
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sri Datha Bhava Sudha rasa stotam

श्रीदत्त भावसुधारसस्तोत्रम्
Sri Datha  Bhava  Sudha rasa   stotam
The prayer to nectar like  essence  of attitude  of Datha

Sri  Vasudevanand  Saraswathi

Translated by

Image result for SWami Dathathreya

(Sri Dathathreya is a  combined God form of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva   and Lord Brahma    , who was the son of  lady Anasooya    and sage Athri. He  is a poular God in Karnataka  , Andhra    and Maharashtra.,  There  is a belief that  he took    sixteen incarnations , The four  most important  incarnations are  Sripadh  Sri Valllabha, Sri Narasimh  Saraswathi , Sri Mankihya prabhu    and Swami samarth .
  This great prayer   has been written by  Sri Vasudeva Saraswathi  , who is also considered as  minor incarnation of   Swami Datha . In the prayer  several of   the well known stories of    the avatharas  of dathathreya  from a book called  "Guru Charithra  " is referred to.The full book   of stories can be read  in      )

दत्तात्रेयं परमसुखमयं वेदगेयं ह्यमेयं
योगिध्येयं हृतनिजभयं स्वीकृतानेककायम्
दुष्टागम्यं विततविजयं देवदैत्यर्षिवन्द्यं
वन्दे नित्यं विहितविनयं चाव्ययं भावगम्यम् १॥

Dathathreyam  parma sukha mayam  veda geyam   hayameyam,
Yogi dhyeyam  , hrutha   nija abhayam , sweekruthaa   aneka kayam,
Dushtaa agamyam , vithatha   vijayam  Deiva daithyarshi   vandhyam,
Vandhe   nithyam   vihitha  vinayam chaavyayam  bhava  gamyam.     1

The Daththreya who is  pervaded with divine pleasure, who is sung by Vedas. who rides on a  horse,
Who is meditated by yogis, who carries real protection, who    assumes   different forms,
Who cannot   be Approached  by evil people, who is filled wityh victory, who is saluted by  Gods, asuras and sages,
And I salute him daily with proper humility ,and constancy , so that  I would be taken to heaven. 

दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तु ते भगवते पापक्षयं कुर्वते
दारिद्र्यं हरते भयं शमयते कारुण्यमातन्वते
भक्तानुद्धरते शिवं ददते सत्कीर्तिमातन्वते
भूतान्द्रावयते वरं प्रददते श्रेयः पते सद्गते २॥

Dathathreya  namosthuthe   they  Bhagavathe papa  kshayam  kurvathe,
Daridryam   harathe, bhayam samayathe, karunya maathanvathe,
Bhakthaan udharathe , shivam cha dadathe, satha keerthi mathanvathe ,
Bhoothaan dravayathe , varam pradhadathe, sreya   pathe  sadgathe   2

I salute  dathathreya who is God    who   reduces  sins,
Removes poverty , reduces   fear  ,  increases  kindness,
Uplifts   devotees, grants  peace, increases  good fame,
Chases   away evil spirits, grants boons leads to good fame   and salvation.

एकं सौभाग्यजनकं तारकं लोकनायकम्
विशोकं त्रातभजकं नमस्ये कामपूरकम् ३॥

yekam saubhaghya   janakam   tharakam  , loka nayakam,
Visokam  thratha  bhakam   namasye  kama poorakam 3

The only one who   creates  luck, makes us cross   samsara, the leader of the world,
One who wipes away your sorrow, one who breaks away   sufferings , SAlutations  to him   who fulfills our desires.

नित्यं स्मरामि ते पादे हतखेदे सुखप्रदे
प्रदेहि मे शुद्धभावं भावं यो वारयेद्द्रुतम् ४॥

Nithyam smaraami  they paadhe  , hatha khedhe , Sukha  pradhe,
Pradehi may   sudha bhavam    yo vaarayedhadrutham.

I  daily  remember   your feet  , wqhich cuts off sorrow , grants pleasure,
Grants me  pure  feelings   and that feeling    with is wonderful.

समस्तसम्पत्प्रदमार्तबंधुं समस्तकल्याणदमस्तबंधुम्
कारुण्यसिंधुं प्रणमामि दत्तं यः शोधयत्याशु मलीनचित्तम् ५॥

Samastha   sampath pradham    aartha bandhum  , samastha   kalyananadhamastha bandhum,
Karunya sindhum   pranamaami   datham ya sodhayathyaasu maleena chitham.  5

He who grants all type  of prosperity, friend when worried friend granting    all auspeciousnes,
Ocean of mercy  , and I salute that   Datha examins and corrects   a dirthy mind.

समस्तभूतांतरबाह्यवर्ती यश्चात्रिपुत्रो यतिचक्रवर्ती
सुकीर्तिसंव्याप्तदिगंतरालः पातु मां निर्जितभक्तकालः ६॥

Samastha  bhoothanthara   bahya  varthi saschatriputhro  yathi chakravarthi ,
Sukeerthi   samvyaaptha digamtharaala  sa paathu maam   nirjitha  baktha   kala.  6

He who is in and outside   of all beings, the son of sage  Athri, emperor  of sages,
Whose    fame   is spread in all directions, please  protect me oh Lord who makes   devotees   win over death

व्याध्याधिदारिद्र्यभयार्तिहर्ता स्वगुप्तयेऽनेकशरीरधर्ता
स्वदासभर्ता बहुधा विहर्ता कर्ताप्यकर्ता स्ववशोऽरिहर्ता ७॥

Vyaadhyaadhi   daridrya bhayaarthi  hathraa, swa gupthaye aneka sareera  darthaa,
Swaadhasa  bharthaa   , bahudhaa   viharthaa, karthaavya karthaa swa vaso ari  harthaa  7

He who destroys  sickness  , poverty   as well as fear, who hides the fact that he assumes several   bodies,
Lord of his  devotee, who takes away  many bad things, who makes his own those who do their duties.

चानसूयातनयोऽभवद्यो विष्णुः स्वयं भाविकरक्षणाय
गुणा यदीया हि बुद्धिमद्भिर्गण्यंत आकल्पमपीह धात्रा ८॥

Sa cha anasuyaa thanayo  abhavadhayo    Vishnu swayam   bhavika rakshanaayaa,
Gunaa   yadheeyaa   ma hi  budhi madhbhir  aganyathaa aakalpa mapeehaa  daathraa

That son of Anasuya was Lord    Vishnu  himself   who protects   the Righteous,
His  character   was the greatest among intelligent, , who is the one goes  on giving in the vessels for eons.

तिष्ठन्ति तापाः सकलाः परत्र
यः सद्गतिं सम्प्रददाति भूमा
मेऽन्तरे तिष्ठतु दिव्यधामा ९॥

Na    yath katakshaamrutha vrushti thothra,
Thishtanthi thaapaa sakalaa  parathraa,
Ya sadgathi   sampradhaadhi  bhoomaa,
Sa may   anthare thishtathu   divya dhamaa    9

Not   the rain of nectar  like   glances  of his,
Which  takes care of all the pains    of the others,
He  grants   salvation to the  people of earth,
And he   lives  in side  the divine abode of his.

