
Monday, August 22, 2022

Nandikeswara stotram(stotram addressed to Lord Shiva)


Nandikeswarar stotram



Nandikeswara  stotra

Prayer  to  God of Nandi


Translated by



(The title  means it is a prayer  addressed to  God of Nandi   ie Lord Shiva)


     भवेशं भवेशानमीड्यं सुरेशं

          विभुं विश्वनाथं भवानीसमाद्यम्

     शरच्चन्द्रगात्रं सुघापूर्णनेत्रं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Bhavesam , Bhavesana  meedyam   Suresam

Vibhum  Viswanaham, bhavani   Samadhyam

Sarath  Chandra  gathram  , sudha  poorna  nethram

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who is Lord of Samsara  , who destroys  the ills of Samsara , Who is worshipped  by devas

Who is the lord  , the lord of universe, who is always   with Goddess  Parvathi

Who has  a body like  autumn moon and has eyes   filled with nectar.



     हिमाद्रौ निवासं स्फुरच्चन्द्रचूडं

          विभूतिं दधानं महानीलकण्ठम्

     प्रभुं दिग्भुजं शूलटङ्कायुधाढ्यं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Himadrou nivasam  , sphurath   Chandra   choodam

Vibhoothim dadhaanam  , maha  neela kandam

Prabhum digbujam soola takayudhaadyam

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who lives  on snow mountain who shines with  moon worn by him

Who applies the sacred   ash, who is great  God with blue neck

The lord with hands pervading in  all directions  carrying The spear  and the sword


     भवेशं गजेशं प्रपन्नार्तिनाशं



          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Bhavesam, Gajesam  , prapannarthi nasam

Vibhaswath samudhyathprabha  kanthi pooram

Bhavaniyutha ardhanga shobhabhiramam

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who is God  of Samsara , Lord of elephants , Who destroys   suffering of those  who surrender

Who shines like   the  brilliance  of  rising    sun

Who has  shining  body , half of it shared  with Parvathi



          ज्वलद्वह्निकेशं शशाङ्कार्धभालम्

     सदा भक्तचित्ते स्फुरन्मोदरूपं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Mrugangayuthapraksha   deepthi prakasam

Jwalad vahni kesam, sasankardha  bhalam

Sadhaa   Baktha  chithe sphurath  modha roopam

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who shi nes   with  shine of moon along with   a deer

Who has  hair  shining like fire, who has  forehead  adorned  with moon

And who has a  pleased form which  always shines  in mind of devotees


     वराभीतिहस्तं कुठारेशपाणिं


     विषाशं महोक्षाधिरूढ मदारिं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Varaabheethi hastham kutaresa  paanim

Jataa jootaga  gango ullasa dwari  dharam
Vishaasam  Mahokshaadhi rooda  madharim

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Whose hands show boon and protection, Who holds    the big spear

Whose  matted hair shines with the dripping ganges  he wares,

Who consumed  poison, who rides on big bull and  killed  the god of love


     जगत्या विभूषं मृगेन्द्राजिनधृत्


     प्रसादादि मन्त्रस्फुरज्ज्ञानहेतुं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Jagathyaa  Viboosham mrugendraajina  druth

Shadaanmayaa manthra  praseedatha  moolam

Prasaadaadhi manthra  sphura jnana  hethum

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who adorns the world, Who dresses himself with skin   of   tiger,

Who  gets pleased  through  the six lettered manthra  Om Namashivaya

And causes  people  to shine  due  chanting of that  manthra.



          सुरेन्द्रादि देवैः सदा सेव्यमानम्

     नगेन्द्रात्मजाप्राणनाथं शरण्यं

          भजे नन्दिकेशं दरिद्रार्तिनाशम्


Bhavani padhambhoja hrud padma  samstham

Surendraadhi  devi sadhaa  sevyamaanam

Naagendra athmaja  prana nadham saranyam

Bhaje  Nandi kesam    Dardidrarthi  naasam


I salute   the God of Nandi  who destroys  suffering due to poverty,

Who Keeps the  lotus like feet of Bhavani  in his lotus like heart

Who is always served  by   the devas   as well as Indra

Who is the darling of the daughter  of mountain who is surrendered to him


     भवे नन्दीशानं सकलमनुसिद्ध्यैककरणं

          वसु-श्लोकैरेभिः प्रतिदिनमपि स्तौति नित्यम्

     तदैवेश-प्रीत्या निखिलसुखभागीह जगति

          परं मोक्षं चान्ते परमपदमाप्नोति सहसा


Bhave  Nandheesaanam  sakala manu sidhyaika  karanam

Vasu slokairebhi prathi dhinamapi stouthi nithyam

Thadaivesa preethyaa  nikhila sukha bhageeha  jagathi

Param  Mokasham  paramapadha maapnothi sahasaa


The God of Nandhi is the cause  of getting all powers by  people

Who  worship him by chanting these  sweet   slokas   daily

And they will   get pleased by him and get  all the pleasures.

And  at the end would get salvation immediately



    इति नन्दिकेश्वरस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi  Nandikeswara    Stotram sampoornam

Thus ends the prayer  to God of Nandi

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