
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Seventh day of Navarathri

Material for Devi Mahathmya  Parayanam for Seventh   day  of Navarathri

Translated by

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Chapter 11: Prayer to Narayani.

1. Devya hathe thathra mahasurendra,
Sendra suravahni purogamastham,
Kathyayanim thushtuvarishta laabha,
Vikasi vakthrabja vikasithasa.

When Shumbha, the chief of all great asuras was killed, The devas including Indra were lead by the fire god, and with very happy faces resembling fully opened lotus flowers, prayed Goddess Kathyayani (Goddess Chandika) as follows.
(Parvathy was born as a daughter to Sage Kathyayana and was hence known as Kathyayani.)

2. Devi prapannarthi hare praseeda,
Praseedha mathar jagatha akhilasya,
Praseedha visweswari, pahi viswam,
Thwam eswari devi chara charasya.

Be pleased, Hey Goddess who ends the sorrow of those who pray to you, Be pleased, hey Goddess who created all the universe and Be pleased, hey Goddess who looks after the entire universe, for you are queen of all this world.

3. Adharabhootha jagath swam eka,
Mahee swaroopena yatha Sdhithasi,
Apam swaroopa sdithaya thwaithat,
Apyaiyathe kruthsnamalamghya veerye.

Hey goddess who has undefeatable valour, You exist in the form of the world, you are the real basis of the world and you improve (increase) the entire world in the form of water.

4. Twam vaishnavi sakthiranantha veerya,
Viswasya bheejam paramasi maya.
Sammohitham devi, samastha metha,
Twam vai prasanna bhuvi mukthi hethu.

Hey goddess, you are that power of Lord Vishnu, that never has any end. You are the elementary basis of the entire universe in the form of Maya Devi (illusion). Hey goddess, you enchant this entire world and it is well known that if you are pleased, the entire world attains salvation. (By her form of Maya she makes us live the ordinary life and her form of wisdom she leads to salvation. )

5. Vidhya samasthasthava devi, bhedha,
Sthreeya samastha sakala jagathsu,
Twayaikaya poorithamambayaithath,
Kaa they sthuthi sthavyapara aparokthi.

Hey goddess, In all the worlds, all women well learned in the 64 arts are thine part and this world has been filled by you in the form of mother and because of that all these praise about thee are really very inadequate.

6. Sarva bhootha yada devi swarga mukthi pradhayani,
Thwam sthutha sthuthaye ka va bhavanthu paramokthaya.

What more can be added to your prayers, when you are being praised like, you are of the form of universe and you are the giver of heaven and salvation?

7. Sarvasya budhi roopena, janasya hrudhi samsththe,
Swargapavargadhe devi, narayani namosthuthe.

Hey Goddess, who lives in everybody’s mind as intelligence and who grants heaven and salvation to people, Our salutations to you, Narayani.
(Starting from this sloka, the next sixteen slokas are called Narayani Stuthi. Narayani denotes “the innate power behind ultimate god”. It also means “she who provides the basis for all living things. ” Or “She who is the power behind Lord Narayana. ” Or the power of illusion behind Lord Narayana or she is who is personification of salvation or She who is fit to be worshipped by Devas. )

8. Kalakashtadhi roopena parinama pradhayini,
Visvasyoparathou shakthe, narayani namosthuthe.

Hey powerful one, who leads to evolution of earth from the micro time and who is the main force in the destruction of the world, Our salutations to you, Narayani
(Kashta is the time when eyes blink and open naturally for 18 times and kala is 30 kashtas. These are small measurements of time. )

9. Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive, sarvartha sadhake,
Saranye triambike Gowri narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who is a giver of all good things, who is peaceful, who is a giver of all wealth, who can be relied upon, who has three eyes and who is golden in colour, Our salutations to you, Narayani

10. Srushti sthithi vinasanam sakthi bhoothe, sanathani,
Gunasraye, gunamaye, narayani namosthuthe.

Hey goddess who is the power behind creation, upkeep and destruction. Hey goddess who is for ever, who is depended upon by three characters of sathva, Rajas and Thamas and who is filled with all good characteristics, Our salutations to you, Narayani

