
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Krishna Asraya stotram

Krishna  Asraya   stotram

(Prayer  of dependence  on Krishna)



Saint Vallabhacharya


Translated by



सर्वमार्गेषु नष्टेषु कलौ खलधर्मिणि
पाखण्डप्रचुरे लोके कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।१।।


Sarva  margeshu  nashteshu , kalou cha  khala dharmaani

Pakhanda  prachure  loke Krishna  yeva gathir mama


In kali age  when all paths are  lost and  people  follow evil dharma

And in this world,  all people  are hypocrites  , Only Krishna  is my refuge


म्लेच्छाक्रान्तेषु देशेषु पापैकनिलयेषु
सत्पीडाव्यग्रलोकेषु कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।२।।


Mlechakrantheshu desechu   papau   ka nilayeshu cha

Sath peeda vygra  lokeshu, Krishna  yeva  gathir mama


If the country  is occupied  by non believers and only  sin exists there

And all  people are  busy  with troubling good people  , Only  Krishna  is my refuge


गंगादितीर्थवर्येषु दुष्टैरेवावृतेष्विह
तिरोहिताधिदैवेषु कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।३।।


Gangaadhi  theertha varyesh dushtaievavrutheshviha

Thirohithaadhi   deiveshu  , Krishna   yava  Gathir mama


When Ganga and other sacred waters  are occupied  by only evil people

And    the goddess controlling  them vanish, Only Krishna is my refuge


अहंकारविमूढ़ेषु सत्सु पापानुवर्तिषु
लाभपूजार्थयत्नेषु कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।४।।


Ahankara  vimoodeshu sathsu papanuvarthishu

Labha  poojartha yathneshu , Krishna eva   gathir mama


When good people become fools due to pride and do only  sinful acts

And  trying to do worship  only  for profit, Only Krishna is my refuge


अपरिज्ञाननष्टेषु मन्त्रेष्वव्रतयोगिषु
तिरोहितार्थदेवेषु कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।५।।


Aparijnana  nashteshu  manthreshva vritha  yogishu

Thirohithartha  devesu , Krishna eva   gathir mama


Due  to loosing of knowledge of manthras and due to  ignorance

Of manthra  and vritha  devas  become scarce  , Only Krishna is my refuge


नानावादविनष्टेषु सर्वकर्मव्रतादिषु
पाषण्डैकप्रयत्नेषु कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।६।।


Nanaa vadha vinashteshu , sarva karma  vrithadhishu

Pashandaika prayathneshu  , Krishna   yeva   gathir mama


Due  various arguments and quarrels when all religious acts and vritha vanish

Due to    effort  put by  non believers , Only Krishna is my refuge


अजामिलादिदोषाणां नाशकोऽनुभवे स्थित:
ज्ञापिताखिलमाहात्म्य: कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।७।।


Ajamiladhi  doshaanaam   nasako  anubhave  sthitha

Jnapithakhila  mahathmya  , Krishna eva gathir mama


You who destroyed  the evil acts  of Ajamila and others and  you are in memory  of devotees only

And for  recalling that memory  of yours  , Only Krishna is my refuge


प्राकृता: सकला देवा गणितानन्दकं बृहत्
पूर्णानन्दो हरिस्तस्मात् कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।८।।


Praakruthaa  sakalaa  devaa  ganithanandhakam  bruhath

Porrnaanandhi haristhasmath , Krishna  eva  gathir mama


All gods are  in control of nature and even for joy of Brahma  there is a limit

And Only  Lord is  always  full of joy, Only Krishna is my refuge


विवेकधैर्यभक्त्यादिरहितस्य विशेषत:
पापासक्तस्य दीनस्य कृष्ण एव गतिर्मम ।।९।।


Vivek  Dhairya Bhakthyadhi   rahithasya  viseshatha

Papa asakthasya dheenasya  , Krishna  eva  Gathir mama


I am suffering  without  wisdom, courage   and deviotion   and

Specially attracted by sins, Only Krishna is my refuge


सर्वसामर्थ्यसहित: सर्वत्रैवाखिलार्थकृत्
शरणस्थसमुद्धारं कृष्णं विज्ञापयाम्यहम् ।।१०।।


Sarva samarthya  sahitha, sarvathreva akhilartha krith’

Saranasthasamudhaaram , Krishna eva  gathir mama


He who is all powerful , who can fulfill the wishes of all

And who uplifts those  who surrender to him is that Krishna and he is my refuge


कृष्णाश्रयमिदं स्तोत्रं : पठेत् कृष्णसंनिधौ
तस्याश्रयो भवेत् कृष्ण इति श्रीवल्लभोऽब्रवीत्।।११।।


Krishnasrayamidham stotram ya padeth, Krishna  sannidhou

Thasyasrayo bhaveth Krishna , ithi Sri Vallabou  abraveeth


Sri Vallabha says that to those who chant this prayer  of depence to Krishna,

In front  of Lord Krishna  , Lord Krishna will  be their saviour


इति श्रीमद्वल्लभाचार्य विरचितं श्रीकृष्णाश्रय स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi  Srimadh Vallabhacharya  Virachitham  , Sri Krishna asraya   stotram sampoornam

THius ends the prayer of dependence to Krishna composed  by Sri Vallabhacharya


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