
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sri Hanumatn kavacham from Ananda Ramayana


श्री हनुमत् कवचम्

Sri Hanumatn kavacham from Ananda  Ramayana

Armour of Lord Hanuman


श्रीमदानन्दरामायणान्तर्गत श्री हनुमत् कवचं

Srimad aananda ramayana anthargatha   Sri Hanumath kavacham

The Armour of Hanuman from ananda  Ramayanam


श्री हनुमते नमः

Om Hanumathe nama

Om Salutations to Hanuman


अस्य श्री हनुमत्कवच स्तोत्र महामन्त्रस्य, श्री रामचन्द्र ऋषिः श्री हनुमान् परमात्मा देवता

अनुष्टुप् छन्दः मारुतात्मजेति बीजं अञ्जनीसूनुरिति शक्तिः लक्ष्मणप्राणदातेति कीलकं

रामदूतायेत्यस्त्रं   हनुमान् देवता इति कवचं   पिङ्गाक्षोमित विक्रम इति मन्त्रः

श्रीरामचन्द्र प्रेरणया रामचन्द्र प्रीत्यर्थं  मम सकल कामना सिद्ध्यर्थं  जपे विनियोगः


Om   Asya  Srimath Hanumath  stotra  maha manthrasya  , Sri Ramachandra Rishi  , sri Hanuman Paramatma  devatha, Anushtup chanda, Marutha athma jethi Beejam  , Anjani soonureethi Sakthi, Lakshmana prana Dathethi   Keelakam

Rama dhootho ithyasthram, Hanuman devatha  ithi kavacham,Pingakshomitha vikrama ithi manthra

Sri Ramachandra  preranaayaa, Ramachandra  preethyartha mama sakala kaamanaa sidhyartha  ithi jape  viniyoga



For the great prayer  of armour  to Hanuman Sthe sage is Sri Ramachandra, The God addressed  is Hanuman, The meter is anushtup, The seed is son of wind god , The power  is son of anjana, the nail is the giver of life  to Lakshmana, the arrow is messanger  of Rama, the armour  is God Hanuman, the chant is the brown eyed one is valorous

I am chanting this that all my desires would be fulfilled by initiation of Rama  , for becoming dear  to Rama




Kara Nyasa

Worship with hands


हां अञ्जनीसुताय अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः हीं रुद्र मूर्तये तर्जनीभ्यां नमः हूं रामदूताय मध्यमाभ्यां नमः

हैं वायुपुत्राय  अनामिकाभ्यां नमः हौं अग्निगर्भाय कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः

हः ब्रह्मास्त्र निवारणाय करतल करपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः


oM haam Anjani suthaaya  angushtabhyaam nama , Om heem   Rudra  moorthaye tharjaneebhyaam nama, Om Hoom  Ramadhoothaaya madhyamaabhyaam nama,  om HoumSri Vayu puthraaya anamikabhyaam nama, Om haim Aghni garbhaya  Kanishtikabhyam nama

Om ha  Brahmasthra  nivaranaaya Kara thala kara  prishtaabhyaam nama


Say om ham,  saluttions to son of Anjana   and touch chest with thumb  ,Say salutations om Heem  Salutations to angry person and tough withpointer finger, Say salutations Om Hoom representative of Rama touch with middle finger,Say salutations om Houm son of wind god touch with ring fingerSay salutations Om Haim SAlutations  to one concieved by fire  touch with little finger, Sauy om Salutations to one  who avoids Brahmastra , touch with your palm




