
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for second day of Navarathri

 Material for Devi Mahathmya  Parayanam for second day  of Navarathri

Translated by

Image result for Mahishasura samhara
Chapter 2: Killing of the armies of Mahishasura.

Rishir Uvacha:-
Devasuramabhoodhyudham poornama sabdhasatham pura,
Mahishe asuranamadhipe devanam cha purandare
The sage told:-
Long long ago when Indra was the king of devas and Mahisha was the king of asuras, a hundred year was fought between devas and asuras.
(Mahishmati was the wife of an Asura called Vipra chithi. She terrorized the sage Sindhu Deepa taking the form of a buffalo. He cursed her to really become a buffalo. She drank the semen of sage Sindhu Deepa and gave birth to Mahishasura. The place where Mahishasura ruled in the olden days was called Mahishur and is the present Mysore in the city in the Karnataka State of India. )

2. Thathrasurai Maha Veeryair deva sainyam parajitham,
Jithwa sakalan devan indroabhoon Mahishasura.

In that war the army of devas was defeated by the very valorous army of Asuras and after winning all devas Mahishasura became Indra (king of Devas)

3. Thatha parajithaa deva padmayonim prajapathim,
Puraskruthya gathasthathra yathresa garuda dwaja.

Afterwards the defeated Devas went to the place where Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are there with Brahma who was born out of the lotus as their leader.

4. Yada vrutham thayosthadwan Mahishasura Cheshtitham,
Tridasa kadayamasu r devabhi bhava vistharam.

Devas went to them and related to them about the action of Mahishasura and their great defeat truly as it happened.

5. Suryendragnya Neelendunaam yamasya varunasya cha,
Anwesham cha adhikaraan swaya mevadhi thisthati.

That Mahishasura has usurped the powers of Sun, Indra, Fire, wind god, and moon and using their powers.

6. Swarga nirakrutha sarve thena devagana bhuvi,
Vicharanthi yadha marthya mahishena durathmana.

Driven out from heaven by the bad soul Mahishasura all groups of Devas are traveling in the earth like human beings.
7. Ethadwa kaditham sarva amarari cheshtitham,
Saranam cha prapanna smo vadha sthasya vichinthyathaam.

We have told you all actions of Mahishasura and have sought your refuge. Please think about how he can be killed.

8. Iththam nisamya devaanaam vachamsi Madu soodhana,
Chakara kopam sambhooscha brukuti kuti lalanou.

Thus hearing the words of the devas, Lord Vishnu and lord Shiva, with a face with eyebrows curved, became very angry.

9. Thatho kopa poor nasya chakrino vadanasthada,
Nischakrama mahathejo brahmana sankarasya cha.

Then from the very angry and broad face of Vishnu and the faces of Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma, one lustrous power arose.

10. Anwesham chaiva devanam sakradheenam sareeratha,
Nirgatham samuhatheja thachaikyam samagachatha.

From the bodies of all devas including Indra very large lustrous power arose and became united with this power.

11. Athheevathejasa kutam jwalanthamiva parvatham,
Dhadrususthe surasthathra jwala vyaptha digantharam.

Those devas saw that very powerful fireball which was lighting all directions with its great flame and found it similar to a shining mountain.

12. Athulam thathra thatheja sarva deva sareerajam,
Ekastham thada bhoonari vyaptha lokathrayam twisha.

In that assembly of devas, that incomparable flame which emerged from the bodies of all devas including Vishnu became one and took the form of a lady whose power was shining in all the three worlds.

13. Yadabhooschambhavam thejasthena jayatha thanmkham,
Yamyena chabhavan kesa bahavo Vishnu thejasa.

From the power of Lord Shiva the face of Goddess was formed, from that of Yama her hair was formed and from that Vishnu her hands were formed.
(Her face was white because Shiva was white her hair black because Yama was black and her eighteen hands were blue because Vishnu was blue. )

14. Sowmyenas thanyor yugmam, madhyamaindrena cha bhavat,
vaarunena cha jangoru nithamba sthejasa buva.
From the power of moon her two busts were made, from the power of Indra her middle part, from the power of Varuna her calfs and thighs and from the power of earth her behind.
(Her busts were white because it was from moon, and her middle part was red because it was from Indra)

15. Brahmana thejasa padhou thadangulyo arka thejasa,
Vasoonaam cha karangulyai koubherana cha nasika.

Her feet were made by the power from Brahma, her toes from the power of Sun, from the Ashta Vasus her fingers and from the power of Kubhera her nose were made.
(Her feet were red because they were made with the power of Brahma)

16. Thasyasthu Dantha sambhootha prajapathyena thejasa,
Nayanathritayam jakjne thadha pavaka thejasa.

Her teeth were made with the power of Prajapathis like Daksha and her three eyes from the power of God of fire.

17. Broovou cha sandyoyostheja sravana vanilasya cha,
Anyeshaam chaiva devanaam sambhavasthejasam shiva.

From the power of dawn and dusk were made her eye brows, from the power of God of wind her ears and then power from all other Devas became one and she was formed.

18. Thatha samastha devaanaam thejo rasi samud bhavam,
Thaam vilokhya mudham prapuramara mahishardhitha.

All devas who were troubled by Mahishasura became happy seeing that Devi (Goddess) who was formed out of the powers of all devas.

19. Soolam sooladhwinishkrushya dhadhou thasyai pinaka druk,
Chakram cha Dhathawan Krushna samudpatya swachakratham.

Lord Shiva took the power of trident and gave it to her and Similarly Lord Vishnu took the power of his holy wheel and mace and gave it to her.
(“Chakram cha” meaning “also holy wheel” has been interpreted as Holy wheel and mace, because she holds the mace in one of her eighteen hands).

20. Sankham cha Varuna, shakthim dadhou tasyai huthasana,
Maarutho dathavamschapam banapurne thadheshudhi.

Varuna (God of rain) gave her the Conch, fire god Spear, and the God of wind the quiver full (inexhaustible) of many arrows.

21. Vajramindra samudpatya kulisaadamaradipa,
Dadhou thasyai Sahasraksho Gandam Iravadath Jagath.
The thousand-eyed Indra who was the king of Devas took (attracted) the diamond from Vajrayudha (weapon made of diamond) and bell from his elephant Iravatha and gave it to her.

22. Kaladandadhyamo dandam paasam chambhu pathir dadhou,
Prajapathischaksha maalam dadhou Brahma kamandalum.

Yama, the God of death gave her a staff made from his death staff, Varuna his rope made from his rope and the creator Brahma gave bead chain for praying and pot for taking water.

23. Samastha roma koopeshu nija rasmin divakara,
Kaalascha dathavan Gadgam tasyascharma cha nirmalam.

The Sun God gave her all the rays taken from every hair pore of his body and the God of time (Also God of death) gave her his sword and a sparkling shield.

24. Ksheerodaschamalam haaramajare cha thadambhare.

The sea of milk gave her the very clear garland of pearls and ever fresh and never destroying set of cloths.

25. Choodamanim thatha divyam kundale kadakani cha,
Arda chandram vimalou thadwath graiveyakamuthamam.

26. Noopuraou vimalou thadwath graiveyakamuthamam,
Angulyaka rathnani samasthaswamguleeshu cha.

27. Viswakarma Dhadou tasyai parasum cha athi nirmalam,
Asthanyaneka roopani thadha bedhyam cha damsanam.

Viswakarma the architect and crafts specialist of Devas gave her, a jewel to wear on her head, studs, bangles, the holy crescent and shoulder armlets for all her hands and also very holy toe rings, very holy axe, several types of arrows and a shield which cannot be cut.

