया विभो किमपि तावदुज्जृम्भयन् 
धराभरनिराकृतौ सपदि नाम बीजं वपन्
जनार्दन मरुत्पुरीनिलय पाहि मामामयात् ॥११॥
tadaa hasitamutthitaM drupadanandanaa bhiimayOH
apaangakalayaa vibhO kimapi taavadujjR^imbhayan |
dharaabhara niraakR^itau sapadi naama biijaM vapan
janaardana marutpuriinilaya paahi maamaamayaat ||11

When Bheema and Panchali laughed with derision at his confusion,
Oh Lord, you encouraged them in so doing by your mischievous glances,
And this immediately became the seed that would diminish the burden of earth,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is like that, please cure me from all my diseases. 85.11

Dasakam: 086 -- Slokam:11

धर्मौघं धर्मसूनोरभिदधदखिलं छन्दमृत्युस्स भीष्म-
स्त्वां पश्यन् भक्तिभूम्नैव हि सपदि ययौ निष्कलब्रह्मभूयम् 
संयाज्याथाश्वमेधैस्त्रिभिरतिमहितैर्धर्मजं पूर्णकामं
स्म्प्राप्तो द्वरकां त्वं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां सर्वरोगात् ॥११॥

dharmaughaM dharmasuunOrabhidadha dakhilaM ChandamR^ityuH sa bhiiShmaH
tvaaM pashyan bhaktibhuumnaiva hi sapadi yayau niShkala brahmabhuuyam |
sanyaajyaathaashvamedhaisitrabhiratimahitair- dharmajaM puurNakaamaM
sampraaptO dvaarakaaM tvaM pavanapurapate paahi maaM sarva rOgaat ||11

After Bheesma who could choose the time of his death taught ,
Yudhishtra all the Dharmas , he being a very great devotee of yours,
Attained instant identity with supreme God due to his great devotion,
And later you made Yudhishtra happy by performance of Aswamedha sacrifice,
And returned back to Dwaraka and
oh Lord of Guruvayur , protect me from all my diseases 86.11

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 10 
  रत्नशालासु वसन्नपि स्वयं समुन्नमद्भक्तिभरोऽमृतं ययौ 
 त्वमेवमापूरितभक्तवाञ्छितो मरुत्पुराधीश हरस्व मे गदान् ॥१०॥

sa ratnashaalaasu vasannapi svayaM
samunnamadbhakti bharO(a)mR^itaM yayau |
tvamevamaapuurita bhaktavaanChitO
marutpuraadhiisha harasva me gadaan ||10

Though that Kuchela started living in that gem studded house,
His devotion daily increased more and more and he attained salvation,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur who fulfills wishes of devotees thus,
Please be kind enough to cure all my diseases. 87.10

Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 12
सोऽयं कृष्णावतारो जयति तव विभो यत्र सौहार्दभीति-
आर्तिं तीर्त्वा समस्ताममृतपदमगुस्सर्वतसर्वलोका
 त्वं विश्वार्तिशान्त्यै पवनपुरपते भक्तिपूर्त्यै  भूया॥१२॥

sO(a)yaM kR^iShNaavataarO jayati tava vibhO yatra sauhaarda bhiiti
sneha dveShaanuraaga prabhR^itibhiratulairashramairyOgabhedaiH |
aartiM tiirtvaa samastaamamR^itapadamaguH sarvataH sarvalOkaaH
sa tvaM vishvaartishaantyai pavanapurapate bhaktipuurtyai cha bhuuyaaH || 12

Oh God , this Krishna incarnations of yours surpasses your other incarnations,
For all the people everywhere using the yoga of friendship, fear , love, hatred,
And attachment , which are incomparable and devoid of any pain of this incarnation,
Have crossed all types of sorrows and easily attained salvation,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please eradicate all the afflictions of this world,
And instill in every one the feeling of the acme of supreme devotion. 88.12

Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:10
जगत्सृष्ट्यादौ त्वां निगमनिवहैर्वन्दिभिरिव 
स्तुतं विष्णो सच्चित्परमरसनिर्द्वैतवपुषम् 
परात्मानं भूमन् पशुपवनिताभाग्यनिवहं
परितापश्रान्त्यै पवनपुरवासिन् परिभजे ॥१०॥

jagatsR^iShTyaadau tvaaM nigamanivahairvandibhiriva
stutaM viShNO sachchitparamarasa nirdvaitavapuSham |
paraatmaanaM bhuuman pashupa vanitaa bhaagya nivahaM
pariitaapashraantyai pavanapuravaasin paribhaje ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was praised like the minstrels,
By the Vedas at the time of formation of this universe,
Who is the form of pure divine and endless joy,
Who is the form of the divine Brahmam ,
Who is the sum total of the luck of Gopis,
Oh Lord Vishnu, Oh God who is in everything,
I pray you so that all my sorrows come to an end. 89.10 

