
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for eighth day of Navarathri

Material for Devi Mahathmya  Parayanam for eighth  day  of Navarathri

Translated by

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Chapter 12: The greatness of the story of Devi.

1. Devyuvacha:-
Ebhi sthavai scha maam nithyam sthoshyathe ya samahitha,
Tasyaham sakala badhaam nasayishyamasamsyam.

The goddess told:-
Whoever with concentrated minds prays daily with this prayer, I would definitely remove all his problems.

2. Madhu Kaidaba nasam cha Mahishasura gathanam,
Kerthayishyanthi ye thaddwadham Shumbha Nishumbhayo.

3. Ashtamyam cha chaturdasyam navamyam chaika chethasa,
Sroshyanthi chaiva ye bhakthya mama mahthmyamuthamam.

4. Na tesham dushkrutham kinchith dushkruthotha na chapadha,
Na bavisyathi daridryam na chaiveshta viyojanam.

All those who sing and praise the story of the death of Madhu, Kaidabha, Mahishasura, Shumbha and Nishumbha and all those with close attention hear these great stories of my greatness on Ashtami (eighth day after new and full moon), Chathurthi (fourth day after new and full moon) and Navami (ninth day after new and full moon) will never have sins, no danger by doing bad actions, suffer no poverty and have no separation from people who love them.

5. Shathrutho na bhayam tasya, dasyutho vaa na rajatha,
Na sastranalatho youghath kadachith bavishyathi.

Such people have no fear from enemies, no fear from thieves or kings and no fear from weapons, fire and floods forever.

6. Tasmanmamaithan mahathmyam patithavyam samahithai,
Srothavyam cha sada bakthya param swasththyanam mahath.

So with rapt attention they have to read and hear with devotion this great story which is the gateway for all that is good.

7. Upasarganaseshamsthu aha Marie samuthbhavan,
Thadha trividhamulpatham mahathmyam samayenmama.

My praise (story of praise) would remove all forms of pestilence and the three types of problems. (Arising from ourselves, from ghosts and devils and natural disasters)

8. Yatraithat patyathe samyang nithyamayathane mama,
Sadaa na thadvimokshyami sannidhyam thathra me sthitham.
I will never leave any temple of mine where this is read according to prescribed method and my presence would always be there in that temple.

9. Balipradhane poojayam agni karye mahothsave,
Sarvam mamaithad charithamucharyam sravyameva cha.

It is necessary to read and hear my entire story, in sacrifices aimed at me, prayers, fire sacrifices and great festivals.

10. Janatha ajanatha vapi bali poojam thadha krutham,
Pratheekshishyamaham preethya vahni homam thadha krutham.

Sacrifices, prayers and fire sacrifices done by people who are well versed in the methods or people ignorant of the methods, would both be lovingly received by me, if my story is heard or read.

11. Sarath kale maha pooja kriyathe yaa cha varshiki,
Thasyam mamaithan mahathmyam sruthwa bhakthi samanwitha.

12. Sarva badhavi nirmuktho dana dhanya suthanvitha,
Manushyo math prasaadena bavishyathi na samsaya.

There is no doubt that, in the great prayers of sarad navarathri and vasantha navarathri, those who hear fully this story of my greatness, because of my grace and blessing would be free of all great problems

13. Sruthwa mamaithan mahathmyam thadha chothpathaya shubha,
Parakramam cha yudheshu jayathe nirbhaya pumaan.

Those men who hear this story of my greatness, my holy birth and valour in wars will become devoid of fear.

14. Ripava samkshayam yanthi kalyanam chopapadyathe,
Nandathe cha kulam pumsam mahatmyam mama srunwatham.

Those men who hear this story of my greatness would have all their enemies destroyed, good things will happen and their family will increase.

15. Santhi karmani sarvathra thadha duswapna darshane,
Gruha peedasu chograsu mahathmyam srunuyath mama.

In all rites to bring peace, in times when bad dreams recur and in times when the nine planets trouble you, it is necessary to hear this story of my fame.

16. Upasarga samam yanthi gruha peedascha daruna,
Duswapnam cha nrubhirdrushtam suswapnamupa jayathe.

All problems and troubles created by the planets would be destroyed and the bad dreams seen by men would become good dreams.

17. Balagrahabhi bhoothanam balanam shanthi karakam,
Sanghadha bhede cha nrunam maithree karanamthamam.

This would bring peace to the children troubled by evil spirits troubling children and bring to an end the quarrels between friends.

18. Durvruthanaam aseshanam bala hanikaram param,
Rakshobhootha pisachanaam patanadeva nasanam.

Just by your reading the story of my greatness, all bad people troubling you would loose their strength and all ghosts, devils and evil spirits would be destroyed.

