
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Pancha sloka Ganesa puranam


Pancha sloka Ganesa  puranam

The epic of Ganesa  in five verses


Translated by



श्रीविघ्नेशपुराणसारमुदितं व्यासाय धात्रा पुरा

     तत्खण्डं प्रथमं महागणपतेश्चोपासनाख्यं यथा

संहर्तुं त्रिपुरं शिवेन गणपस्यादौ कृतं पूजनं

     कर्तुं सृष्टिमिमां स्तुतः विधिना व्यासेन बुद्ध्याप्तये १॥


Sri  Vighnesa purana  saara  mudhitham Vyasaaya dhaathraa  puraa

Thath khandam prathamam Maha mahaganapathes upasanaakhyaam  thadhaa

Samharthrum  tripuram ganapasyaadhou krutham poojanam

Karthum  srustimiaam sthutha sa vidhinaa,   vyasena  budhyapthaye


The summary  of  Danesa purana happily   given by  sage vyasa  in olden times

Andits  first  chapter is the  methods  of  worshipping  Lord  D Ganesa,

After  destroying the Tripuras( three cities) Shiva  worshipped  Lord Ganesa

And for doing  act of creation Lord Brahma  worshipped  as per trust worthy rules  and sage Vyasa worshipped  him to get  wisdom



सङ्कष्ट्याश्च विनायकस्य मनोः स्थानस्य तीर्थस्य वै

     दूर्वाणां महिमेति भक्तिचरितं तत्पार्थिवस्यार्चनम्

तेभ्यो यैर्यदभीप्सितं गणपतिस्तत्तत्प्रतुष्टो ददौ

     ताः सर्वा समर्थ एव कथितुं ब्रह्मा कुतो मानवः २॥


SAnkashtascha vinayakasya mano sthanasya  theerthasya  vai

Dhoorvaanaam  mahimethi bakthi charitham thath Parthivasyarchanam

Thebhyo  yaiyedha bheepsidham  Ganapathi sthath prathushto  dadhou

Thaa   sarvaa  samartha yeva   kadhithumBrahma  kutho  manava


This story of devotion   is about  greatness of Goddess  Sankastha  , Lord Ganesa  ,

Their manthras, their place, their sacred water and that of  Grass  used to worship him and his consecrated statue ,

And to that man who prays and worships    and maje   Lord   Ganapathi   happy

He will give all that they desire  , which even Lord  Brahma cannot  describe


क्रीडाकाण्डमथो वदे कृतयुगे श्वेतच्छविः काश्यपः

     सिंहाङ्कः विनायको दशभुजो भूत्वाथ काशीं ययौ

हत्वा तत्र नरान्तकं तदनुजं देवान्तकं दानवं

     त्रेतायां शिवनन्दनो रसभुजो जातो मयूरध्वजः ३॥


Kreeda kaanda madho vadhe  kritha  yuge swetha chavi  Kasyapa,

Simhanga sa vinayako dasa  bhujo bhoothwaadha  kaasem yayou

Hathwaa   naranthakam   thadh anujam  devanthakam  dhanavam

Trethaayaam  Shiva  nandano rasa bhujo  jatho  Mayura  dwaja


In his era of sports ,in the Kritha yuga Lord Vinaya  with white colour

As the lustrous  son of sage Kashyapa and with  Lion flag  he entered Benares

He then killed  Asura  called  Naranthaka  and his younger  brother Devanthaka

And in Tretha yuga  he appeared  as son of lord Shiva  with six hands  and peacock flag


हत्वा तं कमलासुरं सगणं सिन्धुं महादैत्यपं

     पश्चात् सिद्धिमती सुते कमलजस्तस्मै ज्ञानं ददौ

द्वापारे तु गजाननो युगभुजो गौरीसुतः सिन्दुरं

     सम्मर्द्य स्वकरेण तं निजमुखे चाखुध्वजो लिप्तवान् ४॥


Hathwaa  tham  Kamalasuram  cha saganam sindhum Maha  daithyam

Paschadh  Sidhi mathi suthe  kamalaja thasmai cha  jnanam  dhadhou

Dwapare  thu  Gajanano  yuga bhujo Gauri sutha sindhuram

Sammardha  swa karena  tham  nija  mukheChakkhu dwajo lipthavaan


He  then killed  Kamalasura  and  the great Asura  Sindhu  and his army

Afterwards LOrd Brahma  gave his daughters  Sidhi  and Budhi  in marriage to him and gave him great wisdom

In the   dwapara  yuga he was born to Goddess  Parvathi with  two hands  and elephat face,

And Killed  Sindhurasura who had face like  him  by his own hands and kept  mouse  on his flag.


गीताया उपदेश एव हि कृतो राज्ञे वरेण्याय वै

     तुष्टायाथ धूम्रकेतुरभिधो विप्रः सधर्मर्धिकः

अश्वाङ्को द्विभुजो सितो गणपतिर्म्लेच्छान्तकः स्वर्णदः

     क्रीडाकाण्डमिदं गणस्य हरिणा प्रोक्तं विधात्रे पुरा ५॥


Geethaayaa  upadesh   yeva  hi  krutho raajne  varenyaya  vai

Thushtaat yaadha cha dhoomra kethurabhidho  vipra  sadharmardhika

Aswango  dwibhujo  sitho Ganapathir mlechanthaka  swarnadhaka

Kreedakanda  midham Ganasya  Hareenaa  proktham Vidhathre  puraa


He  then  taught Ganesha  Geetha   to king  Varenya(chosenone),

And being pleased   he made   him A Brahmin called  Dhoomra kethu   who  followed all Dharmas

And it that time  he was Ganapathi with   two hands and horse  in his hand and golden coloured and killed  all Mlechas

And this sports ofLOrd Ganapathi was    described   by  Lord Vishnu   to the creator  Lord Brahma


एतच्छ्लोकसुपञ्चकं प्रतिदिनं भक्त्या पठेद्यः पुमान्

निर्वाणं परमं व्रजेत् सकलान् भुक्त्वा सुभोगानपि


Yethatha  sloka  supanchakam prathi dhinam bhakthyaa   padedhya  pumaan

Nirvaanam paramam vrajeth sa sakalaan  Bukthwaa  subhogan aapi


That man who daily reads  this  great pentad of slokas  with devotion

After enjoying  all that is good   would attain salvation


     इति श्रीपंचश्लोकिगणेशपुराणम्

       Ithi  Sri Pancha sloki   Ganesa  Puraanam

       This is the   epic story of lord   Ganesa  in five verses

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