
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sri LakshmiAshtothara satha nama stotram/Daridrya mochana stotra

Sri LakshmiAshtothara  satha  nama  stotram/Daridrya  mochana  stotra


Translated  by



Hear the stotra


Sri devi  Uvacha

Deva deva  maha bhaga, trikalajna  maheswara

Karunakara  devesa, bhakthanugraha  karaka

Ashtothara  satham lakshmyaa  srothum ichami   thathwatha


The goddess   said

Oh god of Gods  , Oh great  one, The great  God of past present  and future

The god of devas   who shows  mercy  , He who blesses  his devotees

I like to  hear  the 108 names  of Goddess  Lakshmi  from you


Easwara  uvacha


1.Devi sadhu  Maha bhage, maha bhaghya  pradhayakam

Sarva  aiswarya  karam punyam sarva  papa  pranasanam


Oh good goddess  who is a great one, that  which leads  to great luck

Which grants  all type of wealth, holy  ,Destroyer  of all sins


2.Sarva daridyra  samanam , sravanath bukthI mukthidham

rAja vaisya karam dhivyam, guhyath guhyatharam  param


That  which destroys all poverty, which grants prosperity  and salvation on hearing

Which attracts  the king, secret  among all secrets  , divine


3.Durlabham srava devaanaam, chathu sashti kalaspadham

Padmadheenaam varaan dhanam, nidhinaam  nithya  dhayakam


Very difficult to get  to all devas , Which grants 64 type  of arts

Grants boon to  devotees of Lakshmi  , grants  daily  treasures


4.Samastha deva samsevya manimadh drushta  sidhidhaa

Kimathra bahunokthena devi  prathyaksha   dhayakam


That which was made available  to Sun after  serving all devas

And with very great effort  made The goddess  to come in person


5.Thava preethyaadhyaa vakshyami , samahitha  mana  srunu

Ashtothara  sathasyasya, Maha  lakshmeesthu  devathaa


I am telling you  as per your desire , hear it with steadfast mind

For the one hundred and eight, the  goddess  addressed  is Mahalakshmi


6.Kleem bheejam, padham ithyuktham sakthisthu  bhuvaneswari

Anga nyasa, kara nyasa sa ithyadhi  prakeerthidhaa


Kleem is the root  , the words as suitablr , the power  is bhuvaneswari

The worship of limbs  and worship of words ,  is  to be sung



1,Vandhe  padma karaam , prasanna vadhanam

Saubhagyadhaam  bhagyadhaam

Hasthabhyam abhaya  pradhaam mani ganai

Naanaa  vidhair bhooshitham


Salutations to her  with lotus like hands . who has a pleasing face

Who grants luck  to those have  good grace

She who shows protection by hand and decorarates

Her  in various manners  by  group of gems


2.Bhakthabheeshta   phala  pradhaam,

Hari hara  brahmadhibhi  sevitham

Parswe pankaja sankha padhma  nidhibhi

Yukthaam sadhaa sakthibhi


She who fulfills the desire  of devotees

Who is   served  by shiva, Vishnu  and Brahma

And near  her is lotus , conch  and treasure  of lotus

And grants  power to the suitable


3.Sarasija  nayane , saroja hasthe

Dhavala tharamsuk gandha malya shobhe

Bhagavathi  hari vallabhe manojne

Tribhuvana  bhoothikari praseedha mahyam


She who has lotus like eyes, has lotus like  hands ,

She  who is very white and shines in garland and sandal paste

The goddess  who is wife Of Hari  , who attracts the mind

Who makes three worlds prosperous, , please  be kind with me


1.Om prakruthim, Vikruthim Vidhyaam Sarva  bhootha hitha pradham

Sradham , vibhuthim , surabhim, namami paramathmikaam


Om she who is innate nature, who is change  in nature, knowledge, Who does good to all beings

She who is attention , the innate power, wish giving cow, I salute , She  who is divine  soul


2.Vacham , padhmalayaam  suchim swaahaam swadhaam  sudham

Dhanyaam, hiranmayim lakshmim nithya  pushtaam, vibhaavarim


She who is speech , lives on lotus, cleanliness, purity, auspiciousness, nectar

Who is grateful, pervaded with gold<Lakshmi, she who is always healthy, she who is radiant


3.Adhithim cha dhithim , dheepathaam , vasudhaam, vasu dharinim

Namami  kamalaam kaanthaam kaamaam, ksheerodha  sambhavaam


She who is Adhithi, who is Dhithi, who is lustrous , who is earth, who bears the earth

I salute her  who is in lotus, who is wife, who is passion , Who was born out of milk


4.Anugruha padhaam, budhim , anagham, hari vallabham

Asokaam amruthaam, dheepthaam, loka soka  vinasineem


She who blesses, Who is intelligence , who is invaluable, the  wife of Vishnu

She who is never sad, The nectar, who shines, who destroys the  sorrow  of the world


5.Namami Dharma  nilayaam  , karunnaam  loka  matharam

Padma priyaam, Padma hasthaam,Padmaakshim  , Padma sundarim


I salute her in whom dharma stays , who is merciful , the mother of the world

She who liked lotus  , She who had lotus in her hand , Who had lotus like eyes, Who was  as pretty as lotus


6.Padmodhbhavaam , padhma mukhim, padma nabha priyaam Remaam

Padma  mala dharaam devim , padminim , padma  gandhinim


She who rose  from lotud , who had  face like lotus, Darling of Padma nadha(Vishnu), , she who is pretty

