
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rasi and Bhagawatha slokas

Problems/prospects  caused by 12 houses of Horoscope and the 12 Bhagavatha  slokas to solve them

Slokas chosen by
Sri Aravind Sivaraman

Translation  of sloka   and  brief interpretation

Image result for bhagawatham

(My humble thanks to  the great author   Sri Aravind Sivaraman.)

A horoscope  consists  of 12 houses. The first house is Lagna and further counting is done clock wise.These houses according to astrology , indicates certain aspect of the person, whose horoscope we are having.  Depending on the good and bad as well   the power of the planet, we interpret the person’s  problems as well as good.The learned author has chosen these slokas, given detailed introduction and interpretation of the 12 slokas, as well as indicated why he has chosen those  slokas, which I have not done.

First  House in Horoscope-Lagna- Deals with health ,prosperity and position in life

प्रायोपविष्टं गङ्गायां परीतं परमर्षिभिः
कृष्णे स्वधामोपगते धर्मज्ञानादिभिः सह ४३॥

Prayopavishtam  Gangaayaam,
Pareetham paramarshibhi,
Krishne swadhamopagathe,
Darmajnanabhi saha     Skanda 1, chapter 3  sloka 43

Taking  his seat waiting for death near  river Ganges,
Surrounded by very great sages,
With Lord Krishna  going  back to his abode,
With piety  and wisdom for all.

Chanting this sloka, They would  be healthy, prosperous and spiritual  in life

Second house  in Horoscope- Ability to express himself, protector of people

नमस्तस्मै भगवते वासुदेवाय वेधसे 
पपुर्ज्ञानमयं सौम्या यन्मुखाम्बुरुहासवम्  २४॥

Namasthasmai Bhagawathe ,
Vasudevaya  vedhase,
Papur   jnana  mayam Sowmyaa,
Yan mukhamburu hasavam  Skanda 2 chapter 4  sloka 24

Salutations  to  God  ,
Vasudeva who composed the Vedas,
From whose  lotus like lips,
People   drink the nectar of  wisdom

By chanting this they get the power  to speak , specially  about spiritual matters

Third  house  in horoscope  - Relation especially  siblings and courage to express one’s views

प्रियव्रतोत्तानपादौ तिस्रः कन्याश्च भारत 
आकूतिर्देवहूतिश्च प्रसूतिरिति सत्तम  ५५॥

Priya vrutho uthana padhou ,
Thisra  kanyaascha  Bharatha,
Aakuthir Deva  hoothischa,
Prasoothirithi sathama  Skanda 3 chapter 12  Sloka 55

Priya vrutha and Uthana padha,
And  three  daughters , Oh Bharatha,
Akoothi,  Devahoothi  and,
Prasoothi by name , oh great one

By chanting   this sloka  , the siblings  will increase  and you will have at least one brother.,They also  would get  courage  to express  themselves.

Fourth house  of horoscope  controls  ownership of  house/houses  which are  well  decorated

नारद उवाच
जनन्याभिहितः पन्थाः  वै निःश्रेयसस्य ते 
भगवान् वासुदेवस्तं भज तत्प्रवणात्मना  ४०

Narada  Uvacha
Jananyaabhihitha pandhaa,
Sa vai nisreya masya  they,
BHagawan  Vasudevatham,
Bhaja thath Pravanaathmanaa.   Skandam 4  Chapter  8 sloka 40

Narada said
The way shown to you  by your mother,
Is the one leading  to the highest  good,
Namely  God Vasudeva,
And so  pray to him with mind devoted to him.

By chanting this one can  build a house  and live in it with prosperity

Fifth  house  of horoscope  You will get children/ poorva janma punyam can be used

अहं पुरा भरतो नाम राजा 
आराधनं भगवत ईहमानो 
मृगोऽभवं मृगसङ्गाद्धतार्थः  १४

Aham puraa Bharatho nama Raja,
RajaVimuktha drushta srutha  sanga bandha,
Aaraadhanam Bhagawatha yeehamaano,
Mrugo  abhavam Mruga sangaaddarthaa.   Dasakam 5  chapter 12 sloka  14

I was earlier a king named Bharatha,
By getting rid of  all bondage by attachment,
I started    worshipping God,
But I was a born as a deer   due to attachment of deer.

You can get children and also know about punya  of previous birth by chanting this.

Sixth house of horoscope.wounds in body, loan, strength of mind

तैस्तान्यघानि पूयन्ते तपोदानजपादिभिः 
नाधर्मजं तद्धृदयं तदपीशाङ्घ्रिसेवया  १७

Thaishathaan yaghaani Pooyanthe,
Thapo dhana japadhibhi,
Naa dharmajam  Thath drudahyam,
Thadhapeesaangri sevayaa  dasakam 6.chapter 2 sloka17

Those sins which can be got rid definitely,
By penance, charity   as well chanting of manthras,
But the vestiges of such sins cannot be got rid by them,
Baut only by the service    to the feet of the lord.

