
Friday, May 12, 2023

Sri Dharma Sasthru Satakam

श्री धर्मशास्त्रुस्तुतिशतकं

Sri   Dharma Sasthru Satakam

Translated by

Sri  Anantha Narayanan  Vaidhyanathan

( This in one of the prayers given in KUlathu Iyer’s Dharma Sathra  sthuthi kadambam)

( I have not attempted a word by word translation.. but I have, I trust managed to be in sync with  the spirit of the author..)


शबरिगिरिनिवासं शान्तहृत्पद्महंसं

शशिरुचिमृदुहासं श्यामळांभोजभासम्।

कलितरिपुनिरासं कान्तमुत्तुङ्गनासं

नतिनुतिपरदासं नौमि पिञ्छ्रावतंसम्।  1


śabarigirinivāsaṁ śāntahṛtpadmahaṁsaṁ śaśirucimṛduhāsaṁ śyāmaḻāṁbhojabhāsam|

kalitaripunirāsaṁ kāntamuttuṅganāsaṁ natinutiparadāsaṁ naumi piñchrāvataṁsam|


I bow with reverence at the feet of the one who is having Shabari mountain as his abode,

 the one who is the Royal Swan keeping company to the tranquil mind of the seeker,

 the one who is sporting the sweet smile  that resembles the soft  soothing rays of the moon,

 the one who is shining forth in the dark hue of a blue-black lotus,

 the one who subdues dissenting murmurs or actions  of his enemies, 

the one who is  attractive in his long raised and well-shaped nose,

the one who considers himself as the servant of those who serve him and are dependent on him

the one who is having beautiful peacock-feathers as his ornaments.


शबरिगिरिनिशान्तं शङ्खकुन्देन्दुदन्तं

शमधनहृदि भान्तं शत्रुपाळीकृतान्तम्।

सरसिजरिपुकान्तं सानुकम्पेक्षणान्तम्।

कृतनुतविपदन्तं कीर्तयेऽहं नितान्तं॥२

śabarigiriniśāntaṁ śaṅkhakundendudantaṁ

śamadhanahṛdi bhāntaṁ śatrupāḻīkṛtāntam|

sarasijaripukāntaṁ sānukampekṣaṇāntam|

kṛtanutavipadantaṁ kīrtaye'haṁ nitāntaṁ||2


I offer my praises  continuosly and without intetrruption

 To  the one who is relaxing peacefully and happily in the precints of Shabarigiri

To the one who sports a smile brilliantly white like a conch,  jasmine flower and the full moon

To the one who shines incessantly in the hearts of  seekers whose abundance of wealth is tranquility of mind

To the one who is verily Yama the harbinger of death to the huge rows of enemies that would raise against Him

To the one who is as resplendent as the moon, (the enmey of lotus flower blooming in waterfront)

To the one with outer edges of beautiful eyes  shedding glances that are radiating extreme affection and compassion  for the devotees

to the one who has  ensured end and destruction for all  great dangers confronting those who serve Him




शबरिगिरिकलापं शात्रवध्वान्तदीपं

शमितसुजनतापं शान्तिहीनैर्दुरापम्।

करधृतसुमचापं कारणोपात्तरूपं

कचकलितकलापं कामये पुष्कलाभम्॥३

śabarigirikalāpaṁ śātravadhvāntadīpaṁ

śamitasujanatāpaṁ śāntihīnairdurāpam|

karadhṛtasumacāpaṁ kāraṇopāttarūpaṁ

kacakalitakalāpaṁ kāmaye puṣkalābham||3


I yearn for the affection of

The one who is the ornament of the Shabari giri

The one who, like a lamp dispels the darkness in the shape of enmity

The one who gives relief to the woes of noble-hearted good people

The one who is not ever attainable for persons who have not mastered to attain inner tranquillity

The one who  holds in his hands arrows made of flowers

The infinite one who has manifested in human form only for some purpose

The one who is wearing ornaments studded with crystals

The one who is glowing with extraordinary brilliance


शबरिगिरिनिकेतं शङ्करोपेन्द्रपोतं

शकलितदितिजातं शत्रुजीमूतपातम्।

पदनतपुरुहूतं पालिताशेषभूतं

भवजलनिधि पोतं भावये नित्यभूतम्॥४

śabarigiriniketaṁ śaṅkaropendrapotaṁ

śakalitaditijātaṁ śatrujīmūtapātam|

padanatapuruhūtaṁ pālitāśeṣabhūtaṁ

bhavajalanidhi potaṁ bhāvaye nityabhūtam||4


I meditate upon that being who is existing eternally

The one who is having residence in Shabarigiri

The one who is the child of Shankara the Shiva and Upendra the Vishnu

The one who has shattered to destruction all the Daityas or demons

The one who is like a heavy missile that brings down the huge cloud-like mass of enemies

The one at whose feet Puruhoota, the Indra  falls and worships in supplication

The one who is ever engaged in protection of all Bhutas  and all living beings too

The one who acts like as very safe boat that would navigate us across the ocean of worldly woes


शबरिविहृतिलोलं श्यामळोदारचेलं

शतमखरिपुकालं शर्ववैकुण्ठबालम्।

नतजनसुरजालं नाकिलोकानुकूलं

नवमणिमयमालं नौमि निश्शेषमूलम्॥५

śabarivihṛtilolaṁ śyāmaḻodāracelaṁ

śatamakharipukālaṁ śarvavaikuṇṭhabālam|

natajanasurajālaṁ nākilokānukūlaṁ

navamaṇimayamālaṁ naumi niśśeṣamūlam||5


I offer my humble prostrations at the feet of that being who is the root cause for all things in this univers

The one who is pleased to wander around the terrain adjoining the Shabari area

The one who  sports  clothes having dark bright colour

The one who is annihilator, the lord of time for  the enemies of Shatamakha, the Indra

The one who is the boy born to  Sharva the Shiva  and Vaikunda the Vishnu

The one before whom all the people and even gods  are paying respects

The one who is ever disposed favourably to the occupants of Naaka or heaven, the gods

The one who wears a garland  made of the nine varieties  precious gems.



शबरिगिरिकुटीरं शत्रुसंघातघोरं

शठगिरिशतधारं शष्पितेन्द्रारिशूरम्।

हरिगिरीशकुमारं हारिकेयूरहारं

नवजलदशरीरं नौमि विश्वैकवीरम्॥६

śabarigirikuṭīraṁ śatrusaṁghātaghoraṁ

śaṭhagiriśatadhāraṁ śaṣpitendrāriśūram|

harigirīśakumāraṁ hārikeyūrahāraṁ

navajaladaśarīraṁ naumi viśvaikavīram||6


I offer my humble Pranams to that one and only superior hero and embodiment of boldness

The one who occupies a humble abode  in Shabarigiri

The one who is indeed terrible when he decides to strike at the enemies

The one who is the thunderbolt or Vajrayudha that shatters the huge mountain of evil and deceptive persons

The one who  renders the enemies of Indra so effete and powerless that they just look like mere pieces of grass

The one who is the favourite son of Hari the Vishnu and Gireesha the Shiva

The one who  has adorned himself with attractive necklace and  arm-bracelets

The one who  is manifesting with a dainty body of the hue of fresh black rain cloud..



सरसिजदळनेत्रं सारसारातिवक्त्रं

सजल जलदगात्रं सान्द्रकारुण्यपात्रम्।

सहतनय कलत्रं सांबगोविन्दपुत्रं

सकलविबुधमित्रं सन्नमामः पवित्रम्॥7

sarasijadaḻanetraṁ sārasārātivaktraṁ

sajala jaladagātraṁ sāndrakāruṇyapātram|

sahatanaya kalatraṁ sāṁbagovindaputraṁ

sakalavibudamitraṁ sannamāmaḥ pavitram||


May we offer  our most earnest and devoted Pranams to that ultimately holy divinity

The one who is shining forth with attractive eyes resembling the petals of fresh lotus flower

The one whose attractive pouting lips would  create a lot of enmity and jealousy even to a crane bird

The one who is having the body colour of  fresh water-laden  rain cloud

The one who is the brimming receptacle filled with concentrated compassion for his devotees

The one who is giving audience to  the devotees in the company of His spouse and Son ( Poorna Pushkala and Satyaka )

The one who is the darling son of Saamba the Shiva and Govinda the Vishnu

The one who is the intimate friend and benefactor of  all the  Devas..

