
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sri Chandra Mauleeswara Sthuthi

श्री चन्द्रमौलीश्वर स्तुतिः

Sri Chandra Mauleeswara  Sthuthi

Prayer addressed to Chandra mauleeswara

 Translated by


(I had not translated this great prayer earlier. My friend Amarnath  Medavarapu,  send this great prayer  and requested help in translation , God bless you friend)


यस्मिञ्जगत्सर्वमिदं विभाति यश्चाप्यनन्यः सकलप्रपञ्चात्

 तिलेषु तैलोपममास्थितं त्वां श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Yasmin   jagath  sarvamidham  vibhaathi , yaschapyanya sakala prapanchaath

Thileshu thailopama masthitham  thwaam , Sri Chandra  mauleeswaramasrayaama


He who is there   in all the   worlds, he who is also   in  all  the universes

He is  like the oil from the  gingelly  , I depend on him who  keeps moon on the crown


 अणोरणीयान्महतो महीया - नात्मा गुहायां निहितोऽस्य जन्तोः

त्वां सर्वभूतस्थितमात्मरूपं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Anour aneeyaan mahatho maheeyaa , na aathmaa guhaayaa, nihitho asya  jantho

THwaam  sarva bhootha sthitha mathma roopam, Sri Chandra shekara  masrayama


Being  smaller  than smallest and great  joy, not like the soul  in the cave, but  every where in all beings

He is of  the form of a soul which is in all beings,  i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head


यः सर्वसाक्षी तमसः परस्ता- द्विभाति सर्वं किल यस्य भासा

त्वामागमान्तैरपि दुर्निरूपं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Ya  sarva saakshi   thamasa  parasthaad  vibhathi   sarva akila yasya bhasa

Thwam  aagama anthairapi dur niroopam , sri Chandra  shekaram asrayama


He who is the witness of all  even even in great  darkness, looking as if the entire world is  fully lit

He is  difficult to  see even in side  the agamas, i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head



 पुमानविज्ञाय शिवं कदाचिद् दुःखस्य नान्तं समुपैति धीरः

 त्वां सच्चिदानन्दमयं प्रशान्तं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Pumaan vijnaaya   shivam  kadachid , dukhasya  na antham samupaithi  dheera

THwaam  sachid ananda mayam  prasantham, Sri Chandra mauleeswara masrayama


The  elder lord  is made known as Shiva(peace ) often , and that brave one  never sees the end

He is pervaded  with divine joy and very peaceful, i depend on him  who

keeps moon on his head



 अजं पुराणं पुरुषं महान्त - मनश्वरं वाङ्मनसातिदूरम्

 ज्ञानात्मनां हृद्यवभासमानं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Ajam  puraanam  purusham mahantham , mana swaram vaang manasaadhi dhooram\

Jnanathmanam  hrudhyava  bhasamanam , Sri Chandra mauleeswaramasrayami


He is birthless, ancient , male , very great, with no destruction and far  away from mind and words

To those  with wisdom as a soul , he will shine  in their heart, i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head



वदन्त्यमी यत्पदमेव वेदा ज्ञाते तु यस्मिन् सकलं विबुद्धम्

 त्वां प्रत्यगात्मानमचिन्त्यशक्तिं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Vadanyami yath padhameva vedaa, jnanthe thu yasmin  sakalam vibudham

Thwaam  prathyaga  aathmaana  chinthya sakthim,  Sri Chandra mauleeswara  masryami


Those who chant Vedas eloquently  know him and through him every thing would be known,

He is the power  of thought of every individual being, i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head



 यं निर्विकल्पेन समाधिनैव तपस्विनश्चेतसि वीतरागाः

ध्यायन्ति तेजोमयमद्भुतं त्वां श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Yam nirvikalpena samadhinaiva thapaswinas chethasi veetha raga

Dhyayanthi thejomayathbutham thwaam  , Sri Chandra mauleesramasrayama


He is  the state  of tranquility  of those who do penance  and attain Nirvikalpa Samadhi

And to those  who meditate he is pervaded with wonder, i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head



 त्रिलोचनं चन्द्रकलावतंसं गङ्गातरङ्गोल्लसदुत्तमाङ्गम्

स्मेरास्यमिष्टप्रदमष्टमूर्तिं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Trilochanam Chandra kala vathamsam, ganga tharango ullasad uthamangam

Smeraasya ishta  pradham ashta moorthim , Sri  Chandra Mauleeswaraa masrayami


He has three eyes, Wears  the crescent of moon as well ganga  with waves on his head

He is being remembered as the  dear eight formed god  , i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head


अपारसच्चित्सुखवारिराशि - मनादिमध्यान्तमनन्तरूपम्

त्रिलोचनं नीलगलं प्रशान्तं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः


Apara   sachidh sukha  vaari rasim, anadhi Madhya antha manatha  roopam

Trilochanam , neelaa galam  prasantham,  Sri Chandra mauleeswara masrayaami


Very great divine  pleasant  ocean with a form without  beginning  , middle  and end

Having three  eyes, blue neck and greatly peaceful, i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head


 कैलासशैलेन्द्रशिरस्तटेषु नगेन्द्रपुत्र्या सह संवसन्तम्

विभूतिरुद्राक्षविभूषिताङ्गं श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरमाश्रयामः १०


Kailasa  sailendra   sira  sthateshu, nagendra  puthryaa  saha  samvasantham

Vibhoothi    Rudraksha Vibhooshithangam, Sri  Chandra Mauleeswara masrayama


He  lives happily with daughter of king of mountains on the head Kailasa , the king of mountains

He coats all his limbs with sacred ash and wears rudraksha  , i depend on him  who keeps moon on his head

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