
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

श्रीयोगमीनाक्षीस्तोत्रम् Sri Yoga Meeenakshi stotram


Sri Yoga  Meeenakshi stotram



Sage agasthya


Translated by


(Pathanjali Yoga Sastra speaks of the Aagnya Chakram and Sahasrara Chakram. In between the two there are twelve points called the Dwadasa Sthanam, and their pinnacle is known as Dwadhasantham. Yoga meenakshi is supposed  to occupy   this dwadasa sthanam. )



Hear  the h great   stotra


शिवानन्दपीयूषरत्नाकरस्थां शिवब्रह्मविष्ण्वामरेशाभिवन्द्याम्

शिवध्यानलग्नां शिवज्ञानमूर्तिं शिवाख्यामतीतां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १॥


Shivananda  peeyusha  rathnakarasthaa,

Shiva  Brahmaa vishnvamaresa Vandhyaam

Shiva dhyana lagnaam, shiva  jnana moorthim

Shivaakhyamatheethaam Bhaje Pandya balaam


She who se gem like hand grants  nectar  like joy  to Lord shiva

She who is worshipped  by  Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu   and  king of devas

She who is immersed  in meditating on Shiva, She who has form of wisdom of Shiva

She who goes on staring at Shiva  , I sing about that Daughter of Pandya


शिवादिस्फुरत्पञ्चमञ्चाधिरूढां धनुर्बाणपाशाङ्कुशोत्भासिहस्ताम्

नवीनार्कवर्णां नवीनेन्दुचूडां परब्रह्मपत्नीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् २॥


Shivaadhi sphurath  pancha manchadhi roodaam ,

dhanur bana paasaa angusoth basi hastham

Naveenarka  varnaam naveenendhu choodaam,

para  Brahma pathnim  Bhaje  pandya balam


She who shines  along with Shiva on the  majestic throne

She who  carries  bow, arrow  , rope  and goad  in her hands

She who has colour of rising sun , she  who wears new crescent  moon on her head

She who is the wife  of Paramashiva, I pray that daughter of Pandya


किरीटाङ्गदोद्भासिमाङ्गल्यसूत्रां स्फुरन्मेखलाहारताटङ्गभूषाम्

परामन्त्रकां पाण्ड्यसिंहासनस्थां परन्धामरूपां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ३॥


Kireeta angadodh basi mangalya  Suthram

Sphuran mekhalaa hara  thadanga bhoosham

Paraa  manthrakaam.pandya  simhasanasthaam,

Parandhama roopaam, Bhaje  Pandya  baalaam


She who has  a great crown and shining  Mangalya  Suthra

She who shines  in waistbelt, necklace and ear studs

She is the inner meaning of  divine chants, she who sis on Throne of Pandyas

She who has  form of divine god , I pray   that daughter  of pandya


ललामाञ्चितस्निग्धफालेन्दुभागां लसन्नीरजोत्फुल्लकल्हारसंस्थाम्

ललाटेक्षणार्धाङ्गलग्नोज्ज्वलाङ्गीं परन्धामरूपां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ४॥


Lalaamanchitha  snigdha phalendhu baagaam

Lasan  neerajoth phula  kalhara samastham

Lalalte kshanardha lagno ujjwalangim

Parandhama roopaam  Bhaje  Pandya baalaam


She who has  a lustrous forehead with thedecked moon

She who shines decked  with lotus flower and water lily

With  the piece of moon on her  forehead  adding to luster

She  who has form of divine God, I pray   that daughter of Pandya


त्रिखण्डात्मविद्यां त्रिबिन्दुस्वरूपां त्रिकोणे लसन्तीं त्रिलोकावनम्राम्

त्रिबीजाधिरूढां त्रिमूर्त्यात्मविद्यां परब्रह्मपत्नीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ५॥