त्वं प्रसीदात्रिसुतार्तिहारिन्
दिगम्बर स्वीयमनोविहारिन्
दुष्टा लिपिर्या लिखितात्र धात्रा
कार्या त्वया साऽतिशुभा विधात्रा १०॥

Sa thwam   praseedhaa  trisutharthi haarin,
Digambara  sweeya mano viharin ,
Dushtaa  lipiryaa   likhithaathra  dathraa,
Karyaa  thwayaa   saa athi shubhaa  vidathraa.  10

You are  pleased  by the three  sons who remove  sufferings,
Who dress themselves in directions and  roam in our own mind,
Who    has written in cruel letters   the fate  of a perrson,
But you wrote it  in a very auspicious manner.

सर्वमंगलसंयुक्त सर्वैश्वर्यसमन्वित
प्रसन्ने त्वयि सर्वेशे किं केषां दुर्लभं कुह ११॥

Sarva  mangala    samyukthaa sarva aiswarya   samanvithaa,
Prasanne   thwayee    sarvesaa  kim keshaam    durlabham kuha.11

Oh  pleasant one   with all auspiciousness, who has all prosperity,
Who is God of all to you,  and why   is he   very rarely   seen.

हार्दांधतिमिरं हन्तुं शुद्धज्ञानप्रकाशक
त्वदंघ्रिनखमाणिक्यद्युतिरेवालमीश नः १२

Haardhadhaa thimiram  hanthum , shudha jnana  prakaasaka,
Thwadagrin nakha  maanikhya dhayuthire vaalameesa   na.   12

Destroying  the  dark warrier, he  shines  in pure   wisdom,
For   does   not   the nails of the God     shine  like Manikhya gem.   

स्वकृपार्द्रकटाक्षेण वीक्षसे चेत्सकृद्धि माम्
भविष्यामि कृतार्थोऽत्र पात्रं चापि स्थितेस्तव १३॥

Swa krupardhra  kadakshena veekshase chethsakrudhi maam,
Bhavishyaami  Kruthartha   athra pathram chaapi sthithesthava.   13

You looked  at me   sight dripping  with mercy, though  I was angry,
Then I felt thankful , though   i   was  in that   state   

क्व मन्दो वराकोऽहं क्व भवान्भगवान्प्रभुः
अथापि भवदावेश भाग्यवानस्मि ते दृशा १४॥

Kwa   cha  mandho   varakoham  , kwa  bhavan  bhagawan prabhu,
Adhaapi   bhavad  aavesa   bhahgyavaan asmi  they drusaa  14

May I am an  idiot and wretched  and may be   you are  the lord and God,
But still  due to your intent  , I am seen as the lucky o ne.

विहितानि मया नाना पातकानि यद्यपि
अथापि ते प्रसादेन पवित्रोऽहं संशयः १५॥

Vihithaani   mayaa  nana  pathaakaani   cha yadhyapi,
Adhapi  they praasedena  pavithroham   na samsaya      15

Though  my portion  is    doing various   evil acts,
Due  to your blessing , without   any doubt I can become  very pure

स्वलीलया त्वं हि जनान्पुनासि
तन्मे स्वलीला श्रवणं प्रयच्छ
तस्याः श्रुतेः सान्द्रविलोचनोऽहं
पुनामि चात्मानमतीव देव १६॥

Swa leelayaa   thwam hi  janaan  punaasi,
Thanme   swaleelaa  sravanam prayacha ,
Thasyaa   sruthe   saandra  vilochanoham,
Punaami  chaathmaanam atheeva deva,16

As your sport  you made people   understand again,
So that they  are made   to hear     your   sports,
Hearing which   they    are   able to see   clearly,
So that  you   became a part of themselves , oh god.

पुरतस्ते स्फुटं वच्मि दोषराशिरहं किल
दोषा ममामिताः पांसुवृष्टिबिन्दुसमा विभोः १७॥

Purathasthe sphutam  vachmi  dosha raseeraham khila,
Doshaa  mamaamithaa pamsa  vrushti  bindhu samaa  vibho.  17

In front of me opened  my defects   as an appendix,
And my defects became  in front of your eyes  like a dot  , Oh lord

पापीयसामहं मुख्यस्त्वं तु कारुणिकाग्रणीः
दयनीयो हि क्वापि मदन्य इति भाति मे १८॥

Paapeeyasaamaham  mukhyasthvam  thu  karuni kaa   agrani,
Dhayaneeyo  na hi  kwapi   madanya  ithi   bhathi may  . 18

I am a sinner and you are very great  but  topmost in kindness,
Though not pitiable, I am like some one  who is different ,

ईदृशं मां विलोक्यापि कृपालो ते मनो यदि
द्रवेत्तर्हि किं वाच्यमदृष्टं मे तवाग्रतः १९॥

Eedrusam   maa vilokyaapi  krupaalo  they  mano   yadhi,
Na dravetharhi kim  vaachyam maddrushtam   they   thavaagratha.   19

Oh kind one though   , I look like this in front of your mind,
I do not merit to be looked  liked that  when you look    at me from nearby.

त्वमेव सृष्टवान्सर्वान्दत्तात्रेय दयानिधे
वयं दीनतराः पुत्रास्तवाकल्पाः स्वरक्षणे २०॥

Thwameva srustvaan  sarvaan, dathathreya  dhayaanidhe,
Vayam  dheenatharaa , puthrasthvaa kalpaa   swaraksane,     20

You are the creator of all, Oh Dathathreya, the treasure of mercy,
And I am greatly  poor,  almost   your son , who is under  your protection.

जयतु जयतु दत्तो देवसङ्घाभिपूज्यो
जयतु जयतु भद्रो भद्रदो भावुकेज्यः
जयतु जयतु नित्यो निर्मलज्ञानवेद्यो
जयतु जयतु सत्यः सत्यसंधोऽनवद्यः २१॥

Jayathu  , jayathu  Datho  , deva sanghaabhi poojyo,
Jayathu  Jayathu   Bhadro  bhadradho   bhavukejya,
Jayathu jayathu   nithyo   nirmala  jnana  vedhyo,
Jayathu jathu sathya   sathya sandho   anavadhya.

Hail, hail, Datha  who is   even worshipped by groups of devas,
Hail, hail  auspicious  one , who is by very nature  auspecious,
Hail, hail One who is forever,very pure  and  one  who understands jnana,
Hail, hail Truth  , who is teller of truth   always.

यद्यहं तव पुत्रः स्यां पिता माता त्वमेव मे
दयास्तन्यामृतेनाशु मातस्त्वमभिषिञ्च माम् २२॥

Yadhyaham thava  puthra  syaam, pithaa  mathaa  thwameva may,
Dhayaasthanyaa  mruthenaasu mathasthwam , abhishincha maam. 22

If I  am your son You are  boith mother  and father  to me,
If  kindness is to one who is different and who never dies.Oh mother please annoint me.