11. Saranagatha deenaartha, parithrana parayane,
Sarvsyarthi hare devi, narayani namosthuthe.

Hey Goddess, who takes care of those who surrender to you and those who are suffering, Hey Goddess who removes all sufferings from the entire world, Our salutations to you, Narayani

12. Hamsa yuktha vimanasthe, brahmani roopa dharini,
Kaushambha ksharike devi, Narayani namoshthuthe.

Oh goddess who travels in the air plane with swans, who is having the form of Lord Brahma and who sprinkles water mixed with Dhurbha grass, Our salutations to you, Narayani

13. Trishula chandrahi dhare, maha vrushabha vahini,
Maheswari swaroopena narayani namosththe.

Oh Goddess who has the form of Lord Shiva, who holds a trident, who adorns herself with the crescent and snake and who rides on the great bull, Our salutations to you, Narayani

14. Mayura kukkuda vruthe, maha shakthi dhare anaghe,
Kaumari roopa samsthane, Narayani namosththe.

Of Goddess who is with cock and peacock, who holds a great spear, who is without sin, who is of the form of Lord Subrahmanya, Our salutations to you, Narayani.

15. Samkha chakra gadha sarnkhya graheetha paramayudhe,
Praseedha Vaishnavi roope, Narayani namoshthuthe.

Oh Goddess who holds mace, wheel, conch and bow in your hands, and who is the form of Lord Vishnu, be pleased with us, Our salutations to you, Narayani

16. Graheethogra maha chakre, damshtro dhyutha vasundhare,
Varaha roopini, shive, narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who holds aloft the great holy wheel, who holds the earth in her frontal teeth, who has the form of Lord Varaha and who does only good, Our salutations to you, Narayani

17. Nrusimha roopenogrena hanthum daithyan kruthodhyame,
Trilokya trana sahithe, Narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who has the form of the Lord Narasimha, who has a horrifying look and who is ready to kill asuras and who takes care of the three worlds, Our salutations to you, Narayani

18. Kiritini, maha vajre, sahasra nayanojwale,
Vruthra prana hare, narayani namoshthe.

Oh Goddess with the holy crown, who holds aloft the great Vajrayudha, who shines with thousand eyes, who killed the Vruthra asura and who has the form of Indra, Our salutations to you, Narayani

19. Shivadhoothi swaroopena hatha daithya maha bale,
Ghora roope, maharave, Narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who has the form of Shiva Dhoothi, who killed the great army of asuras, who has a horriying look and who has a great sound, Our salutations to you, Narayani

20. Damshtra karala vadane, siro mala vibhooshane,
Chamunde, munda madhane, narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who has a fearful face because of her teeth, who adorns herself with the garland of skulls, who killed the giant called Munda and who is goddess Kali, Our salutations to you, Narayani

21. Lakshmi lajje mahavidhye, sradhe, pushti swadhe, druve,
Maha rathri maha maye, Narayani namosthuthe.

Hey Goddess Lakshmi, who is the personification of shyness, who is of the form of upanishads, who has a religious temper, who looks very strong, who has the form of the manes, who is permanent, who is the night of deluge and who is the cause of all the worlds, Our salutations to you, Narayani

22. Medhe, saraswathi, vare, bhoothi bhabravi, thamasi,
Niyathe, thwam, praseedhesa, narayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess who is wisdom of intelligence, who is the goddess of words, who is greatest, who is the goddess of the properties of Sathva, Rajo and Thamas, and who is our Goddess, please be kind on us, Our salutations to you, Narayani

23. Sarva swaroope sarveshe, sarva shakthi samanvithe,
Bhayebhya sthrahino devi, durga devi namosthuthe.

Oh goddess who takes all forms, who is the goddess of every thing and who is having all types of strengths, please save us from fears, Our salutations to you, Goddess Durga.

24. Ethathe vadanam soumyam, lochana thraya bhooshitham,
Pathu na sarva bhoothebhya, kathyayani namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess Kathyayani, our salutations to you, let your pretty face adorned with the three eyes protect us from all beings.