Trikhanda athma  vidhyaam, tribindu   swaroopaam

Trikone  lasanthi trilokava  namraam

Tri bheejathi roodaam tri moorthya athma  vidhyaam

Para  brahma  pathnim , bhaje  Pandya  baalaam


She who represens triad of study of soul, has a form of thre dots

She who shines inside triangle and makes people  of three  worlds bow

She who rides  on three dots who is the study of soul of  Shiva , Brahma  and Vishnu

She who is   wife of Lord Shiva , I pray  that daughter of Pandya


सदा बिन्दुमध्योल्लसद्वेणिरम्यां समुत्तुङ्गवक्षोजभारावनम्राम्

क्वणन्नूपुरोपेतलाक्षारसार्द्रस्पुरत्पादपद्मां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ६॥


SAdhaa  bindu madhyo lasad veni  rayaam

Samuthunga   vakshoja bharava namraam

Kvana  noopuro petha laakshaara sphuradh

Padha  padmaam  bhaje  pandya baalaam


She who always   has  a  thilak below  her  pretty hair

She who is slightly bent due  to heavy breasts

She who shines   with  the anklets  which chime on her  red  coloured

Lotus like feet  and I sing about   that daughter of Pandya



अखण्डामनन्यामचिन्त्यामलक्ष्याममेयात्मविद्यां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ७॥


Yamadhya ashta Yoganga Roopam Aroopam,

Akarath Kshakarantha varnnam Avarnnam,

Agandam Ananyama Chinthyam Alakshyam,

Ameyathma Vidhyam Bhaje Pandya Balam,


She who has controlled form of  Ashtanga yogas, who has a form and no form

 She who is  inbeginning and end, she who is of colour and no colour

She who is limitless, has unique thought process without aim

She who  has magnanimous knowledge,  and I sing about that daughter of pandya



सुधासागरान्ते मणिद्वीपमध्ये लसत्कल्पवृक्षोज्ज्वलद्बिन्दुचक्रे

महायोगपीठे शिवाकारमञ्चे सदा सन्निषण्णां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ८॥


Sudha sagaranthe mani dweepa  madhye

Lasad  kalpa vruksho  ujjwath indhu chakre

Maha yoga peete, shivakaara manje

Sadha sannishannam, Bhaje Pandya  baalaam

Living  in ocean of nectar, in the middle of  Manidhweepa

On the  Indhu chakra   on the wish giving tree

On the seat  of Maha yogas , sitting on form of Shivs

She is always   visible , I pray   that daughter of Pandya


सुषुम्नान्तरन्ध्रे सहस्रारपद्मे रवीन्द्वग्निसम्युक्तचिच्चक्रमध्ये

सुधामण्डलस्थे सुनिर्वाणापीठे सदा सञ्चरन्तीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ९॥


Sushumna randhre sahasrara  padhme

Raveendvagni samyuktha chichakra  Madhye

Sudha mandalasthe sunirvana  peete,

Sadhaa sancharantheem  , Bhaje  Pndya  balam


On the  Sushmna vein , on the  lotus with thousand petals

In the middle of Sri chakra with sun , moon and fire

On the orbit of nectar, not ttached   to any thing

She  always  travels, I pray   that daughter of Pandya


षडन्ते नवान्ते लसद्द्वादशान्ते महाबिन्दुमध्ये सुनादान्तराळे

शिवाख्ये कलातीतनिश्शब्ददेशे सदा सञ्चरन्तीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १०॥


Shadanthe navanthe  lasad  vada santhe

Maha  bindu madhye, sunadhantharaale

Shivakhye kalatheetha nisabdha   dese

Sadha  sancharanthi, Bhaje  pandya balam


At the end  of  six angas of veda , at end of nine  visargas shining peacefully

In the middle of great dot in the end  of hasrmonious sound

Pecefully   with  in sixteen crescents  in the silent  country

She  always  travels, I pray   that daughter of Pandya


चतुर्मार्गमध्ये सुकोणान्तरङ्गे खरन्ध्रे सुधाकारकूपान्तराळे

निरालम्बपद्मे कलाषोडशान्ते सदा सञ्चरन्तीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् ११॥