28. Adhadha Jaladhi thasyai pankajamchadi shobhanam,
Himavan vahanam simham, rathnani vividhani cha.

The God of sea gave her garlands made of never fading flowers to wear over her head and neck and a very pretty lotus flower and the Himalaya mountain gave her a lion to ride and several type of gems.

29. Dadha vassoonyam suraya panapathram dhanadhipa,
Seshascha sarva nageso maha mani vibhooshitham.

30. Naga haram dadhou thasyai dathe ya prithwimimaam

Kubhera, the god of wealth gave her a goblet full of wine that Anantha who was the king of snakes and who bears the earth gave her a snake garland decorated by precious jewels.
(One interpreter says Goblet filled with nectar, though majority interpret it as goblet full of wine. The above stanzas indicate that the Goddess had 18 hands and was the basic power behind all the Gods. )

31. Sammanitha nanadhochaisa attahasam muhur muhu,
Thasya nadena gorena kruthsnama pooritham nabha.

Thus presented by many other ornaments and weapons by other devas, she again and again shouted with powerful laugh and the entire sky was filled her sound.

32. Amayathathi mahatha prathi sabhdho mahanabhooth,
Chukshubhu sakala loka samudhrascha chakambhire.

That great sound produced great echo and the entire earth and ocean shook because of that.

33. Chachala vasudha chelu, sakalascha mahidhara,
Jayethi devascha mudha thamoochu simha vahine.

The earth shook, all the mountains trembled and all the gods wished victory to that goddess who was riding on a lion.

34. Thushtuvur munayaschainaam bhakthi namrathma moorthaya,
Drushtwa samastham samkshubdham trilokya amararaya.

35. Sanadhakhila sainyasthe samuthasthadhurudhayudha.

Sages praised with humility born of devotion and the enemies of devas (Mahisha and others) seeing the entire world is tumultuous rose up along with the ever-ready armies and with weapons held aloft.

36. Aa kimethadhithi krodhadhabhyashya mahishasura,
Abhyadavatha tham sabdham aseshair asurairvrutha.

Mahishasura with anger said, “What is this?” and surrounded by all asuras ran towards the origin of the sound.
(This shows the baser quality of the Asura, who did not first send an emissary to enquire about the source of the sound and started for a war himself.)

37. Sa dadarsa thatho devim vyaptha lokathrayam twisha,
Padakrathya natha bhuvam kiritolikithambharam.

38. Kshobhithasesha patalam dhanurjyani swanena tham,
Dhiso bhuja sahasrena samanthad vyapya samsthidham.

Afterwards he saw her spread all over the three worlds by her lustrous power, pushing down the earth by her feet, touching the skies with her crown, shaking the world including patala by the twang of her bow and occupying all the sides with her thousand arms.

39. Thatha prava vruthe yudham thaya devya suradwishaam,
Sashthrasthrair bahudha mukthiaraa depitha digandharam.

Then those Asuras had a Great War with the Devi (goddess) in which the differently sent weapons and arrows lighted all the different directions.

40. Mahishasura senani Chikshurakhyo mahasura,
Yuyudhe chamarschanyair schathuranga balanvidha,
Radhaana, mayuthair shadbhir udhagraghyo mahasura.

She fought with Chikshura the great Asura who was the commander-in-chief of Mahishasura’s army, Chamara who fought along with the four types of army (Infantry, Cavalry, and chariot riders and elephant riders) and with Udagra, the great asura with sixty thousand chariots.

41. Ayudhyathayuthaanam cha sahasrena maha hanu,
Pancha shadbhischa niyuthair asiloma mahasura.

While Maha Hanu fought with one hundred million chariots, the great Asura called Asiloma fought with five hundred million chariots.

42. Ayuthanaam sathair Shadbhir bhashkalo yuyudhe rane,
Gaja vaji sahasrou ghair anekair parivaritha.

43. Vyatho radhaanam kotya cha yudhe tasminayudhyatha.

The Asura called Bhashkala fought with six million chariots and the Asura called Parivaritha fought surrounded by innumerable and uncountable groups of elephants and horses and one hundred million chariots.

44. Bidalakhyo ayuthanaam cha pancha sadbhi radayuthai,
Yuyudhe samyughe thathra radhaanam parivaritha.

Afterwards Bidaala (cat eyed Asura) took part in that war with five hundred million chariots.

45. Anye cga thathr yuthaso ratha naagahayair vrutha,
Yuyudhu samyughe devya saha thathra mahasura.

All other asuras who were not mentioned above fought with the goddess surrounded by ten thousand sets of chariots, elephants and horses.

46. Koti koti sahasraisthu rathaanaam dandhinaam thadha,
Hayanaam cha vyatho yudhe thathra bhoon mahishasura.

Similarly Mahishasura also was ready to fight in that battle surrounded by thousand million times thousand million sets of chariots, elephants and horses.

47. Thomarair bindhi palaischa shakthibhir musalisthadha,
Yuyudhu samyuge, devya gadagai parasu pattisai.

Those Rakshasas fought the war with javelins, (not clear), elephant controlling spears, spears, pestles, axes and broad swords.

48. Kecicha chikshupu sakthi kechith pasa sthada pare,
Devim gadga praharaisthu they thaam hanthum prachakramu.

Some of them threw spears and some rope at her. And other great asuras tried to cut that goddess by swords and kill her.

49. Sapi devi thathasthani sasthrayastharni chandika,
Leelayaiva prachicheda nija sasthranyasthani varshani.

Afterwards that Goddess Chandika by sending her weapons and arrows cut off the weapons and arrows send by them as if she was playing.

50. Anayasthanana Devi sthyumana surarshibhi,
Mumocha sura deheshu Sasthrani asthrani cheswari.

Without sign of any tiredness in her face that Goddess who was being praised by devas and sages also sent weapons and arrows towards the bodies of those asuras.

51. So api krudho, druhasato devya vahana kesari,
Chachara sura sainyeshu vaneshwiva huthasana.

The famous steed lion of the goddess also became angry and with flowing manes traveled in the army of asuras like fire.

52. Niswasaaan mumuche yamscha yudhyamana rane ambhika,
They eva sadhya sambhootha ganaa satha sahasrasa.

Every deep breath of that Goddess Ambika took while fighting in the war with asuras, themselves became into of millions of Chandikas immediately.

53. Yuyudhusthe parsubhir bhindhi palasi pattisai,
Nasayantho asuraganan devi shakthyupa bramhitha.

Those soldiers (Chandikas) enthused by the great valour of the goddess-waged war against the asuras with weapons like axes, swords, Bindhipala and Pattisa etc (last two weapons were weapons of that time.)
54. Aavadhayantha patahan gana sankhasthadhapare,
Mrudangascha thadaivanyai tasmin yudha mahotsave.

Those soldiers celebrated that festival of war by playing on huge drums or blowing conches or playing on Mrudangam (a type of drum)

55. Thatho devi trishulena gadhaya shakthi vrushtibhi
Gadgadhibischa sathaso nijagana mahasuran.

Afterwards that goddess killed innumerable asuras by trident,, mace sword and shower of spears.

56. Pathayamasa chaivanyan gandaswana vimohithan,
Asuran bhuvi pasena bhadwa chanynakarshayath.

Some were made to swoon by production of huge clanging sound and some other asuras were tied by rope and dragged on the floor by the goddess.

