
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Pithru Thushti Karak Pithru Stotra

 Pithru Thushti Karak  Pithru Stotra

(the prayer to Pithrus   which make them happy)


Translated by



(Hear it  )


1.अर्चितानाममूर्तानां पितृणां दीप्ततेजसाम्
नमस्यामि सदा तेषां ध्यानिनां दिव्यचक्षुषाम् ।।


Archithanama amorrthhaanaam  deeptha    thejasaam

Namaasyaami sadhaa  THeshaamn   Dhyaaneenaam   Dhivya chakshusham


They  are worshipped by all   and   do not have form but are greatly shining


I salute them all always  them who  can meditate   and who have divine  eyes


2- इन्द्रादीनां नेतारो दक्षमारीचयोस्तथा
सप्तर्षीणां तथान्येषां तान् नमस्यामि कामदान्


Indraadheenaam  cha nethaaro  Daksha  Marichayosthadhaa

Saptha rishinaa, Thadhaanyeshaam thaan Namasyaami  Kamadhaan


They are leaders  of Indra  and other devas like Daksha , Mareecha  and others

And also the  seven great Rishis  ,And I salute them to fulfill my wishes


3- मन्वादीनां नेतार: सूर्याचन्दमसोस्तथा
तान् नमस्यामहं सर्वान् पितृनप्युदधावपि ।।


Manvaadhaanaam   cha nethaaraa Surya chandramasisthadhaa

Thaan  namasyaamyaham Sarvaan   pithroon apyudhadhaavapi


They are  leaders  of Manu   as well as the moon and Sun

I salute All those PIthrus  in water   as well  as in  ocean


4- नक्षत्राणां ग्रहाणां वाय्वग्न्योर्नभसस्तथा
द्यावापृथिवोव्योश्च तथा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलि: ।।


Nakshthraanaam    Grahaanaam   cha Vayva agnyorbhasa sthadhaa

Dhyaava  pruthviyoscha thadhaa  namasyaami Kruthaanjali


They are also  leaders  of stars , planets, wind, fire  ,and sky

And they remember the earth also and I salute  them with clasped hands

5- देवर्षीणां जनितृंश्च सर्वलोकनमस्कृतान्
अक्षय्यस्य सदा दातृन् नमस्येहं कृताञ्जलि: ।।


DEvarsheenaam janithrumscha sarva loka  namaskruthaan

Akshayyastha sadhaa  Dhathrun  namasyoham  Kruthanjali


They are the one who gave birth to devas and Rishisand are saluted by all the world

And they always give without reducing   and I salute them  with clasped hands

6- प्रजापते: कश्पाय सोमाय वरुणाय
योगेश्वरेभ्यश्च सदा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलि: ।।


Prajapathe  Kasyapathscha  , somaya  Varunaaya cha

Yogesrebhyascha Namasyami  Kruthanjali


I salute those  God like yogis who took the form of Prajapathi

Kashyapa, Moon    and Varuna and  I salute them with clasped hands

7- नमो गणेभ्य: सप्तभ्यस्तथा लोकेषु सप्तसु
स्वयम्भुवे नमस्यामि ब्रह्मणे योगचक्षुषे


Namo  Ganebhya   sapthabhyasthadhaa lokeshu   sapthasu

SWayambhuve Namasyami  BRahmane  Yoga  Chakshushe


I salute  the group   of Seven Pithrus of the seven worlds

Of myself I salute  the Lord Brahma and them with  yogic eyes

8- सोमाधारान् पितृगणान् योगमूर्तिधरांस्तथा
नमस्यामि तथा सोमं पितरं जगतामहम् ।।


Somaadharaan pithru ganaan yoga moorthi dharaam sthadhaa

Namasyami   Thadhaa  somam pitharam   jagatham aham

The group of Pithrus who are carried by moon as   well as Yoga  Moorthis

Because of this I salute The  Pithrus  of the world   as well as the Soma’


9- अग्रिरूपांस्तथैवान्यान् नमस्यामि पितृनहम्
अग्रीषोममयं विश्वं यत एतदशेषत: ।।


Agni roopaan thadhaivaanyaan Namasyami  Pithrun aham

Agni shoma mayam  viswam   yatha  Ethadh aseshathaa


I also salute the other PIthrus    who are  of the form of Agni

Because the world is full of fire and  soma and I am Unable to do  any other thing


10- ये तु तेजसि ये चैते सोमसूर्याग्रिमूर्तय:
जगत्स्वरूपिणश्चैव तथा ब्रह्मस्वरूपिण: ।।
तेभ्योखिलेभ्यो योगिभ्य: पितृभ्यो यतामनस:
नमो नमो नमस्तेस्तु प्रसीदन्तु स्वधाभुज ।।


Ye thu thejasi ye Chaithe  soma  suryagni moorthaya

Jagat swaroopinaschaiva thadhaa Brahma  Swaroopina

THebhyaa akhilebhyo  Yogibhya Pithrubhyo yathamanasa

Namo Nama  NamasthesthuPraseedanthuSwadhabhuja


Those Pithrus    who are in a shining stateassume   the form of Mon

Sun and Fire and also   the form of Lord Brahma

To those all Pithrus and Yogis  with a full mind,

Salutation and Salutations, with a request to get pleased

With offerings made  by my hand


।। इति पितृ स्त्रोत समाप्त ।।

Ithi Pithru stotra  samapth

Thus enda  the prayer  addressed toi Pithrus

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