By chanting this consistent sores can be got cured, wE can get better strength of mind and get rid of loans

Seventh house  of horoscope Deals with married life and  love towards other women
प्रह्लाद उवाच
श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णोः स्मरणं पादसेवनम् 
अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम्  २३॥

Prahladha Uvacha
 Sravanam , keerthanam , visshno,
Smaranam  Padha sevanam
Archanam  vandhanam daasyam,
Sakhyam aathma nivedanam  Dasakam 7 chapter 5  slokam 23

Prahladha said
Hearing, Singing about Lord Vishnu,
Remembering about him, serving his feet,
Worshipping him , Saluting him and becoming his slave,
Becoming his  friend, dedicating our soul to him

All relationship especially with our wife will improve,

Eighth house  of horoscope  Sickness /or death to uncle, in laws, emergencies in life, death of husband

नमो नमस्तेऽखिलकारणाय 
नमोऽपवर्गाय परायणाय  १५

Namo Namo akhila karanaays,
Nishkaranaaya , adbutha Karanaaya,
Namo apa vargaaya paraayanaayaa   Dasakam 8 chapter 3   sloka 15

Salutation and Salutation  to the one who is cause of all,
You have no cause, you have   wonderful cause,
All agamas and Vedas   are in a great ocean,
Salutations to the ultimate refuge and every one’s  object of attention.

You can get rid of fear of death, The chances of your husband  dying before you will diminish

Ninth house of horoscope  –It indicates inherited wealth as well as greatness  from forefathers and great luck
ततो मनुः श्राद्धदेवः संज्ञायामास भारत 
श्रद्धायां जनयामास दश पुत्रान्  आत्मवान्  ११॥

Thatho Manu Sradha deva,
Samjnayaamasa  Bharatha,
Sradhaayaam janayaamasa,
Dasa  puthraan   sa  aathmavaan.  Dasakam 9 chapter 1  Sloka 11

Oh Bharatha , He who   is friendly and alike,
To all created beings and  fixes   his mind,
Through devotion  on  the Lord Vasudeva,
The universal spirit  is free from all blemishes.

The one who reads this would get inherited wealth and greatness

Tenth house of horoscope  .  The one who reads this would get inherited wealth and greatness

Tenth house  Determines the belief  of a person and also deals  with job one does

तस्यावनिज्य चरणौ तदपः स्वमूर्ध्ना-
बिभ्रज्जगद्गुरुतरोऽपि सतां पतिर्हि  
ब्रह्मण्यदेव इति यद्गुणनामयुक्तं 
तस्यैव यच्चरणशौचमशेषतीर्थम्  १५

THasyavanijya charanou thadhapa swamoordhnaa,
Bhibradjagat gururopi  satho pathirhi,
Brahmanya deva ithiYadha guna naama,
YukthamThasyaivaYachara soucha masesha theettham Skandam 10, Chapter 69  sloka 15

He pacified them and drove   in a chariot,
 As brilliant as   the shining Sun,
Accompanied by brahmanas   and elder Yadhus,.
Like a moon    in the  midst of all the stars.

Chanting this sloka would give a job , make existing job firm  and will have good beliefs in life.

Eleventh house  of  horoscope  A persons wealth and prosperity depends on this house

ज्ञानं विवेको निगमस्तपश्च
आद्यन्तयोरस्य यदेव केवलं 
कालश्च हेतुश्च तदेव मध्ये  १८॥

Jnanam , viveko, nigama sthapacha,
Prathyaksha maithihyam  adhanumaanam,
Aadhyatha yorasya yadheva  kevalam,
Kaalascha hethuscha thadeva  madhye  dasakam 11 chapter 28  and sloka 18

Intelligence consists in discretion, knowledge of Vedas and penance,
Knowing the traditions and  deductions from it,
Which would survive from beginning to end,
IN the  middle and  is the cause of universe

Increases wealth and prosperity and helps us to un derstand ourselves

Twelfth   house of horoscope the good and bad in expenditure and earning for money
नामसङ्कीर्तनं यस्य सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् 
प्रणामो दुःखशमनस्तं नमामि हरिं परम्  २३॥

Nama sankeerthanam yasya ,
Sarva  papa pranaasanam,
Pranamo dukha,
Cha manastham  namami  harim param  Dasakam 12 chapter 13 sloka  23

Singing his name  ,
Destroys all sins,
And respectful salutation ,
To him  brings down all sufferings

Singing this wound bring down expenditure   and increases income

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