
Friday, July 7, 2023

Rama Dhootha stotra

Rama Dhootha stotra

Prayer  to messanger of Rama


Translated by



1.Vajra deham amaram  visaradham

Baktha vathsala varam Dwijothamam

Rama Padha Niratham Kapi priyam

Rama Dhutham amaram   Bhaje


He who has diamond like body , Greatly learned

Great  one dear to devotees,  Great  Brahmin

Always happy with feet of Rama, Dear  one of Monkeys

Sing about the deathless messanger  of  Rama


2,Jnana mudhrithakara , anilathmajam

Rakshseaswara puri vibhavasum

Marthya  kalpa lathikam Shiva pradham

Rama Dhootham amaram   Sadha Bhaje


The wise one who carried  the seal, the son of wind God

Who made  the city of King of Radshasas   shine  with fire

The magical God to humans  , who is given byLord Shiva

Sing about the  deathless  messanger of Rama


3.Janaki mukha  vikasa  karanam

SArva dukha bhaya  haarinam Prabhum

Vyaktha  roopam amalam dharadharam

Rama Dhootham amaram, sadha bhaje


He who was cause  of lighting up of  face of Sita

The Lord who destroyed all sorrows and fear

He who had a clear  pure form , Who carried  the mountain

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama


4.Viswa sevyam, amarendra  vandhitham

Phal guna priya suram  , Janeswaram

Poorna sathvamakhilam, dharapathim

Rama Dhootham amaram  SAdhaa  bhaje


He   who serves the world  , Who is diluted by devas  and Indhras

The deva who is dear  to Arjuna, the god of the people

The complete warrior  , Who is universal , the  lord of the mountain

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama


5.Anjaneyam aghamarshanam varam

Loka mangaladha mekam easwaram

Dushta  manusha bhayankaram Haram

Rama Dhootham  amaram sadhaa  bhaje


The son of  Anjana , Who clears all sins , The blessed one

The single god who aims at good of all  world

Who is fearful killer of  all evil men

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama


6.SAthya vadhinamuram cha  khecharam

Swaprakasaka  sakalartha madhijam

Yoga gamya  bahu roopa  dharinam

Rama Dhootham amaram   sadhaa  Bhaje


The best defender of truth  , He  who flies

Who shines by himself  , The first lord of all wealth

Who goes to Yoga and assumes   several   forms

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama


7.Brahma charinam atheeva Shobhanam

Karma saakshinam anamayam  mudhaa

Punya pooritha  nithantha  vigraham

Rama Dhootham  amaram   SAdhaa  BHaje


The ever unmarried, who   has very great  shine

The  witness  of actions, stainless  ,who is joyous

Who has extraordinary form full of blessedness

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama


8.Bhanu dheepthi nibha koti baswaram

Veda thathwa vidham, aathma  roopinam

Bhoovaram   Kapi  Varam , Gunaa karam

Rama Dhootham Amaram  Sadhaa bhaje


He who has one crore times ligt of the sun

The expert in philosophy of Vedas, Who has self form

The best among eath, The best among monkeys, Who does  good

Sing About   the deathless  messanger  of Rama

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