
Monday, May 16, 2022

Shadakshara mantha Mala Stotram


Shadakshara  manthra  Mala Stotam

Garland of prayer to the six lettered mantha


Translated by



Om Asya  Sri  Shadakshara maha  manthra stotrasya, Guru  Brahma Rishi, Anushtup chanda, prana sakthi, sri saravna bhavo devatha, Om Bheejam , hreem sakthi, Sreem  keelakam, Sri saravana  Bhava  preethyarthe  Jape  viniyoga

Om   for the great six lettered  manthra , the sage  is Guru Brahma, the meter is anushtup, the power is the soul, the god addressed  is Saravana Bhava, Om is the seed , hreem power, Sreem is  the nail, the chant is started for  pleasing Lord Saravana Bhava(Lord subrahamanya)


Anga nyasa  Kara Nyasa

Touching various  limbs  , touching various parts of hand


Om Angushtabhyam nama- om Salutation with thumb

HreemTharjaneebhyaam nama- Hreem Salutation touch with pointer finger

Sreem  Madhyamaabhyaam nama- Sreem Salutations with middle finger

Iym anamikabhyaam nama- iym salutations touch ith ring finger

Kleem   kanishtikabhyaam nama- kleem salutations  with little finger

Voum kara  thalas kara prushtabht yaam nama-Vom salutations with palm


Om Hrudayaya nama- Om salutation wth chest

Hreem  Sirase  Swaha-  Hreem touch the head

Sreem shikayayai   voshat- Sreem tough the  hair on your head\

Iym kavachaya hoom -  Im hum with armour

Kleem nethra thrayaya   Vashat- Kleem think of the three ees

Saum Asthraya  Phat Saum  think of the arrow

Bhoom bhuva swarom ithi dhik bandha – Bhoorbhvaswarom    saying this I am tying   the directions


Dhyanam –Meditation


Shanmukham   , dwishad  bahum , dwadasaksham, Dhaya nidhim

Dhyayeth   hrudaya  kamala peedam, thava  padha  saroruha,

Vakra thunda  sodharaaya, vajra sakthi dharaaya  cha
Vandhe  Baktha palanaaya, valli kaanthaaaya  namo nama


I meditate on one with six faces, twelve hands,tweeelllve eyes and treasure of mercy

And his lotus like heart   as well as his  lotus pond of his feet

Salutaions to brother of Curved tusked one who holds  diamond Sakthi

Salutation and salutations to one who looks after  his devotees and husband  of Valli


Hara nethra  sambhavaayaa, ambika  kumaraya  cha

Iswarya phalapradhaaya  cha, ahankara  nasakaya cha

Hamsa vahana sikshanaayaa , harihara  sevithaaya cha

Hum  soham soham  maha  manthra  acharyaya namo nama


He was born out of eyes of Shiva , is the   son of Goddess  Parvathi

He grants prosperity and destroys pride

He  taught one who rides on swan   and is srved by  Shiva and Vishnu

Hum soham sohamsalutations to the acharya of the great manthra


Moola Manthram

The root chants

1,Om Sarvanabhavaya nama

Om onkara nadhaya, oja swaroopaya, ugra   sakthi dharaaya

Uraga  bhooshanathmajaaya, uma  puthraya, uthkrishta  naamaya, ujwala sareeraaya


Om SArvana Bhava salutations

Om One who lives in sound of om one with open minded form, holds powerful  sakthi,

Son of one who has serpent as ornament, son of goddess  Uma , who has fame as very great  and has  powerful body


2.Om  om Sarvanabhavaya  nama


Om sam Sarvana bhavaya, shadananaya, sarva sakthi    dharaaya, saantha swaroopaaya, Sankara desikaaya, sarva  veda  pandithaaya chara chara  srushti   karthaaya


Om om Sarava bhava  salutations

Om sam One who is born in saravana bush, one having six  faces, I one who holds all  type of sakthis, one who has a peaceful form , one who is teacher of Lord Shiva, One who is a scholar  in all Vedas, one who is creator  of all moving and not moving beings


3.Om Sam Om saravana bhavaya  nama


Om ram  ravi koti   thejasaaya, Ramya roopa ya , raktha kumkuma varnaaya, raajeeva  lochanaaya, rathna kundala shobhithaaya, rakshasanthaka sooraaya, rahasya  manthra  swaroopaaya