ईशाभिन्ननिमित्तोपादनात्स्रष्टुरस्य ते
जगद्योने सुतो नाहं दत्त मां परिपाह्यतः २३॥

Eesaa  bhinna nimitho paadhanaath   srushturasya they,
Jagad yone sutho naaham   datha  maam   paripaahayatha. 23

Oh God if  for some other reason you created me from yoiour feet,
Oh Creator of universe, I am not your son , Oh Datha  look after  me.

तव वत्सस्य मे वाक्यं सूक्तं वाऽसूक्तमप्यहो
क्षन्तव्यं मेऽपराधश्च त्वत्तोऽन्या गतिर्हि मे २४॥

Thava vathsasya   may vaakyam  sooktham   vaa  sooktham apyaho,
Kshanthavyam  may aparadhascha  thwatho   anyaa   na gathirhi may.  24

Your son's words   are   vedic prayer   or  not prayer at all,
Pardon me   for my mistakes, I do not have  any other protection but you.

अनन्यगतिकस्यास्य बालस्य मम ते पितः
सर्वथोचितोपेक्षा दोषाणां गणनापि २५॥

Ananya gathikasyaasya   balasya  mama they  pithaa,
Na sarvadho uchithopekshaa doshaanaam  gananaapi cha  25

Oh Father  since this child does not have  any other  protection,
I am always  doing a proper request that  do not consider  my defects as great.

अज्ञानित्वादकल्पत्वाद्दोषा मम पदे पदे
भवन्ति किं करोमीश करुणावरुणालय २६॥

Aajnaa ni thwaadha  kalpathwaa  doshaa mama  padhe padhe,
bHavanthi  kim  karomeesaa karunaa varunaalayaa.  26

The defects of ignoiorance wou;d increase step by step,
What  can I do about it  , oH lord of ocean of  kindness.

अथापि मेऽपराधैश्चेदायास्यन्तर्विषादताम्
पदाहतार्भकेणापि माता रुष्यति किं भुवि २७॥

Adhaapi  may aparaadhai  schedhaayaa syanthi    vishaadathaam,
Padhaa  hatharbha kenaapi  mathaa   rushyathi  kim bhuvi  27

Suppose    you cut off   my mistakes , then you  would be cutting off my sorrow,
And even if you do only little, which mother in this earth   would wound her son?

रङ्कमङ्कगतं दीनं ताडयन्तं पदेन
माता त्यजति किं बालं प्रत्युताश्वासयत्यहो २८॥

Rankamangadham   dheenam   thadayantham   padhena cha,
Mathaa  thyajathi  kim balam  prathyuthaa aswasyathyaho .28

I am  vacillating and poor  and crossing by jumping   with feet,
And would a  mother  would forsake her son and  would she  not console   him.

तादृशं मामकल्पं चेन्नाश्वासयसि भो प्रभो
अहहा बत दीनस्य त्वां विना मम का गतिः २९॥

Thaadrusam  mama akalpam  chennaswasayasi   bho  prabho,
Ahahaa  batha  dheenasya thwaam  vinaa  mama  kaa gathi. 29

Oh lord  Would you not console me   without   any time  limit,
As , for this poor one  , except you  there is no other  protection.

शिशुर्नायं शठः स्वार्थीत्यपि नायातु तेऽन्तरम्
लोके हि क्षुधिता बालाः स्मरन्ति निजमातरम् ३०॥

Sisurnaayam  sata  swarthithyapi  nayaathu   they   antharam,
Loke  hi kshudithaa balaa smaranthi nija maatharam. 30

Children are  adamant   and selfish if they are  not lead properly,
And the real  mother  would think   about  her  very hungry children then.

जीवनं भिन्नयोः पित्रोर्लोक एकतराच्छिशोः
त्वं तूभयं दत्त मम माऽस्तु निर्दयता मयि ३१॥

jeevanam bhinnayo  pithror lokaa yeka thaaraaschiso,
Thwam thoobhAyam  datha mama  maa asthu nirdayathaa  mayi, 31

The life  in pIthru lokaa  is very different  though  children of single type.
And oh datha  , you are  my mother  and  how can  you be unkind to me?

स्तवनेन शक्तोऽस्मि त्वां प्रसादयितुं प्रभो
ब्रह्माद्याश्चकितास्तत्र मन्दोऽहं शक्नुयां कथम् ३२॥

Sthavanena  na sakthosmi  thwaam prasaadhayithum  Prabho,
Brahmaadhayaa   schakithasthathra mandhoham  saknuyaam   kadham . 32

I do not have  power to praise you, Be  pleased  me  oh lord,
When even Brahma and others scared of you,being a fool, how can i be capable.

दत्त त्वद्बालवाक्यानि सूक्तासूक्तानि यानि
तानि स्वीकुरु सर्वज्ञ दयालो भक्तभावन ३३॥

Datha thwad bala vaakyaani sooktha asookthaani cha ,
Thaani sweekuru sarvajna  dhayalo baktha  bhavana . 33

Oh Datha, Oh God who knows  all , recieve this baby words , prayers  and those  which are not prayers,
Oh  very kind  one   who thinks  of only   your devotees.

ये त्वा शरणमापन्नाः कृतार्था अभवन्हि ते
एतद्विचार्य मनसा दत्त त्वां शरणं गतः ३४॥

Ye thwaa  saranamaapanna krutharthaa   abhavanhi they,
Ethad vicharya manasaa   Datha thwam  sarnam gatha  34

I   surrender  to you  with gratitude, carrying   with it,
A mind  thinking like that, Oh Datha  I surrender   to you.

त्वन्निष्ठास्त्वत्परा भक्तास्तव ते सुखभागिनः
इति शास्त्रानुरोधेन दत्त त्वां शरणं गतः ३५॥

Thwan nishta  thath paraa   bhakthasthava  they  sukha bhagina,
Ithi   sasthranurodhena  , Datha  thwam  saranam gatha   35

With devotion   to your divine self, the devotee   shares  the  pleasure  along with you,
Say   the   Sasthras , I  surrender  to  you Datha

स्वभक्ताननुगृह्णाति भगवान् भक्तवत्सलः
इति सञ्चित्य सञ्चित्य कथञ्चिद्धारयाम्यसून् ३६॥

SWa  bhkathaa  anugrahanaathi  , bhagawan  , Bhaktha  vathsala,
Ithi sanchinthya  , sanchinthya ,  Kadhaa anchi dwaraayamya soon.  36

Oh God who loves  his devotees, please  bless  your own devotees,
Thinking and thinking like this , pray to him  so that it is scattered  all over.

त्वद्भक्तस्त्वदधीनोऽहमस्मि तुभ्यं समर्पितम्
तनुं मनो धनं चापि कृपां कुरु ममोपरि ३७॥

Thwad  bhakthathwadh adheeno  aham asmi  thubhyam  samarpitham,
Thanum  mano dhanam  chaapi krupaam kuru  mamopari  37

Your devotees who are  under your control, think that they are yours,
Surrendering  their body,  mind , wealth  and mercy  to you.