57. Vipodhitha nipathena gadhya bhuvi serathe,
Vemascha kechid rudhiram bhoomou musalena brusam hatha.

58. Kechith nipathitha bhoomou bhina soolena vakshasi.

Some great asuras were cut in to two by the severe strokes of the sword. Some others were beaten severely by the mace and fell on the floor. Some others vomited blood because of the beatings by the pestle. Others fell on the floor because the spears were driven on their chest.

59. Nirakrutha sarou gana krutha kechid rana jire,
Senanu karina pranaan mumuchu tridasardhana.

Some very valorous asuras gave up their life in the war by becoming hurt by crowds of arrows.

60. Siramsi pethur anyeshaamanye madhye vidharitha
Vichinna jangaasthwapare pethururvyam mahasura

In case of some, the hands were cut, similarly in case of some necks were cut, in case of some heads fell on the ground, in case of some they were cut in the middle and in case of some they fell on the earth having their legs broken.

61. Eka bhawakshi charana kechidivya dwidhakrutha,
Chinnepi chaanye shirasi pathitha punuruthidha.

62. Kabandhaa yuyudhur devya grahidha paramayudha.

Some of them were cut in to two pieces with each piece having one eye, one ear and one leg. Some others even though they were beheaded again and again got up and fought with the goddess as headless body with several great weapons.
(It was believed that once thousand heroes are beheaded in war one trunk without head gets up to fight. In this war it is believed ten million times ten million trunks got up)

63. Kabandha Chinna shirasa Gadga shakthyushti panaya,
Thishta thishtehi bhashantho devimanye mahasura.

Some other asuras danced to the balanced tune of orchestra. While some trunks fought with the two sided sharpened sword, some other asuras fought with her shouting to her, “Stop, stop.”

64. Pathithairadha naga aswai asuraischa vasundhara,
Agamya sabhavat thathra yathradbutha maha rana.

That arena of war where the war took place became mpossible to cross due to fallen chariots, elephants, horses and other fallen asuras.

65. Sonithougha maha nadhya sadya sththra visusruvu,
madhye chasura sainyasya varanasura vajinaam.

There in the midst of the Asura army, great rivers of blood in which elephants, horses and asuras were floating were seen.

66. Kshanena than maha sainyamasuranam thadhambhika,
Ninye kshayam yadha vahnis tharna dharu maha chayam.

That goddess destroyed the huge Asura army as quickly as a huge fire destroys heaps of straw.

67. Sa cha simho maha nada musrujan dutha kesara.
Sarerebhyo amarareenamasuniva vichinwathi.

That lion with its flowing manes and with a great roar, appeared as if it was interested in taking away souls from the Asura bodies

68. Devya Ganaischa thaisthathra krutham yudham thadhasurai,
Yadhishaam thustuvur deva pushpa vrushti mucho dhivi.

While the devas who were singing her praise and causing rain of flowers, there was war between asuras and the army of the goddess.
Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Mahishasura sainya vadho nama,
Dwithiyo adhyaya,
This is the second chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of the army of Mahishasura Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana

Chapter 3: Killing of Mahishasura.

1. Rishir Uvacha:-
Nihanyamanam that sainyamavalokya mahasura,
senani chikshura kopadhyaou yodhumambikaam.

The sage said:-
Afterwards seeing that the entire army of Mahishasura was destroyed, A commander of their army known as Chikshura started for war against the goddess.

2. Saa deveem sara varshena va varsha samare asura,
Yadha meru gire srungam thoya varshena thoyadha.

In that war, that Chikshura rained arrows at her similar to the torrential rain of water covering the peaks of Meru Mountain

3. Thasya Chithwa thatho devi leelayeva saroth karaan,
Jagana thuragan banairyanthaaram chaiva vajinaam.

Afterwards the goddess as if she was playing, cutoff his crowd of arrows and killed his horses and horseman.

4. Chichedha cha dhanu sadhyo dwajam chaadhi samuchridham,
Vivyadha chaiva gathreshu chinna dhanwa namausugai.

Then the Goddess cut of his bow and flag post of his chariot and hit him in all his organs by arrows.

5. Sa Chinadhanwa, viradho, hathaswo hatha saradhi,
Abhyadavadha thaam devim gadga charmadharo asura.

That Asura whose bow was cut, whose chariot was broken, whose horse was killed and whose chariot driver was killed ran towards her with a sword and a shield.

6. Simhamahathya gadgena, theeshna dharena moordhani,
Jajwalyamanam thejobhi ravi bhimbha mivambharan.

That Asura called Chikshura who was a commander wounded the lion on his head by the sword and hit the Goddess on her left hand.

7. Thasya Gadgo bhujam prapya paphala nrupa nandana,
thatho jagraha soolam sa kopadh aruna lochana.

Hey king, that sword reaching the arm of the Goddess broke in to pieces and he with red eyes due to extreme anger took the spear.

8. Chiksepa cha thathasthathu Bhadrakalyaam mahasura,
Jajwalyamanam thejobhi ravi bimbha mivambarath.

Afterwards that great Asura reached the sky and like the shining sun of the sky threw that shining spear at the good giving Goddess.

9. Drushtwa thadapathascsulam devi soolamamunchadha,
Thena thaccha thadha neetham soolam sa cha mahasura.

Seeing the spear thrown by the Asura coming towards her, she sent her spear and split in to hundred that spear as well as that great Asura.

10. Hathe thasmin maha veerye, mahishasya chamoopathou,
Aajagama gajarudaan Chamara tridasardhana

Seeing that, that very strong commander in chief of Mahishasura was killed by her. One Asura called Chamara came riding on an elephant.

11. Sopi shakthim mumochadha devyasthamambika drutham,
Hungararibi hatham bhoomou pathayamasa nishprabham.

Afterwards he too threw a spear at the Goddess. The Goddess after swiftly destroying it, made it loose the glitter and made it fall on to the earth.

12. Bhagnam shakthim nipathitham drusthwa krodha samanvitha,
Chikshepa chamara soolam ambanai sthadabhi saachinnath.

Chamara seeing that his spear was destroyed, threw the trident and the Goddess cut it off with her arrows.

13. Thatha simha samuthpathya gaja kumbhandhara sthidha,
Bahu yuddhena yuyudhe thenochai thridasaarina.

Afterwards that lion jumped up to a great height and standing on the forehead of the elephant fought with the Asura using its hands.

14. Yudhyamanou thathasthou thu tasmanaganmaheem gathou,
Yuyudhathe athi samrabdhou praharairathi darunai.

Afterwards they (Lion and Chamara) who were fighting jumped to the earth from the elephant and with great anger continued the horrific fighting with slaps. (Note that in most of the places where wresting is done, the Goddess does not take part. )

15. Thado vegath gamuthpathya nipathya cha mriagarina,,
Karapraharena siraschamarasya pradhakrutham.

Then they both jumped on to the sky and again fell down. Then by a hit of the hand, the lion separated the head of Chamara from his trunk.

16. Udagrascha rane devya Shila vrakshadhibhir hatha,
Danda mushti thalaischaiva karalascha nipathitha.

In the war Udagra was also killed by stones and trees and Karala was killed by teeth, fist and palm.
(Some people interpret instead of “teeth, fist and Palm”, sword whose handle was made of ivory. )

17. Devi krudha gadha pathai choornayamasa chodhatham,
Bashkalam bindhipalena banaisthamram thadandhakam.

18. Ugrasya mugra veeryam cha thadiva cha Maha hanum,
Trinethra cha trishoolena jagana Parameshwari.

The Goddess with great anger powdered Udhatha with hits from her mace. The three eyed goddess of every one, killed Bashkala with her scythe. With her arrows Thamra and Andhaka, with her trident Ugrasya, Ugraveera and Maha Hanu.

