
Monday, August 22, 2022

Sri Mahalakshmi Kavacham

Sri Maha  Lakshmi Kavacham


Translated by



1Mahalakshmya pravakshyaami kavacham sarva kamadham,

Sarva papa prasamanam, Sarva  vyadhi  nivaranam


I am seeing the armour  of Mahalakshmi  which fulfils all desires\

It destroys   all sins  and cures all  diseases


2.Dushta  mruthyu prasamanam, dushta  daridrya  nasanam\

Graha peeda  prasamanam, arishta  pravi bhanjanam


Avoids  bad death, destroys   bad poverty

Subdues  sufferings due to planets, acts as a reducer  of bad luck


3.Puthra pouthraathi  janakam, vivaha  pradham ishtadham

Chorari  haari jagathaam akhilepsitha  kalpakam


Leads to birth of sonand grand son, Leads to marriage  to  person whom we like

Is the enemy  of theft  in the world,  and is the wish fulfilling tree


4.Sarvadhaa namanaa bhoothwaa srunu thwam sukha  sathama

Aneka  janma  samsidhi labhyam mukthi  phala  pradham


By always   chanting it, you would hear  the  good news, h good person

It grants the efforts of deeds of several births and leads  to salvation


5.Dhana dhanya maharajya sarva  soubhagya  dhayakam

Sakruth  pandana maathrena mahalakshmi  praseedathi


It grants  wealth  , cereals, great country and  very great luck

Just being read  by a good person, mahalakshmi   would be  pleased


6.Ksheerabdhi madhye padmaanaam naadhena mani mandape

Rathna  simhasanedhivye than madhye mani pankaje


In the middle of ocean of milk, in the gem studded  hall of the  lord of lotus

On divine  gem studded throne and in the middle of it on gem studded  lotus


7.Darpanakara  vimalaam kapol dwithyojjwalaam

Maangalya  aabharano  bedham, karna  dwitheeya  sundaraam


On her  cheeks which are  shining  like  mirror

Wearing auspecios ornaments  on her  shining ears


8.Kamalesa  supathradye abhayam dadatheem param

Romadhi lathaa charu magnaabhi thalodhareem


The divine one will  give you protection on thegood leaf of  the  God of lotus,

On the  pretty climing plant  with hairs which appears  drowned in river


9.Patta vasthra samudh bhasamsunithambasu lakshanaam

Kanchana sthambha vibhrajeeth varajaa  nooru shobhitham


Appearing  as if  her   hips   covered  with shining   silk cloth,

Looks like a shining  golden pillar, her thigh shines  like lotus flower


10Smara kaahalikaa garva  haaari jangam hari  priyeaam

Kamadi prishta  sadrusa padabhjaam  Chandra  vannakkam


The  thighs of darling of Hari   , destroys our pride  and make one sing  when we remember them

Her back is like that of turtle  and her lotus like feet are like heat  of moon


11.Pankajo udhara  lavanyam sulathangri  thalasrayaam

Sarvabharana  samyukthaam, sarva  lakshana  lakshithaam


She has pretty lotus like lips  , her prettily moving legs  move with musical beats

She is wearing all sort of ornaments and she  has all sort  of ideal looks


12.Sarva  manthra mayeem lakshmim, sruthi sasthra  swaroopineem

Para  brahma  mayeem devim  padhma nabha  kudubineem


She is Lakshmi pervaded with all  mamnthras and has form of Vedas  and sastras

The goddess  is pervaded with divine  brahmam   and is the wife of Lord Padma  nabha


13.evam dhyathva  maha lakshmim, ya padeth  kavacham param

Mahalakshmi   sira pathu, lalate  mama pankaja


After meditating  on maha Lakshmi like this , the armour  has to be read

Let mahalakshmi protect the head and my forhead  by  the lotus flower like goddess


14.Karna dhwandhwam Rema  pathu, nayane  nalinalaya

Nayne  mavathathamba , vaasam vaakh roopini mama


Let my twin ears be protected by Rema and  my eyes ny one  who has slender body

Let my eyes be protected by my mother   , let my nose be protected  by one who has form of voice


15.Danthaan aavathu  jihwaayaam sri  , adhroshtam Hari priya

Chib hukam patha  varadhaa , kandam gandharva  sevithaa


Let  Goddess  Sri protect my teeth and toungue  and  lower and upper lip by  the darling of Hari

Let wife of protector protect my chin   and my neck by one   served by Gandharwas\


16.Vaksha, kukshi karou pathu prushtam avyaath   remaa swayam

Khadyooru dwayakam janu janghe padha   dhwayam   Shivaa


Let my chest, belly  , hands and back be protected by  Remaa  herself

Let my   my two thighs, calves   and knee of the legs  by protected by  Goddess  Shivaa


17.Sarvanga  mindriyam , praanaan paayaath aayaasa  harini

Saptha dhathoon swaya ajnaadartham   shuklam manosthi cha


Let all limbs  and all organs as well as soul bre protected  by she who destroys  tiredness