 Dasakam: 090 -- Slokam:11
यत् किञ्चिदप्यविदुषाऽपि विभो मयोक्तं
क्लेशान् विधूय कुरु भक्तिभरं परात्मन् ॥११॥

yatki~nchidapyaviduShaa(a)pi vibhO mayOktaM
tanmantra shaastra vachanaadyabhidR^iShTameva |
vyaasOktisaaramaya bhaagavatOpagiita
kleshaan vidhuuya kuru bhaktibharaM paraatman ||11

Oh God , though I am an ignorant one , I happened to tell some things,
And all of them are mentioned in the science of chants,
And of Lord of Guruvayur whose glory has been extolled in Bhagawatha,
Which is the absolute essence of what all that sage Vyasa wrote,
Please remove all my ailments and grant me firm devotion. 90.11

Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam:10
दु:खान्यालोक्य जन्तुष्वलमुदितविवेकोऽहमाचार्यवर्या-    
ल्लब्ध्वा त्वद्रूपतत्त्वं गुणचरितकथाद्युद्भवद्भक्तिभूमा     
मायामेनां तरित्वा परमसुखमये त्वत्पदे मोदिताहे     
तस्यायं पूर्वरङ्गपवनपुरपते नाशयाशेषरोगान् ॥१०॥  

duHkhaanyaalOkya jantuShvalamudita vivekO(a)hamaachaaryavaryaat
labdhvaa tvadruupatattvaM guNa charita kathaadyudbhavadbhakti bhuumaa |
maayaamenaaM taritvaa paramasukhamaye tvatpade mOditaahe
tasyaayaM puurvarangaH pavanapurapate naashayaasheSharOgaan ||10  

By getting sufficient wisdom, by seeing the sufferings of living beings,
And understanding from a Guru the secret of your great form,
And by increasing devotion by hearing , telling and remembering your stories
And winning over illusion , I would enjoy the happiness of your divine feet,
As this is my first step and Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure my diseases. 91.10 

 Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam:10  
देवर्षीणां पितृणामपि  पुनऋणी किङ्करो वा  भूमन्   
योऽसौ सर्वात्मना त्वां शरणमुपगतस्सर्वकृत्यानि हित्वा   
तस्योत्पन्नं विकर्माप्यखिलमपनुदस्येव चित्तस्थितस्त्वं  
तन्मे पापोत्थतापान् पवनपुरपते रुन्धि भक्तिं प्रणीया॥१०॥
devarShiiNaaM pitR^INaamapi cha punarR^iNii kinkarO vaa sa bhuuman
yO(a)sau sarvaatmanaa tvaaM sharaNamupagataH sarvakR^ityaani hitvaa |
tasyOtpannaM vikarmaapyakhilamapanudasyeva chittasthitastvam
tanme paapOtthataapaan pavanapurapate rundhi bhaktiM praNiiyaaH ||10  

He who sacrifices all activities and surrenders to you , Oh God who is all beings,
Is not born as a debtor to devas, sages and manes , nor is he their slave,
And all the Karmic load that he inherits are wiped out by you living in his heart,
And so Oh Lord of Guruvayur , destroy my sorrows caused by sins committed by me,
And make my devotion to you perfect and ever living. 92.10

 Dasakam: 093 -- Slokam: 10

 दुर्वारो देहमोहो यदि पुनरधुना तर्हि निश्शेषरोगान्
हृत्वा भक्तिं द्रढिष्ठां कुरु तव पदपङ्केरुहे पङ्कजाक्ष 
नूनं नानाभवान्ते समधिगतममुं मुक्तिदं विप्रदेहं
क्षुद्रे हा हन्त मा मा क्षिप विषयरसे पाहि मां मारुतेश ॥१०॥

durvaarO dehamOhO yadi punaradhunaa tarhi nishsheSharOgaan
hR^itvaa bhaktiM draDhiShThaaM kuru tava padapankeruhe pankajaaksha |
nuunaM naanaabhavaante samadhigatamimaM muktidaM vipradehaM
kshudre haa hanta maa maa kshipa viShayarase paahi maaM maarutesha10

But now I find it very difficult to leave this attachment to my body,
Oh God with lotus like eyes, please cure all the afflictions of my body,
And make strong in me, the devotion to your lotus like feet,
And most certainly , do not push this my Brahmin’s body,
Which was got after very many manifold births,
And which would help one get salvation,
In to the very base attraction of trivial worldly pleasures,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please protect me. 93.10