19. Bidlasyaasina kayath pathayamasa vai sira,
Durdharam durmugam chobhou sarair ninye yama kshayam.

With sword she separated the head of Bidala from his body and famously made it fall and with arrows she sent Durdhara and Durmukha to the place of God of death.

20. Evam Samksheeyamano thu swasainye Mahishasura,
Mahishena swaroopena trasayamasa thaan ganan.

When his army was thus being vanquished Mahishasura took the shape of a buffalo and scared the army of the Goddess.

21. Kaschit thunda praharena Khurakshepai sthadhaparaan,
Langula thadithamschanyan srungabhyam cha vidharithaan

22. Vegena kamschid aparan nadena bramanena cha,
Niswasa pavanonyan pathayamasa bhoothale.

Mahishasura hit some with his face, some others he stamped with his hoof, some others he beat with his tail, some by tearing with his horns, some he fell on the ground because of his speed, some by sound, some by his movement and some by his breath.

23. Nipaathya pramadhaneeka mabhyadhavatha soasura,
Simham hanthum maha devya kopam chakre thathombika.

After felling her army he ran towards the lion to kill it and this made the Goddess angry.

24. So api kopaan maha veerya Ghurakshanna mahee thala,
Srungabhyaam Parvathan uchamscchikshepa cha nanadha cha.

He who is very strong became very angry and by tearing the earth by his front hoof threw the mountains by his two horns and shrieked.

25. Vega bramana vikshunna mahii thasya vyaseeryatha,
Langulenahthaschabdhi plavayamasa sarvatha.

Due to his fast rotation the earth was broken and the ocean which was beaten by his tail rose up and drowned every one.

26. Duthasrunga vibhinnascha Gandam Gandam yuyurghana,
Swasa anilastha sathaso nipethurnnabhaso achala.

The clouds, which were moved by his horns, broke in to pieces and the mountains, which were blown by his breath, fell into innumerable pieces.

27. Ithi krodha samadhmaatha maapadantham Mahasura,
Drushtwa saa chandika kopam thadwadhaya thadakaroth.

Seeing the Mahishasura who was burning with anger and running towards her, that Chandika became angry and decided to kill him.

28. Saa kshipthwa thasya vai paasam tham babandha mahasuram,
Thathyaja mahishamroopam so api bhadho mahamrudhe.

In that Great War That Goddess threw the famous Pasa (literally rope) and tied that great Asura. Though he was tied he gave up the form of the buffalo

29. Thatha Simho abhavadsadhyo yavathambhika sira,
Chinnathi thavaht purusha Gadgapaniradhursyadha.

Afterwards that Asura swiftly became lion and when she was cutting his head, then he was seen as a male who was holding a sword.

30. Thatha evasu purusham devi chichedha sayakai,
Tham gadga charmana saardham thatha so aboon maha gaja.

Afterwards the Goddess cut the head of the man with a sword and shield by using swift arrows. Then from that man he became a very big elephant.

31. Karena cha maha simham tham chakarsha jagarja cha,
Karshathasthu karam devi gadgena nirakrunthatha.
He (with form of an elephant) with his huge trunk pulled that great lion and trumpeted. But the Goddess cut off his pulling trunk using the sword.

32. Thatho mahasuro bhooyo maahisham vapurasthitha,
Thadiva Kshobhayamasa trilokyam sa characharam.

Afterwards that Great Asura again took the form of Buffalo and shook the entire world with all its beings.

33. Thatha Krudha Jaganmatha chandika panamuthamam,
Papow puna punaschaiwa jahasa aruna lochana.

Afterwards that Goddess Chandika who was the mother of the entire world, with great anger and with blood shot eyes, drank high quality wine and again and again laughed.

34. Nanardha chaasura sopi bala veerya madhodadhada,
Varshanabhyam cha chiksepa chandikaam prathi bhoodaraan.

That Asura who was ferociously agile due to his great strength shouted at her and threw mountains at her with his horns.

35. Saa cha thaan prahithaamsthena choornayanthi saroth karai,
Uvacha tham Madhoduddha muga raga kulaksharam.

That Goddess made in to powder, mountains thrown at her and with reddish face and with unclear words told him.
(Reddish face and unclear words were as a result of wine. )

36. Devyuvacha:-
Garja Garja kshanam mooda madhu yavath pibamyaham,
Maya twayi hathe athraiva garjishyanthyasu devatha.

The Goddess told:-
Hey Idiot, You keep on roaring again and again for little more time till I drink this wine. When I kill you quickly these gods will roar with happiness.

37. Rishir Uvacha:-
Eva mukthwa samuth pathya saa rooda thaam mahasuram,
Paadenakramya kante cha soole maina mathadayath.

The sage told:-
After telling thus that Goddess climbed on the Asura and by oppressing him by her feet drove the spear in to him.

38. Thatha soapi padakraantha sthaya nija mukha thatha,
Ardha nishkantha evathi devya veeryena samvyatha.

Afterwards he being pressed by the feet of the Goddess tried to lift half of his body and face but was kept immobile by her.

39. Ardha nishkantha eva sou yudhya mano mahasura,
Thaya mahasina devya siraschithwa nipathitha.

That great Asura though he fought with half his body, was felled down by the goddess by cutting his head by the big sword.

40. Thatho haha krutham sarvam dhaithya sainye nanasa thath,
Praharsham cha param jagmu sakala devatha gana.

Afterwards that great Asura army ran away shouting,”Ha”, “Ha” and all the Gods attained great happiness.

41. Thushtuvasthaam sura deveem saha divyair maharshibhi,
Jagur gandarwa pathayo nanyuthuschapsa saro gana.

The gods along with sages in the heaven prayed that Goddess, the chiefs of gandarwas (celestial singers) sang about her and crowds of Apsaras (Deva dancers) danced.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Mahishasura vadho nama,
Trithiyo adhyaya,

This is the third chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of Mahishasura Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana.

Chapter 4: The prayer of Sakradi[2] devathas.

1. Rishir Uvacha:-
Sakradhaya suragana nihathe athiveerya,
Thasmin durathmani surari bale cha devya,
Thaam thushtuvu pranathi namra siro daramsa,
Vagbhi praharsha pulgothgama charu deha.

The sage told:-
When the very strong Asura army and very valorous and bad natured Mahishasura were killed by the Goddess, Indra and other gods and sages in his circle, With necks bending to her in salutation, and with handsome body enthused by the great happiness, prayed to the Goddess.

2. Devya yaya thathamidham jagadathma shakthya,
Nissesha deva gana shakthi samooha moorthya,
Thaam ambikam akhila deva maharshi poojyam,
Bhakthya nathasma vidha dhahthu shubhani saa na.

We venerate with ultimate devotion before that Goddess Ambika, whose body has been made by the strength of the collection of all devas and from whose strength this entire world has been created and who merits to be venerated by all the Gods and sages. Let her do well to all of us.

3. Yasya prabhavam athulam bhagwan anantho,
Brahma harascha nahi vakthumalam balam cha,
Saa chandika akhila jagath paripalanaya,
Naasaya chaashubha bhayasya mathim karothu.