हां अञ्जनीसुताय हृदयाय नमः

हीं रुद्र मूर्तये शिरसे स्वाहा

हूं रामदूताय शिकायै वषट्

हैं वायुपुत्राय  कवचाय हुं

हौं अग्निगर्भाय नत्रत्रयाय वौषट्

हः ब्रह्मास्त्र निवारणाय अस्त्राय फट्

भूर्भुवःसुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः


Anga nyasa

Worship with limbs


Om Haam  Anjani suthaaya  Hridayaya  Nama

Om Heem  Rudra moorthaye  Sirase   swaha

Om Hoom rama dhoothaya  Shikayai vashat

Om Haim vayu puthraya Kavachaya  hoom

Om Houm agghni garbhaya nethra  thrayaya  Vaoushat

Om Hah Brahmastra  nivaranaya asthraaya  phat

Bhoorbhuva  swaromith    Dig Bandha


Om ham salutations  to son of Anjana  touch your chest

Oh Hreem    salutations   to God Rudra  , touch your head

Om hoom  salutation to messager of Rama  , touch your hair

Om Hair salutation to son of wind god touch your armour

Om Houm  salutation to aghni garbha with three eyes touch your eyes

Om Hau salutation to one who  cured effect of  Brahma asthra

Bhoor bhuva sa=wa  , tie all directions


अथ ध्यानम्

Adha dhyanam

Now  meditation


ध्यायेत्बालदिवाकरद्युतिनिभं देवारिदर्पापहं

देवेन्द्र प्रमुखं प्रशस्तयशसं देदीप्यमानं रुचा

सुग्रीवादि समस्तवानरयुतं सुव्यक्त तत्त्वप्रियं

संसक्तारुण लोचनं पवनजं पीताम्बरालङ्कृतं १॥


Dhyayeth bala dhivakara  dhythi nibham, devari darpapaham

Devendra  pramukha prasastha  yasasam, dedheepya  maanam  ruchaa

Sugreevaadhi samastha vanara  yutham suvyaktha  thathwa  priyam\

Samsaktharuna lochanam, Pavanajam peethambaralankrutham


I medidate on  Him who looks like  infant sun, who destroys the  enemies of devas]

Who is honored by devendra , who has    great fame, Who shines like a flame

Who is with Sugreeva  and all monkeys, who likes   clear  principles

Who is powered with sun like eyes, son of wind god and dresses with yellow  silk


उद्यन् मार्ताण्डकोटि प्रकट रुचियुतं चारुवीरासनस्थं

मौञ्जी यज्ञोपवीताभरण रुचिशिखं शोभितं कुण्डलाङ्गं

भक्तानामिष्टदं तं प्रणतमुनिजनं वेदनाद प्रमोदं

ध्यायेदेवं विधेयं प्लवग कुलपतिं गोष्पदीभूत वार्धिं २॥


  Udyath  marthanda   koti   prakata  ruche yutham  chaaru   veerasanastham,

Mounji   yajnopaveetharuna ruchira shikhaa   shobhanam kundalaangam,

Bhakthanamishtadham tham pranatha  muni janam,  mekha  nadha pramodham,

Vandhe   devam vidheyam pravaga  kuladhipathimgoshpathi bhootha  vaardhim


He who has the luster  of crore  of rising sun, who  sits in pretty seat  of valour,

He who is pretty wearing mounji, sacred thread, red hair and pretty  with ear  globes

He who gives what  is desired by  devotees, who is saluted by sages, who become happy   roaring like  thunder

I salute God  who obeys you  , the chief of clan of monkeys and who crossed ocean  as if it is cattle  hoof



वज्राङ्गं पिङ्गकेशाढ्यं स्वर्णकुण्डल मण्डितं

निगूढमुपसङ्गम्य पारावार पराक्रमं ३॥


Vajrangam , pinga kesadya, , swarna  kundala manditham

Nigooda mupa sangamya paaravaara  parakramam


He who has diamond like limbs, brown hair  and sghines in golden ear  slobes

He would be hiding himself and  show the group valour


स्फटिकाभं स्वर्णकान्तिं द्विभुजं कृताञ्जलिं

कुण्डल द्वय संशोभिमुखाम्भोजं हरिं भजे ४॥


Sphatikaabham  , suvarna  kanthim , dvibhujam cha  krithanjalim

Kundala dhvaya samshobhi mukhambojam Harim Bhaje


He would be like crystal, shine like gold, has two hands and does salute

He has two ear  studs and has a shining face and I sing about that  monkey


सव्यहस्ते गदायुक्तं वामहस्ते कमण्डलुं

उद्यद् दक्षिण दोर्दण्डं हनुमन्तं विचिन्तयेत् ५॥


Savya  hasthe  Gadhaa  yuktham, Vama  hasthe  kamandalum

Udhyath Dakshina  dhordhandam, Hanumantham vichinthayeth'