Dasakam: 094 -- Slokam: 10
 ऐक्यं ते दानहोमव्रतनियमतपस्सांख्ययोगैर्दुरापं
त्वत्सङ्गेनैव गोप्यकिल सुकृतितमा प्रापुरानन्दसान्द्रम् 
भक्तेष्वन्येषु भूयस्स्वपि बहुमनुषे भक्तिमेव त्वमासां
तन्मे त्वद्भक्तिमेव द्रढय हर गदान् कृष्ण वातालयेश ॥१०॥

aikyaM te daana hOma vrrata niyama tapassaankhyayOgairduraapaM
tvatsangenaiva gOpyaH kila sukR^ititamaaH praapuraanandasaandram |
bhakteShvanyeShu bhuuyassvapi bahumanuShe bhaktimeva tvamaasaaM
tanme tvadbhaktimeva draDhaya hara gadaan kR^iShNa vaataalayesha ||10

Merging to become one with you cannot be easily be obtained by charity,
Fire sacrifice, penance and rituals and the very blessed Gopis, obtained
That great state of bliss by their simple whole hearted devotion to you,
And even though there are many other devotees , you seem,
To give much more importance and recognition to these Gopa maidens,
Hey Krishna, hey Lord of Guruvayur , so please make me your staunch devotee,
And also be kind enough to remove and cure al my diseases. 94.10

 Dasakam: 095 -- Slokam: 10
इत्थं त्वद्ध्यानयोगे सति पुनरणिमाद्यष्टसंसिद्धयस्ता:
दूरश्रुत्यादयोऽपि ह्यहमहमिकया सम्पतेयुर्मुरारे 
त्वत्सम्प्राप्तौ विलम्बावहमखिलमिदं नाद्रिये कामयेऽहं
त्वामेवानन्दपूर्णं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां सर्वतापात् ॥१०॥

itthaM tvaddhyaanayOge sati punaraNimaadyaShTa samsiddhayastaaH
duurashrutyaadayO(a)pi hyahamahamikayaa sampateyurmuraare |
tvatsampraaptau vilambaavahamakhilamidaM naadriye kaamaye(a)haM
tvaamevaanandapuurNaM pavanapurapate paahi maaM sarvataapaat ||10

Oh killer of Mura , If I am able to master this eight fold technique,
The famous occult powers like Anima and powers like distant hearing,
Would fight with each other to come under my absolute control,
But I would not bother about any of them because they would cause delay,
In my reaching you and I would only wish you full of divine bliss,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur , Please save me from all my pains. 95.10

Dasakam: 096 -- Slokam: 10
 ऐलप्रागुर्वशीं प्रत्यतिविवशमनासेवमानश्चिरं तां
गाढं निर्विद्य भूयो युवतिसुखमिदं क्षुद्रमेवेति गायन् 
त्वद्भक्तिं प्राप्य पूर्णसुखतरमचरत्तद्वदुद्धूतसङ्गं
भक्तोत्तंसं क्रिया मां पवनपुरपते हन्त मे रुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

ailaHpraagurvashiiM pratyativivashamanaaHsevamaanashchiraM taaM
gaaDhaM nirvidya bhuuyO yuvatisukhamidaM kshudrameveti gaayan |
tvadbhaktiM praapya puurNaH sukhataramacharat tadvaduddhuuya sangaM
bhaktOttamsaM kriyaa maaM pavanapurapate hanta me rundhi rOgaan || 10

Once upon a time there was king called Pururuvas who was infatuated,
With a celestial lady called Urvasi and after serving her for a long time,
Attained detachment and concluded that the carnal pleasures are insignificant,
And again and again sang about this conclusion of his and later
Became full, by earning devotion to you and also divinely happy and attained salvation,
And oh Lord of Guruvayur ., please make me detached of minor pleasures,
And also make me your great devotee and alas the problem standing in my way,
In attainment of this are my diseases and so destroy all my illnesses. 96.10

Dasakam: 097 -- Slokam: 10
त्र्यंशेस्मिन् सत्यलोके विधिहरिपुरभिन्मन्दिराण्यूर्ध्वमूर्ध्वं
तेभोऽप्यूर्ध्वं तु मायाविकृतिविरहितो भाति वैकुण्ठलोक
तत्र त्वं कारणाम्भस्यपि पशुपकुले शुद्धसत्त्वैकरूपी
सच्चित्ब्रह्माद्वयात्मा पवनपुरपते पाहि मां सर्वरोगात् ॥१०॥
tryamshe(a)smin satyalOke vidhihari purabhinmandiraaNyuurdhva muurdhvaM
tebhyO(a)pyuurdhvaM tu maayaa vikR^iti virahitO bhaati vaikuNThalOkaH |
tatra tvaM kaaraNaambhasyapi pashupakule shuddha sattvaikaruupii
sachchidbrahmaadvayaatmaa pavanapurapate paahi maaM sarvarOgaat ||10

