
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Powerful Manthras of Hanuman for Various purposes

Powerful  Manthras  of Hanuman for  Various  purposes


Translated by



शत्रु को परास्त करना का मंत्र The  manthra  to defeat  enemies

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय रामसेवकाय रामभक्तितत्पराय रामहृदयाय 

लक्ष्मणशक्ति भेदनिवारणाय लक्ष्मणरक्षकाय दुष्टनिबर्हणाय 

रामदूताय स्वाहा | 


Om Namo  Hanumathe  Rudravathaaraaya  , Rama  sevakaaya , Rama  Bakthi thath paraaya, Rama hridayaya

Lakshmana  sakthi bedha  nivaraanaayaa , Lakshmana  Rakshakaayaa , dushta  nibarhanaayaa, Rama Dhoothaaya  Swaha

Om Salutations  to Hanuman, incarnation of lord Shiva , the  servant of Rama, Who is immersed in devotion to Rama, Who has  Rama in his heart, He who destroyed SAkthi sent to kill Lakshmana , He   who saved  Lakshmana, He who kills evil people, and messanger  of Rama  , salutations


रोग निवारण मंत्र –Manthra for getting cured  of diseases

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय सर्वशत्रुसंहरणाय 

सर्वरोगहराय सर्ववशीकरणाय रामदूताय स्वाहा | 


Om Namo  Hanumathe  , Rudravatharaya , sarva  sathru  samharanaaya

Sarva  roga haraaya , sarva  vaseekaranaaya, Rama Dhoothaaya swaha


Om Salutations  to Hanuman, incarnation of  Lord Shiva, he who kills all enemies

He who cures all diseases, he who attracts  all,who is messanger  of Rama , salutations

गृह कलह निवारण मंत्र (Manthra  for avoiding quarrels  in Home)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय आध्यात्मिक आधिदैविक 

आधिभौतिक तापत्रयनिवारणाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om namo Hanumathe, rudravatharaya adhyathmika aadhi daiveeka

Aadhi boutheeka  thapa  thraya nivaranaaya, Ramadhoothaaya  swaha


Om Salutations to Hanuman, the incarnarion of Rudra, who is spirirual , Godly from beginning

Wordly from beginning , one who removes pain in mind, body and soul  , The messenger  of Rama, salutations


मनोकामना पूर्ति मंत्र (Manthra  to fulfill  desires  )

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय 

देवदानव ऋषिमुनि वरदाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om Namo  Hanumathe  , Rudravatharaya

Deva dhanava  Rishi  muni  varadhaya  , Ramadhoothaya swaha


Om Salutations to Hanuman, the incarnarion of Rudra

He who grants  boons to  devas , asuras  , chief sages , sages, The messanger of Rama  , salutations


सभी प्रकार के सुखदेने वाला मंत्र (The manthra giving all type  of pleasure)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय भक्तजनमनः कल्पनाकल्पद्रुमाय दुष्टमनोरथस्तम्भनाय 

प्रभञ्जनप्राणप्रियाय महाबलपराक्रमाय महाविपत्तिनिवारणाय 

पुत्रपौत्रधनधान्यादिविविधसम्पत्प्रदाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |

Om Namo bhagawathe   Rudravatharaya , baktha jana mana kalpana  kalpadumaya, dushta  manoradha  sthambanaya

Prabanjana  prana  priyaya, maha  bala  parakrammaya. Maha  vipathi nivaranaya

Puthra  pouthra dhana  dhanyaa aadhi vividha sampath  pradhaaya , Rama  Dhoothaya  swaha


Om Salutations to Hanuman, the incarnarion of Rudra, the wish giving tree of wishes  of the mind  of devotees, He who freezes the  evil wishes  of the mind,

He who likes soul of those  in Samadhi  ,Who is very strong, very adventurous, He who avoids  great  accidents

He who grants wealths  like children, grand children, money   grains etc , the messenger  of Rama  salutation


रक्षा करने का मंत्र (The manthra  to protect)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय वज्रदेहाय वज्रनखाय वज्रमुखाय 

वज्ररोम्णे वज्रनेत्राय वज्रदन्ताय वज्रकराय वज्रभक्ताय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om namo  Hanumathe Rudravatharaya, vajra   dehaya. Vajra  nakhaya, vajra mukhaya

Vajra romne, vajra  nethraya, vajra  danthaya, vajra karaya , vajra bakthaya, Rama Dhoothaya  swaha


Om Salutations to Hanuman, the incarnarion of Rudra , who has  diamond body , diamond nails , diamond face

Diamond hairs, diamond eyes, diamond teeth, diamond hands , diamond devotee  , the messenger of Rama, salutations


सर्वव्याधि-संकट निवारण मंत्र (The manthra to cure all diseases  and all sorrows)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय परयन्त्रमंत्रतन्त्रत्राटकनाशकायसर्व्जवरछेदकाय

सर्वव्याधिनिकृन्तकाय सर्वभयप्रशमनाय सर्वदुष्टमुखस्तम्भनाय 

सर्वकार्यसिद्धिप्रदाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om namo Hanumathe  Rudravatharaya  para  yanthra manthra thanthra thraataka naasakaayaa, sarva  jwara chedakaya

Sarva vyadhi  nikrunthakaayaa  sarva  bhaya prasamanaaya, sarva  dushta mukha  sthambanaaya

Sarva  kaarya   sidhi pradhaaya  Rama dhoothaya  swaha


Om salutation to Hanuman who is  incarnation of Rudra, who destroys  troubles created by the yanthras , manthras  and thanthras   made by others, He cuts  off all type  of feavers, he who cures all diseases, he who pacifies  all fears, he who freezes all evil faces, he who helps us to get positive results of all our actions, He who is emissary of Rama, salutations


भूत-प्रेत बाधा निवारण मंत्र (manthra for getting relief from attack  of  Devils   and ghosts)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय देवदानवयक्षराक्षसभूत 

प्रेतपिशाचडाकिनीशाकिनीदुष्टग्रहबन्धनाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om Namo Hanumathe Rudravathraya  deva dhanava yaksha  Rakshasa  bhootha

Pretha pisacha   dakini , sakini  dushta   graham  bandhanaaya, Ramadhoothaya  swaha


Om salutations to Hanuman   who is the incarnation of Rudra, He who ties  devas, asuras yakshas, raksghasas, devils

Dead  souls , ghosts, dakinis, sakinis and  evil planets, He who is emissary of Rama  , salutations

सर्वविघ्न निवारण मंत्र (Manthra for avoiding   all  obstacles)

 नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय पञ्चवदनाय 

पश्चिममुखे गरुडाय सकलविघ्ननिवारणाय रामदूताय स्वाहा |


Om Namo Hanumathe  Rudravatharaya , pancha vadanaayaa

Paschima mukhe Garudaya sakala  vighna  nivaranaaya  , rama dhoothaya  swaha


Om Salutations to Hanuman, whois incarnation of Rudra who has  five faces,

With the west  face being Garuda, he who destroys all obstacles,He who is emissary of Rama , Salutations

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