25. Jwala karala mathyugra maseshasura soodhanam,
Trishoolam padu no bheeder bhadrakali, namosthuthe.

Oh Goddess Bhadrakali, salutations to you, let your horrifying trident surrounded by flames, which is very angry and is being kept to trouble all asuras, protect us from fear.

26. Hinasthi diarrhea thejammsi, swanena poorya saa jagath,
Saa ganda pathu no devipapebhyena suthaniva.

Hey Goddess, let that bell in your hand which fills all the three worlds with sound and which destroys the power of asuras protect us from sins, like a mother protecting her sons.

27. Asurasrugwasa panga charchithasthe karojjwala,
Shubhaya gadgo bhavathu chandike, thwam natha vayam.

Hey goddess Chandike let that shining sword in your hands, which has become dirty because of the flesh and blood of asuras do good to us. We salute you.

28. Roganseshanapahamsi thushta,
Rushta thu kaman sakalan abheeshtaan,
Twamasreethanaam na vipannaranam,
Twamasritha hyasrayatham prayanthi.

If you are happy you destroy all sort of problems and if you are angry you destroy all desirable happenings. For any one surrendering to you there are no dangers and they are only depended by others and not vice versa.

29. Ethath krutham yath kadanam twayadyai,
Dharmadwisham devi, mahasuranam,
Roopairanekair bahudathma murthim.
Kruthwambike thath prakarothi kaanya?

Hey goddess, this action of splitting your real form in to several and the act of destruction of the great asuras who hate just action can not be done by anybody else, Is it not?

30. Vidhyasu sasthreshu viveka dheepa,
Shadyeshu vakyeshu cha kaa twadhanya,
Mamathwa garthe athi maha andhakare,
Bhibramayathye thadheeva viswam.

Even with existence of knowledge of manthra (sacred chants) and magic, laws dictated by religion, great books teaching philosophy and saying of the Vedas, you manage to keep the entire world, in the dark and in the ignorant well of egoism and bewilder them. Who else can do it except you?(This praises the form of Devi called Vishnu maya (power of illusion of Lord Vishnu), which veils the vision of people. )

31. Rakshamsi yathrogra vishamscha naga,
Yathrarayo dasyu balani yathra,
Dhavanalo yathra thadabdhi madhye,
Thathra sthitha thwam paripasi viswam.
You save and look after this entire world from Rakshasas, great poisons, enemies, and crowds of thieves and dangers of the sea by being present in the concerned spots.

32. Visweswari thwam paripasi viswam,
Viswathmika dharayaseethi viswam,
Viswesa vandhya bhavathi bhavanthi,
Viwasraya ye thwayi bhakthi namra.

Hey Goddess, you are the goddess to this entire universe, because of that you protect the universe. You are the soul of the universe and so you upkeep it. You are venerable to the greatest lords of this world and so all those whom, who venerate you with humility, becomes the people on whom the universe depends.

33. Devi praseedha paripalaya no ari bheether,
Nithyam yadha asura vadha dhu naiva sadhya,
Paapani sarva jagatham prasamam nayasu,
Uthpathapaka janithamscha mahopa sargaan.

Oh Goddess, take mercy on us. Similar to how you have saved us from the fear of enemies by killing those asuras in an instant please save us for all time. Bring to an end the sins being committed in this world and the great problems brought about by people themselves by not following Dharma (Just action).

34. Pranatham praseedha thwam devi viswarthi haarini,
Trilokya vasinaameedye lokaanaam varada bhava.

Hey Goddess who destroys all pain from this world, become pleased with all those who salute you. Hey Goddess, who is fit to be worshipped by all beings of all the three worlds, grants them boons.

35. Devyuvacha:-
Varadaham suragana, varama yanmasechadha,
Tham vrunudhwam jagatham upakarakam.

The goddess told:-
Hey devas who have assembled here, I am the giver of boons. I would give you any boon that you desire which would be helpful to this universe.