शबरिगिरीश्वरगेहं कबरिभारप्रणद्धधिखिबर्हम्।

शास्तारं कलयेऽहं शङ्करकंसारिपुण्यसन्दोहम्॥८

śabarigirīśvaragehaṁ kabaribhārapraṇaddhadhikhibarham|

śāstāraṁ kalaye'haṁ śaṅkarakaṁsāripuṇyasandoham||8


I meditate upon  Lord Shasta

The one who is having for his residence  the Lord of Mountains Shabarigiri

The  one who is having his copiously thick hair tied tightly with peacock feathers

The one who is total and quintessential manifestation of the Grace of Shankara the Shiva and Vishnu or Krishna the Arch enemy of the demon Kamsa.


शबरिगिरीश्वर निलयं शरणागतलोकदर्शितप्रणयम्।

कलये हरिहरतनयं कलितलसत्कनकमकुटमणिवलयम्॥९

śabarigirīśvara nilayaṁ śaraṇāgatalokadarśitapraṇayam|

kalaye hariharatanayaṁ kalitalasatkanakamakuṭamaṇivalayam||9

I remember with great reverence  that son of  Hari and Hara

The one who is having the lord of mountains Shabari giri as his abodo

The one who radiates extreme love for people who approach him for refuge

The one who is shining for with a rounded crown with aura, made in pure gold and studded with precious gems .






कलयेऽहं परिपाकं कमलाक्षत्र्यक्षपूर्वपुण्याभम्॥१०


kalaye'haṁ paripākaṁ kamalākṣatryakṣapūrvapuṇyābham||10

I meditate upon  the one who shines like  quintessential  product of the lifelong virtues of  Vishnu, the lotus eyed one and Shiva the three eyed one

The one whose corly hair is moving attractively like that of an elephant, being visited by bees visiting that delicate and petulant face resembling a lotus.


कलये तिलसुमनासं कमलदळोल्लासिलोचनविलासम्।

करधृतविशिखशरासं शबरिगिरिप्रौडगूढसंवासम्॥११

kalaye tilasumanāsaṁ kamaladaḻollāsilocanavilāsam|

karadhṛtaviśikaśarāsaṁ śabarigiriprauḍagūḍhasaṁvāsam||11

I remember with fond affection  the one who is living happily, elegently and in utter privacy in the precints of Shabharigiri

The one who is having a nose shaped attractively like the flower of Til or sesame

The one who is having vibrant eyes resembling the petals of a lotus flower

The one who deftly holds arrows and bow in his attractive hands


कुन्देन्दुविशदरदनं सुन्दरमन्दस्मितोल्लसद्वदनम्।

वन्देऽरविन्दलोचनं चन्द्रकलाचूडनन्दनममन्दम्॥१२

kundenduviśadaradanaṁ sundaramandasmitollasadvadanam|

vande'ravindalocanaṁ candrakalācūḍanandanam||12

I  bow with respect at the feet of  that son of Shiva who is having lunar crescent in his matted locks

The one who is having shining white row of teeth resembling  the jasmine flower and the shining moon

The one who is having a beautiful face resplendant with  an attractive smile

The one who is having eyes resembling lotus flowers

The one who is ever active and energetic


कलयेऽहं कमलाक्षत्र्यक्षप्राक्पुण्यकर्मणां  लक्ष्यम्॥१३


kalaye'haṁ kamalākṣatryakṣaprākpuṇyakarmmanāṁ lakṣyam||13


I meditate upon with deep fervour the ultimate object of the accumulated  lifelong virtues of Vishnu the Lotus eyed one and Shiva the one with three eyes

The one whose attractive form is revealed in the hue of a dark cloud partially covered by white clothes resembling creepers with shining white flowers


आनीलवरदुकूलं कूलंकषकान्तिकाञ्चीमणिजालम्।

कायरुचिजिततमालं कलये कंसारिगिरीशयोर्बालम्॥१४

ānīlavardukūlaṁ kūlaṁkaṣakāntikāñcīmaṇijālam|

kāyarucijitatamālaṁ kalaye kaṁsārigirīśayorbālam||14


I meditate with great sincerity on the favourite son of Vishnu the enemy of Kamsa  and Shiva the lord of mountain Kailasa

The one who has adorned himself with dark blue silk garments  which are embellished on their borders with trinklets and gems  of great shine and variety

The one who is having an attractively dark body hue that would exceed even the dark shine of  a rosewood tree


संसारसिन्धुपोतं हंसारूढादिविहितचरणपातम्।

कंसारिरुद्रपोतं संसेवे सत्यकप्रभोपेतम्॥१५

saṁsārasindhupotaṁ haṁsārūḍhādivihitacaraṇapātam|

kaṁsārirudrapotaṁ saṁseve satyakaprabhopetam||15

I serve with utter devotion  the powerful son of Vishnu the enemy of Kamsa and Siva the Rudra

The one who is shining forth in the company of his consort Prabha and his son Satyaka

The one who acts  as the safe boat that would guide us to cross the ocean that is the worldly woes

The one at whose pair of feet  the great Divinites like the Brahmadeva who is mounted on a swan,   prostrate.



हरिमणिरुचिराकारं हरिगिरीशोदारसुकृतसंभारम्।

करुणापारवारं कलयेऽहं साधुधर्म्मशास्तारम्॥१६

harimaṇirucirākāraṁ harigirīśodārasukṛtasaṁbhāram|

karuṇāpāravāraṁ kalaye'haṁ sādhudharmmaśāstāram||16


I meditate upon  that Dharma Shasta,  who is the protector of  the right rules of law

The one  who is shiningly attractive like the dark green gem, maratakam

The one who is the immense collection of the virtues of Hari the Vishnu and Shiva the Gireesha

The one who is  the ocean of mercy


कलये पदनतजनताकामितसकलार्थदानसन्तानम्।

कल्याणगुणनिधानं शास्तारं शबरिगिरिवरास्थानम्॥१७

kalaye padanatajanatākāmitasakalārthadānasantānam|

kalyāṇagūnanidhānaṁ śāstāraṁ sabarigirivarāsthānam||17


I meditate upon the protector of  the univers Shastaa

The one who happily fulfils all that is desired by devotees who perform worship at his lotus feet

The one who is the reservoir  for all the vitues and great qualities

The one whose  cozy abode is  the best among mountains, Shabarigiri



भूषितवेषविशेषं शास्तारं संस्तुम परं देवम्॥१८


bhūṣitaveṣaviśeṣaṁ śāstāraṁ saṁstuma paraṁ devam||18

May we heap praises and eulogies on that ultimate divine being Shasta

The one who is shining for in the special attire  of Crown made of Manikya stone, garlands, necklaces, earstuds, bangles and anklets studded with various precious gems.






उत्तुङ्गतरतुरङ्गं निस्तुलवेगप्रशस्तमारूढम्।

अस्तोककान्तिभारं शास्तारं स्तौमि शबरिकास्थानम्॥१९

uttuṅgataraturaṅgaṁ nistulavegaprśastamārūḍham|

astokakāntibhāraṁ śāstāraṁ staumi sakarikāsthānam||19


Happily I am showering praises on  that Shasta whose abode is the Shabarika mountain

The one who is mounted on  an imposingly tall horse whose pedigree and speed are famous beyond words

The one who is loaded with spotless resplendence beyond  measure



सज्जनमानससरसिजसवितारं नौमि धर्मशास्तारम्॥२०


sajjanamānasasarsijasavitāraṁ naumi dharmaśāstāram||20

I prostrate with humility beore Dharmasaasta

The one with  a horse that gives out such a challenging and imposing tinkling of bells that would  subdue and defeat the roars  of  huge serpants

The one who  causes the lotuses that are the minds of noble souls to bloom to the full extent