Let  my seven elements and semen which comes as per my wish be protected by her who is  my mind


18. jnaanam  budhir manothhaan sarvam may  patha  Padmajaa

Mayaa  kruthanthu yath thathwai thath sarvam   pathu  mangalaa


Let n my wisdom intelligence  and all   acts of mind  be protected by her  born out of lotus

Let   the auspecious one protect protect all the principles that I have made


19.Mamaayu rangakaan Lakshmi, bharyaam puthraamsha puthrikaa

Mithraani pathu sathatham akhilam   may vara pradhaa


Let  Lakshmi protect my lfe  and parts of body, let  Daughter like goddess  protect my wife  and son

Let she   who grants boons always   protect   all  my friends


20.Maari naasanaarthaaya maaya  mruthyunjaya  phalam

Sarvaabheeshtanthu may dadhyaath pathu  maam kamalaalayaa


Let the mayaa  who wins over death be my strength  to destroy all my enemies

Let hr who has lotus as her house fulfill all my desires and give all that I want


21.sahajaam sodharam chaiva  sathru samharini aavathiu

Bandhu vargam parasakthi pathu maam sarva  mangalaa


Let my sibling brothers be protected by killer of my enemies

Let my relatives be protected by  Parasakthu and may  Always auspicious goddess  protect me



Effect of reading


1.Ya idham kavacham  dhivyam remaayaa pratha padeth

Sarva  sidhimavapnothi sarva  rakshaam cha  saaswathim


If this divine armour of  goddess Lakshmi is read in the morning

You would get all powers and permanently   you would be protected


2.Deergaayushmaan bhaveth, nithyam sarva sowbhagya  shobhitham

Sarvagna sarvadarsee cha sukhee  thasya sukhojjwala


You would  become long lived  and daily shine   with   all good luck

You would become all knowing , having universal vision, have pleasant life and shine with pleasure


3.Suputhro gopathi sriman bhavishyathi  na samsaya

Thath  gruhe na  bhaveth Brahman  daridrya  dukhadhikam


He will have f good sons, owner of cows, and he would become wealthy without doubt

And ibn his home , there will not be a Brahmin with more  poverty and suffering


4.Na agninaa  dahyathe geham na  chora aadhyai  cha  peedyathe

Bhoothe pretha  pischaadhyaa  thrasthaa  thaavanthi  dhooratha


His home would not be burnt by fire   and would not  be attacked  by robbers

Ghosts. Devils   and spirits   would shiver and would stay  very far off


5.Likhithwaa  sthapitham yanthram thathra vrudhir  bhaveth dhruvam

Naa apa mruthyu mavapnaathi dehaanthi  mukthimaan bhaveth


If a yanthra is written and kept there, definitely  there would be progress

There   bad and sudden death will not take place and  when you leave the body you will get  salvation


6.saayam praatha padeth yathu, maha dhanapathir  bhaveth

AAyushyam  poushtikam medhyam paapam duswapna nasanam


If it is read in the  morning and evening, you would become very rich

You would be long lived vigorous   and all your sins and bad dreams  would be destroyed


7.Prajnakaram  pavithram cha dur bhikshagni   vinasanam

Sidha  prasada janakam, maha  mruthyu  prasanthikam


This will make you wise  , pure  and destroy  poverty

It would grant you occult powers   and  bring down  great death


8.Maha roga  jwara  haram Brahma hathyathi  sodhakam

Maha  sukha  pradham chaiva  padithavyam  sukharthibhi


It would  cure  great diseases  and fever and eliminate sins like  Brahma  hathya

It would grant  great pleasure and by reading pleasure and happiness  will increase


9.Dhanarthi  dhanamaapnothi, vivaharathi  labheth  vadhu

Vidhyarthi labhathe vidhyaam , puthrarthi guunavath suthaan


He wants money  would become rich, he whowants to marry  will gt a bride

He wants   to learn would get  knowledge, he who  wants son would get a  good son


10.Rajyarthi labhathe  rajyam, sathya muktham mayaa sukha

Mahalakshmyaa  manthra sidhi  japaath   sathya  prajaayathe


He who wants  kingdom will get it   , and truth is telling that  he will get pleased

By chanting he would become expert in maha  Lakshmi  manthra  and truth is being told


11Evam devyaa  prasaadena sukha kavacha maapthvaan

Kavachaan ugra  henaiva sarvaan kaaman vaapnuyaath


By  getting the grace of devu, he will get armour  of pleasure

By getting the powerful armour, all his wishes would be fulfilled


12.Sarva lakshana sampannam Lakshmim sarva  sureswarim

Prapadhye   saranam,  devim  padma  puthraksha  vallabhaam


Salute   Lakshmi  with all  good signs   who is  goddess of all devas

And surrender to the goddess  of lotus, who is capable of granting sons and wife


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