Let that Chandika whose incomparable strength and power cannot even be described fully by Brahma, the inexhaustible Vishnu and Lord Shiva, help us in proper upkeep of the entire universe and remove the fear that emanates from the unholy events.

4. Yaa sree swayam sukrtheenaam bhavaneshwa lakshmi,
Papathmaanam krutha dhiyaam hrudhayeshu budhi,
Sradhaa sathaam kula jana prabhavasya lajja,
Thaam thwaam nathaa sma paripalaya devi viswam.

We salute that Goddess who is and will be in the form of wealth in the houses of holy people, who is and will be in the form of misfortune in the home of sinners, who is and will be in the form of wisdom in the heart of learned people, who is and will be in the form of good conduct in the hearts of goo people and who is and will be in the form of shyness in the minds of those people born in good families. Oh Goddess, please save this world.

5. Kim varnayama thava roopa machinthya methath,
Kim chathi veeryamasura kshayakari bhoori,
Kim chahaveshu charithani thavathi yani,
Sarveshu devyasura deva ganadhikeshu.

How can one describe your present form which cannot be even thought by asuras and devas? How can we describe your great valour, which lead to the destruction of many asuras? How can we describe your skill, which was shown in this war?

6. Hethu samastha jagatham trigunaapi doshair,
Na Jnayase hariharadhibhirapyapaara,
Sarvasrayakhilamidam jagadamsa bhootha,
Mavyakyatha hi parama prakruthisthwamadhya.

You are the cause and root of everything in the world. Though you are having the three properties of Sathwa(holy), Rajas(vigorous) and Thamas(base ), you are not affected by any type of passion. You are one who is not even fully known to the trinity of Vishnu, Brahma and Rudra. You are one on whom all beings depend. This entire world is a part of you. Since the primeval force, which gave life to all Gods, you are bereft of any emotion.

7. Yasya samastha suratha samudheeranena,
Trupthim prayathi sakaleshu makheshu devi,
Swahasi vai pithru ganasya cha trupthihethu,
Rucharyasethwamatha eva janai swatha cha.

Hey Goddess, You are the “Swaha” by pronouncing which in all fire sacrifices the gods get satisfied and you are the “Swadha” which is the source of satisfaction of manes.
(“While offering sacrifice to the Gods fire is the mediator. He receives the offerings, which are put in to him with the word “Swaha”, and gives to the Gods. In worship of the manes, water is offered as “Swadha” to the manes. )

8. Yaa mukthihethu ravichinthyaw maha vrutha thwa,
Mabhysyase suniyathendriya thathwa sarai,
Moksharthibhir munibhirastha samastha doshair,
Vidhyasi saa bhagawathee parama he devi.

Hey Goddess, You are that knowledge which is the root cause of salvation, that knowledge which takes one to god by unthinkable great penance, because you are being searched by those sages who have lost all bad wishes and conduct, who think that search of God is the essence of their life and who forever crave for methods of salvation.

9. Sabhathmika suvi malarghya jusham nidhana,
Mudhgedharamya padha patavatham cha samnaam,
Devi, thwayi bhagawathi bhava bhavanaya,
Vartha cha sarva jagatham paramarthi hanthree.

Oh, Goddess, your soul is the holy sound, you are the songs of sama Veda which are made of very holy verses and which are made up of songs of lovely words, you are the desire, you are the personification of three Vedas, you are the essence of knowledge of the day to day life, and you are the destroyer of the ills of all the world.

10. Medhasi devi, vidhithakhila sastra sara,
Durgasi durga bhava sagara naura sanga,
Sri kaida bhari hrudaika kruthadhivasa,
Gauri Thwameva sasi mouli krutha prathishta.

Hey Goddess, You are the wisdom which makes one capable of knowing all the knowledge so far known, You are the incomparable Durga who is a boat which helps one to cross the ocean of day to day life, You are the Goddess Lakshmi living in the chest of Lord Vishnu and you are the Goddess Gauri who lives in Lord Parameshwara who wears the crescent.

11. Ishath sahasam amalam paripoorna chandra,
Bhibanukari prahruthama kanthi kantham,
Athyathbutham prahruthamaatharusha thadhapi,
Vakthram vilokhya sahasa mahishasurena.

Though your face which is pretty with a captivating a smile and which is similar to the full moon and which is having the glitter of the purest gold, it was speedily hit by the very angry Mahishasura. This is indeed surprising.

12. Dhrushtwa thu devi, kupitham brukutikarala,
Mudrchcha sanka sadhya schavee yanna sadhya,
Pranaan mumocha mahishas thadeeva chithram,
Kair jeevithe he kupithanthaka darsanena.

Hey Goddess, in spite of seeing your very angry face with sharply bent eye brows and which resembled the reddish full moon just when it is rising, Mahishasura did not choose to give up his life. This is indeed surprising because, which being would choose to continue to live after seeing the very angry God of death.

13. Devi praseedha paramaa bhavathi bhavaya,
Sadhyo vinasayasi kopavathi kulani,
Vignanametha dhadhunaiva yadasthametha,
Nnetham bhalam suvipulam mahishasurasya.
Hey Goddess, be pleased with me. You are the most powerful goddess Lakshmi. If you are pleased the family is greatly enlarged and if you are angry, you destroy several generations of families. This is known now, because you destroyed the great and large army of Mahishasura.

14. Theey Sammatha jana padeshu dhanani theshaam,
Theshaam yasamsi na cha seedhathi dharma varga,
Dhanyastha eva nibrudhathmaja abhyathya dhara,
Yesham sadabhydayadha bhavathee prasanna.

Those to whom you always give progress and are happy with them, they are the people recognized by all. They would only get wealth and fame. For them the Dharma never goes away. They are the people with good sons, servants and wife.

15. Dharmyani devi, sakalani sadaiva karmaa,
Anyadhutha prathidhinam sukruthi karothi,
Swargam prayathi cha thatho bhavathi prasadath,
Loka thraye aapi phaladha nanu devi thena.

Hey Goddess, by your blessings the blessed man always and with feelings of holiness is able to do all his duties which are dictated by just conduct. Because of that he attains heaven and salvation. So it is definite that you give results in all the three worlds.

16. Durge smrutha harasi bheethimasesha jantho,
Swasthai smruthaa mathi matheeva shubha dhadhasi,
Daridrya dukha bhaya harini ka twadhanya,
Sarvopa kara karanaya sadardra chitha.

You destroy sorrow of all beings who sorrow, you give great wisdom to those who are fearless and Oh Goddess who destroys the fear of poverty, who is there in this world except you who has a heart dripped in mercy.

17. Eapir hathair Jagathupaithi sukham thadaihe,
Kurvanthu nama narakaya chiraya papam,
Samgrama mruthyu madhigamya divam prayanthu,
Mathwethi noona mahithan vinihamsi devi.

Hey Goddess you kill your enemies thinking that this world should feel happiness. These asuras are killed, so that these asuras should not do more sins fore several ages and so that they will not reach the hell, which is full of diseases and that they should travel towards heaven being killed in this war by you.
(This is an answer to the doubt to the sentiments expressed in the last stanza that, though goddess has a melting heart with mercy, she has killed several asuras. )

18. Dushtaiva kim bhavathi prakarothi bhasma,
Sarvasuranareeshu yal prahinoshi sasthram,
Lokaan prayanthu ripavo api hi sasthra puthra,
Itham mathir bhavathi theshwa hithesu swadhi.

