
Saturday, June 3, 2023

दक्षिणामूर्तिचतुर्विंशतिवर्णमालास्तोत्रम् । Dakshinamurthy Chathur vimsathi varna mala stotram


Dakshinamurthy Chathur vimsathi  varna  mala stotram

THe 24 stannza  of coloured  garland like  Dakshinamurthy stotram



Adhi sankara


Translated by



ॐमित्येतद्यस्य बुधैर्नाम गृहीतं

यद्भासेदं भाति समस्तं वियदादि

यस्याज्ञातः स्वस्वपदस्था विधिमुख्या-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १॥


Om ithyethad asya budhair nama grahitham

Yadh bhasedham  bhath  samastham  viyadhadhi

Yasyajnaths swastha padasthss vidhi  mukhyaa

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


That name   which is understood  by the wise  as his name

That by  which  all things including  sky  shine

That by which Brahma  and other gods  stay  in their places

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always



नम्राङ्गाणां भक्तिमतां यः पुरुषार्था-

न्दत्वा क्षिप्रं हन्ति तत्सर्वविपत्तीः


तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २॥


Namraa angaanaam  , bakthi mathaam ya  purushartha

Ndathvaa   kshipram  hanthi  cha Thath   sarva  vipathi

Padambojaadhasthanithaapa   smrithi meesam

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


That  God who grants   all  aims of existence  to those  who salute him

And afterwards  destroys all   dangers  that he  faces immediately,

And   which  keeps  diseases of that  person under  his lotus like feet,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always



मोहध्वस्त्यै वैणिकवैयासिकिमुख्याः



स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ३॥


Mohadvasthyai vaineeka vayasika  mukhyaa

SAmvin mudhraa   pusthaka  veenaaksha gunaanyam

Hasthambojair n bibhratha maaraadhi thavantha

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


That god approached    by great saints like  Narada Vyasa to remove  their ignorance

Who wears divine sign  , book, veenaa, garland of rudraksha

In its  lotus like hands and  is worshipped,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


भद्रारूढं भद्रदमाराधयितृणां

भक्तिश्रद्धापूर्वकमीशं प्रणमन्ति

आदित्या यं वाञ्छितसिद्ध्यै करुणाब्धिं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ४॥


Badhraroodam   badhra dhamaradhayi thrunaam

Bakthi   sradhaa poorvaka meesam

AAdhithyaa  yaam  vanchitha  sidhyair  karunapathim

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


He who sits on divine seat and  to the devotees like sun  and other devas

Who salute him  with devotion and attention

Is the ocean of mercy   who fulfills  all their wants

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


गर्भान्तःस्थाः प्राणिन एते भवपाश-

च्छेदे दक्षं निश्चितवन्तः शरणं यम्


तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ५॥


Garbhanthasthaa praanina yethe   bhava pasa

Chedhe daksham  nischithavantha saranam yam

Aaradhyangri prasphura damboruha yugmam

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


He who could cut the  attachment  to even  those,

Who are growing in the womb and also  to whom with determination devotees surrender

And who has   lotus like  twin feet which can be worshipped,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


वक्त्रं धन्याः संसृतिवार्धेरतिमात्रा-

द्भीताः सन्तः पूर्णशशाङ्कद्युति यस्य

सेवेन्तेऽध्यासीनमनन्तं वटमूलं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ६॥


VAkthram dhanyaa  samsruthi vaardharati mathraadh-

Bheethaa santha  poorna saankadhyuthi  yasya

sevanthe   adhyaaseenam anantham  vata  moolam

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


He whose moon like face   is seen and served

By those saints who get  scared of the  ocean of birth,

Is the  limitless  god   who sits  below  a banyan tree

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always



न्माणिक्योत्थैर्भासितविश्वो रुचिरैर्यः

तेजोमूर्तिं खानिलतेजःप्रमुखाब्धिं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ७॥


Theja sthomair angadha    sangattitha  baswan

Manikyokthair bhasitha   viswo ruchirarya

Thejo moorthim  khanila thejas pramukhabdhim

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


He who uses the pretty lustrous light   reflected ,

By  Manikhyas   decorating   his  shoulders

And  has a form of luster and who is the  cause  of  this universe

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always



त्यक्त्वा काङ्क्षा कर्मफलेष्वत्र करोति

यज्जिज्ञासां रूपफलार्थी क्षितिदेव-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ८॥


Dhadyaajathi dravyaka  karmaanya akhilani

THyakthwaa  kaakshaam  karma  phaleshwathra karothi

Yath jijnaasam roopa phalartthi kshithi deva

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalyami


Brahmins doing  without bothering about  the desirable  results

Those  religious acts  involving, pouring ghee etc  in fire
With the intention  of attainingHim  are in  their  true and actual form

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


क्षिप्रं लोके यं भजमानः पृथुपुण्यः

प्रध्वस्ताधिः प्रोज्झितसंसृत्यखिलार्तिः

प्रत्यग्भूतं ब्रह्म परं सन्रमते -

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ९॥


Kshipram loke  yam  bhajamaana prathu punya

Pradhvasthadhi projnitha samsruthya akhilarthi

Prathya bhootham brahma  param sannamathe ya

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


The  people  who pray dakshinamurthy,with speed get  blessed

Get cured of mental diseases, get rid of sorrows due to birth

Reach the Brahmam   and  are   always  glad, and ,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


