
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Jivanmuktanandalahari of Adhi Sankara

This is an inspiring composition of Shankara in which he pictures beautifully the attitudes and behaviour of a Jeevan-Mukta (one who is liberated while alive) when he is moving in the world. The spiritual wisdom and attainments are truly inner and, once properly gained, they do not stand the chance of getting blurred or stained at any time. Whatever be the circumstances in which he is placed, the Knower of Truth will not lose grip of his knowledge and contentment.”

Jivanmuktanandalahari- जीवन्मुक्तानन्दलहरी
(The wave of Bliss of the Jivan-mukta)



Adhi Sankara


Translated by



(This is a great  work  of Adhi Sankara. I relied  heavily   on the translation given  in  but the simple  translation is  mine own)


पुरे पौरान्पश्यन्नरयुवतिनामाकृतिमयान्
स्वयं साक्षाद्दृष्टेत्यपि कलयंस्तैः सह रमन्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १॥


Pure paurán pashyannara yuvati nánákruti mayán
suveshán svarnálañkarana kalithámshcitra sadrushán
Svayam sáksháddrashûetyapi ca kalayamstaih saha raman
munir na vyámoham bhajati guru dèkshákshata tamáh(1)


In olden times people  used to see , ladies clad in different ways

With pretty forms, decorated in gold and looking like  a picture

Though seeing himself them mixing  with men and playing

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

वने वृक्षान्पश्यन्दलफलभरान्नम्रसुशिखान्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः २॥


Vane vrukshán-pashyan-dala phalabharánnamra sushikhán
ghanaccháyácchannán bahula kala küjad dvija ganán
Bhajañghasre rátrávavanitalatal paika shayano
munir na vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshatatamáh (2)


In forests  seeing trres bent  by  the heavy  folige  and fruits

Resulting in pleasant thick shade and is filled  with  birds  singing prettily

And praying to them in day and  sleeping   in night below them

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचित्प्रासादे क्वचिदपि सौधेषु धनिनां
कदा काले शैले क्वचिदपि कूलेषु सरिताम्
कुटीरे दान्तानां मुनिजनवराणामपि वसन्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ३॥


Kadácit prásáde kvacidapi ca saudheshu dhaninám
kadá kále kvacidapi ca küleshu saritám
Kuûère dántánám munijanavaránámapi vasan
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshata tamáh (3)


Living some times  in palace some  times in mansions  of rich

Some  times  on the mountain  and   some times

In huts by river side and sometimes  in hermitage of saints

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

क्वचिद्बालैः सार्धं करतलजतालैः सहसितैः
क्वचित्तारुण्यालङ्कृतनरवधूभिः सह रमन्
क्वचिद्वृद्धैश्चिन्ताकुलित हृदयैश्चापि विलपन्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ४॥


Kachi daalai saardha  kara  thala jadalai sahasithai

Kachith tharunyalankrutha nara  vadhubhi saha raman

Kaschith vrudhair chintha  kulitha hrudayaischapi vilapan,

munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshata tamáh  4


Some times in company  of boys  clapping   and jumping

Some times   playing with  pretty young   decorated  lasses

Some times with  old people  greatly worried and  crying  with all heart

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचित्काव्यालंकृतिरसरसालैः कविवरैः
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ५॥


Kadácid vidvadbhir vividishubhi ratyanta nirataih
kadácit kávyálankruti rasa rasálaih kavivaraih
Kadácit sattarkaih anumitiparais tárkikavaraih
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshata-tamáh (5)


Some times  greatly  involved  with learned people and some times  students

Some times  with great poets involved in composing  poems  of great sweetness

Some times involved in debates  with great  people involved  in debating

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded


कदा ध्यानाभ्यासैः क्वचिदपि सपर्यां विकसितैः
सुगंधैः सत्पुष्पैः क्वचिदपि दलैरेव विमलः
प्रकुर्वन्देवस्य प्रमुदितमनाः संनतिपरो
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ६॥


Kadá dhyánábhyásaih kvacidapi saparyám vikasitaih
sugnandhaih sat pushpaih kvacidapi dalaireva vimalaih
Prakurvan devasya pramuditamanáhhsannati paro
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshata-tamáh (6)


