
Saturday, November 4, 2023

संतान गणपति स्तोत्र SAnthan Ganapathi Stotra

संतान गणपति स्तोत्र

SAnthan   Ganapathi   Stotra

Prayer  to Ganesa to get child


Translated  by


नमोऽस्तु गणनाथाय सिद्धी बुद्धि युताय च।
सर्वप्रदाय देवाय पुत्र वृद्धि प्रदाय च।।
गुरु दराय गुरवे गोप्त्रे गुह्यासिताय ते।
गोप्याय गोपिताशेष भुवनाय चिदात्मने।।


Namosthu  gana nadhaya sidhi  budhiyuthaya cha

Sarva pradhaya  devaya, puthra  vrudhi  pradhaya cha

Guru dharaaya gurave gopthre guhyasithaya  they

Gopyaya gopithasesha bhuvanaya chidathmane


Salutation to lord of ganas, along with Sidhi and Budhi

The god   who gives everything and also  increase  of sons

The Guru  who supports, the guru  who protects , you stay  in secret

You keep it  secret of secrets, oh divine  soul of the world

विश्व मूलाय भव्याय विश्वसृष्टि करायते।
नमो नमस्ते सत्याय सत्य पूर्णाय शुण्डिने।।


Viswa moolaayaa , bhavyaya, viswa  srushti karaayathe

Namo Namasthe sathyaya sathya poornaaya  shundine


Oh root of universe who has mumility you do creation  of the world

Salutation and salutation  to the truth , he who is full of truth , who has  elephant face

एकदन्ताय शुद्धाय सुमुखाय नमो नम:
प्रपन्न जन पालाय प्रणतार्ति विनाशिने।।


Yeka danthaaya shudhaya sumukhaya  namo  nama

Prapanna  jana paalaaya, pranatharthi vinasine


He who is with one tusk, who is pure, who has  a pleasing face salutations

He who looks after  his devotees, He who destroys troubles of those  who salute

शरणं भव देवेश सन्तति सुदृढ़ां कुरु।
भविष्यन्ति ये पुत्रा मत्कुले गण नायक।।
ते सर्वे तव पूजार्थम विरता: स्यु:रवरो मत:
पुत्रप्रदमिदं स्तोत्रं सर्व सिद्धि प्रदायकम्।।


Saranam bhava  devesa santhathi drudam kuru

Bhavishyanthi cha  ye puthraa math kule  Gana Nayaka

They sarve thava  poojartham virathaa syu ravaro  matha

Puthra padha  midham stotram  sarva  sidhi  pradhayakam


I surrender  to you leader  of Gods, Please make children definite

Let it happen  that it is a son in my clan, Oh Lord of ganas

And all of them are for your worship, and would be threads that would help me

This prayer  which helps to get sons, would grant you all that  you want

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