
Monday, August 22, 2022

Garuda Kavacham


Garuda Kavacham

Armour of Garuda


Translated by


अस्य श्रीगरुडकवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य नारद भगवान् ऋषिः
वैनतेयो देवता अनुष्टुप्छन्दः श्रीवैनतेयप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः

Asya  Sri  Garuda kavacha  stotra manthrasya, Narada  Bhagawan Rishi

Vainatheyo  Devathaa, Anushtup Chanda  , Sri Vainatheya  preethyarthe  Jape  Viniyoga


To the Armour of   great prayer  of Garuda, Sage  Narada  is the sage

Garuda  is the devatha, Meter  is Anushtup, the chanting is done to please  Garuda


शिरो मे गरुडः पातु ललाटे विनितासुतः
नेत्रे तु सर्पहा पातु कर्णौ पातु सुरा अर्छित्॥ १॥

Om  Siro may Garuda pathu, lalalte vinitha sutha

Nethre thu Sarpahaa, karnom  pathu surarchitha


Om  May  Garuda  protect my head , Let son of Vinutha protect my forehead

Let my eyes  be protected by killer of serpents and my ears one  who was worshipped by devas


नासिकां पातु सर्पारिः वदनं विष्णुवाहनः
सूर्येतालू कण्ठे भुजौ पातु महाबलः २॥

Naasikaam pathu Sarpaari, vadanam Vishnu  Vahana

Suryethalu   cha kante  cha  bujou  pathu mahabala


Let enemy of serpent  protect my nose, let the steed of Vishnu  protect my face

He who is like sun god protect my neck and the very strong one protect  my  Hands


हस्तौ खगेश्वरः पातु कराग्रे तरुणाकृतिः

स्तनौ मे विहगः पातु हृदयं पातु सर्पहा ।॥ ३॥

Hasthou Khageswara  pathu, karagre tharunakruthi

Sthanou may  vihaga  pathu, hrudayam pathu sarpahaa


Let my arms be protected by God of birds, Let end of arm be protected by one  ith youthful looks

Let my breasts be protected by the bird  , let my heart be protected by killer  of snake

नाभिं पातु महातेजाः कटिं मे पातु वायुनः

ऊरू मे पातु उरगिरिः गुल्फौ विष्णुरथः सदा ।॥ ४॥


Naabhim pathu maha theja , katim may pathu vayuna

OOru  may pathu uragir , gulphou Vishnu Radha sadhaa

Let greatly  shining one protect my belly, Let he who travels in air in protect my waist

Let my thigh be protected  by killer of serpent, let my ankles be protected by chariot of Vishnu

पादौ मे तक्षकः सिद्धः पातु पादाङ्गुलींस्तथा

रोमकूपानि मे वीरो त्वचं पातु भयापहा ।॥ ५॥


Padhou may Thakshaka , sidha pathu  padangulisthadha

Romakoopani may veero, thwacham pathu  bhayapaha


Let One who is enemy of Thaksha  protect my feet , Let  the powerful one protect the  fingers of my feet

Let the heroic one protect tmy hair  roots, Let one who removes fear  protect my skin

इत्येवं कवचं दिव्यं पापघ्नं सर्वकामदम्

यः पठेत्प्रातरुत्थाय विषदोषं पश्यति ।॥ ६॥


Ithyedham kavacham dhivyam, papagnam , sarva  kamnadham

Ya paden  prathar uthaya visha dosham na pasyathi


If  this divine  , fear  destroying  , all wish fulfilling,

Armour  is read  as soon as you get upo, You would not be able to see  problems caused  by poison

त्रिसन्ध्यं पठते नित्यं बन्धनात् मुच्यते नरः
द्वादशाहं पठेद्यस्तु मुच्यते सर्वकिल्विषैः ७॥


Trisandhyam  padathe nithyam, bandhanaath muchyathe nara

Dwadasaham padethyasthu muchyathe  sarva kilbishai


Id this is read daily at dawn , noon and dusk, we would get freedom from ties

If it is read    twelve times, We would get out of all troubles


इति श्रीनारदगरुडसंवादे गरुडकवचं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi Narada   Garuda  samvadhe, Garuda  Kavacham sampoornam

Thus ends armour of Garuda  which occurs in discussion between Garuda and Narada

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