त्वयि भक्तिं नैव जाने जानेऽर्चनपद्धतिम्
कृतं दानधर्मादि प्रसादं कुरु केवलम् ३८॥

Thwayi  bhakthim  naiva jaane  na   jaane  archana  padhatheem,
Krutham na   dhana dharmaadhi  prasadam kuru  kevalam 38

I do not know  devotion to you , I do not know method  of worshipping you,
I have not done  any charity, Only be  pleased with me

ब्रह्मचर्यादि नाचीर्णं नाधीता विधितः श्रुतिः
गार्हस्थ्यं विधिना दत्त कृतं तत्प्रसीद मे ३९॥

Brahma charyaadhi   naacheerna naa dheethaa vidhitha  sruthi,
Garhasthyam vidhinaa  , datha  na krutham  thath praseedha may 39

I do not  follow  Brahmacharya , I do not know  the prescribed Vedas,
I do not follow the Householder life according to rules, Oh Datha  , Be pleased with me.

साधुसङ्गमो मेऽस्ति कृतं वृद्धसेवनम्
शास्त्रशासनं दत्त केवलं त्वं दयां कुरु ४०॥

Na saadhu sangamo may asthi , na krutham vrudha  sevanam,
Na saashtra   saasanam  Datha, kevalam   thvam dhayaa  kuru. 40

I do not  have company of devotes  , nor do I do service  to old people,
Oh Datha, nor do I follow   rules of Sasthr, Please  show mercy on me.

ज्ञातेऽपि धर्मे नहि मे प्रवृत्ति-
र्ज्ञातेऽप्यधर्मे ततो निवृत्तिः
श्रीदत्तनाथेन हृदि स्थितेन
यथा नियुक्तोऽस्मि तथा करोमि ४१॥

Jnathopi  dharme naahi may  pravruthi,
Jnatho  apya   dharma, na  thatho  nivruthi,
Sri Datha  naadhena, hrudhi stithena,
Yadhaa niyukthosmi thadhaa  karomi .41

In my actions i do not have   known dharma,
Among the known   dharmas, I  do not follow  anything,
Keeping  the  Lord Datha   within my mind,
I do  that which   he orders  to me.

कृतिः सेवा गतिर्यात्रा स्मृतिश्चिन्ता स्तुतिर्वचः
भवन्तु दत्त मे नित्यं त्वदीया एव सर्वथा ४२॥

Kruthi sevaa , gathir  yaathraa , srmruthi schinthaa, sthuthir vacha,
Bhavanthu  datha  may nithyam  thwadheeyaa  yeva  sarvadhaa. 42

I do service, go on pilgrimage, think of Vedas and chant  the prayers,
Oh Datha  I do all these   daily for your sake , always
प्रतिज्ञा ते भक्ता मे नश्यन्तीति सुनिश्चितम्
श्रीदत्त चित्त आनीय जीवनं धारयाम्यहम् ४३॥

Prathijnaa they na bhakthaa  may  nsyantheethi  sunischitham,
Sri Datha   chitha  aaneeya jeevanam dhaarayamyaham   44.

They who take an oath not to be  your devotees  will definitely perish,
With  my mind filled with Sri Datha, I continue to live.

दत्तोऽहं ते मयेतीश आत्मदानेन योऽभवत्
अनसूयात्रिपुत्रः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४४॥

Dathoham   they  mayetheesa , aathma  dhaanena  yo abhavath,
Anasuyaa athrei puthraa  sa  Sri Datham   saranam mama 44

Oh my God  , I am Datha and this happens due to giving away of my soul,
Oh son of Anasuya   and Athri , I am surrendering to Datha.

कार्तवीर्यार्जुनायादाद्योगर्धिमुभयीं प्रभुः
अव्याहतगतिं चासौ श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४५॥

Karthaveeryarjunaayaa daadh yogaardhi mubhayeem prabhu ,
Avyaahatha   gathim  Chaasou  , Sri Datha  saranam mama.45

Oh  Lord who has  prayed  by Yoga  by  KarthaVeeryarjuna,
And who was given unimpeded  path , I surrender  to Datha.

आन्वीक्षिकीमलर्काय विकल्पत्यागपूर्वकम्
योऽदादाचार्यवर्यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४६॥

Anveekshiki malarkkaya vikalpa  thyaga  poorvakam,
Yo  adhadha acharya varya  sa Sri datha  Saranam mama 46

The method of  for  finding  out   of glaring dirt as well essence  of great truths,
Was   explained   by the  Guru   who was  Dutha, to whom I surrender.

चतुर्विंशतिगुर्वाप्तं हेयोपादेयलक्षणं
ज्ञानं यो यदवेऽदात्स श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४७॥

Chathur vimsathi   gurvaaptham   heyo padheya  lakshanam,
Jnnam   yo   yadha  vedathsa, Sri Datha  saranam mama.   47

The twenty four Gurus are the sign of those   learned  people  ,
Who have   knowledge  of Vedas , I surrender  to Dathathreya 

मदालसागर्भरत्नालर्काय प्राहिणोच्च यः
योगपूर्वात्मविज्ञानं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४८॥
Madhalasaa  garbha   rathnamalarkaya prahinocha ya,
Yoga  poorvathma vijnanam , Sri Datha  saranam mama   48

Queen Madhalasa  called   the best  of her children as Alarka , the mad dog,
Due   to her power  of yoga of the soul,  I surrender  to Sri datha.

आयुराजाय सत्पुत्रं सेवाधर्मपराय यः
प्रददौ सद्गतिं चैष श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ४९॥

AAyurajaya  sath puthram  seva  dharma   paraaya  ya,
Pradhadho   sadgathim  chaisha  , Sri Datha saranam mama  49

The Good  son of Aayuraja was  interested   in servica  as  well as Dharma,
And he was given salvation   also , I surrender  to Dathathreya

लोकोपकृतये विष्णुदत्तविप्राय योऽर्पयत्
विद्यास्तच्छ्राद्धभुग्यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५०॥

Lokopa kruthaye   Vishnu  datha   vipraya   yo arpayath  ,
Vidhyaa thaschraadh  adha bhugya  sa, Sri Datha  saranam mama. 50

For the sake of the world a Brahmin called  Vishnu  Dutta   gave  away   everything,
And because   of that  he got education to exist  in this world,  I surrender to Datha.