नीलाभ्रसदृगभिख्यं निर्जरपरिपन्थिभीषणाभिख्यम्।

कलये विमलप्रख्यं शास्तारं कलितशबरिगिरिसख्यम्॥२१

nīlābhrasadṛgabhikhyaṁ nirjaraparipanṭhibhīṣaṇābhikhyam|

kalaye vimalaprakhyaṁ śāstāraṁ kalitaśabharigirisakhyam||21


I meditate upon with  great sincerity   on that Shasta

The one who is gloriously attractive like a shining dark blue cloud

The one, whose name, even mentioned casually creates terror among the demons and their henchmen

The one whose  glory and great name  are ever blemishless

The one who is ever in close  amity with the environs of Shabarigiri






निजधृतपरार्थयत्नं नियतमनिर्वण्णनीयगुणरत्नम्।

कलये पुरुषं प्रत्नं शास्तारं शबरिशैलरत्नम्॥२२

nijadhṛtaparārthayatnaṁ niyatamanirvaṇṇanīyaguṇaratnam|

kalaye puruṣaṁ pratnaṁ śāstāraṁ śabariśailaratnam||22

I  meditate upon  that Primordian Divine being Shasta

The one who is the precious gem of Shabari mountain

The one who has taken up on himself the ardous duty of   the protection of all people around

The one who is extremely disciplined and self controlled,  the one who is a gem of all qualities which are all beyond description


निरवधिकरुणासारं निष्कासितभक्तलोकसंसारम्।

दुरधिगमगुणचरित्रप्रस्तारं नौमि धर्मशास्तारम्॥२३

niravadhikaruṇāsāraṁ niṣkāsitabhaktalokasaṁsāram|

duradhigamaguṇacaritraprastāraṁ naumi dharmaśāstāram||23


I offer my obeissance to  Dharmashasta

The one who is the  concentrated essence  of limitless mercy and compassion for the devotees

The one who is ever driving away the sorrows and sufferings of the huge group of devotees who throng around him for succour

The one  whose name and fame  are so  great and huge that  people around would never be able to know such glory fully and completely 

कलयामि सकलसम्पद्दातारं दैत्यनिवहजेतारम्।

शबरिगिरिकृतावतारं शास्तारं सर्वलोकनेतारम्॥२४

kalayāmi sakalasampaddātāraṁ daityanivahajetāram|

śabarigirikṛtāvatāraṁ śāstāraṁ sarvalokanetāram||24

I contemplate upon with utter devotion on my protector, the Shasta

The one who blesses us will all wealth and prosperity

The one who has vanquished  huge rows of demons

The one who has incarnated himself in the precints of  Shabarigiri

The one who leads the whole universe from the front.





अलङ्कृतशबरिशैलं लङ्घितजलाभ्रकान्तिरुचिजालम्।

संघटितनीलचेलं शङ्करहरिजं श्रयेऽहमतिवेलम्॥२५

alaṅkṛtaśabariśailaṁ laṅghitajalābhrakāntirucijālam|

saṁghtaṭitanīlacelaṁ śaṅkaraharijaṁ śraye'hamativelam||25


I am seeking the protection of  that eternal one, the son of Shankara  and Hari

The one who is the ornament of the imposing Shabarigiri

The one who, in his body hue and shine,  has surpassed the dark  shine of flocks of dark rain clouds

The one who is clad in dark blue clothes



शबरिशिखरमणिदीपं शमितसुरारातिजृम्बिताटोपम्।

शम्भुहरिप्रतिरूपं शतशः प्रणमाम्युपात्तशरचापम्॥२६

śabariśikharamaṇidīpaṁ śamitasurārātijṛmbitāṭopam|

śambuharipratirūpaṁ śataśaḥ praṇamāmyupāttaśaracāpam||26

I am bowing down hundreds of times at the feet of  that Son of Shambhu and Hari, their combined image,

The one who is the jewel lam adorning the summit of the glorious Shabarigiri

The one who has laid to rest the  sorrows and challenges and and the consequent difficulties faced by the gods and other divinities

The one who is present there with the arrows trained to his  imposing bow


शबरिगिरीन्द्रमणिं  शङ्करहरिहृदयसरसीरुहतरणिम्।

शाश्वतपदगतिसरणिं शास्तारं स्तौमि भवजलधितरणिम्॥२७

śabarigirīndaraharimanīṁ śaṅkaraharihṛdayasarasīruhataraṇim|

śāśvatapadagatisaraṇiṁ śāstāraṁ staumi bhavajaladhitaraṇim||27


I am showering my eulogies on that Divine being Shasta

The one who is the gem  at the top of the lord of mountains, Shabarigiri

The one who is the Sun  to the lotus that is the heart of Shankara  and Hari

The one who is the pathway  for the devotee to reach eternity or moksha

The one who is the boat that enables the devotees to sail through the sea of worldly woes.



हस्तात्तशरशरासध्वस्तारिं स्तौमि शबरिकास्थानम्॥२८


hastāttaśaraśarāsadhvāstāriṁ staumi sabarikāsthānam||28


I  am praising  that great Shasta

The one who is the combination of the combined fortune of Induchuda the Shankara  and  ,  Vishnu the brother of Purandahara,

The one who has annihilated all the enemies through the bow and arrows wielded in his strong hands

The one who  is having Shabarika  as his favourite  abode




पुष्टकृपाविष्टाशयमिष्टावाप्त्यै नमामि साष्टाङ्गम्॥२९


puṣṭakṛpāviṣṭāśayamiṣṭāvāptyai namāmi sāṣṭāṅgam||29


I am offering my prostrations with all the eight limbs to Shasta, my favorite Deity,

The one who is the  manifestation of Lord Shiva, the one with eight forms and Lord Vishnu who is having eyes resembling Lotus

The one who is having a mind which is full of  compassion for the devotess

I am offering these pranams with the prayer that I may be granted my fond wishes.

शास्तारं परदैवं वरदं सुतदारसादरमुदारम्।

हृदि सदयोदयहृदयं मृदुपदयुगमहर्निशं कलये॥३०

śāstāraṁ paradaivaṁ varadaṁ sutadārasādaramudāram|

hṛdi sadayodayahṛdayaṁ mṛdupadayugamaharniśaṁ kalaye||30

I  fondly and with great respect  meditate in my heart throughout day and night on Lord Shasta  who is the ultimate God and who is the munificient giver of boons

The  gregarious one who is manifesting in the company of his consort and son

He is the one who is having a heart full of mercy for his devotees

He is the one having  very soft and tender pair of feet.




शबरिगिरीश्वरसदरं शतदळवदनं शशाङ्करुचिरदनम्।

शकलितजनकदनं शास्तारं स्तौमि रूपजितमदनम्॥३१

saharigirīśvarasadaraṁ śatadaḻavadanaṁ śaśāṅkaruciradanam|

śakalitajanakadanaṁ dhāstāraṁ staumi rūpajitamadanam||31


May I be permitted to shower infinite praises on Shasta

The one who is having his cozy residence at the Lord of Mountains Shabarigiri

The one who is having a face as attractive as a fully bloomed lotus of thousand petals

The one who is having a row of teeth as bright and beautiful as the moon itself

The one who has shattered to smithreens  the misery of all the people around

The one who, in his attractiveness and charisma,  has  scored above  even the god of love cupid or madana

सदनितमुनिजनहृदयं सततविनम्रप्रसारितोरुदयम्।

शमितदितिसुतसमुदयं शतशः प्रणमामि हरिहराभ्युदयम्॥३२

sadanitamunijanahṛdayaṁ satatavinamrprasāritorudayam|

śamitaditisutasamudayaṁ śataśaḥ praṇamāmi hariharābhyudayam||32


I offer my pranams hundreds of times to that combined fortune of  Hari and Hara

The one who has taken permanent residence in the hearts of devout sages

The one who radiates utter compassion towrds  people who are ever humble and subservient to him

The one who has effectively prevented the rise and growth of Asuras, the sons of Diti



कान्तिविनिन्दितदूर्वं कान्तं श्रीभूतनायकमखर्वम्।

नित्यं नमाम्यपूर्वं निष्कासितदुष्टदैत्यदुर्गर्वम्॥३३

kāntivininditadūrvaṁ kantaṁ śrībhūtanāyakamakharvam|

nityaṁ namāmyapūrvaṁ niṣkāsitaduṣṭadaityadurgarvam||33

Every day I offer my pranams to that unique and rare Divine personage

The one who is shining with heavenly Auro

The one who is the leader of  the Bhutaganas

The one who is perfect, without any blemishes or deformities

The one who has dispelled and driven away the arrogance of  the wicked Asuras





झटितिममापत्कूटं विघटयाद् भक्तवत्सलः शास्ता॥३४


jhaṭitimamāpatkūṭaṁ vighaṭayād bhaktavatsalaḥ śāstā||34


May that great Shastaa  who is extremely affectionate towards his devotees  shatter the impossible citadel of dangers confronting us immediately.

