
Monday, July 25, 2022

Shiva Sankalpa Suktha from Yajur veda


Shiva Sankalpa  suktha

(Prayer  to establish peace(Shiva) in mind)

(This is a version which I got.Possibly there are many)

(determination ffor mind pervaded with shiva(peace)


Translated by


(Six verses from Yajur veda 34th chapter)


1.Yath jagratho  dhooram udaithi Daivam

Thadh supthasya thadhai avaithi

Doorangamam jyothishaam jyothir ekam

Thanme mana Shiva  Sankalpamasthu


The god  like mind  flies  long distances  as soon as it wakes up,

Similarly  even while   sleeping it does  the same thing

The long  travelling  light  of Heavenly bodies is also  one

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)


2.Yena  karmanya apaso manishinoo

Yajne  krunvanthi vidhadheshu  dheeraa

Yad  poorvam yaksham antha  prajaanaam

Thanme mana  Shiva  Sanklpamasthu


The deeds are   all done with integrity

And the bold ones do  the  acts(Fire sacrifices) by sharing knowledge,

And  before this  internally diverse acts are  done by people

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)


3.Yath prajnaana mutha chetho druthischa

Yajjjyothit antharamrutham   prajaasu

Yasmaanna kruthe kinchana karma  kriyathe

Thanme mana Shiva  Sankalpamasthu


That knowledge  from memory is learnt with patience and courage

That  internal light leads to deathless  nectar  to the people

And without doing   that  no action   can be  performed,

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)


4.Yenedham  bhootham  BHaavanam Bhavishyath

Parigraheetham amruthena sarvam

Yena yajnasthayathe saptha hothaa

Thanme mana Shiva  Sankalpamasthu


Once the past , present   and future  ,

Is understood, the world full of nectar (deathlessness)

And once that  act(fire sacrifice) is accomplished, it reaches  the seven organs of face*

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)

*2eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils  and mouth


5.Yasmin richa saama  yajoomshi

Yasmin prathishtithaa radhanaabhaa vivaraa

Yasmischitham  sarvamotham  prajaanaam

Thanme mana Shiva  Sankalpamasthu


That which is Rik , SAma   and Yajur veda

Have been established like spokes of a wheel of chariot

Within which the best of the knowledge  is complete,

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)


6.Su Saaradhir aswaniva yan manushyaan

Neneeyathe abhishubhi varjina yiva

Hruth prathishtam yadha jiram Javishtam

Thanme mana Shiva  Sankalpamasthu


Like the expert  driver of the horses, human beings

Maintain forcibly  the speed and power  of life

By establishing in the mind great power to control  the restlessness

And so let  our mind be involved  in Determination of Shiva (Peace)



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