भर्त्रा सहानुगमनविधिं यः प्राह सर्ववित्
राममात्रे रेणुकायै श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५१

Bharthraa   sahanu gamana   vidhim   ya praha   sarva  vith,
Rama mathre   renukayai  , Sri Datha   Saranam mama  51

She told   about  the rule  of Wife  going away  with husband,
Parasu Rama’s mother  Renuka, I surrender  to  Datha

समूलमाह्निकं कर्म सोमकीर्तिनृपाय यः
मोक्षोपयोगि सकलं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५२॥

Samoola maahi nakam  karma soma keerthi  nrupaya  ya,
Mokshopayogi  sakalam  , Sri Datha  saranam mama, 52

THe king called  Soma keerthi did  all the jobs  right  from root,
Which  were  all useful for salvation, I surrender  to  Datha

नामधारक भक्ताय निर्विण्णाय व्यदर्शयत्
तुष्टः स्तुत्या स्वरूपं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५३॥

Namadharaka  Bhakthaya   nirvinnaya vyadarsayath,
Thushta    sthuthya   swa roopam  sa, Sri Datha  saranam mama.  53

The devotee who carried your name  is seen as depressed,
But became satisfied when he prayed   your form, I surrender to Datha 

यः कलिब्रह्मसंवादमिषेणाह युगस्थितीः
गुरुसेवां सिद्धाऽऽस्याच्छ्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५४॥

Ya  Kali brahma   samvadha mishenaahaa yuga sthithi,
Guru sevaam cha sidhaa aasyaachri  , datha   saranam mama   54

This Kali age ,has been mentioned in discussion of Brahma   about Yugas,
And it is said that   serving of the Guru is all that is needed, I surrender to Datha

दुर्वासःशापमाश्रुत्य योऽम्बरीषार्थमव्ययः
नानावतारधारी श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५५॥

Durvasa   saapa masruthya yo  ambaraeeshartha  mavyaya,
Naana avathara dhari sa  Sri Datham  saranam mama   55

Hearing the curse  of Durvasa, that Ambareesha was stable,
And he took various    forms, I surrender  to Datha.

अनसूयासतीदुग्धास्वादायेव त्रिरूपतः
अवातरदजो योऽपि श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५६॥

Anasooyaa sathi   dugdha swadhaayeva   triroopatha,
Avaatharadhajo yo pi, Sri Datha   saranam mama.  56

With three forms they tasted the breat milk of the virtuous  Anasooyaa,
As they took that   incarnation, I surrender  to Datha

पीठापुरे यः सुमतिब्राह्मणीभक्तितोऽभवत्
श्रीपादस्तत्सुतस्त्राता श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५७॥

Peeta pure ya sumathi  brahmani  bakthi tho abhavath,
Sri Padhasthath sutha sthraathaa  , sri  datha   saranam mama,   57

THere was   a lady called  Sumathi     who was full of devotion,
And Sri Padha   was born as her son,  I surrender to Datha.

प्रकाशयामास सिद्धमुखात्स्थापनमादितः
महाबलेश्वरस्यैष श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५८॥

Prakasayaamasa Sidha mukhaath  sthapanamaaditha,
Maha baleswarasaisha, Sri Datha   saranam mama    58

FRom   the shining face of a  Sidha   was established.
THe temple  of mahabaleswar  , I surrender to Datha.

चण्डाल्यपि यतो मुक्ता गोकर्णे तत्र योऽवसत्
लिङ्गतीर्थमये त्र्यब्दं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ५९॥

Chandalyapi   yatho  mukthaa  gokarne  thathra   yo avasath,
Lingatheertha maye  tryabdham , sri DAtha  saranam mam.59

Thouh he was a chandala , he got salvation   as he lived in Gokarna,
Due to the  Linga theertha in those three  years, I surrender   to Datha.

कृष्णाद्वीपे कुरुपुरे कुपुत्रं जननीयुतम्
यो हि मृत्योरपाच्छ्रीपाच्छ्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६०॥

Krishnadweepe kurupure kuputhram  jananiyutham,
Yo  hi mruthyorpaachripaachri , Sri datha saranam mma  60

In the Kurvapur  in the island in Krishna river a mother got a bad son,
He is the one  who escaped  from death, I surrender  to Datha.

रजकायापि दास्यन्यो राज्यं कुरुपुरे प्रभुः
तिरोऽभूदज्ञदृष्ट्या श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६१॥

Rajakaayaapi   daasyanyo  rajyam   kurupure  prabhu,
Thiro abhooth jnana   drishtyaa,sri datha saranam mama   61

Though he  was a washer  man , he was  the lord  of kingdom of kurupuram,
And by his supernatural vision , he disappeared, I surrender  to Datha

विश्वासघातिनश्चोरान्स्वभक्तघ्नान्निहत्य यः
जीवयामास भक्तं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६२॥

Viswaasa gaathns choraan swa bhakthagnaanihathya ya,
Jeevayaamaasa bhaktham sa , sri dAtha saranam mama   62

Ungrateful robbers,killed   one of those  who was your devotee,
And he  was brought back to life by another devotee, I surrenderto Datha

करञ्जनगरेऽम्बायाः प्रदोषव्रतसिद्धये
योऽभूत्सुतो नृहर्याख्यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६३॥

Karanja nagare   ambaayaa   pradosha  vrutha sidhaye  ,
Yo abooth   sutho nruhayaakhya, Sri Datha  saranam mama. 63

In the Karanja town, Amba on   the pradosha   vrutha day  ,
Got a son  called  Narasimha  , I surrender to Datha.

मूको भूत्वा व्रतात्पश्चाद्वदन्वेदान्स्वमातरम्
प्रव्रजन् बोधयामास श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६४॥

Mooko bhoothwaa vruthaad paschadh vadhan  vedhaan swa matharam,
Pruvrujan  bodhayaamaasaa , Sri Datha   saranam mama      64

Though he was  dumb, after  the Vrutha, he chanted  Vedas  to his own mother,
He took sanyasa and   started   teaching, I surrender   to Datha,

काशीवासी संन्यासी निराशीष्ट्वप्रदो वृषम्
वैदिकं विशदीकुर्वन् श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६५॥

Kaasi vaasi  sa sanyaasi   niraasishtava pradho  vrusham,
Vaidheekam visadheekurvan , Sri Datha   saranam mama   65

He lived  in Kasi as sanyasi, got detached   and lived like lightning,
And he explained   what is  Vaidheeka, I surrender to Datha

भूमिं प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य सशिष्यो वीक्ष्य मातरम्
जहार द्विजशूलार्तिं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६६॥

Bhoomim   pradakshani kruthya sasishyo  veekshya  matharam,
Jahara dwija soolarthim , sri Datha  saranam mama    66

When he was going round the world along with  his disciples  , he saw his mother,
And there  he cured  a Brahmin    from his  disease, I surrender to Datha

शिष्यत्वेनोररीकृत्य सायंदेवं ररक्ष यः
भीते क्रूरयवनाच्छ्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६७॥

Sishya  thwenora ari kruthya sayam devam   raraksha  ya,
Bheethe cha krooraya vanach , sri datham  saranam mama      67

He  saved   his  disciple sayam deva , who was scared  from
The  actions of enemies, I surrender   to Datha.

