
Saturday, August 12, 2023

॥ श्रीवेङ्कटेशशरणागतिस्तोत्रम् ॥ Sri Venkateswara Saranagathi Stotram


Sri Venkateswara  Saranagathi Stotram

The prayer  of Surrender  to Sri Venkateswara


Translated  by



A great stotra  to solve all your problems


(Hear  the stotra  )


शेषाचलासमासाद्य कश्यपाद्या महर्षयः

वेङ्कटेशं रमानाथं शरणं प्रापुरञ्जसा १॥


1.Seshachalam samasadhya kasyapadhyaa maharshaya   

Venkatesam   ramanadham  Saranam praapuranjasaa


Kasyapa  and other  great  eishis  after  reaching  Seshachala

Got fulfilled   saluted  and surrendered  to Lord Venkatesa and Lord Ramanadha


कलिसन्तारकं पुण्यं स्तोत्रमेतत् जपेन्नरः

सप्तर्षि वा प्रसादेन विष्णुः तस्मै प्रसीदती २॥


2.Kali santharaakam   mukhyam stotrametha japen naraa

Saptharshi vakhya  prasadena Vishnu  sthasmai praseedathi


Those men who chant this prayer which is the chief  one  to manage  Kali age

Due to  the pleasure  of Seven great  rishis, Lord  Vishnu would be glad  about them


कश्यप उवाच -

कारि ह्रीमन्त विद्यायाः प्राप्यैव परदेवता

कलौ श्रीवेङ्कटेशाख्यः त्वामहं शरणं भजेत् ३॥


Kasyapa Uvacha:-

Sage Kasyapa said

Kari hreemantha  Vidhyaya  prapyaiva para devtha

Kalou Sri Venkatesakhya thamaham Saranam Bhaje


He who knows   the  knowledge  of avoiding  bad deeds would reach the moon,

And in Kali age You  pray  Venkatesa  surrendering to him


अत्री उवाच -

अकारादि क्षकारान्त वर्णैः यः प्रतिपाद्यते

कलौ श्रीवेङ्कटेशाख्यः शरणं मे रमापती ४॥


Athrir uvacha:-

Sage athri   said:-

Akaradhi  kshakarantha varnairya prathi padhyathe

Kalou Sa  Venkatesakhya Saranam may  Remapathi


He is described from AA to Ksha with  description

And in Kali age You  pray  Venkatesa  and surrender to Remapathi(lord Vishnu


भरद्वाज उवाच -

भगवान् भार्गवीकान्तो भक्ताभीप्सित दायक

भक्तस्य वेङ्कटेशाख्यो भरद्वाजस्य मे गतिः ५॥


BHaradwaja uvacha:-

Sage Bharadwaja said


BHagawan bhargavi kantho bhaktha abheepsitha  dayaka

BHakthasya Sri Venkattesakhya Baradwajasya   may  Gathi


God Vishnu  who is husband of Lakshmi, would fulfil desires of devotees

 AS   a devotee  of  Venkatesa  for Bhardwaja  he is the refuge


विश्वामित्र उवाच -

विराट् विष्णुर्विधाता विश्वविज्ञान विग्रहः

विश्वामित्रस्य शरणं वेङ्कटेशो विभुः सदा ६॥


Viswamithra Uvacha

Sage Viswamithra said:-


Virad Vishnu vidhatha cha  viswa vijnana vigraha

Viswamithrasya  saranam Venkateso   Vibhu sadhaa


The gigantic Vishnu  is the creator   and  form  of  all knowledge

Viswamithra  surrenders to lord  Venkatesa at all  times


गौतम उवाच -

गौर्गालीशप्रियो नित्यं गोविन्दो गोपतिर्विभुः

शरणं गौतमास्यास्त वेङ्कटाधि शिरोमणिः ७॥


Gauthama  Uvacha

Sage Gauthama Said


Gau gaureesa priyo   nithyam Govindho   Gopathir vibhu

Saranam Gauthamasyasthu Venkatadhri  Siromani


He who likes  always Cow  and lord Shiva, is Govindha and is the lord  of  Shiva

The Gauthama  surrenders  to    the greatest one  on Venkata  mountain


जमदग्निरुवाच -

जगत्कर्ता जगत्भर्ता जगन्नाथो जगन्मया

जमदग्निः प्रपन्नस्य जीवेशो वेङ्कटेश्वरः ८॥


Jamadagnir  Uvacha

Sage  Jamadagni said


Jagath  kartha, Jagad  Bhartha, Jagad Dhartha Jagan Maya

Jamadagne prapannasya jeeveso  Venkateswara


The Doer  of universe, the lord of universe  , The carrier  of universe, and one who is  pervaded  in all universe

Jamaagni   is totally surrendered  to  , god  of all  beings Venkatesa


वसिष्ठ उवाच -

भक्तिज्ञानमात्रं यन् निर्विशेषं सुखं सत्

तत्र हैवाहमस्मीति वेङ्कटेशं भजेत् सदा ९॥


Vasishta  uvacha

Vasthu vijnana  mathram  yanirvisesham   sukham   cha sath

Thadh brahmaiva aham asmithi Venkatesam  BHaje sadhaa


He is  the wisdom of everything   who is undiscriminating   is  happiness  and truth

And I always Pray  Lord Venkatesa  who knows  that   he himself is Brahman


सप्तर्षिरचितं स्तोत्रं सर्वदा यः पठेन् नरः

सोऽभयं प्राप्नुयान् सत्यं सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत् १०॥


SAptharishi rachitham   stotram   sarvadhaa  ya paden nara

So abhayam  prapnuyath   sathyam  sarvathra  vijayee  Bhaveth


That man who always   reads  this prayer  written by  SApatha Rishis

Would  get protection always. And this truth   always wins


इति श्रीवेङ्कटेशशरणागतिस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम्  



Ithi  SAptharshibhi  krutham  Sri  Venkatesa Saranagathi stotram

Thus ends  the prayer   of  Absoulte surrender  To Venkatesa  created  by Saptha rishis



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