
Friday, June 30, 2023

Dhanada Lakshmi Stotra

Dhanada Lakshmi Stotra


Translated  by



   For  getting money  , this is a powerful pryer.This has to be chanted in Temple of Shiva, Near banana plant, Bilwa tree or In temple of any goddess, observing Brahma charya, if we chant prayer 100  times, We would able to get near Goddess  Lakshmi and get all the wealth we want



धनदे धनपे देवी, दानशीले दयाकरे।

त्वम् प्रसीद महेशानी यदर्थं प्रार्थयाम्यहम ।।1।।


Dhanadhe , dhanape  devi  Dhaana  Sheele  Dhayakare

Thwam praseedha mahesaaani Yadartham Prarthayamyaham


Oh Goddess  giving wealth , Oh Goddess  of wealth , she who has habit of giving free, She  who is merciful

Be  pleased  oh great one, I am praying for  money


धरामरप्रिये पुण्ये, धन्ये धनद-पूजिते।

 सुधनं धार्मिकं देहि ,यजमानाय सत्वरम ।।2।।


Dharaamara  priye punye dhanye  , dhanadha  Poojithe

Sudhanam    Dharmikam   dehi, Yajamaanaaya sathvaram


She  who is liked  by  God  of earth, Oh blessed  one , She who is worshipped by rich

Grant me good wealth which is well  earned, which is of the lord quickly


रम्ये रुद्रप्रियेअपर्ने, रमारूपे रतिप्रिये।

 शिखासख्यमनोमूर्ते प्रसीद प्रणते मयी ।।3।।


Ramye   Rudra  priye   remaa  roope  Rathi priye

Shikha sakhya mano moorthe Praseedha pranathe mayi


Oh Pretty one  , liked by Lord Shiva, She who has attractive form and is liked by  Wife of Manmatha

She who is loved by top one and  is in his mind, be pleased and I  pray   to you


आरक्त -चरणामभोजे, सिद्धि-सर्वार्थदायिनी।

दिव्याम्बर्धरे दिव्ये ,दिव्यमाल्यानुशोभिते ।।4।।


AAraktha  charanambhoje  sidhi  sarvartha   dhayini

Dhivyambara  dhari Dhivya  maalyaanu   Shobhithe


She who has  blood red  lotus like feet , She who grants occult power  and every thing

She who wears divine cloths and shines  wearing   a divine Garland


समस्तगुणसम्पन्ने, सर्वलक्षण -लक्षिते।

शरच्चंद्रमुखे नीले ,नीलनीरद- लोचने ।।5।।


Samastha  Guna sampanne, sarva  lakshana  lakshithe

Saraschandra  Mukhe neele , neela neeradha  lochane


She who is having all  good qualities, She who aims at all good looks

She who is having face like  autumn moon , Blue one , She who has eyes like  blue water rich cloud


चंचरीक -चमू -चारू- श्रीहार -कुटिलालके।

 दिव्ये दिव्यवरे श्रीदे ,कलकंठरवामृते ।।6।।


Chanchareeka  chamoo  chaaroo  sree hara kutilalake

Dhivye, Dhivya vare, sreedhe kala kantaravamruthe


OhGoddess who  travels in heaven and earth, She who has curved foelocks like  divine garland

Divine  one, She who is chosen by divine one, she who gives wealthshe whois like peacock with nectar



रूप -लावण्य-तारुण्य -कारुण्यगुणभाजने ।।7।।


Haasaa avalokanair dhivyer bhaktha   chintha pahaarike

Roopa lavanya thaarunya kaarunya  guna  bhaajne


She who steals the mind of the divine devotee who observes  laughter

She who has pretty  youthful pretty  looks  and good character


क्वणत-कंकण-मंजीरे, रस लीलाकराम्बुजे।

रुद्रव्यक्त -महतत्वे ,धर्माधारे धरालये ।।8।।


Kkanatha  Kankansa  manjeere , rasa  leelaa karambhuje

Rudhra vyaktha mahathathwe, Dharmaa dhaare Dharaalaye,


She who has ringing bangles  and anklets , who has graceful lotus like hands  with fragrance

Who has great  principle which clearly powerful  , Who maintains good principle and is home of rightousness


प्रयच्छ यजमानाय, धनं धर्मैक -साधनं।

मातस्त्वं वाविलम्बेन, ददस्व जगदम्बिके ।।9।।


Prayacha  yajamanaaya, dhanam dharmaika saadhanam

Mathasthvam  vavailambena dhadhaswa jagadambike


Due to effect ofher lord for her wealth is   meant for charity

Oh mother due  toi that  dependence you give it , oh mother of universe


कृपाब्धे करूणागारे, प्रार्थये चाशु सिद्धये।

 वसुधे वसुधारूपे ,वसु-वासव-वन्दिते ।।10।।


Krupabdhe , karunaagaare  , prarthaye chaasu   Sidhaye

Vasudhe Vasudhaaroope, Vasu  Vaasava  Vandhithe


Hey  ocean of mercy  , jome of pityHe who prays to you   will get it

Oh earth , She who has form of earth  , She who was saluted by Vasus and Indra


प्रार्थिने धनं देहि, वरदे वरदा भव।

ब्रह्मणा ब्राह्मणेह पूज्या ,त्वया शंकरो यथा ।।11।।


Prarthane cha  dhanam dehi , varadhe varadhaa bhava

Brahmaanaa  brahmaneha pojyaa thwayaa  cha   Sankaro  Sadhaa


When Prayer you give wealth , Oh  benefactor become   charitable

She who is worshipped by Brahma and Brahmanaa and also worshipped by Lord Shiva


श्रीकरे शंकरे श्रीदे प्रसीद मयी किन्करे।

स्तोत्रं दारिद्र्य -कष्टार्त-शमनं सुधन -प्रदम ।। 12।।


Sreekare, sankare  , sreedhe  praseedha mayi  kinkare

Stotram   daridrya kashtartha samanam sudhana  pradham


She who makes one wealthy  , giver of peace ,giver of wealth  be pleased on thisyour servant

This prayer would pacify sorro and troubles and grant   good wealth


पार्वतीश -प्रसादेन सुरेश किन्करे स्थितम।

मह्यं प्रयच्छ मातस्त्वं त्वामहं शरणं गतः ।।13।।


Parvatheesa prasaadhena suresa kinkare sthitham

Mahyam Prayascha matha sthwam thwaamaham  Saranam gatha


She who is on Indra and his servants due  to pleasure of Lord of Parvathi

Oh mother  be pleased with me, I am surrendering to you

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