Goddess  who wears lotus garlands, She who is lotud, She who   had fragrance of lotus


7.Punya  gandhaam , suprasannam , prasadha mukhim prabham

Namami Chandra  vadhanaam chandram Chandra  sodarim


She who had divne perfume ,, ever pleased, who had pleasant face , who was lustrous

I salute  she who had  moon like face, she  who is moon, she  who is sister  of mon


8.Chathurbhujaam , Chandra  roopaam, indiraam , indhu seethalaam

Aahladha  jananim  , pushtim, shivaam, shiva kareem   satheem


She who had four hands, who had  form of moon, she who is splendrous, She who is cool like moon

She who produces  happiness , She who is auspicious, she  who is peace, She who produces  peace, She who is  truthfull


9.Vimalaam,viswa jananim , thushtim  , daridrya  nasinim

Preethi pushkaranim , saanthaam , shukla  malyaambaraam , sriyam


She who is very pure , mother of the  world, contended, destroyer  of poverty

Pond  of affection, who is peaceful, Shwe who wears  white garland, She who is wealth


10.BHaskareem , bilwa nilayaam, varaa roham , yasasvineem

Vasundharaam  , Udhaarangam Harinim , Hema  malinim


She who shines, Who is in Bilva, ready to grant boons, who has great fame

She who is daughter of earth, She who has generous limbs, Who is like deer, And wears golden garland


11.Dhana dhanya  karim , sidhim, sthraina  saumyam, shubha pradhaam

Nrupa vesma  gathaa ,anandaam, vara  lakshmim, vasu pradhaam


She who gives  money and grains , who is perfect  , Peaceful  among ladies, she who does good

She  who is in king’s palaces,She who is happy, Lalshmi  who grants boons, She who grants wealth


12.Shubhaam, Hiranya praakaaraam , samudhra thanayaam  , jayaam

Namami mangalaam devim , Vishnu vaksha  sthala sthithaam


She who is auspicious , whois surrounded by gold, daughter  of ocean, who is victory

I salute the godess who does good, Who is on chest  of lord Vishnu


13.Vishnu pathnim, prasannakshim, Narayana  samasritham

Daridrya  dwamsinim , devim  sarvopadrava nivaarinim


She who is wife  of Vishnu., She who has pleasing eyes, she is one who is dependent  on Narayana

She who destroys  poverty, Goddess  who avoids   all sort  of troubles


14.Nava durgam , Maha kalim , brahma Vishnu shivathmikam

Tri kalajna   sampannam, namami  bhuvaneswarim


She who is nine forms of Durga , the great  Kali,The one dear to Shiva  , Vishnu  and Brahma

She who has asset  of knowing all three  times, I salute   Goddess  of universe


After  archana  prayers


1.Lakshmim  , Ksheera samudhra  raja thanayaam, sri ranga  dhameswarim

Dasi bhootha  samastha deva vanithaam lokaika   deepthangurim


Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi,  Who is the daughter of king of ocean of milk, Who is the consort of Lord of Sri Ranga,
Whose maids are the deva maidens,  Who is the lighthouse for the entire world,

2.Srimanmadha kadaksha labdha vibhava , brahmendra gangadharaam

Thwam tri lokya  kutumbinim sarasijaam , vandhe  mukundha priyaam


She Whose side long glances add fame, To Brahma Shiva  and Indra,
Whose family is all those in three worlds, Who appears in lotus ponds, And who is the darling of Lord Mukunda.


3. Mathar namami kamala, kamalayathakshi

Sri Vishnu  hruth kamala vasini   viswamatha


I salute the mother Kamala, who has lotus like eyes

She who lives in the lotus  like heart of Vishnu, The  universal mother


4.Ksheerodhaje, kamala komala garbha  gauri

Lakshmi praseedha sathathm  namathaam saranye


She who was born to ocean of milk , The gauri  who was born to pretty lotus  flower

Be pleased  , oh Lakshmi, I salute you  always, OH goddess to whom one  surrenders


Phala sruthi

Result of reading it


1.Trikalam yo japeth vidhwaan shan masam vijithendriya

Daridrya dwamsanam kruthwaa sarvam aapnothyadhaa


The scholar  who reads   in three times a  day   for six months , would win over his sense  organs

After  destroying his poverty , everything will  be made  as his


2.Devi nama sahareshu punyam  ashtothara  satham

Yena sriyavapnothi  daridra koti janmaanu


It is more holy to read  108 names  than 1000 names

He would make   wealth his though   for one crore  births he  was poor


3.Bhrigu  vaare  satham dhemaan padeth  vathsara mathrakam

Ashtaiswarya mavopnothi, khubera  yiva  bhoothale


If this is read 100 times every Friday for  one year

He would get elight types  of wealth and become  Khubera of the world

4.Daridrya mochanam nama stotra mamba param satham

Yena sriyavapnothi, koti  janma  daridrathaa


If this stotra name as  “escape from poverty” addressed  to goddess  is read  one hundred times

He would make   wealth his  m inspite one crore  birth of poverty


5.Bukthwathu vipulaan bhogaan

Asya  sayujyam aapnuyaath

Pratha(sayam)   Kale  pade nithyam

Sarva   dukha  upa saanthaye


He would get  very great  pleasures

And also   get  salvation

He who daily reads this in morning(evening)

All his sorrows   would be doused


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