प्रेरयत्तीर्थयात्रायै तीर्थरूपोऽपि यः स्वकान्
सम्यग्धर्ममुपादिश्य श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६८॥

Preraya  theertha yaathraayaiTheertha roopopi   ya  swakaan,
Samyag   dharma mupaadhishya, sri datha    saranam mama 68

After  inducing him for pilgrimage   of sacred waters, he assumed  the form of sacred water,
And taught   them totality of   Dharma , I surrender   to Dharma

सशिष्यः पर्यलीक्षेत्रे वैद्यनाथसमीपतः
स्थित्वोद्दधार मूढो यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ६९॥

sasishya  paryali kshethre vaidhyanatha   sameepatha,
Sthithvo uddhaara moodo ya, sri datha  saranam mama. 69

Along with his  disciples  In parali , near  Vaijyanath ,
He brought   up a fool  , I surrender to Datha

विद्वत्सुतमविद्यं यो आगतं लोकनिन्दितम्
छिन्नजिह्वं बुधं चक्रे श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७०॥

Vidhwath sutha mavidhaam  yo aagatham loka ninditham,
Chinna jihwam  budham chakre , Sri Datha saranam mama  70

When their  intelligent came as  a dumb one  and insulted by the  world,
He cut off his tongue and became  intelligent, I surrender  to Dathathreya

नृसिंहवाटिकास्थो यः प्रददौ शाकभुङ्-निधिम्
दरिद्रब्राह्मणायासौ श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७१॥

Nrusimha vatikastho  ya pradhadhou saka bung nidhim,
Daridra   brahmanayasou , sri datha   saranam mama    71

In The  house  of Narasimha  , he  gave him treasure  below a plant
To the   very poor  brahmin  , I surrender  to Dathathreya

भक्ताय त्रिस्थलीयात्रां दर्शयामास यः क्षणात्
चकार वरदं क्षेत्रं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७२॥

Bhakthaaya   tristhali yathraam   darsayamasa ya kshanaath,
Chakaara  varadam kshethram  sa, Sri Datham saranam mama. 72

He showed the devotee  pilgrimage to three  places  in a second,
And also the temple of Chakra  varada, I surrender to Dathathreya

प्रेतार्तिं वारयित्वा यो ब्राह्मण्यै भक्तिभावितः
ददौ पुत्रौ गतिदः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७३॥

Pretharthi   vaarayithwaa  yo  brahmanyai  bhakthi  bhavitha,
Dadhou puthra  sa  gathidha, Sri Datha  ssaranam mama . 73

He who restrains  himself from praying to Prethas and shows devotion to Brahmana,
Would be given a son  and salvation, I surrender  to Datha.

तत्त्वं यो मृतपुत्रायै बोधयित्वाप्यजीवयत्
मृतं कल्पद्रुमस्थः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७४॥

Thathwam yo mrutha puthraayai  bodhayithwaa apya   jeevayath,
Mrutham kalpa drumascha sa  , Sri datham saranam mama   74

Suppose  we teach philosophy to dead children  and live,
Then death is like a   wish giving tree, I surrender  to Datha

दोहयामास भिक्षार्थं यो वन्ध्यां महिषीं प्रभुः
दारिद्र्यदावदावः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७५॥

Dohayaamasa   bhikshartha yo vandhyaam mahishim prabhu,
Daaridraya dhava  dhava sa  sri datha   saranam mama     75

When you went for Alms  , you made a sterile  buffalo  give milk,
And made their poverty run away, I surrender to Datha

राजप्रार्थित एत्यास्थान्मठे यो गाणगापुरे
ब्रह्मरक्षः समुद्धर्ता श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७६॥

Raja prarthitha yethyaasthaan mate  ganagapure,
Brahma  Rakshasa samudharthaa  , Sri Datha   Saranam mama  76

 As per the  kings prayer , when he reached  the Mata of Gangapur,
The Brahma Rakshasa was purified, I surrender   to Datha

विश्वरूपं निन्दकाय शिबिकास्थः स्वलङ्कृतः
गर्वहा दर्शयद्यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७७॥

Viswaroopam nindhakaaya  sibikastha swalankrutha,
Garvahaa   darsayadhya   sa, Sri Datham saranam mama     77

When the learned man saw his super form  when he went decorated on  a Palanquin,
His pride    went away     from him,  , I surrender  to Datha

त्रिविक्रमेण चानीतौ गर्वितौ ब्राह्मणद्विषौ
बोधयामास तौ यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७८॥

Trivikramena   chaaneethou   garvvithou brahmna davishou,
Bodhayaamaasa  thou  ya, Sri Datha   saranam  mama  78

The learned Trivikramabecame proud and hated   the Brahmins,
And you taught    him well,  I surrender to  Datha,

उक्त्वा चतुर्वेदशाखातदङ्गादिकमीश्वरः
विप्रगर्वहरो यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ७९॥

Ukthwaa   chathur dasa  sakhaatha   dadamgaadhika meesawara,
Vipra garva   haro  ya, sa  Sri Datha   saranam mama   79.

When they saud   they are  experts in the   forty branches  of vedas , the God,
Destroyed    the pride   of those   Brahmins , I surrender to datha

सप्तजन्मविदं सप्तरेखोल्लङ्घनतो ददौ
यो हीनाय श्रुतिस्फूर्तिः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८०॥

Saptha  janma vidham saptha rekho  ullanganatho dadhou,
Yo heenaaya sruthi spoorthi , Sri datha   saranam  mama  80

By    crossing the   seven lines he was  made to understand  his seven births,
And that  Harijan  became  learned  in vedas  , I surrender  to Datha

त्रिविक्रमायाह कर्मगतिं दत्तविदा पुनः
वियुक्तं पतितं चक्रे श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८१॥

Trivikramayaja  karma gathi   datha  vidhaa  puna,
Viyuktham pathitham   chakre  , Sri Datha  saranam mama  . 81

When Trivikrama   asked him  the  path of karma, Datha  again showed him,
How the Harjan got back   in the wheel , I  surrender  to Datha

रक्षसे वामदेवेन भस्ममाहात्म्यमुद्गतिम्
उक्तां त्रिविक्रमायाह श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८२॥

Rakshase  Vamadevena   basma   mahathmya   udgathim,
Ukthaam   Trivikramaayaaha. Sri Datha   Saranam mama   82

The Rakshasa  on touching the sacred ash on Vamadeva  got back his form,
And this was told   to trivikrama  , I surrender  to Datha

गोपीनाथसुतो रुग्णो मृतस्तत्स्त्री शुशोच ताम्
बोधयामास यो योगी श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८३॥

Gopinadha sutho   rugno  mrutha sthgath sthree  susocha thaam,,
Bodhayaamasa   yo yogi  , Sri Datha saranam mama  83

When Rugna the   son of Gopinatha   died   and his wife  sorrowed,
The   Yogi taught her , I surrender   to Datha

गुर्वगस्त्यर्षिसंवादरूपं स्त्रीधर्ममाह यः
रूपान्तरेण प्राज्ञः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८४॥'

Gurvagasthya rishi   samvada roopam   sthri dharma maha ya,
Roopantharena   sa prajnaa  , SRi Datha  saranam mama     84

Guru Agasthya   in the form of argument   told about Dharma of a lady,
And She became wise by change   of her form,  I surrender  to Datha

विधवाधर्ममादिश्यानुगमं चाक्षभस्मदः
अजीवयन्मृतं विप्रं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८५॥

Vidhavaa  dharma aadhi sayanugamam  chaaksha  basmadha,
Aajeevayan mrutham  vipram,  Sri  Datha sarannam mama.  85

The  Dharma of widow  is to follow her husband and become   ashes,
When she started  to do that  That Brhamin   again got life  , I surrender  to datha

वेश्यासत्यै तु रुद्राक्षमाहात्म्ययुतमीट्-कृतम्
प्रसादं प्राह यः सत्यै श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८६॥

Vesyasathyai   thu  Rudraksha  mahathmya yutha meet kruthaam,
Prasaadham   praha   ya   sathyai  , Sri Datha   saranam mama    86

The prostitute Sathya due to the power  of Rudrakshsa. wanted toi burn along  ,
And  The God was pleased with Stathya and told,  I surrender to Datha.

