
Monday, May 16, 2022

Himalaya Krutha Shiva Stotram


हिमालय कृतं शिव स्तोत्रम

Himalaya  krutham   Shiva stotra

Prayer  to lord shiva  composed by Himalayas

 Translated by


हिमालय उवाच

Himalaya uvacha

Himalaya  said



त्वं ब्रह्मा सऋष्टिकर्ता त्वं विष्णुः परिपालकः

त्वं शिवः शिवदोऽनन्तः सर्वसंहारकारकः ॥१॥


Thwam brahma srishti  kartha   cha  Vishnu  paripalaka

Thwam shiva shiva dho  anantha sarva  samhara  karaka


You are lord Brahma   the creator and you are Vishnu   who looks after

You are shiva, peaceful endlessly   and destroyer  of all


त्वमीश्वरो गुणातीतो ज्योतीरूपः सनातनः

प्रकृतः प्रकृतीशश्च प्राकृतः प्रकृतेः परः ॥२॥


Thwaam easwaro gunaatheetho jyothi roopa sanathana

Prakrutha prakrtheesascha praakrutha prakruthe para


You are god, beyond properties, having a form of flame and is foever

You are  natural, god of nature. Primitive and nature  the divine


नानारूपविधाता त्वं भक्तानां ध्यानहेतवे

येषु रूपेपु यत्प्रीतिस्तत्तद्रूपं बिभर्षि ॥३॥


Nana   roopa vidhathaa thwam bakthaanaam dhyana  hethave

Yeshu   roopeshu yath  preethee sthathadhroopam vibharshi cha


You take various forms and are the cause  of devotees to meditate,

And in that form   great rishi show you great love


सूर्यस्त्वं सृष्टिजनक आधारः सर्वतेजसाम

सोमस्त्वं सस्यपाता सततं शीतरश्मिना ॥४॥


Suryasthvam srushti janaks aadhaara sarva   thejasaam

Somasthwam sasya pathaa cha sathatham  seethe rasminaa


You are sun god, the father  of creation, basis of all light

You are moon, who makes crop fall down   and  has cool rays


वायुस्त्वं वरुणस्त्वं विद्वांश्च विदुषां गुरुः

मृत्युञ्जयो मृत्युमृत्युः कालकालो यमान्तकः ॥५॥


Vayusthwam, varunaswthwam  ch vidwaamscha  vidhushaam  guru

Mruthyunjayo, mruthyu mruthyu, kala kalo , yamanthaka


You are   wind  , you are  god of rain and the teacher of  scholars  and learned

You  are victorious over death, death of death, death of god of  death and  killer of yama


वेदस्त्वं वेदकर्ता वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः

विदुषां जनकस्त्वं विद्वांश्च विदुषां गुरुः ॥६॥


Vedasthwam Veda kartha ch  veda  vedanga  paraga

Vidhushaamjanakasthwam cha   vidwamscha vidhushaam guru


You are  Vedas, the one who composed Vedas and expert in Vedas   and branches of Vedas

You are the  father of scholars and  the teacher  to scholars and learned


मन्त्रस्त्वं हि जपस्त्वं हि तपस्त्वं तत्फलप्रदः

वाक त्वं रागाधिदेवी त्वं तत्कर्ता तद्गुरुः स्वयम ॥७॥


Manthrasthwam hi japasthwam hi thapasthwam thath  phala  pradha

Vaak thwam raghadhi devi ssthwam thath karthaa   thath guru swayam


You are manthras, you are  the chanting and you are the penance and the one who makes them give  results

You are the voic , you are goddess ruling over passion, their  creator  as well as teacher


अहो सरस्वतीबीज  कस्त्वां स्तोतुमिहेश्वरः

इत्येवमुक्त्वा शैलेन्द्रस्तस्थौ धृत्वा पदांबुजम ॥८॥


Aho  saraswathi bheejakasthwaam sthothu  maheswara

Ithyeva  mukthwaa sailendrasthou druthwaa  padambujaam


Hey you are the seed of god of knowledge and  how will you pray to him

Saying this the king of the mountains caught  his lotus like feet



तत्रोवास तमाबोध्य चावरुह्य वृषाच्छिवः

स्तोत्रमेतन्महापुण्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः ॥९॥


Thathrovaasa thamaabodhya chaavaruhyaa   vrushaaschiva

Stotramethath maha  punyam trisandhyam ya  paden nara


He who lives there , he who teaches that, heis shiva who climbs on bull

This very holy prayer chanted in morn , dawn, non and dusk would give you   very holy benefits


मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो भयेभ्यश्च भवार्णवे

अपुत्रो लभते पुत्रं मासमेकं पठेद्यदि ॥१०॥


Muchyathe  sarva paapebho bhayesthu bhavarnavi

Aputhro  labhathe  puthram maasamekam padethyadhi


He will get free from all sins and all fears  would be burnt down

The son less one  will  get a son, if this is read  for one month


भार्याहीनो लभेद्भार्यां सुशीलां सुमनोहराम

चिरकालगतं वस्तु लभते सहसा ध्रुवम ॥११॥


Bhaaryaa heeno   labhedh bhaaryaa  susheelam sumanoharam

Chira  kaa gatham vasthu labhathe   sahasaa dhruvam


Those without wife will ger pretty and   well behaved wife

And the thing lost for lot of time, would be recovered fast


 राज्यभ्रष्टो लभेद्राज्यं शङ्करस्य प्रसादतः

कारागारे श्मशाने शत्रुग्रस्तेऽतिसङ्कटे ॥१२॥


Rajya brushto labhedh rajyam sankarasya  prasadhatha

Karagaare   smasaane cha sathru  grasthe  athi sankate


He who was thrown out of kingdom will get his kingdom due to pleasure  of lord Shiva

This is true in prison, cremation ground and being imprisoned by enemies


गभीरेऽतिजलाकीर्णे भग्नपोते विषादने 

रणमध्ये महाभीते हिंस्रजन्तुसमन्विते ॥१३॥


Gabheere  , athi jalaakeerne bhagnapothe vishadhane

Rana Madhye  Maha bheethe Himsra janthu samanvithe


Very majestic, with lots of water, with full of obstacles, with poisonous  animals

In the middle of war  , Greatly fearful and filled with  dangerous animals



यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया सम्यक स्तोत्रमेतज्जगद्गुरोः 

सर्वतो मुच्यते स्तुत्वा शङ्करस्य प्रसादतः ॥१४॥


Ya  padechruddhayaa  samyak  stotra metha  jagath guro

Sarvatho muchyathe sthuthwaa sankarasya  prasadatha

If this powerful stotra addressed to   Jagadguru  is read or heard

All people  by praying it would attain the blessing of Sankara


इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते महापुराणे श्रीकृष्णजन्मखण्डे

हिमालयकृतं शिवस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम 


Ithi sri Brahma  Vaivartha Maha Purane, Sri Krishna janma  khande

Himalaya  krutham Shiva stotram  Sampoornam


The prayer to Lord Shiva   composed  by Himalayas which occurs

In chapter  of Krishna’s birth  in Brahma Vaivartha purana

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