That Shatra  is the one who has manifested himself in the imposing  fortress of the huge Shabarigiri

That Shasta is one resplendent with various glories and graces which are beyond reach of anyone else.


शबरिगिरीश्वरधामा जगदभिरामातिसीमगुणधामा।

त्रिभुवनपावननामा प्रदिशतु प्रदिशतु शास्ता ममाखिलान् कामान्॥३५

śabarigirīśvaradhāmā jagadabhirāmātisīmaguṇadhāmā|

tribhuvanapāvananāmā pradiśatu pradiśatu śāstā mamākhilān kāmān||35

May that great Shasta  fulfil all my  fond desires

He is the one who has  taken the great Shabari Mountain as his abode

He is the one who gives enjoyment and pleasure to the whole of the universe

He is the receptacle of limitless  good qualities

He is the one with a sacred name that would purify the three worlds


शमयन्निजपादजुषां निखिलतमस्तोममाशु सुजनानाम्।

हरतु मम हृदयतापं हरिहरसुकृतार्ण्णवोदितश्चन्द्रः॥३६

śamayannijapādajuṣāṁ nikhilatamastomamāśu sujanānām|

haratu mama hṛdayatāpaṁ hariharasukṛtārṇṇavoditaścandraḥ||36

May that Lord  who is the moon who took birth in the  ocean in the shape of all the virtues and grace  of both Shiva and Vishnu

By putting  rest all the sorrows and miseries of all the good people who are eager to serve the lotus feet of Shasta

Annihilate the heat of misery arising in my heart.




निरतिशयरुचिकदंबं करतलविलसच्छरासनकदंबम्।

हरिगिरीशप्रतिबिंबं हरतु हरतु मम स्वान्ततापविळंबम्॥३७

niratiśayarucikadaṁbaṁ karatalavilasccharāsanakadaṁbam|

harigirīśapratibiṁbaṁ haratu haratu mama svāntatāpaviḻaṁbam||37


May that being who is the  exalted image of  Hari the Vishnu and Gireesha the Shiva put together, annihilate in absolute terms the mass of sufferings and vicissitudes within me.  That divine being is holding in his dainty hands a bunch of arrows  with tips of myriad colours  all  held together.

शबरिमहागिरिकूटं भित्वात्भ्युतितं महाद्भुतं तेजः।

विपुलविपद्गिरिकूटं झटिति कृतोदयमेव विपाटयतात्॥३८

śabarimahāgirikūṭaṁ bhitvātbhyutitaṁ mahādbhutaṁ tejaḥ|

vipulavihadgirikūṭaṁ jhaṭiti kṛtodayameva vipṭāyatāt||38


The supremely effulgent  and amazingly potent  ball of energy in the form of divinity that is Shasta has manifested atop the Shabharigiri, after causing a lot of fissures there during such manifestation.  May  that repository of supreme energy while it rises itself  shatter the mass of danger  that has got accumulated on the face of earth .



निटिलाक्षकैटभान्तकसुकृतौखप्रकटना प्रभापटलम्।

झटिति मम दुरिततिमिराण्युच्चाटयतात् किमप्यनिर्वाच्यम्॥३९

niṭilākṣakaiṭabhāntakasukṛtaukhaprakaṭanā prabhāpaṭalam|

jhaṭiti mama duritatimirāṇyuccātayatāt kimapyanirvācyam||39

May that inefinable   mass of effulgence which  reveals  the concentrated  virtue and grace of the one with eye on the forehead, Shiva and the slayaer of Kaitabha  the Vishnu (Sasta is the son of Shiva and Vishnu)  immediately  drive away all the consequences of  my accumulated bad deeds 






उल्लासयति नितान्तं मल्लारित्रिपुरवैरिसुकृतेन्दोः।

चरणनखचन्द्रिका यन्मामकहृदयांबुजमति चित्रम्॥४०

ullāsayati nitāntaṁ mallāritripuravairisukṛtendoaḥ|

caraṇanakhacandrikā yanmāmakahṛdayāṁbujamati citram||40


The glow resembling moonlight emanating  from the toes of Sasta who is the   sum and substance of  the merits of  the enemy of Malla,  Vishnu   and the destroyer of Tripura, Shiva which has taken shape like a moon, gives  great jubilation to my heart which resembles  a lotus. It is indeed strange that moonlight  gives pleasure to lotus.(Normally lotus shrinks when the moonlight falls on it.)



कान्त्या तरुणांभुधरं करुणापीयूषवृष्टिभिश्शास्ता।

स्वान्तपरितापसन्ततितप्तं मां तन्तनितु शिशिरताम्॥४१

kāntyā taruṇāṁbhudharaṁ karuṇāpīyūṣavṛṣṭibhiśśāstā|

svāntaparitāpasantatitaptaṁ māṁ tantanitu śiśiratām||41

That Saastaa who resembles a young dark winter cloud in colour and shin  may shower the ambrosia of  mercy on me  who is getting roasted by the heat of my own sins  and bless me with  a sufficiently comfortable state of mind and body.

उन्मूलयतु समूलं कूलंकषदैन्यविपुल विपिनं मे।

अस्तोककान्तिधारैः शास्ता स्फूर्जत्कटाक्षकरवाळैः॥४२

unmūlayatu samūlaṁ kūlaṁkaṣadainyavipula vipinaṁ me|

astokakāntidhāraiḥ śāstā sphūrjatkatākṣakaravāḻaiḥ||42

May that Saasthaa  simply chop off  the forest-like growth  of misery that has covered my life with the sharpscimitar that is his sharp  sidelong glance which is shining forth with intense  glow  like the sharp edge of the knife.


शबरिगिरिकूटशोभि श्यामलमेघः कृपांबुपरिवृष्ट्या।

श्रीभुतनाथनामा मामकसन्तापमाशु संहरतु॥४३

śabarigirikūṭaśobhi śyāmalameghaḥ kṛpāṁbuparivṛṣṭyā|

śrībhutanāthanāmā māmakasantāpamāśu saṁharatu||43

May that brilliantly dark rain cloud bearing the name Shri Bhuthanatha and is shining in the ranges of Shabharigiri completely  decimate all my  sorrows and tribulations through  pouring  huge quantities of water in the shape of His infinite mercy


शबरिगिरीश्वरचारी शास्ता नामातिमेचकस्सिंहः।

शमयतु धृतपञ्चाननशौरिविशेषो ममारिगजवीरान्॥४४

śabarigirīśvaracārī śāstā nāmātimecakassiṁhaḥ|

śamayatu dhṛtapañcānanaśauriviśeṣo mamārigajavīrān||44

May that ferocious Lion of dark colour,  the Shasta  who is endowed with the power and potency  of  Panchanana the Shiv and Shauri the Vishnu, wandering in the ranges of the blessed Shabarigiri   subdue all my enemies who are in array against me like rowdy elephants.


शबरिमहीधरकूटं भित्वाभ्युदयन्ममारिविपुलशिलाः।

कलयतु भिन्नाः शतशः शास्ता शीघ्रं कटाक्षटङ्केन॥४५

śabarimahīdharakūtaṁ bhitvābhyudayanmamārivipulaśiāḥ|

kalayatu bhinnāḥ śaśaḥ śāstā śīghraṁ kaṭākṣaṭaṅkena||45


May that Shasta chop off and shatter  my enemies  who arise  in hundreds like  the huge boulders that show their heads  piercing the mountain ranges of Shabari. May the Lord apply the chisel of his  intense sidelong glance  for this purpose


दिष्टम् निरस्य  दुष्टं निष्टुरपरिपन्थिनः पिनष्टु मम॥४६


diṣṭam nirasy dusṣṭaṁ niṣṭuraparipanṭhinaḥ pinasṭhu mama||46


May the cruel wayside robbers  in the shape of  fate who are ever attacking me as I am travelling ahead in the journey of life following the Astanga Yoga, as if travelling seated in  a palanquin with eight sentries holding staffs to guard my safety, be attacked, defeated and  held captive.





