
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Third day of Navarathri

Material for Devi Mahathmya  Parayanam for Third  day  of Navarathri

Translated by

Image result for Dhumralochan samhara

Chapter 6: The killing of Dhoomra lochana.

1. Rishir Uvacha:-
Ithyakarnya vacho devya sa dhootho amarshapooritha,
Samachashta samagamya dhithya rajaaya vistharath.

The sage told:-
Hearing the words of the Goddess, that emissary became full of anger and went to Shumbhasura and told her words in detail.

2. Tasya dhoothasya thadvakyamakarnya surarat thadha,
Sakrodha praha daithyanam adhipa Dhoomralochana.

Hearing those words the king of asuras Shumbha became angry and told his commander in chief Dhoomralochana as follows.

3. Hey dhoomralochana asu thwam swasainya parivaritha,
Thaamanaya baladushtaam kesakarshana vihwalam.

Hey, Dhoomrlochana, you go along with my army and catch hold of that bad lady by her hair and forcefully bring her here fast.

4. That parithranadha kaschidyadhi vothishtathe para,
Sa hanthavyo amaro yaapi yaksho gandharwo eva vaa.

If any body tries to protect her, be he a deva or yaksha or Gandharwa or any one else he is fit to be killed.

5. Rishir Uvacha:-
Thenagnapthasthatha seegram sa dhaithyo dhoomrlochana,
Vrthash shashtya sahasranam asuranam drutham yayaou.

The sage told:-
Afterwards Dhoomrlochana thus ordeered by Shumbha went fast surrounded by sixty thousand asuras.

6. Sa drushtwa thaam thatho devim thuhinachala samsthitham,
Jagadochou praheethi moolam shumbha nishumbhayo.

Then that Dhoomralochana seeing the goddess who was living in Himalayas, shouted at her (Ordered her) to go near Shumbha and Nishumbha.

7. Na cheth preethyadhya bhvathi mathbartharamupaishyathi,
Thatho balannayamyadhya kesakarshana vihwalam.

Suppose you do not come with love to my Lord Shumbha, because of that I would drag you there forcefully catching hold of your hair.

8. Devyuvacha:-
Dhaithyeswarena prahitho balavan bala samvratha,
Balannayasi maamevam thatha kim they karamyaham.

The Goddess told:-
Surrounded by an efficient army and sent by the Lords of Asuras, if you are going to take me forcefully, what I can do?

9. Rishir uvacha:-
Ithyuktha so abhyadavathamasuro Dhoomralochana,
Hum karene naiva tham basma sa chakarambhika thatha.

Hearing these words of the Goddess, Dhoomralochana ran towards her but was made in to ashes just by the sound of “hum” by her.

10. Atha krudham maha sainyamasuranam thadambika,
Vavarsha sayakai steeshnai sthadha shakthi parasvadhai.

Afterwards that goddess with great anger rained sharp arrows, spears and other weapons at the big army of asuras

11. Thatho dhuthasata kopath kruthwa nadam subairavam,
Papathasura senayam simho devya swavahana.

Afterwards the Lion, which was the steed of the Goddess became very angry and with shaking disheveled hair entered the army of asuras.
(The lion fought because it thought that it was not proper for the Goddess to fight with an army without a commander. )

12. Kaschith kara praharena daithyanasena chaparan,
Aakranthya chadharenanyan jagana cha mahasuran.

That lion killed some asuras with a beat by its hand, some by its face, by attack and by its lips many of the great Asuras.

13. Keshanchith patayamasa nakhai koshtani kesari,
Thadha thalapraharena siramsi kruthavan pruthak.

That lion tore the heart from many with its claws and by his beating separated the head from the body of many.

14. Vichinna bahusirasa kruthasthena thadhapare,
Papou cha rudhiram koshtadhanyesham dhuthakesara.

That courageous lion made many great asuras armless and headless and shaking the hairs of its mane it drank the blood of many asuras from their digestive parts.

15. Kshanena thath balam sarvam kshayam neethan mahathmana,
Thena kesareena devya vahanenathi kopina.

That steed of the Goddess, which was a great soul, became very angry and within a short time destroyed the entire army.

16. Sruthwa thamasuram devya nihatham Dhoomralochanam,
Agnapayamasa cha thou Chanda mundou mahasurou.

17. Chukopa daithyadhipathi Shumbha prasphrithadhara,
Agnapayamasa cha thou Chanda mundou mahasurou.

Hearing that that Asura called Dhoomralochana was killed by the Goddess and his entire army was killed by her lion, Shumbha, the king of Asuras with shaking lips due to anger ordered the Great Asuras called Chanda and Munda as follows.

18. Hey Chanda, Hey Munda Balair Bahubhi parivarithou,
Thathra gachatha gathwa cha saa samaneeyatham laghu.

Hey Chanda and Hey Munda both of you should go along with a huge army of asuras and bring her here speedily.

19. Kesheshwakrushya bhadwa va yadhi va samsayo yudhi,
Thadaseshayudhai sarvair asurair vinahanyatham.

Bring her here either catching her hair or tied by rope. If you have any doubts in the war use all asuras and all weapons and kill her.

20. Thasyam hathayam dushtayam simhe cha vinipathithe,
Seegramagamyatham badhwa graheethwa thamadhamambikaam.

Once that Goddess who hates asuras is beaten and fallen and the lion is killed, that Goddess should be brought by catching her or tying her.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Dhomralochana vadho nama,
Sashto adhyaya,

This is the sixth chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of Dhoomra lochana Occuring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana.

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