36. Deva ouchu:-
Sarva Badha prasamanam trilokyasya akhileswari,
Evameva thwaya karyamasmad vairi vinasanam.

The Devas told:-
Hey Goddess of the entire world, please keep on doing the destruction of our enemies, which would destroy the sorrow of all the three worlds.

37. Devyuvacha:-
Vaivasthenthare prapthe ashta vimsathi me yuge,
Shumbho Nishumbhschaivanya vath pathsyathe maha surou,

In the Vaiwaswatha Manwanthara (During the rule of Vaiwaswatha manu), in the twenty eighth Yuga (portion) two other asuras called Shumbha and Nishumbha would be born.

38. Nanda gopa gruhe jatha yasodha garbha sambhava,
Thathsthou nasayishyami Vindhya chala vasini.

Then I would be born in the house of Nanda gopa to Yasodha and shall live in Vindhya mountains and kill them.

39. Punarapyathi roudhrena roopena pruthwithale,
Avatheerya hanishyami vaiprachithamscha danavan.

Again I would be born in this world with a terrorizing form and kill the asuras who are the sons of VaipraChithi.

40. Bakshyanthyascha thanugran Vaiprachithan mahasuran,
Raktha dantha bavishyanthi dhadimi kusumopama.

Eating those two terrible Rakshasas who are the sons of Vaiprachithi, my teeth would become red like the pomegranate flowers. (This form of Devi who is red all over is known as Raktha Chamunda)

41. Thatha maam devatha swarge marthya loke cha manava,
Sthuvantho vyaharishyanthi sathatham raktha dandhikaam.

Because of that all the devas in heaven and human beings on earth will always pray me and refer to me as Raktha Dandhika. (Goddess with red teeth)

42. Bhooyascha satha varshikyam ana vrushtiyanambhasi,
Munibhi samsmrutha bhoomou sambavishyamiayonija.

Then afterwards when the world does not receive any rain for one hundred years, I would be remembered by the sages and would be born without the assistance of a woman. (Similar to Chamundi coming from Parvathy)

43. Thatha sathena nethranam nirekshishyami yanmunin,
Keerthiyishyanthi manuja sathaksheem ithi maam thatha.

Then I would see the sages with my hundred eyes and then people will praise me as Sathakshi (Hundred eyed Goddess)

44. Tathoham akhilam lokamathma deha samudbhavai,
Barishyami sura, sakair avrushte prana dharakai.
Then oh devas, I would protect the entire world till it rains, by production of life saving crops from my body. (Commentators mention Amaranths as the crop that she will produce)

45. Sakambhareethi vikhyatam thadha yaasyamaham bhuvi,
Thathraiva cha vadishyami durgama akhyaam maha suram.

46. Durga devithi vikyatham thanme nama bhavishyathi.

Then I would become famous in the world as Shakambharee(She who gave plants like amaranths from her body and filled up the belly), At that time I would kill an Asura called Durgama and would become famous by the name Durga.

47. Rakshamsi bakshayishyami muneenaam thrana karanath,
Thadha mam munaya sarve sthoshyanthya namra moorthaya.

48. Bheema devithi vikhyatham thanme nama bhavishyathi.

Then when I take a huge form and live on Himalaya Mountains and eat all rakshasas for protecting the sages there, they will salute me with devotion and I would become famous by the name of Bheema devi (Goddess with very huge form)

49. Thadaham bramaram roopam kruthwa asankhyayashad padam,
Trilokyasya hitharthaya vadishyami mahasuram.

50. Bramareethi cha maam lokasthadha sthoshyanthi sarvadha.

At the time when a great Asura called Aruna who will trouble all the three worlds, I would be born with a form which is the form of endless black bees, for protecting the three worlds Then I would kill that great Asura. Then people of all the world would praise me as Bramari.

51. Itham yadha yadha badha dhanavotha bhavishyathi,
Thada thada vatheeryaham karishyamari samkshyam.

Like this whenever problems arise from asuras, I would take an incarnation and destroy your enemies.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Narayani sthuthir Nama,
Ekadaso adhyaya,

This is the eleventh chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the prayer to Narayani Occurring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana

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