Hey goddess do you not turn into ash all asuras just by your sight? It is definite, that you send your weapons at them only with a view to purify them by contact with your weapons and with a good intention that even your enemies should reach heaven.

19. Gadga prabha nikara vishuranai sthodhagrai,
Soolagra kanthi nivahena druso asuranam,
Yannagatha vilayamamsuma dindhu ganda,
Yogyananam thava vilokayatham thdethath.

The reason why the eyes of Asuras are staring at the glitter of the collection of your shining swords and the collective glitter of the ends of your spear is because they are staring at your holy face adorned with the cool crescent.

20. Dur vrutha vrutha samanam thava devi seelam,
Roopam thadiva thadha vicinthya mathulya manyai,
Veeryam cha hanthya hrutha deva parakramanam,
Vairishwapi prakatithaiva dhaya twayetham.

Holy Goddess, thy pristine character brings to an end the bad characteristics of base people, and similarly your pretty mien can never be imagined by ordinary minds and also does not have similarity with all other pretty things. Also your valour kills all asuras and thus you show your mercy even towards thine enemies.
(killed by her they attain salvation)

21. Kenopama bhavathu thesya parakramasya,
Roopam cha shathru bhaya karyadhi hari kuthra,
Chithe krupaa samara nishtooratha cha dushsta,
Twayeva devi, varade bhuvana trayepi.

Hey Goddess who showers all the requested blessings on your devotees, to which thing can we compare thine great valour? To which can we compare your looks which is pretty but creates fear among your enemies. In all the three worlds only in you we are able to see mercy in your mind and fierce cruelty in war.

22. Trilokya methad akilam ripu nasanena,
Tratham twaya samara murdhani the api hatwa,
Neetha divam ripu gana bhaya mapyapastha,
Masmaka munmadha surari bhavam namasthe.

Our salutations to thee mother who has saved all the three worlds from the destruction of enemies, who has killed hoards of enemies in the war field and led to heaven and who has completely cured our fear.

23. Soolena pahino devi, pahi gadgena chabhike,
Gandaswanena na pahi chapajyaniswanena cha.
Oh goddess, please save us by your spear, Of mother of all worlds, save us all by using your sword and also save us bythe ringing of your bells and twang of your bow.

24. Prachyam raksha, pradeechyam cha chandike, Raksha dakshine,
Bramanenathma soolasya utharasyam thadeswai.

Oh Goddess, please save the eastern side by the rotation of your spear. Of goddess Chandika, similarly save the western, southern and northern sides.

25. Sowmyani yani roopani trolokye vicharanthi they,
Yani chatyartha ghorani thai rakshas maam sthadha bhuvam.

Let that aspect of you, which is peaceful (involved in creation and upkeep) and that aspect, which is fearful, (that involved in destruction) which are travelling in all the three worlds save us and those of the people in the earth by the same aspects.

26. Gadga soola gadhadheeni yani cha asthrani they ambike,
Kara pallava sangeeni thairasman raksha sarvatha.

Oh, mother Goddess those swords, maces and spears held in your very soft hands (as soft as a young leaf) protect us from all over the universe.

27. Evam sthutha surair divyai kusumair nandanodbhavai,
Architha jagatham dhathri thadha gandhanulepanair.

Thus the goddess who ruled all over the universe was praised by the devas, and worshipped by holy flowers produced from great gardens and also several potions and pastes made of sandal.

28. Bhaktha samasthair tridasair divyair dhoopair,
Praha prasada mukhi samasthan pranathan suraan.

Thus worshipped by all the devas by the holy and divine smokes, the goddess told the devas with smiling face.

29. Devyuvacha:-
Vriyathaam tridasa sarve yadasmatho bi vanchitham.

The goddess told:-
Hey devas who are spread all over, please tell me whatever you want from me.

30. Deva ouchu:-
Yadayam nihatha shatrur asmakam mahishasura,
Yadi vaapi varo deyatwasmakam maheswari.

Samsmrutha samsmrutha thwam no himsedha paramapadha.

The reason why you have killed Mahishasura has led you to do all things required by us. There is nothing more remaining. Hey Goddess, if you want us to ask you for a boon, let the thought of you in us, always destroy all dangers that we may face later.

32. Tasya vithridhi vibhavair dhana dharadhi sampadham,
Vrudhaye asmat prasanna twam bhavadho sarvadhambhike.

Hey Mother of the universe who is always happy, any human being who praises thee using these sthothras, you being pleased with us, let him be granted increase in intelligence, wealth and happiness as well as money and consorts for ever.

33. Rishir Uvacha:-
Ithi prasathidha devair Jagatho artha thadathmana,
Thadethyukthwa bhadrakali babhuvandharhitha nrupa.

The sage told:-
Hey king, thus pleased by the devas for protecting the three worlds as well as for helping of devas, the pleased goddess said, “So be it” and became invisible.

34. Ithyethad kathidham Bhoopa, sambhootha saa yadha puraa,
Devi deva sarerebhyo Jagat thraya hithoushini.

Oh, king, I have told you about how Goddess who wishes for the welfare of all the three worlds came from the bodies of all devas.

35. Punascha gowri dehathsa samud bhootha yada bhavat,
Vadhaya dushta daithyanaam thada shumbha Nishumbhayo.

36. Rakshanaya cha lokanam devanaam upakarini,
Thachrunushwa mayaa khyadam yadavath kadayami they.

I am going to tell you further how that Goddess who wishes to help the devas came from the body of Parvathy for killing bad Rakshasas as well as Shumbha and Nishumbha and for the protection of the world. Be pleased to hear this.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Sakradhi sthuthir nama,
Chathurtho adhyaya,

This is the fourth chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the prayer of Sakradhi devathas Occuring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana.

Uthama Charitha
(The holy story)

Chapter 5: The argument between devi and the emissary.

1. Rishir Uvacha:-
Puraa Shumbha Nishumbha masurabhyaam Sacheepathe,
Trilokyam yagnabhagascha hruthaa madha balasrayath.

The sage told:-
During olden times, because Indra was proud of his strength and prowess, his three worlds and share in the fire sacrifice were stolen by two asuras called Shumbha and Nishumbha.
(Shumbha and Nishmbha were the sons of Sage Kasyapa and Dhanu)

2. Thaveva suryathaam thadwad adhikaram thadinndhavam,
Koubheramadha yamyamcha chakrathe varunasya cha.

They took over the powers of Sun God and similarly that of moon god, Kubhera, the God of wealth and Yama, the God of death.

3. Thaveva pavanardhim cha chakrathur vahni karma cha,
Thatho deva vinirdhudha brashta rajya parajitha.

They took over the duties of wind god and fire god. Because of this devas were defeated and lost their kingdom

4. Hruthadhikara thridasasthabhyaam sarve nirakrutha,
Maha asurabhyam tham devim samsmaranthya aparajitham

Thus having lost all their powers due to these great asuras, all devas thought of the goddess who cannot be defeated by anybody.

5. Thayasmakam varo dhatho yadhapathsu smruthakhila,
Bhavatham nasayishyami thath kshnath paramapada.

6. Ithi kruthwa mathim devaa himavantham nageswaram,
Jagmusthathra thatho devim vishnu mayam prathishtuvu.

Devas thinking that the goddess has given a boon to them that she would destroy all their dangers if she is remembered, went to Himalayas who is the king of all mountains and started praising that Goddess who is Vishnumaya (Power of illusion of Vishnu)

7. Deva Ouchu:-
Namo devyai maha devyai shivayai sathatham nama,
Nama prakruthyair bhadrayair niyatha pranatha sma thaam.