He who has a mace  in his right hand, and water pot  oin his  left hand

He fights with  rope and goad  in his left hand    and i think of that hanuman


अथ मन्त्रः


नमो हनुमते शोभिताननाय यशोलङ्कृताय

अञ्जनीगर्भ सम्भूताय

राम लक्ष्मणानन्दकाय

कपिसैन्य प्रकाशन पर्वतोत्पाटनाय

सुग्रीवसाह्यकरण परोच्चाटन

कुमार ब्रह्मचर्य

गम्भीर शब्दोदय

ह्रीं सर्वदुष्टग्रह निवारणाय स्वाहा

नमो हनुमते एहि एहि


Om Namo  Hanumathe  Shobhithananaya yaso alankruthaya

Anjana  Garbha   sambhoothaaya

Rama Lakshmana   nanandakaya

Kapi sainya prakasana parvathothpatanaaya

Sugreeva  saahyaa karana Parocchatana

Kumara  Brahmacharya

Gambheera  Sabdhodhaya\

Om Hreem   Sarva  Dushta graham  nivaranaya Swaha

Om namo hanumathe yehi yehi


Om Salutation  to Hanuman who has shining decorated  form

Who was born out  of Anjana

Who made  Rama and Lakshmana happy

Who made  monkey army shine   and broke mountains

Who for helping Sugreeva, Spoke with outsiders

Who practiced celibacy from boy hood

Who  gave rise to booming voice

Om hreem Salutation to him who changed all bad planets

Om  salutations   to Hanuman


सर्वग्रह भूतानां शाकिनी डाकिनीनां

विशमदुष्टानां सर्वेषामाकर्षयाकर्षय

मर्दय मर्दय

छेदय छेदय

मर्त्यान् मारय मारय

शोषय शोषय

प्रज्वल प्रज्वल


Sarva graha  bhoothaanaam  sakini   dakineenaam

Vishama   Dushtaanaam  sarveshaam   Aakarshaya  , Aakarshaya

Mardhaya  Mardhaya

Chedhaya  Chedhaya

Marthyaan  Maaraya  Maaraya

Soshaya    soshaya

Prajwala prajwala


Attract attract  all planets  ghosts  , sakinis, dakinis]

Mischevous bad people

Beat , beat  , cut, cut, Kill kill people, weaken, weaken  , Make them shine shine


