
Monday, July 25, 2022

श्रीशिव आरती Shiva Aarathi


श्रीशिव आरती

Shiva Aarathi

Worship of Lord Shiva


Translated by




सर्वेशं परमेशं श्रीपार्वतीशं वन्देऽहं विश्वेशं श्रीपन्नगेशम्

श्रीसाम्बं शम्भुं शिवं त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं वन्देऽहं त्रैनेत्रं श्रीकंठमीशम् १॥


Sarvesaam  Paramesam  Sri  Parvatheesam  Vandheham Viswesam , SRi Pannagesam

Sri Sambam shambhum   Shivam Trilokya poojyam vandeham  trinethram  Sri kandameesam


The God of all, The god of gods, The god of  Goddess Parvathi, I salute  the God of universe, the god of serpants

He who is with goddess , He who helps , He who is peaceful, One who is worshipped  by three  worlds, I salute  the three eyed one  , God with divine neck


भस्माम्बरधरमीशं सुरपारिजातं बिल्वार्चितपदयुगलं सोमं सोमेशम्

जगदालयपरिशोभितदेवं परमात्मं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् २॥


Basmambara dharam eesam , sura parijatham  Bilwarchitha padha  yugalam, somam , somesam

Jagad aalaya parishobhitha devam paramathmam vandheham Shiva sankaram eesam Devesam


The god who  applies ash as dress, The divine flower of devas, he whose  feet are worshipped  by Bilwa, The moon, the  god of moon,

The God who shines as  one with world as temple,  THe divine soul  I salute   The  Shiva sankara the God   of devas


कैलासप्रियवासं करुणाकरमीशं कात्यायनीविलसितप्रियवामभागम्

प्रणवार्चितमात्मार्चितं संसेवितरूपं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ३॥


Kailasa priya vasam  , Karunakara meesam  , Kathyayani vilasitha priya  vama bhagam

Pranavarchitham, aathmarchitham, samsevitha roopam vandheham  Shiva Sankara meesam devesam


He who lives to live on Kaiilasa, the god  who is mercifuk.who has dear  left side  occupied by  dear  Kathyayani,

He who is worshipped by Om , He who is worshipped by soul, he who is served by allI salute Shiva  SAnkara who is God of devas


मन्मथनिजमददहनं दाक्षायनीशं निर्गुणगुणसंभरितं कैवल्यपुरुषम्

भक्तानुग्रहविग्रहमानन्दजैकं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ४॥


Manmadha nija  madha dahanam  dakshayaneesam  nirguna   guna sambaritham, kaiwalya purusham

Bhaktha anugraha vigraha mananda  jaikam Vandheham Shiva sankara meesam devesam


He who burnt real pride of Manmadha, The God of Dakshayanee, He who is filled with property of no properties, The male of eternal happiness,

His form blesses  the devotees and makes them happy , I salute God Shiva and Sankara o is God of devas.


सुरगंगासम्प्लावितपावननिजशिखरं समभूषितशशिबिम्बं जटाधरं देवम्

निरतोज्ज्वलदावानलनयनफालभागं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ५॥


Sura ganga samplavitha pavana  nija shikaram, sambhooshitha   sasi bimbam, jata dharam   devam

NIratho ujjwala dhava anala nayana  phala  baagamVandeham  Shiva sankarameesam  devesam


He whose true head made the deva ganga  flow down, who decorates himself with moon, the god with matted hair

He who has a satisfied forehead with eyes  burning like fire  , I salute God Shiva and sankara , who is  god of devas


शशिसूर्यनेत्रद्वयमाराध्यपुरुषं सुरकिन्नरपन्नगमयमीशं संकाशम्

शरवणभवसम्पूजितनिजपादपद्मं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ६॥


Sasi surya  nethra dwayam aaradhya  purusham, sura kinnara  pannagamayam eesam sankasam

SArvana bhava sampoojitha nija padha  padhmam, Vandheham Shiva Sankara  meesam devesam


He who has moon and sun as his two eyes, he who is worshipped, he who is god of devas , kinnaras and serpents and is near them

He who is lotus like feet is worshipped  by Saravana BHava, I salute God Shiva and Sankara, who is God of devas


श्रीशैलपुरवासं ईशं मल्लीशं श्रीकालहस्तीशं स्वर्णमुखीवासम्

काञ्चीपुरमीशं श्रीकामाक्षीतेजं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ७॥


Sri Saila  pura vaasam eesam, malleesam, sri kalahastheesam swarna mukhee  vaasam

Kanchipura meesam, Sri Kamakshi thejam VandhehamShiva sankara meesam devesam


The god  who lives on top of a mountain, God of mallikarjuna, THe god of Kalahasthi, he who lives on her who has a golden face

The God of Kanchipuram, He who makes Goddess  Kamakshi shine , I salute God Shiva and Sankara who is God of devas


त्रिपुरान्तकमीशं अरुणाचलेशं दक्षिणामूर्तिं गुरुं लोकपूज्यम्

चिदम्बरपुरवासं पञ्चलिंगमूर्तिं वन्देऽहं शिवशङ्करमीशं देवेशम् ८॥


Tripuranthakam eesam, arunachaleasam, Dakshina murthim Gurum L, Loka poojyam

Chidambara  pura vaasam, pancha linga moorthim Vandhe   Shiva sankara  meesam devesam


The God who destroyed  Tripuras, the god of Arunachala, The Guru who is Dakshinamurthy, He who is worshipped  by the world

He Who lives in Chidambaram town, He who is Panchalingeswara, I salute God Shiva and Sankara, who is God of devas


ज्योतिर्मयशुभलिंगं सङ्ख्यात्रयनाट्यं त्रयीवेद्यमाद्यं पञ्चाननमीशम्

वेदाद्भुतगात्रं वेदार्णवजनितं वेदाग्रं विश्वाग्रं श्रीविश्वनाथम् ९॥


Jyothir maya shubha lingam sangya thraya  naatyam, thrayee  veda maadhyam, Panchanana  Meesam

Vedadhbutha  GaathramVedarnava  janitham, VedagramViswagram Sri Viswanadham


The auspecious linga full of flame, he who dances like digit three, The first one of three vedas, The God with five faces

He who had a body which makes Vedas  wonder, He who was born out of Vedic fire, He who is at end of Vedas, Hewho is  end of thee  world, The God Viswanadha



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