शास्तरि समस्तजगत्धौरेये सुदृढमन्तमन्तरङ्गं नः।

अद्ध्यासितेति भीतिर्भवतितरामितरथादप्यहो चित्रम्॥४७

śāstari samastajagatdhaureye sudṛḍhamantamantaraṅgaṁ naḥ|

addhyāsiteti bhītirbhavatitarāmitarathādapyaho citram||47

As our minds are firmly  attached to the core in the Divinity of Shasta who is the first and foremost leader of the entire universe, it is indeed funny that apprehension and  arise in the minds of others.

शबरिमहाकूटात् कठिनतरान्मृदुळतरमन्तरङ्गं नः।

श्री भुतनाथ भवतः स्वैरसुखवाससमुचितं मन्ये॥४८

śabarimahākūṭāt kaṭhinatarānmṛduḻataramantaraṅgaṁ naḥ|

śrī bhutanātha bhavataḥ svairasukhavāsasamucitaṁ manye||48


Oh Bhutanaatha,  you are wandering around the mountain ranges of Shabari and the terrain too tough and difficult to live.  See, our inner selves and minds are very soft and tender in comparison to those tough mountain terrain.  Therefore I would consider it better if you lived happily and comfortably in our minds  instead of living in the tough landscape of Shabari giri



स्मरहरहरि सुकृत महिमकरशुभचरित चन्द्रिकायुक्ता।

लोकानां हरति तमो मच्चित्तचकोर तां  पिबाशु त्वम्॥४९

smaraharahari sukṛta mhimakaraśubhacarita candrikā yuktā|

lokānāṁ harati tamo maccittacakora tām pibāśu tvam||49


Oh the Chakora bird that is my mind,  do drink copiously the essence of the ambrosia which is the concentrate of the virtues of the enemy of Kamadeva the Shiva, and Hari the vishnu embracing the universe like the flawless moonlight transmitted from the cool moon.

ध्वस्तासुरगजगर्व्वश्शास्ता नामाशु हस्तिपश्रेष्ठः।

प्रतिभटकरिपटलं मे चटुलकटाक्षाङ्कुशेन विघटयतत्॥५०

dhvastāsuragajagarvvaśśāstā nāmāśu hastipaśreṣṭhaḥ|

pratibhaṭakaripaṭalaṁ me caṭulakaṭākṣāṅkuśena vighaṭayatat||50


The excellent  elephant trainer who is named Shasta who has subdued the arrogance of numerous elephants in the shape of  Asuras, is now shattering to disarray the group of elephants in the shape  of the soldiers of the enemy fold,  through the use of his very active side glance which  pierces like the fall of sharp hook used to control the huge animals.


शबरिमहागिरिचारी शास्त नामातिशक्तिमान् व्याधः।

रागादिमृगान् निघ्नन् मृगयां मम मनोविपिनभुवि कुर्यात्॥५१

śabarimahāgiricārī śāsta nāmātiśaktimān vyādhaḥ|

rāgādimṛgān nighnan mṛgayāṁ mama manovipinabhuvi kuryāt||51

May that extremely powerful and deterous  hunter famed as Shastaa who is  happily going round  the Shabari Mountain  may go round hunting in the forest that is my mind and taking care to finish off various animals or animal-like tendencies like carnal desires that arise inside the mind.

सज्जनहृदयसरसीरुहसम्मददायी नमत्तमोद्वंसी।

हरतु मम दुरिततिमिरं हरिहरसुकृतोदयं सूर्यः॥५२

sajjanahṛdayasarasīruhasammadadāyī namattamodvaṁsī|

haratu mama duritatimiraṁ hariharasukṛtdayaṁ sūryaḥ||52

The bright Sun that has arisen out of the great fortunes of Hari and Hara, which gives great jubilation to the lotus-like hearts of the noble souls, which destroys the darkness in the shape of woes of the person who  fall at its feet,  may  remove the darkness of bad Karma  accumulated by me.

भक्तजनमानससरसि विहरन्तश्शास्तुरङ्घ्रीनखहंसाः।

नमतो मम विश्रान्तिं मानसपद्मेक्षणं वा कुर्युः॥५३

bhaktajanamānasasarasi viharantaśśāsturaṅghrīnakhahaṁsāḥ|

namato mama viśrāntiṁ mānasapadmekṣaṇaṁ na vā kuryuḥ||53

The swans which are the toe nails of Lord Shasta that swim around the lake that is the core of mind of the devotees,  may they provide me who is worshipping Him with peace and tranquility  and may they set their eyes on the lotus that is my mind.

प्रवितरतु ममारोग्यं प्राज्ञैराम्नायशतमृग्यम्।

मुनिनिवहहृदयभोग्यं मुरहरहरयोरुदारभाग्यम्॥५४

pravitaratu mamārogyaṁ prājñairāmnāyaśatamṛgyam|

muninivahahṛdayabhogyaṁ muraharaharayorudārabhāgyam||54


May that glorious presence, which is  sought after and discovered by great scholars through reference to authoritative text,  which is the extreme fortune of Murahara the ViShnu and Hara the Shiva, and whose glory is every enjoyed  by the hearts of huge groups of  saints and sages.


लालसतु मम तु तूर्ण्णं लाळितनिजदारपुष्कलापूर्ण्णम्।

नीलाभ्रलळितवर्ण्णं नित्यमनिर्वाच्यवस्तु परिपूर्ण्णम्॥५५

lālasatu mama tu tūrṇṇaṁ lāḻitanijadārapuṣkalāpūrṇṇam|

nīlābhralaḻītavarṇṇaṁ nityamanirvācyavastu paripūrṇṇam||55

May that glorious object beyond all definitions  which is complete in all respects, which is having the  brilliant hue of  dark blue  clouds,  which is happily present in the complete perfection of the happy company of the consort Pushkala,  shine forth in the innards of my heart  very soon.

हरिगिरीशपुण्यसरसि सुजातं मञ्जुरवहंसकाश्लिष्टम्।

नीलकुवलयं दिव्यं भातु मम स्वान्तषट्पदासङ्गी॥५६

harigirīśapuṇyasarasi sujāthaṁ manjuravahaṁsakāśliṣṭam|

nīlakuvalayaṁ divyaṁ bhātu mama svāntaṣaṭpadāsañgi||56

May that divinely  bright deep blue lotus which is eminently  born in the lake formed by the essence of virtue of  Hari and Gireesha (Vishnu and Shiva), which is embraced by swans who sing in sweet voices ( here it can mean the great scholars and bards who praise Sasta in glowing words),  glow in great glory in the innards of my heart.. the core of my heart which is attracted intensely to the blue lotus that the the Lord Himself.

ममाभातु स्वान्ते मुहुरपरिमेया विधुभवा

प्रतिच्छाया दिव्यासितकुवलयाद्वैतजननी।


द्वयि रम्भारक्तोत्पलयुगळहंसावलीमयी॥५७

mamābhātu svānte muhuraparimeyā vidhubhavā

praticchāya divyāsitakuvalayādvaitajananī|


dvayi rambhāraktotpalayugaḻahaṁsāvalīmayī||57

May that attractive reflection of  face of Sasta shine fort in the core of my heart again and again  like the reflection of moon manifesting on a divine dark blue lotus of attractiveness beyond comparison, where two attractive chains resembling snakes are suspended with two  swan shaped pendents  shing like couple of lotus petals of heavenly ambrosia-like  beauty.

कल्पद्रुमपल्लवकुलानि तपःप्रभावाद्-

उत्पादपङ्कजलवत्वमवाप्य नूनम्।

भव्यं समन्वयमयासिषुरात्मनाम्नो

दिव्यं हृदि स्फुरतु  तन्मम धर्म्मशास्तुः॥५८

kalpadrumapallavakulāni tapaḥprabhāvād-

utpādapaṅkajalavatvamavāpya nūnam|

bhavyaṁ samanvayamayāsiṣurātmanāmno

divyaṁ hṛdi sphuratu  tanmama dharmmaśāstuḥ||58


May hose divine pair of  feet  of Dharmasasta  shine forth in my heart.   The fresh sprouting leaves  of the Divine wish yielding tree Kalpakavrisha, as a result of years and years of penance,  assumed the beauty and colour of the feet of the Lord  at least to a very little extent, and they gained befetting approbation as wish yielding objects because of their similarity in shape and nature with the comely feet of the Lord.