शतरुद्रीयमाहात्म्यं मृतराट् सुतजीवनम्
सत्यै शशंस गुरुः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८७॥

Satha   rudreeya mahathmyam  mrutha raat   sutha jeevanam,
Sathyai   sasamsa  sa   guru  , Sri Datha  saranam mama   87

Due toi the  power of repeating Rudra  one hundred times the dead man   started having a pleasant life  ,
And Sathya danced with joy before the Guru  , I surrender   to Datha

कचाख्यानं स्त्रियो मंत्रानर्हतार्थसुभाग्यदम्
सोमव्रतं यः प्राह श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८८॥

Kacha khyaanam    sthriyo  manthraan arhathartha   subhagyadham,
Soma vrutham   cha   ya praha, sRI Datha   saranam mama   .88

Kacha got the good luch of knowing Manthra  because  it was taught to a lady, against Dharma,
And then he   told her about  monday penance   , I surrender  to Datha

ब्राह्मण्या दुःस्वभावं यो निवार्याह्निकमुत्तमम्
शशंस ब्राह्मणायासौ श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ८९॥

Brahmana   Duswabhavam  yo  nivaaryaahinaka muthamam,
Sasamsa   Brahmana yasou , Sri Datha   Saranam mama    89

Reformimg  of  those bad habits  which should be changed  is good,
And  disciple   among Brahmins   is good  , I surrender   to Datha 

गार्हस्थधर्मं विप्राय प्रत्यवायजिहासया
क्रममुक्त्यै ऊचे श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९०॥

Gaarhastha   dharmam  vipraaya prathyavaya jihasayaa,
Krama mukthyai    ya ooche sa  , Sri Datha   Saranam mama    90

It is desirable  to decreases the house holder  dharma  of Brahmins,
Either  change the order  or go for  better one, I surrender  to Datha

त्रिपुंपर्याप्तपाकेन भोजयामास यो नृणाम्
सिद्धश्चतुःसहस्राणि श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९१॥

Tripum paryaptha paakena bhojayaamaasa yonrunaam,
Sidhascha thu   sahasraani  , Sri Datha   saranam mama   91

The four thousand   took   the  food which is   cooked
Only made  out of three  seers, I surrender  to Datha .91

अश्वत्थसेवामादिश्य पुत्रौ योऽदात्फलप्रदः
चित्रकृद्-वृद्धवन्ध्यायै श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९२॥

Aswastha sevaa maadhisya puthrou yo adhath  phala  pradha,
Chithra krudh vrudha   vandhyaai  , Sri Datha saranam  mama   92

By doing   servive to the peepal  tree  , a son was got by,
A very old barren lady  of Chithrakoot, Isurrender  to Datha

कारयित्वा शुष्ककाष्ठसेवां तद्-वृक्षतां नयन्
विप्रकुष्ठं जहारासौ श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९३॥

Karyithvaa  sushka  kaashta   sevaa,   thad vrukshathaam  nayana,
Vipra kushtam  jaharasou, Sri Datha   saranam mama    93

By doing service to the  dry stick  and making it in to a tree,
The leprosy   of the Brahmin got cured , I surrender  to Datha  

भजन्तं कष्टतोऽप्याह सायंदेवं परीक्ष्य यः
गुरुसेवाविधानं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९४॥

Bhajantham  kashtathopyaaha saayam devam   pareekshya ya,
Guru seva vidhaanam   sa, Sri Datha  saranam  mama   94

When Sayam deva in difficulties   praised him, he was tested,
In the way  a Guru   has to be served, I surrender  to Datha.

शिवतोषकरीं काशीयात्रां भक्ताय योऽवदत्
सविधिं विहितां त्वष्ट्रा श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९५॥

Shiva thosha karim  kasi yaathraam    bhakthaaya   yo avadath,
SAvidhim vihithaam   thwashtaa, Sri Datha saranam mama  95

The pilgrimage to Kasi   which makes lord Shiva happy was done with devotion,
And according   to proper rules  properly  , I surrender  to Datha

कौण्डिण्यधर्मविहितमनंतव्रतमाह यः
कारयामास तद्योऽपि श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९६॥

Kaundinya   dharma   vihitha  manantha  vrutha  maahaya,
Karayaamaasa  thadh yo api  , Sri Datha   saranam mama 96

By observing   the  great Anantha vrutha   as advisesd,
By sage Kaundinya, all  results could be achieved, I surrender  to Datha

श्रीशैलं तंतुकायासौ योगगत्या व्यदर्शयत्
शिवरात्रिव्रताहे श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९७॥

Sri sailam   thanthukaayasou   yoga gathyaa   vyadarsayath,
Shiva rathri   vruthahe sa sri datha   saranam mama. 97

To Thanthuka  by nethod of yoga  you showed Sri Sailam,
On the   Shiva Rathri   day, I  surrender   to   Datha

ज्ञापयित्वाप्यर्मत्यत्वं स्वस्य दृष्ट्या चकार यः
विकुष्ठं नन्दिशर्माणं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९८॥

Jnapayithwaapya  marthya thwam   swasyaa   drushtyaa chakaraa  yaa,
Vikushtam   nandi sarmaanaam  , Sri Datha saranam mama  98

Making you remember  that  you are a man, you saw  that  ,
Nandi sarma   was cured  of leprosy ,  I surrender  before   datha

नरकेसरिणे स्वप्ने स्वं कल्लेश्वरलिङ्गगम्
दर्शयित्वानुजग्राह श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम ९९॥

Nara kesarine  swapne   swam   kalleswara  lingam,
Darasyithwaa   anujagraaha  , Sri Datha  saranam mama  99

Nara kesari  in his dream saw   you as Kalleswara  lingam,
And   when you saw him, you  blessed him, I surrender  to Dathathreya

अष्टमूर्तिधरोऽप्यष्टग्रामगो भक्तवत्सलः
दीपावल्युत्सवेऽभूत्स श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम १००॥

Ashta moorthi dharo   apyashta gramago  nbaktha vathsala,
Deepalyuthsave  abhoothsa  , Sri   Datha saranam mama    100

The one who carries eight moorthis   , who liked his disciples  visited all  their villages,
On the    festival of Deepavali  in person  , I surrender  to Datha

अपक्वं छेदयित्वापि क्षेत्रे शतगुणं ततः
धान्यं शूद्राय योऽदात्स श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम १०१॥