In the Sathya Loka divided in to three parts , worlds belonging to Brahma,
Vishnu and Shiva are one over another and on the top of that,
Is Vaikunta which is completely free of illusion called Maya,
You shine there , in the primeval waters as well in Gokula,
As the form filled up with only sathva trait , having a form,
Which is different from that of Brahmam a mixture of Sath and Chith,
And oh Lord of Guruvayur , please cure all my diseases. 97.10

Dasakam: 098 -- Slokam: 11
 दुर्वारं द्वादशारं त्रिशतपरिमिलत्षष्टिपर्वाभिवीतं
सम्भ्राम्यत् क्रूरवेगं क्षणमनु जगदाच्छिद्य सन्धावमानम् 
चक्रं ते कालरूपं व्यथयतु  तु मां त्वत्पदैकावलम्बं
विष्णो कारुण्यसिन्धो पवनपुरपते पाहि सर्वामयौघात् ॥११॥

durvaaraM dvaadashaaraM trishataparimilatShaShTi parvaabhiviitaM
sambhraamyat kruuravegaM kshaNamanu jagadaachChidya sandhaavamaanam |
chakraM te kaalaruupaM vyathayatu na tu maaM tvatpadaikaavalambaM
viShNO kaaruNya sindhO pavanapurapate paahi sarvaamayaughaat ||11

May not, your very powerful wheel of time with twelve spokes,
Three hundred and sixty teeth and which rotates with immeasurable speed,
And which drags forcefully this world and which cannot be stopped by any one,
Cause any harm to me, who does not have any support except your feet,
Hey Lord Vishnu, Hey ocean of mercy, Hey Lord of Guruvayur,
Please save me from all diseases and give me protection. 98.11

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 10
 अव्यक्तं ते स्वरूपं दुरधिगमतमं तत्तु शुद्धैकसत्त्वं
व्यक्तं चाप्येतदेव स्फुटममृतरसाम्भोधिकल्लोलतुल्यम् 
सर्वोत्कृष्टामभीष्टां तदिह गुणरसेनैव चित्तं हरन्तीं
मूर्तिं ते संश्रयेऽहं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां कृष्ण रोगात् ॥१०॥

avyaktaM te svaruupaM duradhigamatamaM tattu shuddhaikasattvaM
vyaktaM chaapyetadeva sphuTamamR^itarasaambhOdhi kallOlatulyam |
sarvOtkR^iShTaamabhiiShTaaM tadiha guNarasenaiva chittaM harantiiM
muurtiM te samshraye(a)haM pavanapurapate paahimaaM kR^iShNa rOgaat10

I find it difficult to understand that abstract form of yours which is not clear,
But find it very easy to comprehend that pure Sathva form of yours,
Which is equivalent to the waves of the great ocean of nectar,
And due to that greater than everything that I perceive here,
And very pleasant to my mind and I surrender to that form of yours,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur , Oh Krishna, please protect me quickly. 99.10

Dasakam: 100-- Slokam: 11
 अज्ञात्वा ते महत्वं यदिह निगदितं विश्वनाथ क्षमेथा:
स्तोत्रं चैतत्सहस्रोत्तरमधिकतरं त्वत्प्रसादाय भूयात् 
द्वेधा नारायणीयं श्रुतिषु  जनुषा स्तुत्यतावर्णनेन
स्फीतं लीलावतारैरिदमिह कुरुतामायुरारोग्यसौख्यम् ॥११॥

aj~naatvaa te mahattvaM yadiha nigaditaM vishvanaatha kshamethaaH
stOtraM chaitatsahasrOttaramadhikataraM tvatprasaadaaya bhuuyaat |
dvedhaa naaraayaNiiyaM shrutiShu cha januShaa stutyataa varNanena
sphiitaM liilaavataarairidamiha kurutaamaayuraarOgya saukhyam ||11

Oh Lord of the universe , please pardon me for writing this stotra,
Without knowing your greatness properly and this prayer,
Having more than one thousand stanzas should be blessed,
by you with all your grace as this which is called Narayaneeyam,
Is both about Narayana as well that which is written by Narayana,
And as Vedas tell that God is one who is known by his incarnation,
This prayer has been well fortified by the stories on incarnation of God,
May kindly grant a healthy pleasant long life. 100.11

1 comment:

  1. every verse is a treasure.all slokas bless with good things.