Devas told:-
Salutations to the Goddess. Salutations to that great Goddess who is the consort of Shiva,Salutations to her who is nature and she who takes care of every thing. We are saluting her with veneration after controlling our mind.

8. Roudrayair namo nithyair gauryair dhathryair namo nama,
Jyothsnayair chendu roopinyair sukhayair sathatham nama.

Salutations to her who is angry like Rudra. Salutations to that Parvathy who is stable forever in looking after the worlds. Salutations to her who is the form of light, the form of moon and the form of stable happiness.

9. Kalyanyair pranatha vrudyair sidhyair koormayair namo nama,
Nairuthyair bhubhruthaam lakshmyair sarvanyair thee namo nama.

Salutations and salutations to her who does only good, who blesses all those salting her, who is greatly powerful and who is taking care of the world (Like Koorma who lifted the world). Salutations and salutations to her who is the Asura power, who is the power behind the kings and who is the wife of Shiva.

10. Durgayair durga parayai saraayai sarva karinyai,
Khaytyai thadaiva krushnayai dhoomayai sathatham nama.

Always salutations to her who can take over sorrow, who can take us to the other shore of sorrow, who is the cause behind everything, who is very famous, who is black in colour and who is of the colour of smoke.

11. Athi soumyathi roudrayair nathasthasyair namo nama,
Namo jagath prathishtayar devyair kruthyair namo nama.

We salute her who is beyond peace and anger and offer our salutations. Many salutations to her who is the basis of the entire universe, who is the power behind devas and who is action oriented.

12. Ya devi Sarva bhootheshu vishnu mayethi sabdhitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who is soul power in all beings.

13. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu chethanthyabhi dheeyathe,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who is root power in action of all beings.

14. Ya Devi sarva bhootheshu bhuddhi roopena samshthitha,
Naasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of intellect.

15. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu nidhra roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of sleep

16. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kshudha roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of hunger.

17. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu chaya roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of shadow

18. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu shakthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of inner strength

19. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu thrishna roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of saving and storage

20. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kshanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of patience.

21. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu jathi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of oneness in many.
22. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu lajja roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of shame.

23. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu shanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of peace

24. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu sradha roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of understanding

25. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of light.

26. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu lakshmi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of wealth or god given assets.

27. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu vruthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of work

28. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu smruthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of memory.

29. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu daya roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of mercy
30. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu thushti roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of happiness bore out of sufficiency.

31. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu mathruroopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of motherhood.

32. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu brandhi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of delusion.

33. Indryanam adhishtathri bhoothanam akhileshu ya,
Bhotheshu sathatham tasyai vyapthai devyai namo nama.

Salutations and salutations to that Goddess who is the inner power and soul behind organs performing daily actions, organs performing intellectual pursuits and is the source power behind the five elements viz. earth, water, air, fire and ether.

34. Chithi roopena yaa kruthsnamedath vyapyai sthitha jagath,
Namasthasyai namasthasyai namasthasyai namo nama.

Salutations, salutations and salutations who as the form of micro power has spread all over the universe.

35. Sthutha surai poorva mabeeshta samsraya,
Thadha surendrena dineshu sevitha,
Karothu saa na shubha hethureeeswai,
Shubhani bhadrani abhihanthu Chaa pada.

36. Yaa saampradham chodhadha daithyathapithair,
Rasmabhireesa cha surair namasyathe,
Ya cha smrutha thath kshanameva hanthi na,
Sarvapadho bhakthi vinamra murthibhi.

Let that goddess who brings good to us Who was praised in the olden times by gods like Brahma, Who is daily being served by Devendra for getting his works done, Who is being praised by us devas who are being troubled by Asuras, who is praised and remembered by us because devotion to her solves all our problems even when we are thinking about her and who is the reason for all good things in the world. Let destroy all our problems.

37. Rishir Uvacha:-
Evam sthavadhi yukthanam devaanam thathra parvathi,
Snathu mabyayau thoye jahnavya nrupa nandana,

The sage told:
Hey king, that goddess Parvathy thus praised by the devas rose from the Himalaya mountain in front of them for taking bath in the river Ganges.

38. Sabravethaan suraan subhroor bhavadbhi sthuyahe athrakaa,
Sareera kosa thaschasya samudbhootha bravichivaa.

That pretty goddess Parvathy asked the devas, “whom are you praising in the Himalayas?” and the answer was told by Goddess Koushiki who rose from the body of Parvathy.
(Once Shiva called Parvathy as Kali (Black girl and Parvathy was upset by this went to the monastery of Gauthama did Thapas and remover her black part (Kali) and became white (Gauri))

39. Sthothram mamaithad kriyathe Shumbha daithya nirakruthair,
Devai samethair samare Nishumbena Parajithair.

These praises were done by all devas who were defeated by Nishumbha in war and who were scorned by Shumbha.

40. Sarera kosadsthasya parvathya nissruthambhika,
Kausikeethi samastheshu thatho lokeshu geeyathe.

Because that Goddess rose from the body of Parvathy (Kosa) the entire world calls her Koushiki.

41. Thasyaam vinirgathaynthu krushna bhoothsapi paravathi,
Kalikethi samakyatha hImachala kruthasraya.

Once that Goddess left her body, that Goddess Parvathy assumed the black form of Goddess Kali and stayed in the Himalaya Mountain.
(The assumption is that the Goddess did not go to take bath in river Ganges but remained there in her black form. )

42. Thatho Ambika param roopam bhibranam sumanoharam,
Dadarsa chando mundascha bruthyou Shumba Nishumbhayo.

Afterwards Chanda and Munda who were the servants of Shumbha and Nishumbha Saw the Goddess in her very pretty form of Kalika.

43. Thabhyaam Shumbhaya Chakyatha saathheva sumanohara,
Kapyasthe sthreer maha raja, bhasayanthi Himachalam.

She made Chanda and Munda inform their king, “Oh great king, in the Himalaya Mountains there exists a lady who makes the mountain glitter.”

44. Naiva Thadruk Kwachidroopam drushtam kena chiduthamam,
Jnayatham kaapyasou devi gruhyatham Cha asureswara.

Hey lord of all Asuras, so far no where in the universe has such a pretty lady has been seen. So it is necessary for you to know about her and also receive her.

45. Sthree rathnam ithi charvangi dhyothayanthi disasthisha,
Saa thu thishtathi Daithyendra, thaam bhavaan drushtum arhathi.

Hey king of all asuras that jewel among ladies is very pretty and due to her glitter is dazzling all directions and so you have to see her.

46. Yaani rathnani manayo gaja aswaaadhaani vaii prabho,
Trilokya thu samasthani sampratham bhanthi they gruhe.

Hey lord, it is well known that all the best among elephants, horses and other valuable things including jewels are shining in your house.

47. Iravatha samaneetho gaja rathnam purandharath,
Parrijatha tharu chayam Thadha uchasrava haya.

You took away from Indra the great elephant known as Iravatha, the wish-giving tree called parijatha and the great horse known as Uchaisrava.

48. Vimanam hamsa samyukthametha thishtathi they angane,
Rathna bhoothamihaa neetham yadasidwedham athbutham.

That wonderful plane with swans which was a great wonder was brought by you and was parked in your courtyard.