श्रीभूतनाथपदपङ्कज कान्तिलेश

निर्वासिताभिनवभानुकुलस्य भानोः।

आलंबनेन नियमादरुणोत्पलानि

तत्कान्तिलेशमिह हा कथमाप्नुवन्ति॥५९

śrībhūtanāthapadapaṅkaja kāntileśa

nirvāsitābhinavabhānukulasya bhānoḥ|

ālaṁbanena niyamādaruṇotpalāni

tatkāntileśamiha hā kathamāpnuvanti||59


The  red lotuses  blooming on earth are just  gaining  a tiny portion of the bright red colour of the Sun who shines in the sky  at present.  In fact the Sun rising in the sky at present  assumed his attractive colour and his capacity to  give that colour to the lotuses on earth   just because  in ancient times  that sun served the lotus like feet of Lord Bhuthanaatha  and  somehow got blessed with  an infinitesimal part of that beautiful hue.

श्रीभूतनाथपदपङ्कज कान्तिलेश

निर्वासिताभिनवभानुकुलस्य भानोः।

आलंबनेन नियमादरुणोत्पलानि

तत्कान्तिलेशमिह हा कथमाप्नुवन्ति॥५९

śrībhūtanāthapadapaṅkaja kāntileśa

nirvāsitābhinavabhānukulasya bhānoḥ|

ālaṁbanena niyamādaruṇotpalāni

tatkāntileśamiha hā kathamāpnuvanti||59


The  red lotuses  blooming on earth are just  gaining  a tiny portion of the bright red colour of the Sun who shines in the sky  at present.  In fact the Sun rising in the sky at present  assumed his attractive colour and his capacity to  give that colour to the lotuses on earth   just because  in ancient times  that sun served the lotus like feet of Lord Bhuthanaatha  and  somehow got blessed with  an infinitesimal part of that beautiful hue.


हरिहरसुत चरणयुगं हृदि स्फुरतु ममान्तर्नितान्तमनवरतम्॥६०


hariharasuta caraṇayugaṁ hṛdi sphuratu mamāntarnitāntamanavaratam||60

May those benevolent pair of feet of the Son of Hari and Hara shine forth sporaditcally in the vitals of my heart, for ever and without any interruption.  Those feet are the  beaconlights or  vehicles that can enable me to pass through the rough terrain and rough waters  of this material world  that confron me and act as the safe mode of negotiating  the vicissitudes of this life on earth.

लेखाळिमौलिघटितं रेखामत्स्यंबुजारि पदयुगळम्।

वैखानलेखासदिभिः श्रुतिशाखासु श्रुतिशाखास्तुतमस्तुभूतये शास्तुः॥६१

lekhāḻimaulighaṭitaṁ rekhāmatsyaṁbujāri padayugaḻam|

vaikhānalekhāsadibhiḥ śrutiśākhāsu śrutiśākhāsu tamastubhūtaye śāstuḥ||61

May those sacred pair of feet of Shasta that are marked with sacred lines,  that contain the special lines of Meena or fish  and Sun,  the feet that are praised in worship by scriptures like Vaikhanasa and other Vedic  texts, be productive of great benefits and blessedness for me.


ईश त्वद्पदपद्मस्याशासे पातयति दुराशाः  ६२


īśa tvadpadapadmasyāśāse pāthayati durāśāḥ  62

I wish and fervently pray that all my misfortunes and difficulties are  uprooted by  the essence of blessedness flowing from the pair of your lotus feet which are  worshipped and praised for very long periods by the prostrations by head by huge groups of yogins.

यच्चरणनखरहिमकरकिरणमुकुलितानि हस्तकमलानि।

नमदमरमण्डलाणां हृदि शास्ता चकास्तु  नित्यं सः॥६३

yaccaraṇanakharahimakarakiraṇamukulitāni hastakamalāni|

namadamaramaṇḍalāṇāṁ hṛdi śāstā cakāstu  nityaṁ saḥ||63

The hands of the Devas  are held in the shape of buds of  newly blown lotuses  in the presence of moonlight that is flowing from the toenails of the Lord  whom they worship.  May that  Shasta  be present for ever in   their hearts as well as in our hearts.

कञ्जाक्षगिरीशसूनोः शिन्ञ्जानं मञ्जुरञ्जितपदाब्जे।

हृदि मम सुचिरमुदारे रुचिरे मणिनूपुरं स्फुटं रमताम्॥६४

kañjākṣagirīśasūnoḥ śinñjānaṁ mañjurañjitapadābje|

hṛdi mama suciramudāre rucire maṇinūpuraṁ sphuṭaṁ ramatām||64

May the sweet sonorous tinkling of the gem studded anklet  adorning the beautifully shaped lotus like  feet of that sweet son of Vishnu who is having eyes resembling lotus and Shive who is the lord of  mountains  ring sweetly for ever in my heart


कूर्म्मकुलस्य सहते शास्ता कथमादिकूर्मवंशस्य॥ ६५


kūrmmakulasya na sahate śāstā kathamādikūrmavaṁśasya|| 65


Is not Lord Shasta  condoning and forgiving  the  mischief  wrought by  the tortoises who are  born in the clan of His paret aadikoorma,   even  though they have  committed the error of  robbing or imitating the brilliant shine of the tips of the Lords  toes.?

हरिगिरीशतनयजङ्घानिर्धूतगलः शिखावलो भीतः।

युक्तं शरजन्मानं नित्यं भजते तदग्रजन्मानम्॥ ६६

harigirīśatanayajaṅghānirdhūtagalaḥ śikhāvalo bhītaḥ|

yuktaṁ śarajanmānaṁ nityaṁ bhajate tadagrajanmānam|| 66

The peacock being afraid of competition in attractiveness of its neck with the knee of the son of Hari and Gireesha (Sasta) somehow has shied  away from him   and sought the company of  Sastas elder brother Karthikeya, the one who was born in Sharavana.

स्वामिन् मामकमानसमुकुरन्यसनार्थमाशु वितरस्व।

जानुमणिसंपुटं ते दास्यामस्तस्य मूल्यमपि नमस्याम्॥६७

svāmin māmakamānasamukuranyasanārthamāśu vitarasva|

jānumaṇisaṁpuṭaṁ te dāsyāmastasya mūlyamapi namasyām||67


Lord, may you be pleased to present me with the treasure urn which is your knee  so that I can safely preserve the  sprouting love for you in my mind.   We would offer you our  humble pranams at your feet  as the cost of such treasure box.


तापं भजन् नितान्तं सञ्जातः पाण्डुरुग्मदाक्रान्तः॥६८


tāpaṁ bhajan nitāntaṁ sañjātaḥ pāṇdurugmadākrāntaḥ||68

Airavatha, the royal elephant belonging to the lord of Gods Indra  has become extremely depressed and ashamed while comparing his long  trunk  with the thig of the Son of Hari and Hara,  and because of the stress in mind generated by such feeling has become pale and anaemic  and is oozing rut out of illness.


चारू दूरीकुरुतामूरू शास्तस्समस्तदुरितं नः॥६९


cārū dūrīkurutāmūrū śāstassamastaduritaṁ naḥ||69

May those shapely thights of Shastaa  which have been comforted by the affectionate massage by the lotus like hands of the Lords eminent consort Pushkala  drive away all our  misfortunes and accumulation of karmas.


हस्तिकुलमस्तकाः किमु विसृजन्त्यश्रूणि मदजलव्याजात्॥७०


hastikulamastakāḥ kimu visṛjantyaśrūṇi madajalavyājāt||70

Are the foreheads of huge elephant  oozing  tears of intense internal pain  on being hit by the son of Hari and Hara on their thighs  , the tears flowing down in the guise of  rut?