Om Ramhe who has shine of one crore suns, who has a pretty form, who is of red colour of gem and  kumkum , who has lotus like eyes, who shiles with gem ear globes who is valorous killer of Rakshasas and has a form of secret manthra


4.Om Ram saravana bhavaya  nama

Om vam varadhaa  abhaya  karaaya, vajra   sakthi dharaaya, valli prana nadhaaya,mano vachama gocharaaya, vanchithaartha phala pradhaaya, vasava poojithaaya  vandhe sadhaa


Om Ram salutations to Saravana Bhava


Om Vam He who had hands giving protection to those who seek it, who holds diamond sakthi,, Darling of Valli, one who is beyond mind wods and feelings , who grants  desired results , worshipped by Indra who worships him always


5. Om vam saravana bhavaya  nama


Om Nam , kankana hasthaaya, karthikeyaya, ganga suputhraaya, kalpitha dehaaya, gaja mukha  sodharaaya, gambheera  vadhanaaya , gana gana  ganda nadha  priyaya


Om Vam salutations to Saravnabhava

Om Nam  he who wears bracelets, the one looked ater by Karthika stars, the good son of Ganga, he who had body imagines, son of elephant faced god , he who has powerful facehe who likes Gana, gana sound of bell


6.Om Nam om saravana bhavaya nama


Om Bham param jyothi swaroopaya, parvathi nandanaaya, padma sambhaya, garva  bhanga, pranavakshara  bodhakaaya, padambuja  sevyamana baktha anugraha  karanaya, prabho subrahmanyaya nama


Om  Nam  salutations to Saravana  Bhava

Om BHam one with form of divine flame, the son of Parvathi, he who was born on lotud, he who destroyed pride, he who taught  meaning of Om, He who blessed  devotees  who served his lotus like feet, Oh Lord Subrahamanya salutations


7.Om Bham Om saravana bhavaya nama


Om Vam vasishta vama devaadhi  vandhitha  charanaaya, Vathsalya  guna sobhithaya,  valli  deva senaa nayakaya, Vandhitha bhaktha hrudaya  vaasaaya, varija  lochananaaya vandhe sadhaa


Om Bham  Om  salutations to  Saravana bhava


Om Vam  He whose feet was  saluted by sages  like  Vasishta, vamadeva, he who shined due to his  quality of affection, he was lord of Valli  and devasena , He used to live in heart of devotees who saluted him , he had diamond like eyes, I salute him always


8.Om vam om   Saravanabhavaya  nama


 Om  SAravna bhava Shadakshara murthe , omkara  tathwa bodhaka, shad guru  moorthe, om bakthabheeshta phala pradha , karunaa murthe, om sarvana bhava shanmukhaya Namasthe, Namasthe  namasthepathir may, gathir may , BHavath pada padme vidheendraadhi mukhya amara sevya maanam,   sruthi   sasthra vedantha thathwa swaroopogathir may, gathir skanda moorthe


Shanmukha naamamritham saalokam

SAravana bhava japamithy   saaroopam

Shadakshara dhyatham ithi saameepam

Om saravana bhava smaranamithi  sayujyam



Om Saravana bhava who is a form called  by six letters, who is teacher of meaning of om, who is the form of six gurus , who is one who is merciful and fulfills all desire of his devotees, Who is om saravana bhva   salutations, salutations , salutatoions to  lord who is mine,  who is my path, On your lotus like feet , brahma , indra and important devas   do service,

My pathi are you who is Vedas , sasthras, vedanthas and philosophy which are your part, Oh Skanda  Moorthi


For all people name of Shanmukha  is nectar

All people chant  Saravana  BHava

The approach is   the meditation  on the form of six letters

Om if we think of Saravan  Bhava  , we will get salvation


Phala sruthi- effect of reading



Shadakshara   stotramidham, sarva papa kshayankaram

Pratha kale pade   thasya hrudhyakasa  nirmalam

Madhyahna kale mano saanthi, payaath nivruthi manava

Sayamkale  hrudayakasa aananda  chandrodhayam


This prayer  of six leters, destroys all sort of sins

If you read it in the morning , the sky of your mind would be clean

In the after noon , we get mental peace  and mhumans will get satisfaction

IN the evening your mind will be filled with , the rise of the  moon like joy .


Sri satchithananda sath guru nadhopadhesa,

Shadakshara manthra mala  sampoornam


The  six letters garland of chants, which is taught by

The divine great guru comes   to an end


Om santhi, om santhi , santhi

Om saravana bhava

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