Some times  drowning in meditation and sometimes worshipping the god

Some times  with greatly perfumed  flowers with   very pretty petals

Some times saluting gods with joyful mind,  in front of them

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

शिवायाः शंभोर्वा क्वचिदपि विष्णोरपि कदा
गणाध्यक्षस्यापि प्रकटितवरस्यापि कदा
पठन्वै नामालिं नयनरचितानन्दसरितो
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ७॥


Shiváyáh shambhorvá kvacidapi ca vishnorapi kadá
ganádhyakshasyápi prakaûa tapanasyápi ca kadá
Paûhanvai námálim nayana racitánanda salilo
munir na vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshákshata tamáh (7)


Some time chating names of Shiva  the shambhu  and some times  that of Vishnu

And some times  the lord Ganesa and some times   the sun who is visible

And  filling  their eyes   full of   tears  of joy,

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदा गङ्गाम्भोभिः क्वचिदपि कूपोत्थसलिलैः
क्वचित्कासारोत्थैः क्वचिदपि सदुष्णैश्च शिशिरैः
भजन्स्नानं भूत्या क्वचिदपि कर्पूरनिभया
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ८॥


Kadá gañgámbhobhih kvacidapi ca küpotthita jalaih
kvacit kásárotthaih kvacidapi sadushnaishca shishiraih
Bajan snánam bhütyá kvacidapi ca karpüra nibhayá
minir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (8)


Some times  with water  from river ganges  , some times  water from well

Some times  the water from pond, either  made warm or cold

Taking bath   and applying on the body  the sacred ash or camphor

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचिज्जागर्त्यां विषयकरणैः संव्यवहरन्
कदाचित्स्वप्नस्थानपि विषयानेव भजन्
कदाचित्सौषुप्तं सुखमनुभवन्नेव सततं
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ९॥

Kadácijjágrutyám vishayakaranaih samvyasvaharan
kadácit svapnasthánapi ca vishayáneva ca bhajan
Kadácit saushuptam sukhamanubhavanneva satatam
munir na vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (9)


Some times  in state  of  alertness, operating sense oblects within senses

Some times in state of dreams, enjoying seeing various  objects  shown

Some times in deep sleep  , enjoying  the pleasant state always

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाप्याशावासाः क्वचिदपि दिव्याम्बरधरः
क्वचित्पञ्चास्योत्थां त्वचमपि दधानः कटितटे
मनस्वी निःसङ्गः सुजनहृदयानन्दजनको
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १०॥


Kadá pyásháváshh kvacidapi ca divyámbaradharah
kvacit paòcásyotthám tvacamapi dadhánah kaûitaûe
Manasvi nissañgah sujanahrudayánanadajanako
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (10)


Some times  almost clad in nothing , some times clad in divine silks

Some times clad in hide  of lion  around  the waist

With mind fully detached or  drenched in joy of the mind

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचित्सत्त्वस्थः क्वचिदपि रजोवृत्तिसुगत-
स्तमोवृत्तिः क्वापि त्रितयरहितः क्वापि पुनः
कदाचित्संसारी श्रुतिपथविहारी क्वचिदहो
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः ११॥


Kádácit satvasthah kvacidapi rajovrutti sugatas-
tamovruttih kvápi tritayarahitah kvápi ca punah
Kadácit samsárè shrutipathavihári kvacidaho
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (11)


Some times drenched in SAthva guna  , some times  in Rajo Guna

Some times  drenched  in Thamo guna and some times  free of all the three

Some times householder, some times drowned in Vedas  and Shastra in whatever form he is

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचिन्मौनस्थः क्वचिदपि वाग्वादनिरतः
कदाचित्स्वानंदं हसितरभसस्त्यक्तवचनः
कदाचिल्लोकानां व्यवहृतिसमालोकनपरो
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १२॥


Kadácinmaunasth th kvacidapi vágvádaniratah
kadácit svánande hasati rabhasá tyaktavacanah
Kadácillokánám vyavahrutisamálokana paro
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (12)