Chathur marga  madhye, sukonantharange

Swarandhre sudhaa kara  koopantharaale

Niralamba  padhme, kala   shodasanthe

SAdhaa  sancharanthi, bhaje  pandya  balam


In between four ways and within the  good angles

In her own circle  ,inside   the  nectar  filled  well

On detached  lotus  in between twelve  kalas

She  always  travels, I pray   that daughter of Pandya



पुटद्वन्द्वनिर्मुक्तवायुप्रलीनप्रकाशान्तराले ध्रुवोपेतरम्ये

महाषोडशान्ते मनोनाशदेशे सदा सञ्चरन्तीं भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १२॥


Puta dwandha  nirmuktha vayu praleena

Prakasantharaale druvo pedha  ramye

Maha shodasanthe mano nasa  dese

Sancharanthim  bhaje  pandya balam


In the pair of folds, surrounded by detached   wind

Withing  a shining ring , with  permenant prettiness

In the middle of sixteen chakra, in the great  area of destruction

She  always  travels, I pray   that daughter of Pandya



चतुष्पत्रमध्ये सुकोणत्रयान्ते त्रिमूर्त्याधिवासे त्रिमार्गान्तराळे

सहस्रारपद्मोचितां चित्प्रकाशप्रवाहप्रलीनां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १३॥


Chathush pathra madhye sakona thrayanthe

Tri moorthyadhi vase trimargantharale

SAhasrara padmochitham  chith prakasa,

Pravaha  praleenaam , Bhaje pandya balam


She who is in middle of four laves middle of three good corners

She dwells with trimurthi , inside  three  different ways

In side the  thousand petalled lotus with divine shine

Creating the wave of brilliance  , I pray   that daughter of Pandya



लसद्द्वादशान्तेन्दुपीयूषधारावृतां मूर्तिमानन्दमग्नान्तरङ्गाम्

परां त्रिस्तनीं तां चतुष्कूटमध्ये परन्धामरूपां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १४॥


Lasadvadha  santhendhu peeyusha  dharaavrutham

Moorthim aananda  magna antharangam

Paraam  tristhaneem thaam  chathushkoota madhye

Parndhama roopam, Bhaje pandya  balam


In the  shining flowing peaceful flow of nectar

With joyfull form with   well engrossed mind

The divine one  with three bosoms in the middle of four edged figure

She is in form of divine ruler, I pray   that daughter of Pandya


सहस्रारपद्मे सुषुम्नान्तमार्गे स्फुरच्चन्द्रपीयूषधारां पिबन्तीम्

सदा स्रावयन्तीं सुधामूर्तिमम्बां परञ्ज्योतिरूपां भजे पाण्ड्यबालाम् १५॥


SAhasrara  padhme   sushmnantha marge  ,

Sphuradfh chndra  peeyusha dhaaraam pibanthim

Sadhaa sravayanthim sudha moorthim  ambaam

Param jyothi roopam , Bhaje  pandya balam


She who explores through Sushmna  in middle of thousand petalled lotus

She drinks the nectarlike   flow  of moon light

She  , the mother  who is the provider of nectar

She has form of  divine  brilliance  , I pray   that daughter of Pandya


नमस्ते सदा पाण्ड्यराजेन्द्रकन्ये नमस्ते सदा सुन्दरेशाङ्कवासे

नमस्ते नमस्ते सुमीनाक्षि देवि नमस्ते नमस्ते पुनस्ते नमोऽस्तु १६॥


Namasthe sadhaa pandya  rajendra  kanyai

Namasthe sadhaa sundaresanga  vase

Namasthe  Namasthe sumeenakshi devi

Namasthe  Namasthe  punasthe Namasthe


Salutations always to the  daughter  king of pandya country

Salutations always   to her who lives in heart of sundaresa

Salutations, salutations  to  goddess  meenakshi

Salutations,  salutations   and and again salutations


इति श्रीयोगमीनाक्षीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi   sri yoga  meenakshi stotram sampoornam

Thus ends the prayer  to Yoga meenakshi


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