Apakvam   chediyithwaapi   kshethre    satha   gunam thatha,
Dhaanyam   Soodraaya yo adathsa, sri  Datha   saranam mama   101

Though the field was harvested before maturity, it yielded  hundred times,
The crop   of The farmer   who was your devotee, I surrender  to Datha

गाणगापुरके क्षेत्रे योऽष्टतीर्थान्यदर्शयत्
भक्तेभ्यो भीमरथ्यां श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम १०२॥

Ganagapurake  Kshethre   yo  ashta theerth anya  darsayath,
Bhakthebyo  bheema rathyaam  sa, Sri Datha saranam mama  .102

Near  the temple  of Gangapure   the   devotees  saw  eith sacred   waters,
And they also   saw  bheema ratha,  I surrender   to  Datha,

पूर्वदत्तवरायादाद्राज्यं स्फोटकरुग्घरः
म्लेच्छाय दृष्टिं चेष्टं श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम १०३॥

Poorva  Dathavarayadhadrajyam    sphotaka  rukgara,
Mlechaya drustim   cheshtam, sri Datha   saranam mama    103

Once the king    of the country   where Datha lived got a boil,
And that Mlecha(not our religion)    was cured just   by  the  look of guru  , I surrender   to Datha

श्रीशैलयात्रामिषेण वरदः पुष्पपीठगः
कलौ तिरोऽभवद्यः श्रीदत्तः शरणं मम १०४॥

Sri saila    yathraa mishena   varada  pushpa peedaka,
Kalou   thiroabhavadhaya, Sri Datha  saranam mama     104

At the end of travel  to Sri Saila he  travelled in a flower plate,
And he   disappeared   in the Kali age  , I surrender   to Datha

निद्रामातृपुरेऽस्य सह्यशिखरे पोठं मिमंक्षापुरे
काश्याख्ये करहाटकेऽर्घ्यमवरे भिक्षास्य कोलापुरे
पाञ्चाले भुजिरस्य विठ्ठलपुरे पत्रं विचित्रं पुरे
गांधर्वे युजिराचमः कुरुपुरे दूरे स्मृतो नान्तरे १०५॥

Nidhraa mathru pure sahya shikare potam mimaaksha  pure,
Kasyaakhyaa kara  hatake arghyamavare bikshasya kola pure,
Panchaale   bujirasya vittalapure pathram  vichithram pure  ,
Gaandharve   yujiraachama  kuru pure   dhoore smruthou naanthare  . 105

Sleep  on the peak  of mountain of Mathrupura, the home  in Mimakshapura,
The offer of water  on lotus leaf in Kasi  , the alms  in Kolapura,
Granting joy in Punjab , leaf in Vittalapura   which is peculiar city,

Achamana  in Gandharwa  and  meditation from distance in Kurupura.

अमलकमलवक्त्रः पद्मपत्राभनेत्रः
परविरतिकलत्रः सर्वथा यः स्वतन्त्रः
परमपवित्रः सत्कमण्डल्वमत्रः
परमरुचिरगात्रो योऽनसूयात्रिपुत्रः १०६॥

Amala kamala  vakthra padma  patrhraabha  nethraa,
Para virathi kalathra sarvadhaa ya swathanthra,
SA  cha  parama pavithra sathkmandalvamathra,
Parama ruchira   gaathro  yo Anasooyaa  athri  puthra 106

He who as pure   lotus like face  , has eyes which are like petals of lotus flower,
He   who is divine  but does not have  wife, who is always there  or always free,
Who is divinely pure and who has only a good water pot,
Who has    divinely bright body  and who is the   son of Athri and Anasooya 

नमस्ते समस्तेष्टदात्रे विधात्रे
नमस्ते समस्तेडिताघौघहर्त्रे
नमस्ते समस्तेङ्गितज्ञाय भर्त्रे
नमस्ते समस्तेष्टकर्त्रेऽकहर्त्रे १०७॥

Namasthe   samastheshta  dathre  vidhathre,
Namasthe samsthedithaagougha  harthre  ,
Namasthe samasthengithajnaya bharthre  ,
Namasthe samastheshta karthre   akaharthre     107

SAlutation to the  creator   who fulfills all wishes,
Salutation  to the destroyer of all problems that  occur  ,
Salutations to lord   of all    important    signs,
Salutations  who performs all desires and destroys all unhappiness.

नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु पुरान्तकाय
नमो नमस्तेऽस्त्वसुरान्तकाय
नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु खलान्तकाय
दत्ताय भक्तार्तिविनाशकाय १०८॥

Namo namsthesthu   puraanthakaaya,
Namo  namathesthwa asuraanthakaaya,
Namo  namasthesthu kaalanthaakaaya,
Dathaya   bhaktharthi vinasakaya     108

Salutation and salutation   to destroyer of cities
Salutation and salutation  to the killer of all    asuras,
Salutation and salutation to the killer of   god of death,
He who destroys the   grief  of devotees  of Datha.

श्रीदत्तदेवेश्वर मे प्रसीद
श्रीदत्तसर्वेश्वर मे प्रसीद
प्रसीद योगेश्वर देहि योगं
त्वदीयभक्तेः कुरु मा वियोगम् १०९॥

Sri Datha  deveswara  praseedha,
SRi Datha   sarveswara  may praseedha,
Praseedha    yogeswara   dehi yogam,
Thwadheeya bhakthe  kuru maa  viyogam    109
Be pleased with me  Datha , the god of all devas,
Be pleased with me  Datha c  , who is the God of all,
Be pleased   God of Yoga  , give me luck,
Never leave  your devotees at any time

श्रीदत्तो जयतीह दत्तमनिशं ध्यायामि दत्तेन मे
हृच्छुद्धिर्विहिता ततोऽस्तु सततं दत्ताय तुभ्यं नमः
दत्तान्नास्ति परायणं श्रुतिमतं दत्तस्य दासोऽस्म्यहम्
श्रीदत्ते परभक्तिरस्तु मम भो दत्त प्रसीदेश्वर ११०॥

Sri Datho  jayatheeha dathamanisam dhyaayaami  dathena  may,
Hruchuddhir  vihithaa   thathosthu sathatham  dathaaya  thubhyam nama,
Dathannasthi   paraayanam   sruthimatham  dathasya daasosmyaham,
Sri Dathe parabakthirasthu mama bho datha praseedheswara    110

Hail Datha, always  , I always meditate on Datha,
Salutation  to him  who gives more than what  is due, I salute you datha,
There is no one else who is studied more  by Vedas than Datha, I  am slave of Datha,
May I have great devotion to Datha,  Oh my lord Datha be pleased with me 

  इति श्री परमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्य श्री श्री श्री
वासुदेवानन्द सरस्वती यति वरेण्य विरचितं श्री दत्त
भावसुधारस स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi  Sri Paramahamsa   parivrujakaakaachaaya sri sri  sri ,
Vasudevanandha SAraswathi   yathi varenya virachitham  Sri Datha,
Bhava  Sudha   rasa   stotram sampoornam 

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