Some times  drowned in silence , some itimes  in argument

Some times   without   any reason   laughing in silence
Some times Observing   the activities   of   busy people

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदाचिच्छक्तीनां विकचमुखपद्मेषु कमलं
क्षिपंस्तासां क्वापि स्वयमपि गृह्णन्स्वमुखतः
तदद्वैतं रूपं निजपरविहीनं प्रकटयन्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १३॥


Kadácicchalinám vikacamukha padmeshu kabalán
kshi pumstásám bhajati svayamapi ca gruhyan svamukhatah
Tadadvaitam rüpam nijapara vihènam prakaûayan
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (13)


Some  times taking out food balls from their mouth and offering to the  lotus like  face of Sakthi,

Some   times   taking food balls   out of the mouth  of the goddess

And declaring  that the form of god   and self  are the same

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

क्वचिच्छैवैः सार्थं क्वचिदपि शाक्तैः सह वसन्
कदा विष्णोर्भक्तैः क्वचिदपि सौरैः सह वसन्
कदा गाणापत्यैर्गतसकलभेदोऽद्वयतया
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १४॥


Kvacicchaivaih sárdham kvacidapi ca shálaih saha raman
Kadá vishnorbhaktaih kvacidapi ca sauraih saha vasan
Kadá gánápatyairgatasakala bhedo'dvayatayá
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (14)


Some times  living with  Shaivas , some times  with shakthas

Some times  showing devotion to Vishnu and some times  living with  devotees of Sun

Some times with devotees of Ganesa and losing all differences  in such beliefs

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

निराकारं क्वापि क्वचिदपि साकारममलं
निजं शैव रूपं विविधगुणभेदेन बहुधा
कदाश्चर्यं पश्यन्किमिदमिति हृष्यन्नपि कदा
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १५॥


Nirákáram kvápi kvacidapi ca sákáramamalam
nijam shaivam rüpam vividhagunabhedena bahudhá
Kadá shcaryam pashyan kimidamiti hrushyannapi kadá
munir ca vyámoham bhajati gurudèkshá kshata tamáh (15)


Visualize  shiva  without form and some   times with form

But with association   of  form and properties always
Some times wonder at these   but always delighted  within

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

कदा द्वैतं पश्यन्नखिलमपि सत्यं शिवमयं
गतद्वैताभासः शिव शिव शिवेत्येव विलपन्
मुनिर्न व्यामोहं भजति गुरुदीक्षाक्षततमाः १६॥

Kádá'dvaitam pashyannakhilamapi satyam shivamayam
mahákhyárthánámavagati samabhyása vashatah
Gatadvaitábhásah shiva shiva shivetyeva vilapan
munir ca vyámoham bhajati guru dèkshá kshata tamáh (16)


See God as universal one which  is truth  and all pervading

Understanding   the great  saying, freeing yourself   from the lie

That non duality does not exist, keep on shouting name  of Shiva

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

इमां मुक्तावस्थां परमशिवसंस्थां गुरुकृपा-
सुधापाङ्गावाप्यां सहजसुखवाप्यामनुदिनम्
मुहुर्मज्जन्मज्जन्भजति सुकृतैश्चेन्नरवरः
तदा त्यागी योगी कविरिति वदन्तीह कवयः १७॥


Imám muktávasthám paramshivasamsthám guru krupá
sudhá páògavyápyám sahaja sukhavápyámanudinam
Muhurmajjan majjan bhajati sukrutaishcennara varah
sadá yogi tyági kaviriti vadaniha kavayah (17)


If by the grace of Guru  humans  get immersed all the time

IN the ocean of bliss getting pleasant and friendly life daily

And goes on singing  drowning himself in God, that great man will be doing a great deed

The sage , with illusion dispelled by the  Guru’s grace, is not deluded

इति श्रीमच्छङ्करभगवतः कृतौ जीवन्मुक्तानन्दलहरी सम्पूर्णा

Ithi   Srimachankara bhagawatha kruthou,Jeevan mukthaananda lahari  Sampoornam

THus 'THe wave of bliss those who got salvation while alive ", by Sri Adhi Sankaracharya ends

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