
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

कोदण्डपाणिस्तोत्रं Kodandapani Stotram


Kodandapani  Stotram

(Prayer to god  Kodandapani)



Sri asok  Raghunadhacharya


Translated by



(In this prayer  also, the entire story of Ramayana is retold in concise  form)


साकेतपुर्यां निवहं जनानामानन्दयन् कौशिकयज्ञपालः

पादेन पुण्यां कलयन्नहल्यां कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः १॥


Saaketha puryaam  nivahamjanaanaam  anandayan, kaushika  Yajna  Pala

Paadena punyaam kalayan ahalyahaam , Kodanda pani  kula deivatham na


He who belongs  to town of Saketha, who made  the people happy, who protected yajna  of Viswamithra

Who due  to his blessed  feet  took notice of Ahalya, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


चापं भङ्क्त्वा वसुधातनूजां जायामवाप्याथ भृगोः कुमारम्

निरोधयन् प्राप्तनिजाधिवासः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः २॥


Chapam  cha bangkthvaa vasudhaa  thanujam  jaayaa mavapyaadha brugo kumaram

Nirodhayan  , praptha  nijaadhivasa, kodandapani  kula daivatham na


Having made the  daughter of eearth as wife by breaking   the bow, he then

Stopped  Sage Bhrugu’s son   and reached   the place of his stay  , That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


लोकप्रियः केकयराजपुत्र्याः प्रीतिं चिकीर्षन् सह लक्ष्मणेन

सीतां पुरस्कृत्य वनं प्रविष्टः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ३॥


Loka priya, kekaya  raja puthryaa preethim chikeershan , Lakshmanena

Sithaam  purakrusthya  Vanam  pravishta, KOdandapani  Kula deivatham na


Liked  by all people , for getting the love of princess  of kekaya along with

Lakshmana  went  in to forest, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


यो दण्डकारण्यनिशाचरेन्द्रान् कोदण्डलीलाविषयीचकार

वेतण्डशुण्डायतबाहुदण्डः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ४॥


Yo  dandakaranya nisacharendraam kodanda leelaa vishayi  chakara

Vethanda  sundayatha bahu danda Kodanda  pni Kula  deivatham na


He  with the sport of  KOdanda killed  the  great  Rakshasas  of Dandakaranya
Played  with them like elephant  with big hands , That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God



वियुक्तसीतो विगतस्पृहोऽपि लालप्य संस्कृत्य विहङ्गवीरम्

मित्रं विज्ञाय सुहृत्कबन्धात् कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ५॥


Viyuktha  Sithou  vigathath spruhopi  lalapya  samskthya vihanga  veeram

Mithram cha vijnaaya suhrudh  kabandhaath, Kodandapani kula deivatham na


Having Lost and separated from Sita, continuously that hero with an arrow  called for her

He came   to know about a friend from Kabanda, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


अपार्यदुःखं विनिवार्य यत्नात् स्ववीर्यनिर्यापितवालिवैरी

वितीर्य राज्यं कपयेऽगवासः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ६॥


Aparayaa dukham   vinivarya yathraath  swa veerya niryapitha vali vairi

Vitheerya  rajyam kaperrga argavasa, kodandapani  kula deivatham na


Trying to stifle  the  very great  sorrow, he showed his strength  on enemy  Vali

He returned  the kingdom to the monkey to rule, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


संस्थापिताशेषकपीन्द्रमुख्यस्तीर्णाम्बुधैर्वायुसुतात् समस्तम्

विज्ञाय वेलासु निविष्टसेनः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ७॥


Samsthapitha  saisha kapeendra mukhya stheernambudhai vayu suthath samastham

Vijnaya velasu vivishtasena kodandapani kula deivatham na


After establishing the king of monkeys reached the ocean with all monkeys along  with Hanuman

And recognizing the tide , the army  stayed  there , That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


विभीषणायार्पितरावणश्रीर्नलेन सेतुं विरचय्य चाब्धौ

बलेन लङ्कां ज्वलयन् चिरौघैः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ८॥


Vibheeshaya arpitha Ravana sreer nalena sethum virachayya chabdhou

Balena lankam jwalayan chiraughou, Kodandapani   Kula deivatham na


Vibheeshana left Ravana and with help of Nala the  SEthu (bridge) was built

And witn  force  Lanka was burnt  for some time  , That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


सेनाभिराहत्य यातुधानानिन्द्रारिमुख्यान् सह लक्ष्मणेन

स्वबाणनिर्भिन्नदशाननाद्रिः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः ९॥


SEnadhirahathya chayaadhu dhannan  indrari mukhyaan saha  Lakshmanena

Swa banana bhinna  dasanannadri  , KOdanda  pani Kula deivatham na


Those who crossed the water killed the army and chief of enemies of Indra by Lakshmana

And by his own arrows, He killed  Ravana and others, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


संशोधयन् भूमिसुतां हुताशात् सञ्जीवयन् सर्वहरीनयोध्याम्

प्रविश्य चासादितपट्टबन्धः कोदण्डपाणिः कुलदैवतं नः १०॥


Samsodhayana  Bhoomi suthaam  huthaasaath sanjeevayan sarva  hareen Ayodhyaa

Pravisya chasadhitha patta bandha  , kodandapani   kula deivatham na


The  daughter  of earth was tested by fire, evey monkey was made alive and taken to Ayodhya

And he  arranged  for previous crowning, That holder of Kodanda , is  he  not our clan God


इति श्री (अशोक) रघुनाथाचार्येण विरचितं श्रीकोदण्डपाणिस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi   Sri  Asoka   Raghunadhacharyena Virachitham ,Sri kodandapani   stotram sampoornam

Thus comes to an end  prayer to Kodandapani     composed by asoka  Raghunandanacharya


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