भूत मण्डल पिशाचमण्डल निरसनाय

भूतज्वर प्रेतज्वर चातुर्थिकज्वर

ब्रह्मराक्षस पिशाचः छेदनः क्रिया विष्णुज्वर

महेशज्वरं छिन्धि छिन्धि

भिन्धि भिन्धि

अक्षिशूले शिरोभ्यन्तरे ह्यक्षिशूले गुल्मशूले

पित्तशूले ब्रह्म राक्षसकुल प्रबल

नागकुलविष निर्विषझटितिझटिति


Bhootha mandala, pisacha  mandala   nirasanaaya

Bhootha jwara pretha jwara  chathurthika  jwara

Brahma rakshasa  pisacha Chedhana kriya  , vishnu  jwara

Maheswara  jwaram chindhi , chindhi

Bhindhi bhindhi

Akshi soole sirobhyanthare hyaakshi soole, gulma soole

Pitha soole Brahma  Rakshasa  kula  prabhala

Naga  kula visha nirvisha  jadithi jadithi


Drive away group of devils  and ghosts

The fever caused by devils , corpses, the fourth type of fever

The Vishnu fever for  cutting away , brahma  Rakshasaa and ghosts

The shiva fever , cut them away , cut them away

Throw them throw them

Pain of eye, pain inside hed,pain in the ears , pain of back,

Pain due to anemia caused by caste  of Brahma Rakshasa, serpent families,

Remove  their poisons






ह्रीं फट् घेकेस्वाहा

Om hreem phat  gheke swaha


नमो हनुमते पवनपुत्र वैश्वानरमुख

पापदृष्टि शोदा दृष्टि हनुमते घो अज्ञापुरे स्वाहा

स्वगृहे द्वारे पट्टके तिष्डतिष्ठेति तत्र

रोगभयं राजकुलभयं नास्ति

तस्योच्चारण मात्रेण सर्वे ज्वरा नश्यन्ति


Om Namo Hanumathe pavana  puthra  , vaiswanara  mukha

Papa drishhit , sodha  dristhi Hanumathe  Go Aajnaa pure  Swaha\

Swagrahe  dware  pattake thindi thishtethi thathathra

Roga  Bhayam   Raja kula bhayam b naasthi

Thasyochaarana mathrena sarva  jwara  nasyanthi


Om  salutations to Hanum the son of wind god, who has face  of sun god

Sin full look, examining look  Hanuman salutations

By tying it  at the door of our own house again and again

The fear of sickness, the fearof royal family wuld not be there

And by chantin it all fevers would be destroyed


ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रूं फट् घेघेस्वाहा

Om Hraam  Hreem  Hrom  Pha gheghe swaha


श्री रामचन्द्र उवाच-

Sri Ramachandra  Uvacha

Sri Ramachandra    said


हनुमान् पूर्वतः पातु दक्षिणे पवनात्मजः

अधस्तु विष्णु भक्तस्तु पातु मध्यं पावनिः १॥


Hanuman poorvatha pathu  , dakshine  pavanathmaja

Adhasthu vishnu  bakthasthu pathu , madhyam cha  pavani 


Let Hanuman protect right  , son of wind god protect left

Let devotee  of Vishnu protect down side and the pure  one the middle


लङ्का विदाहकः पातु सर्वापद्भ्यो निरन्तरं

सुग्रीव सचिव: पातु मस्तकं वायुनन्दनः २॥


Lanka vidhahaka pathu sarva aapathbhyo   nirantharam

Sugreeva  Sachiva  pathu masthakam  vayu nandana


Always from dangers let the one who burnt Lanka protect

The minister of Sugreeva who is son of wind god  protect our head


भालं पातु महावीरो भृवोर्मध्ये निरन्तरं

नेत्रे छायापहारी पातु नः प्लवगेश्वरः ३॥


Phalam pathuMaha veero, broovor madhye  nirantharam

Nethre Chayapa haari cha pathu plavageswara

Let the great  hero protect the forehead and always be in between our brows

Let the  killer of stealer of shadoe  and god of monkeys protect our eyes


कपोले कर्णमूले पातु श्रीरामकिङ्करः

नासाग्रं अञ्जनीसूनुः पातु वक्त्रं हरीश्वरः ४॥


Kapole  karna moole cha  Pathu   Sri Rama  Kinkara

Naasagram  Anjani soonu pathu vakthram   Hareeswara


Let servant of Rama protect the  cheeks   and ears

Let the son of Anjana protect the nose and god of monkeys protect the jaws


वाचं रुद्रप्रियः पातु जिह्वां पिङ्गल लोचनः

पातु देवः फाल्गुनेष्टः चिबुकं दैत्यदर्पहा ५॥


Vaacham   Rudra priya  pathu , jihwaam   Pingala  Lochana

Pathu  deva Phalguneshta  Chibukam daithya  darpahaa


Let  speech be protected by one  liked be Shiva  and toungue  by one  with brown eyes

Let  the chin be protected  by friend of Arjuna   and one who destroyed pride  of Asuras