हरिहरसुतजघननिर्ज्जितलज्जासन्तापभाञ्जि पुळिनानि।

वर्षासु निर्झरिण्या वार्षु तपस्यन्ति मज्ज्मानानि॥७१

hariharasutajaghananirjjitalajjasantāpabhāñji puḻīnāni|

varṣāsu nirjhariṇyā vārṣu tapasyanti majjmānāni||71

During heavy rainy season  the hefty banks on the sides of brooks just  do penance immersed in water,  the penance apparently arising out of shame and distress they suffer  after finding that their beauty and heftiness have been overtaken  by the attractive thighs of the son of Hari and Hara

पुटतप्तरुचिरकाञ्चनरस रूक्षितभास्वराञ्चलमुदारम्।

आनीलमृदुलचेलं विमलं कलुषं हिनस्तु नश्शास्तुः॥७२


ānīlamṛdulacelaṁ vimalaṁ kaluṣaṁ hinastu naśśāstuḥ||72


May that brilliantly dark blue  coloured garment of the Lord Shasta, the pure cloth, having broad borders of high value pure  gold lacing,  destroy all the impurities that have accumulated within me.

प्रत्यग्रमुदिरभासुरविद्युल्लेखेव कनकमणिकाञ्चि।

कटितटघटिताशास्तुर्विघटयाज्झटिति सङ्कटौखं मे॥७३

pratyagramudirabhāsuravidyullekheva kanakamaṇikāñci|

kaṭitaṭaghaṭitāśāsturvighaṭayājjhaṭiti saṅkataukḥam me||73

May that attractive girdle  tied around the comely hip of Lord Sastha, the girdle embellished with gems and golden beads, giving it the brilliant shine of a thunderbolt from one end to the other,  shatter to smithreens without any delay the accumulation of sorrows that haunt me.

नाभ्यावर्त्तगभीरे  श्यामळरोमावलीभुजङ्गाढ्ये।

श्रीभूतनायकोदरसिन्धौ मम विहरतां मनोमीनाः॥७४

nābhyāvarttagabhīre  śyāmaḻaromāvalībhujaṅgāḍhye|

śrībhūtanāyakodarasindhau mama viharatāṁ manomīnāḥ||74


May the fish that is my mind  swim around the sea that is the belly of  Sri Bhuthanaayaka  which looks imposing with the Lords Navel  looking like a  huge whirlpool and which looks infested with large dark snakes in the shape of his long black hairs.

नाभ्यावर्त्तगभीरे  श्यामळरोमावलीभुजङ्गाढ्ये।

श्रीभूतनायकोदरसिन्धौ मम विहरतां मनोमीनाः॥७४

nābhyāvarttagabhīre  śyāmaḻaromāvalībhujaṅgāḍhye|

śrībhūtanāyakodarasindhau mama viharatāṁ manomīnāḥ||74


May the fish that is my mind  swim around the sea that is the belly of  Sri Bhuthanaayaka  which looks imposing with the Lords Navel  looking like a  huge whirlpool and which looks infested with large dark snakes in the shape of his long black hairs.

हस्ताग्रधृतशरासनमौर्वीनिर्घोषगर्ज्जिताद् भीतौ।

तत्सन्निकर्षभाजौ भुजगभुजगौ  हन्त भूतनाथस्य॥ ७५

hastāgradhṛtaśarāsanamaurvīnirghoṣagarjjitād bhītau|

tatsannikarṣabhajagau bhujagabhujau hanta bhūtanāthasya|| 75

The vibration of the string of the imposing bow held on one tipe  of the hands of the Lord produces a very  challenging noise  and perhaps the two hands of Bhuthanaatha which resemble two  huge snakes which are near the bow string too look terrified and are shaking in unison, it would seem


रत्नाञ्चितपञ्चास्यौ कृष्णाही आश्रये भुजौ शास्तुः॥७६

sphuṭabhaṇimayāṅgulīyakaghaṭitasujātāṅgulīdalāgratalaū |

ratnāñcitapañcāsyau kṛṣnāhī āśraye bhujaū śāstuḥ||76

I seek protection by  the two arms of Shasta whose fingertips are bright and well-formed fingers are adorned by rings which are studded with brilliant gems, and they look like the pair of  five-headed lions adorned with gems formed at the tip of a powerful sepant of bright dark hue, that are his arms.

भूषितभुजयुगळाग्रा दूषणशून्याः प्रशस्तमणिकटकाः।

मोषणमस्मन्मानसदोषाणां विदधतां क्षणं शास्तुः॥७७

bhūṣitabhujayugaḻāgrā dūṣaṇaśūnyāḥ praśastamaṇikaṭakāḥ|

moṣaṇamasmanmānasadoṣāṇāṁ vidadhatāṁ kṣaṇaṁ śāstuḥ||77

May the  arm bands of Shasta which are adorning the tips of the arms of Shasta, the arm bands with are crafted flawlessly and are studded with  very precious and famous gems,  immediately  rob off  all our defects  and difficulties.

उत्तुङ्गांसविलास सदुत्तमरत्नोज्ज्वलाङ्गदा नित्यम्।

शास्तुर्भृशतररुचिरा निस्तुलभासो विभान्तु मम हृदये॥७८

uttuṅgāṁsavilāsa saduttamaratnojjvalāṅgadā nityam|

śāsturbhṛśatararucirā nistulabhāso vibhāntu mama hṛdaye||78

The braceles studded with the best of  gems, the bracelet that adorn the lifted should of the Lord Sasta, the bracelets that are extremly beautiful with lustre beyond comparison,  may they shine for in my heart.


गळतलमतिविपुलं नवमणिमयमालं ममान्तरुल्लासतु॥७९


gaḻatalamativipulaṁ navamaṇimayamālaṁ mamāntarullāsatu||79

The broad shoulder area just below the neck of the son of enemy of Kala, Shiva and Bali Nishoodana..the one who subdued the arrogance of Mahabali.. Vishnu,  the shoulder area which is wide and attractive, which is decorated with necklaces or garlands studded with navaratnas or nine types of gems,  may those shoulders shine forth and manifest  inside my  heart.

नळिनं तनोति मलिनं दिनदीपदशाञ्च नयति यच्चन्द्रम्।

हरिहरजमुखस्याहो जाने तस्योपमानमिह नान्यत्॥८०

naḻinaṁ tanoti malinaṁ dinadīpadaśāñca nayati yaccandram|

hariharajamukhasyāho jāne tasyopamānamiha nānyat||80

I do not know  anything  that is  as attractive and beautiful as the face of the son born to Hari and Hara.  A comparison to the beauty of that face  makes the lotus flower ugly and  the brilliant beauty of the moon is just renderes as lacking in lustre as a lamp lit on broad daylight

निरतिशयितसुषमामृतसरसि सुजातमिव सरसिजमुदारम्।

हरिहरसुतमुखकमलं स्फुरतु मदीये हृदये शान्तम्॥८१

niratiśayitasuṣamāmṛtasarasi sujātamiva sarasijamudāram|

hariharasutamukhakamalaṁ sphuratu madiye hṛdaye śāntam||81

May that ever peaceful face of the son of Hari and Hara resembling a full blown lotus  shine forth in the core of my hear..  It is like a lotus that has bloomed with great eminence  in the  lake that is filled with the ambrosia or amrutham of splendid, soft and mellow beauty.


दोषाकराख्यताऽभूत् दोषः परिणतः कळङ्कतया॥८२


doṣākarākhyatā'bhūt sa ca doṣaḥ pariṇataḥ kaḻaṅkatayā||82

The moon acquired blemishes on its face through the contamination of whatever blemish was attributed to the beautiful face of  the Lord of everything and Bhuthanaatha,  Sastha,  therefore   the Lords face became blemishless and the moons face became marked with blemishes.

नान्वेति चन्द्रमण्डलमाहुर्ज्जगति चन्द्रबिंबमिति।

हरिहरसुतवदनेन्दौ बिंबोष्ठयुते हि चन्द्रबिंबत्वम्॥८३

nānveti candramaṇḍalamāhurjjagati candrabiṁbamiti|

hariharasutavadanendau biṁboṣṭhayute hi candrabiṁbatvam||83

In practive  noe one actually calls the bright orb  of the  moon as the brilliant lunar orb.   Only the attractive face of the sone of Hari and Hara  which shines like the moon with full red lips  is  at present termed as the disc of moon in all its beauty and splendour..