णानेत्येवं यन्मनुमध्यस्थितवर्णा-

न्भक्ताः काले वर्णगृहीत्यै प्रजपन्तः

मोदन्ते संप्राप्तसमस्तश्रुतितन्त्रा-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १०॥


NAA nethyam  yanmanu madhya   sthidha  varna-

n Bhakthaa  kaale varna graheethyai praja  pantha

Modhanthe  sampraptha   samastha sruthi thanthraa

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


The mind of those devotees who have mastered  Vedas  and understand

Them well  and get  overjoyed by chanting NAA ,

which is  in between the dakshinamurthy manthra

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always




यस्याभ्राभा हासविधौ दक्षशिरोधि-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि ११॥


Moorthi schayaa nirjitha mandakini kundha-

Praleyaabho  rasi sudhaa bhoothi  surebhaa

Yasyaa brabhaa hasa  vidhou daksha sirodhi

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He whose  white colour  defeats  Ganges , jasmine

Smow, ocean of milk    , nectar  , sacred ash and Airawatha elephant

Whose  neck is like black cloud due ro swallowing poison while  laughing is,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always




नित्यं सूक्ष्मं नित्यनिरस्ताखिलदोषं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १२॥


Thaptha  varna Cchaya jataa  joota  kataha

Prodhyath  veechivalli virajath sura sindhum

Nithyam  sookshmam  nithya  nirasthaakhila dosham

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He in whose mountain like  tuft of the colour of molten gold

The ganges of the sky is rotating fast with its  waves
Who is for ever sharp is always   free of any defects is,

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


येन ज्ञातेनैव समस्तं विदितं स्या-

द्यस्मादन्यद्वस्तु जगत्यां शशशृङ्गम्

यं प्राप्तानां नास्ति परं प्राप्यमनादिं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १३॥


Yena jnathenaiva samastham vidhitham syaadh

Yasmadh anyad vasthu jagathyam  sasa srungam

Yam prapthaanaam  naasthi param prapyamanaadhim

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


By knowing which we  come to know  everything

That there is nothing except him in the world, like the rabbit horn not being true

And  by reaching him , there  is nothing else  to be reached

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


मत्तो मारो यस्य ललाटाक्षिभवाग्नि-


तद्भस्मासीद्यस्य सुजातः पटवास-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १४॥


Matho maaro   yasya  lalatakshi  bhavagni

Sphrjathkeela proshitha   basmi krutha deha

THadh basmaaseeth  yasya  sujathaa  patavaasaa

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He whose fire from the  eyes  of the forehead

Made in to ash the exuberant manmatha   ,

And he to him That ash turned  in to pretty cloth

That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


ह्यम्भोराशौ संसृतिरूपे लुठतां -

त्पारं गन्तुं यत्पदभक्तिर्दृढनौका

सर्वाराध्यं सर्वगमानन्दपयोनिधिं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १५॥


Hyambo rasou   samsruthi roope lutathaam tha-

thpaaram  ganthum yath pada  bakthi  druda  nauka

Sarvaradhyam  sarva gamana aananda payo nidhi

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


To those  who  roll in the  ocean of birth cease lessly

He whose feet   is  the firm boat   would  make them reach the shore,

He  who is wshipped  by all, who is every where is treasure of nectar  like joy,

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


मेधावी स्यादिन्दुवतंसं धृतवीणं

कर्पूराभं पुस्तकहस्तं कमलाक्षम्

चित्ते ध्यायन्यस्य वपुर्द्राङ्निमिषार्धं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १६॥


Medhaveesyadhdhindhu vathamsam, drutha  veenaaam

Karpooraabhaam   pusthaka hastham   kamalaksham

Chithe   dhyayan yasya vapur drong nimishardham

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


The great one who keeps crescent of moon as  ornament

Who is of colour of camphor, having book in hand, has lotus like eyes

And by thinking him in our mind  for a second, we reach the  top of wisdom,

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


धाम्नां धाम प्रौढरुचीनां परमं -

त्सूर्यादीनां यस्य हेतुर्जगदादेः

एतावान्यो यस्य सर्वेश्वरमीड्यं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १७॥


Dhamnaam dhama prouda rucheenaam paramam yath

Sooryaadheenaam   yasya  sa hethur jagadhadhe

Yethavanyo yasya na   sarveshwara  meedyam

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He who grants luster  to the sun having great light

He who is the reason of appearance of all worlds

And he  who is   the god who cannot be measured

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always



र्भक्तैर्दान्तैः संयतचित्तैर्यतमानैः

स्वात्मत्वेन ज्ञायत एव त्वरया -

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १८॥


Prathyaahaara praa  nirodhaadhi  samartha

Bhakthyair danthai samyatha   chithair yatha maanai

Swathmaathvena jnayath yeva thwarayaa  ya

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He who is an expert in drawing senses  inside, who is expert in control of breath