पातु कण्ठं दैत्यारिः स्कन्धौ पातु सुरार्चितः

भुजौ पातु महातेजाः करौ चरणायुधः ६॥


Pathu kantam   cha daithyaari, skandhou pathu kapeeswara

Bhujo pathu   maha   thejaa, karou cha  charanaayudha


Let the enemy of asuras  protect the neck, let shoulder be protected by monkey god

Let  hands be protected by greatly shining one and palms  by him who uses his feet as weapon


नगरन् नखायुधः पातु कुक्षौ पातु कपीश्वरः

वक्षो मुद्रापहारी पातु पार्श्वे भुजायुधः ७॥


Nagaran nakhayudha  pathu, kukshou pathu kapeeswara

Vaksho   mudraapahaari cha pathu paarswa bhujayudha


The god monkeys who fought with nails  may protect my belly

Let who held the signet ring  protect  the breast and sides be protected by one who used  hands as weapon


लङ्का निभञ्जनः पातु पृष्ठदेशे निरन्तरं

नाभिं रामदूतस्तु कटिं पात्वनिलात्मजः ८॥


Lanka  Vibhanjana pathu  prushta  dese  nirantharam

Naabhim  cha Ramadhuthasthy katim  pathva anilathmajaa


Let  he who broke Lanka  always protect  the baxck side

Let the emissary of rama protect the stomach, son of widgod protect  the hips


गुह्यं पातु महाप्राज्ञो लिङ्गं पातु शिवप्रियः

ऊरू जानुनी पातु लङ्काप्रसाद भञ्जनः ९॥


Guhyam pathu Maha prajno , lingam pathu Shiva priya

Ooru   cha jaanuni pathu  lanka   prasada bhanjana


Let the very intelligent one protect the private  parts and the one liked

Let the knee and thigh be protected by he  who broke happiness of Lanka


जङ्घे पातु कपिश्रेष्ठोः गुल्फौ पातु महाबलः

अचलोद्धारकः पातु पादौ भास्कर सन्निभः १०॥


Jange pathu kapi sreshto, gulphow pathu maha bala

Achalodharaka pathu padhou baskara sannibha


Let the great monkey protect the thigh , Let ankles be protected by very strong one

Let he who lifts a mountain who is like sun god   protect the feet


अङ्गान्यमित सत्वाढ्यः पातु पादरङ्गुलीस्तथा

सर्वाङ्गानि महाशूरः पातु रोमाणि चाक्मवित् ११॥


Angaan amitha  sathwadyaa  pathu padhar angulisthadha

Sarvangani maha soora pathu  romani  Chakmavith


Let limbs and fingers of feet  be protected  by  by the best among beings ,

THe very great hero  protect all limbsand all hairs by one who is capable of dodging


हनुमत् कवचं यस्तु पठेद् विद्वान् विचक्षणः

एव पुरुषश्रेष्ठो भुक्तिं मुक्तिं विन्दति १२॥


Hanumath kavacham  yasthu  padeth  vidhwan vichakshana

Sa evam purusha  sreshto bukthi cha vindathi


He who reads armour of Hanuman will become an analytic  Scholar

And that manwould get   d great salvation


त्रिकालमेककालं वा पठेन् मासत्रयं नरः

सर्वान् रिपून् क्षणान् जित्वा पुमान् श्रियमाप्नुयात् १३॥


Trikalam eka kala, vaa paden masa thrayam nara

Sarvaan ripoon kshanaanjithwaa cha  sa pumaan Sriyam aapnuyaath


He who reads in once  or thrice  for three  months,

Within a second win over all his enemies and would become   wealthy


इति श्री शतकोटिरामचरितान्तर्गत

श्रीमदानन्दरामायणे वाल्मिकीये मनोहरकाण्डे

श्री हनुमत्कवचं सम्पूर्णं


Ithi satha koti   rama charithanthargatha

Sri mad   aananda  Ramayanrvalmikeeye  manohara kande

Sti Hanumath kavacham sampoornam


This which is in hundred crores  of Ramayana

And  In the Ananda Ramayana  of Valmiki, in the bewitching chapter

The Armour of Hanuman comes to an end


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