19. Sarvam mamaithan mahatmyam mama sannidhi karakam,
Pasu pushparga dhoopaischa gandha deepair sthodathamai.

20. Vipranam bhojanair homai prokshaneeyairahar nisam,
Anyischa vividhair bhogair pradanair vathsarenaya.

21. Preethirme kriyathe saasmin sakrudhacharithe sruthe,
Srutham harathi paapani thadarogyam praychathi.

This story of my greatness would ensure my presence wherever it is read. All the happiness created in me by giving cows, flowers, lights, oblations, other great scents, lamps, giving food to Brahmins during night and day, and other pleasures and charity continuously for one year, can simply be got by reading or hearing this story just ones. Hearing and reading of this story once destroys all sins committed.

22. Rakshaam karothi bhoothebhyo janmanam keerthanam mama,
Yudhashu charitham yanme dushta daithya nibarhanam.

23. Thasmin srithe vairi krutham bhayam pumsaam na jayathe,
Yushmabhi sthuthayo yascha yascha brahma rishibhi krutha.

24. Brahmana cha kruthasthasthu prayachanthi shubaam mathim.

The story of my births gives protection from ghosts. The hearing of the story of my killing of bad asuras in the war between devas and asuras, removes all fear in men due to enemies. The prayers done by you, the prayers done by great sages and the prayer done by lord Brahma gives good conduct.

25. Dasyubhirva vrutha shunye grahitho vapi shathrubhi,
Simha vyagranuyatho, vaa vane vaa vanahasthibhi.

26. Ragna krudhena chagnaptho vadhyo bandhagadho api vaa,
Aagoornitho vaa vathena sthithapothe maharnave.

27. Pathathsu chapi sasthreshu samgrame brusa darune,
Sarvabadhasu ghorasu vedhanabhyardhitho, api vaa

28. Smaran mamaithacharitham naro muchyathe sankatath.

Even when one is surrounded by forest fire, or surrounded by thieves in a far away lonely place, or has been caught by enemies, or is being followed in the forest by tigers and lion, or surrounded by wild elephants ready to kill, or sentenced to death by an angry king, or tied extremely tightly or situated in a ship in the sea which is tossed by hurricane, or lost all weapons in a horrifying war or is being seriously troubled by great unbearable pain, he (man) would be saved from his problem just by remembering about my story.

29. Mama prabhavad simhadhya dasyavo vairinasthadha,
Dhooradeva palayanthe smarathascharitham mama.

Because of my power, lions, thieves and enemies will run away from one who remembers about my story.

30. Rishir Uvacha:-
Ithyukthwa saa bhagawathi chandika chanda vikrama,
Pasyathameve devanam thathraivanthara dheeyatha.

The sage told:-
The greatly valorous Goddess Chandika having told thus suddenly disappeared from there even while the devas were seeing.

31. Thepi deva nirathanga swadhikaran yadha pura,
Yagnabhagabhuja sarve chakrurvinihathaaraya.

All those devas, their enemies having been killed, started getting their share from fire sacrifices, became fearless and started enforcing their power like olden times.

32. Daithyascha devya nihathe Shumbhe deva ripow yudhi,
Jagatdwidwamsini thasmin mahogre athula vikrame,
Nishumbhe cha maha veerye sesha patalamayayu.

Once The great Shumbha who was the enemy of devas, who was troubling all the three worlds, who was very angry and who was of unmatched power and the very powerful Nishumbha were killed by the Goddess in the war, the remaining asuras went to Patala.

33. Evam Bhagawathi devi saa nithyapi puna puna,
Sambhooya kuruthe Bhoopa, Jagatha paripalanam.

Hey king, thus that Devi who is the Goddess, though she exists forever, again and again is born and protects all the three worlds.
34. Thayaiththanmohyathe viswam saiva viswaam prasuyathe,
Saaya chitha cha vijanam thushta rudhim prayaschadhi.

The Goddess enchants this universe and she herself gives birth to this universe. That Goddess being prayed without interest in any thing gives that knowledge that leads to salvation and gives wealth in materialistic sense.

35. Vyaptham thayaithat sakalam brahmandam manujeswara,
Maha kalya maha kale maha mai swaroopaya.

Hey king of men, during the deluge she as the destroyer spreads throughout this Brahma’s universe and makes the great gods like Brahma do their jobs properly.

36. Saiva kale mahamari saiva srushti bhavathyaja,
Sthidhim karothi bhoothanam saiva kale sanathani.

She is the destroyer during the deluge and when at the time of creation (after the deluge) that Goddess who does not have any birth becomes the power of creation and that same Goddess who is forever looks the world afterwards.

37. Bhavakale nrunam saiva lakshmir vrudhipradha,
Saivabhave thadhalakshmir vinasayopajayathe.

In the human abode in good times she herself becomes Goddess Lakshmi who gives progress and in bad times she herself causes destruction as Alakshmi.

38. Sthutha sampoojitha puspair dhoopa gandhabhir sthadha,
Dadath vitham puthramscha mathim dharme gathim shubham.

She being worshipped by prayers, flowers incense and sandal gives wealth, children, good sense and salvation.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Devi Charitha Mahatmyam name,
Dwadaso adhyaya,

This is the twelfth chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with The greatness of the story of Devi Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana

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