49. Nidhiresha maha padma samaneetho dhaneswarath,
Kinchithkinim dhadhou chabdhi rmalamamlana pankajam.

From Lord Kubhera, the wealth called Maha padma (great lotus) was brought and the ocean gave you the garland of the non-fading lotus.

50. Chathram they varunam gehe kanchanasravi thishtathi,
Thadayam syndhanavaro ya purasith prajapathe.

That umbrella belonging to Lord Varuna capable of giving golden showers and this queen of gems owned by Lord Brahma also are in your house.

51. Mruthyorolkranthidha nama saktheesa, twaya hrutha,
Pasa salilarajasya brathrusthava parigruhe.
Oh God, You confiscated from Lord Yama the power to cause death and the great rope weapon of Lord Varuna are in your brother’s house.

52. Nishumbhasyaabdhi jathascha samastho rathna jathaya,
Vahnischapi dhadhou thubhya magnisouche cha vasasi.

All the precious stones originating from the sea are in Nishumbha’s house and the God of fire presented to you those dresses cleaned by the fire.

53. Evam Dhaithyendra rathnani samasthaniya hruthanithe,
Sthree rathna mesha kalyani thwa kasmanna gruhyathe.

Hey King of asuras, as told all the precious stones were brought for your sake, and how come this Ambika who is a jewel among ladies is not with you.

54. Rishir Uvacha:-
Nisamyethi vacha shumbha sa thadha Chanda Mundayo,
Preshayamasa Sugreevam dhootham devya mahasuram.

The sage told:-
Then Shumbasura hearing the words of Chanda and Munda, sent the great Asura called Sugreeva as an emissary to meet the Goddess.

55. Ithi chethi cha vakthavyam saa gathwa vachan mama,
Yadha chabhyethi sampreethya thadha karyam thwaya laghu.

Because of my orders you should tell her words as told by me and do actions which will make her come here speedily with love.

56. Sa thathra gathwa yathasthe sailodhese athi shobhane,
Saa devi thaam thatha praha slashnam maduraya giraa.

That emissary went to the most pretty mountain parts where that Goddess was living and spoke these most suitable sweet words.

57. Dhootha Uvacha:-
Devi, Daithyeswara Shumbha trilokya parameswara,
Dhoothoham preshithasthena twathsakasamihagatha.

Hey lady, Shumbha who is the lord of all the three worlds has sent me as an emissary and I have come near you.

58. Avyahathagna sarvaasu yaa sadha deva yonishu,
Nirjitha Akhila dhaithyaari sa yadhaha srunushwa thath.

Please hear the words of Lord Shumbha who cannot be even neared by all devas and who has defeated all devas.
59. Mama trilokyamakhilam mama deva vasanugha,
Yagna bhaganaam sarvanupasnami pruthak pruthak.

All the three worlds are all and mine the devas obey my orders and I also eat the share in the fire sacrifices meant for them.

60. Trilokya vara rathnani mama vasyanyaseshatha,
Thadiva gaja rathnam cha hrutham devendra vahanam.

All the valuable precious stones of all the three worlds are with me and I have also taken that elephant on which Indra used to ride.

61. Ksherodha madhonoathbudha maswa rathnam mamarai,
Uchaisrava sasamgnam that pranipthya samarpitham.

Uchaisravas, that great horse which was got from churning of the ocean of milk was offered to me by devas after they fell at my feet.

62. Yani chanyani deveshu gandharweshu rageshu cha,
Rathna bhoothani thani mayyeva shobhane.

Hey glittering damsel, all the precious gems with devas, gandharwas and others are also with me.

63. Sthree rathna bhootham thwam devi loke manyaamahe vayam,
Saa twamasmanupagascha yatho rathna bhujo vayam.

Hey lady, I think that you are the greatest gem among ladies of this world and since we are the ones who enjoy all gems, you better be pleased to attain me.

64. Maam vaa mamanujam vaa api Nishumbhamuru vikramam,
Bhaja thwam chanchalapangi, rathna bhoothasi vai yatha.

Hey pretty damsel, because you have attained top position among pretty women, you either pray me or my brother.

65. Parameswarryamathulam prapsyase math parigrauhath,
Ethat budhya samolochya math parigruhathaam vraja.

By becoming my wife you attain incomparably great wealth and so think of this properly and become my wife.

66. Rishir Uvacha:-
Ithyukthaa saa devi gambheeranthasmitha jagou,
Durga bhagawathi bhadra yayedham dharyathe jagath.

Hearing the words of the emissary, that goddess who was Durga, who was the greatest Goddess and who was wearing the world for the sake of its good, told with a deceptive smile the following words.

67. Devyuvacha:-
Sathyamuktham thwayanathra mithya kinchit thwyothidham,
Trilokyadhipathi Shumbho Nishumbhaschapi thaadrusa.

The Goddess told:-
You have told the truth in this case and you have not exaggerated anything. Shumbha is the lord of the three worlds and so is Nishumbha.

68. Kinthwathra yath prathignadham mithya thath kriyathekadam,
Sruyatham alpa budhithwad prathigna yaa krutha pura.

The oath, which was taken because of ignorance for selecting a husband in my case, has become a problem. Please hear about it.

69. Yo maam jayathi samgrame yo mey dharpam vyapohathi,
Yo mey prathibhalo loke saa mey bhartha bhavishyathi.

That man who will win me in war, he who who will take away my pride and he who is equal to me in strength would become my husband.

70. Thadaschathu shumbhotha Nishumbho vaa mahasura,
maam jithwa kinchirenathra panim gruhnathu mey laghu.

So let either the great Asura Shumbha or Nishumbha come here and let them win over me speedily and marry me. Let there not be waste of time in this.

71. Dhootha Uvacha:-
Avalipthasi maivam thwam devi broohi mamagratha,
Trilokye kaa pumaam thishtehdagre Shumbha Nishumbhayo.

Hey Lady, you happen to be very proud because you should not tell like this to me. In all the three worlds which man can stand for war against Shumbha and Nishumbha.

72. Anyesha mapi dhithyanam sarve deva na vai yudhi,
Thishtanthi sammukhe devi, kim puna sthwam ekika.

Hey lady, All devas cannot stand for war before other Asuras and how can you who are alone and of the weaker sex fight?

73. Indradhya sakala the deva shthasthuryashanna samyuge,
Shumbhadeenaam kadham thesham sthree prayasyasi sam mukham.

Before these Rakshasas lead by Shumbha all devas lead by Indra were not able to face them. What about you who is a helpless girl?

74. Saa thwam gacha mayaivoktha paraswam Shumbha Nishumbhayo,
Kesakarshana nirdhugdha gowrawa maa gamishyasi.

You better come in front of them as told by me and not loose all your respect and be dragged by your hair before them.

75. Devyuvacha:-
Evamethad balee shumbho Nishumbhaschadhi veeryavaan,
Kim karomi prathigna mey yadanalochitha puraa.

It is true that Shumbha and Nishumbha are very strong, but what can be done now, as I had taken an oath without much thought.

76. Sa thwam gacha mayaivoktham yadethath sarva mathrudhtha,
Thadha chakshwa asurendraya sa cha yuktham karothu yath.

After you go back, please tell Shumbha, whatever I have told without omitting any thing. Let that Shumbha decide whatever is appropriate.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Devi Dhootha Samvadho nama,
Panchamo adhyaya,

This is the fifth chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the discussion of Goddess with the emissary Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana.

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