सन्ध्यांबुदबन्धूकस्तबकजनेर्वन्द्यता कृता येन।

हन्त हरिगिरीशसूनोरन्तर्मम सोऽधरोस्तु सन्तुष्ट्यै॥८४

sandhyāṁbudabandhūkastabakajanervandyatā kṛtā yena|

hanta harigirīśasūnorantarmama so'dharostu santuṣṭyai||84

May that  full red lip of the son of Hari and Gireesha  be with me for my extreme happiness.  That lip has   defeated  the beauty of  the red shining cloud appearing in the dust   and the beauty of the Bandhooka flower (Indian Laurel flower) too and the cloud and the flower are actually offering worship to the comely lips of the lord .

स्वपतिविरहाक्षमेयं नक्षत्रावलिरिवास्य चन्द्रमसः।

अन्तर्गतकृतवसतिर्दन्तावलिः शास्तुरन्तरस्तु नः॥८५

svapativirahākṣameyaṁ nakṣatrāvalirivāsya candramasaḥ|

antargatakṛtavasatirdantāvaliḥ śasturanarastu naḥ||85


May those evenly formed row of teeth of the Lord Shasta  may ever be in my meditative memory.   The row of teeth have hidden inside the mouth of Sasta like the group of  stars in the sky which have gone on a hiding because they are sad about being separated from their consort, the moon during daytime


परिलसतु वदनपङ्कजसङ्गिलसत्कलिकाकृतिरुदारः।

उद्यङ्गरुचिरकोणश्चित्ते मम शास्तुरुत्तमो घोणः॥८६

parilasatu vadanapaṅkajasaṅgilasatkalikākṛtirudāraḥ|

udyaṅgarucirakoṇascitte mama śāsturuttamo ghoṇaḥ||86

May that beautifully shaped nose of Shasta shine in my medit…

शास्तुर्गण्डयुगस्यानन्तर्याद् बिंबितात्मतनुदृष्ट्या।

पार्श्वगतदारयुगळेनान्यवधूगतमशङ्कि तत् पत्यौ॥९१

śāsturgaṇḍayugasyānantaryād biṁbitātmatanudṛṣṭyā|

pārśvagatadārayugaḻenānyavadhūgatamaśaṅki tat patyau||91

The cheeks of the Lord as so bright and gives such perfect reflection of images that when  people saw their own exact reflection there  with their wives too  they simply got the illusion that they were standing with their own wives on the one side and with and additional wife on the other side.

सर्गस्थविलयानां वृत्तिर् जगतो ममैव वृत्तिरिति।

उद्धतमिव यत्तरळं भ्रूयुगळं तच्चकास्तु मम शास्तुः॥९२

sargasthavilayānāṁ vṛttir jagato mamaiva vṛttiriti|

uddhatamiva yattaraḻaṁ bhrūyugaḻaṁ taccakāstu mama śāstuḥ||92

May those attractive brows of Shasta which are curved daintily in contemplation protect me.  The arching of that brow reflects his thoughts that the creation, maintenance and destruction happening in this universe is his own function happening through the twitch of those eyebrows.

[शास्तुश्चकास्तु मम हृदि  पदभजनात् प्राप्तमुन्नतपदं मे।

इत्येवमुदितमोदं शशिशकलमिवातिविमलमळीकतलम्॥९३

śāstuścakāstu mama hṛdi  padabhajanāt prāptamunnatapadaṁme|

ityevamuditamodaṁ śaśiśakalamivātivimalamaḻīkatalam||93

May the curl of hair resembling a lunar crescent adorning the forehead  of Shasta remain in my heart and protect me.   That curly hair is moving daintily being extremely pleased that  it has reached such  high position to adorn the  head of the lord only because it served the lotus feet of the lord for long periods.

अलकाः स्फुरन्तु शास्त्रुर्लळिताः कळभाः इवान्तरङ्गे  नः।


alakāḥ sphurantu śāstrurlaḻītāḥ kaḻabhāḥ ivāntarage naḥ|


May those locks of  hair  which are soft and dark shine within my inner self.  They are like young elephants which have come in pursuit of bees which have camped in the neck area of the lord which is decorated with  flowers from the  Kalpakavriksha, the divine tree

निजपतिसहजाभरणात् स्वातिप्रियमुपहृतमिव गुहशिखिना।

उत्तंसितां सदान्तःसत्तमबर्हं चकास्तु मम शास्तुः॥९५

nijapatisahajābharaṇāt svātipriyamupahṛtamiva guhaśikhinā|

uttaṁsitāṁ sadāntaḥsattamabarhaṁ cakāstu mama śāstuḥ||95

The peacock which is the vehicle of  Subramania the brother of Sasta  has presented its best feather as ornament to  the brother of its own master.  May that feather of superior quality and beauty ever shine in my mind as Sastas  ornament.

हैमं माणिक्य मणिकिरणपरिहसितकनकशिखरशृङ्गम्।

अन्तश्चकास्तु मकुटं भूषितभूतेश्वरोत्तमाङ्गं नः॥९६

haimaṁ māṇikya maṇikiraṇaparihasitakanakaśikharaśṛṅgam|

antaścakāstu makuṭaṁ bhūṣitabhūteśvarottamāṅgaṁ naḥ||96

May the crown that adorns the  head of  Bhutesvara the Sasta,  the crown made of pure gold,  which could give a sense of shame because of its superior  beauty through its shine,  to a mountain peak of gold studded with  precious gems, remain  etched in  our minds.

परिहर सकलविपत्तिं वितर स्वामिन् सर्वसंपत्तिम्।

करतलधृतशरधनुषे हरिहरजनुषे नमो नमस्तुभ्यम्॥९७

parihara sakalavipattiṁ vitara svāmin sarvasaṁpattim|

karataladhṛtaśaradhanuṣe hariharajanuṣe namo namastubhyam||97

Oh Lord  may your grace be pleased to remove all the dangers that would befall me. May your sweet grace be pleased to bless me will all riches and prosperity.  My lord, who holds bow and arrow in you hands,  my lord who is the eminent son of Hari and Hari,  I offer my prostrations again and again to your merciful Grace.

निखिलचराचरबधो मुखरुचिपरिभूतकुमुदिनीबन्धो।

स्वामिन् करुणासिन्धो करुणां मयि धेहि दीनजनबन्धो॥९८

nikhilacarācarabadho mukharuciparibhūtakumudinībandho|

svāmin karuṇāsindho karuṇāṁ mayi dhehi dīnajanabandho||98

My lord, you are the closest relative of all the moving and immovable beings in this vast univers,  your sweet beautiful face pushes to the rear in beauty even the shining orb of  the Moon who is the friend of Lily flower.  You are a huge ocean of Mercy and compaassion.  You are affectionate towards people who suffer misery.  May your sweet Grace be pleased to shower your abundant mercy on me.

भुवनेश भूतनायक भवतश्चरणांबुजयुगळे मे।

भूयस्तराऽस्तु भक्तिर्भूयो भूयो नमो नमस्तुभ्यम्॥९९

bhuvaneśa bhūtanāyaka bhavataścaraṇāṁbujayugaḻe me|

bhūyastarā'stu bhaktirbhūyo bhūyo namo namastubhyam||99

 Oh Lord, the master of the universe, Oh Lord the leader of the Bhootas,  may I be endowed with eternal devotion at your pair of feet which shine forth like lotus.  May I be endowed with utter devotion, again and again,  eternally at your lotus feet.  May humble pranams to your sweet Grace.

सततं तय्येवाहितकुशलविचिन्ताभरे निराधारे।

कुरु मयि करुणालेशं कालविळंभं निरस्य करुणाब्धे॥१००

satataṁ tayyevāhitakuśalavicintābhare nirādhāre|

kuru mayi karuṇāleśaṁ kālaviḻaṁbhaṁ nirasya karuṇābdhe||100

Oh Lord, I am always mired in utter anxiety about my safety and security, I have no one else other than  your grace to depend on for support,  please avoid  delay in helping me, you ocean of mercy, please  show a little, little mercy on me.


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