
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Nama thraya asthra manthra

Nama thraya  asthra  manthra

(the arrow like chant of three names


Translated by



The Nama Traya Astra Mantra is a prayer that devotees chant for their well-being and protection from evil. This ancient Sanskrit mantra invokes the three different names of Lord Vishnu. It is one of the strongest barriers against all negative effects. Hindus from various sects chant this mantra for their daily well-being and also during special ceremonies.


Nama thraya  Manthra

(the three  name  Manthra


Parasara, vyasa narada  rishi  - sages Parasara vyasa  narada

Virat Chanda-The  meter is Virat(royal)

Parabrahma  devatha- the God addressed is Para Brahma

Achyuthathaya  nama-hridayaya  nama- Touch your heart  chanting”  I salute Achyutha”

Ananthaya nama, sirase swaha-Touch you head  Chanting  “I salute Anantha”

Govindaya nama, shikayai vashat  - touch your hair chanting   “I salute Govinda”

Achuthaya nama kavachaya hoom- May  “I salute Achyutha” be my armour

Ananthaya nama , nethraabhyaam voushat- Touch your eyes and chant “ I salute Anantha”

Govindaya nama Asthraya phat-  “I salute   govinda” is your arrow


Om bhurbhava  swarom , ithi   Dig bandha

   You are tying your  self   saying  “Om bhurbhava swarom”




SAnkha   chakra dharam  devam , chathurbahum , kireetinam

Sarvayudhai roopetham cha garudopari samshitham

SAnakadhi muneendraisthu sarva  devair  upasitham

Sri   Bhoomi sahitham devam udaya adhithya sannibham

Prathar udhyath sahasramsu mandalo  upama  kundalam

Sarva   lokasya rakshartham anantham  nithyamevathu

Anantha  varadhaanaam  cha prayaschantham mudhanvitham

Evam dhyayathva Harim  nithyam para  brahma  swaroopinam

Prathar madhyana dhine  chaiva  sayahnai   cha  viseshatha

Archaye deva devesam Gandha  pushpa  Jaladhibhi



God holding conch and Chakra, having four hands and crown

He has form holding all weapons and rides    on Garuda

He is worshipped by great sages like   sanaka and others as well   all devas

The god along with earth is like     the rising sun

He has ear globe shining like  thousand suns just risen up in morning

That anantha protects all the worlds daily forever

He protects  limitless  people and   looks  always smiling

Like this if we meditate on Hari who has a  form of  Para Brahma

Morning , noon and specially   evening, I we should worship is done

along with sandal paste , flowers and water



Om Achyuthaya  nama ananthaya  nama govindaya  nama


Om salutations to achyutha, salutations  to Anantha, salutation to Govinda



Om   achyuthananthaya govindaya  nama (called eka dasakshara  manthra -  eleven letter Manthra)

Om salutation to Achyutha, Anantha Govinda


Om achyuthananagovindaya  nama (called moksharogya  pradhaneeyam manthra- Manthra giving salvation and health)

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