He  about whom the devotees  who controlled senses,

And those who can control their mind and to those who try , are able to realize fast

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


ज्ञांशीभूतान्प्राणिन एतान्फलदाता

चित्तान्तःस्थः प्रेरयति स्वे सकलेऽपि

कृत्ये देवः प्राक्तनकर्मानुसरः सं-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि १९॥


Jnamsee   bhoothan  praneen  yethadh phala dathaa

Chithanthastha prerayathi swe  sakale  api

Kruthye   deva  prakthana  karmanusara sam-

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


That  knowledgable one   who grants results to beings and animals

Who lives in their mind and who induces  them  in everything

And who  makes them do things and grants them results,

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


प्रज्ञामात्रं प्रापितसंबिन्निजभक्तं

प्राणाक्षादेः प्रेरयितारं प्रणवार्थम्

प्राहुः प्राज्ञा विदितानुश्रवतत्त्वा-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २०॥


Prajnaa  maathram  prapitha sambinna nija baktham

Pranaa kshaadhe  preraayitharam pranavartham

Praahu  praajna vidhithaanu srava Thathwaa,

Stham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He who makes reach wisdom to the   true  concious devotees

He who induces  the soul  and senses   to act

And who is told to know pravava(om)  as well as all principles,

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


यस्यांज्ञानादेव नृणां संसृतिबोधो

यस्य ज्ञानादेव विमोक्षो भवतीति

स्पष्टं ब्रूते वेदशिरो देशिकमाद्यं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २१॥


Yasyaam jnana deva  nrunaam  samsruthi  bodho

Yasya jnana deva vimoksho  bhavatheethi

Spashtam  bruthe veda  siro desika maadhyam

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He without knowing him, teaches about the tie of birth

And knowing his true form teaches us  to get released from this tie

In a clear  manner is the   as  a primeval teacher Upanishads(tip of Vedas)

Is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


छन्नेऽविद्यारूपपटेनैव विश्वं

यत्राध्यस्तं जीवपरेशत्वमपीदम्


तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २२॥


Chchanne avidhyaa roopa patenaiva cha  viswam

Yathradhyastham jeeva  paresathwama pradheepam

Bhanor bhanushvambu  vadhasthakhila  bedham

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


The world is like  observing thesun appearing in   water 

In various vessels hidden by a cloth 

As  different things  like world, soul  and God to us,

is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


स्वापस्वप्नौ जाग्रदवस्थापि यत्र

प्राणश्वेतः सर्वगतो यः सकलात्मा

कूटस्थो यः केवलसच्चित्सुखरूप-

स्तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २३॥


Svapna asvapnow jagradh avasthabhi   na yathra

Prana swetha sarva gatho ya sakalathma

Kootastho ya  kevala sachith sukha  roopa

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


He who does not have states of dream, sleep and wakefullness

is spread all over    as the  feeling  of the   soul

And who is spread all over  and has the divine  true form

is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


हा हेत्येवं विस्मयमीयुर्मुनिमुख्या

ज्ञाते यस्मिन्स्वात्मतयानात्मविमोहः

प्रत्यग्भूते ब्रह्मणि यातः कथमित्थं

तं प्रत्यञ्चं दक्षिणवक्त्रं कलयामि २४॥


Haa hethyevam vismayaneeyur muni mukhyaa

Jnaathe  yasmin  swathma thayananathma  vimoha

Prathyak bhoothe brahmani yatha kadha  midham

Tham  prathyancham   Dakshina  vakthram   Kalayami


The great  sages  were greatly  surprised  and said ha , he

After knowing That he  himself is their  true form

And are  wondering how untrue things came in his   form of Brahmam

is That  God  who sees  the south is in my mind  always


यैषा रम्यैर्मत्तमयूराभिधवृत्तै-

रादौ क्लृप्ता यन्मनुवर्णैर्मुनिभङ्गी

तामेवैतां दक्षिणवक्त्रः कृपयासा-

वूरीकुर्याद्देशिकसम्राट् परमात्मा २५॥


Yaishaa   rameyr matha  mayooraabhi dha vruthair

Aadhou   klupthaa  yan  manu varnai  muni bhangi

Thaamevaithaam dakshina vakthra krupayaasaa

Voori kuryaath desika samrat   paramathma


This stotra  composed  in pretty Vritha  of Matha  mayoora

Initially   was settled in  the  as a  garland of letters  to the sage

And this  garland  may  kindly be accepted, by the king of saints,

Dakshinamurthy  who is also   the divine soul



इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्रजकाचार्यस्य


श्रीमच्छंकरभगवतः कृतौ

श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तिवर्णमालास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्


Ithi   srimadh  parama hamsa  parivrijaka  aacharyasya

Sri Govinda bhagawad  poojya  padha sishyasya

Srimad  Sankara  bhagawath padha  krithou

Sri Dakshinamurthi varna mala stotram  sampoornam


Thus ends the colured garland of prayers  addressed 

To lord Dakshinamurthy Composed  by 

Adhi Sankara  Bhagawad padha the 

Disciple   of Govinda  Bhagawad pada


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