
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Apad udharaka Batuka Bhairava stotram

Apad udharaka  Batuka Bhairava  stotram

The prayer  to Batuka Bhairava for getting  lifted  from dangers


Translated  by



(Batuka Bhairava (Sanskrit  बटुकभैरव, Romanized : Baṭukabhairava) or Vatuka Bhairava is a fierce form of Shiva in Hindu iconography, associated with his manifestation of Bhairava. This form of Shiva is depicted as a fierce, nude youth, usually accompanied with a dog in the Tantric tradition.[

Lord Bhairava's Sadhanas are reported to be among the simplest to do and succeed in during the current Kaliyug. According to the ancient scripture Shiv Mahapuran, Bhairav is only another manifestation of Lord Shiva who protects his disciples from all threats.

Goddess  Parvathi requests for this srtotra  from Lord Shiva. First  he teaches her a matha.She gain requests  him to tell  his 108 names)


Sri ganesaya nama- Salutations to Ganesa

Sri uma maheswarayai nama-Salutations  to Goddess  Uma  and lord Shiva

Sri Gurave nama-Salutations to Guru

Sri Bhairavaya nama- Salutations to Bhairava


1.Meru prushte sukhassenaam deva devam Trilochanam

Sankaram pari prucha Parvathi parameshwaram


The God of Gods with three  eyes was sitting pleasantly on peak of  Meru

And goddess  Parvathy   asked   Lord Sankara


Sri Parvathyvacha

Goddess  Parvathi said


2,Bhagavan sarva dharmajna, sarva  sasthra aagamaadhishu

Aapad udharanam manthram Sarva sidhikaram param


Oh God who is an expert of all Dharmas, among all sastras  and Agamas

Which is  the divine manthra   to   get  out of dangers


3.Sarveshaam cha bhoothaanaam  hithartha, vanchitham mayaa

Visesha mathasthu raajnaam vai, santhi pushti  prasadhanam


For  all beings that which is desirable  , I am desiring

Specially  that which grants peace, health and pleasant feeling to all people in kingdom


4.anga nyasa  kara nyasa dehaan aayyaasa samanvitham

Vakthu marhasi  devesa mama  harsha  vivardhanam


That which has rituals of limbs and body and  also grants them relaxation

I should be told  oh God of devas for increasing  my joy


Sankara  Uvacha

God Shiva told


5.Srunu devi maha manthram  aapadh udhaaraka hethukam

Sarva dukha  prasamanam , sarva  sathru vinasanam


Oh Goddessplease hear the  great manthra, which lifts you from great  dangers

Which  solves all sorrows and which will  destroy  all enemies


6.Apasmaaraadhi rogaanaam  , jwaradheenaam viseshatha

Nasanam smruthi maathrena manthra rajam imam priye


That which cures  epilepsy , specially  fevers

Just by its thought and is  the king of manthras  is thid  darling


7.Graha roga thraananam cha naasanam, sukha  vardhanam

Snehaadh vakshyaami tham manthram sarva saaram imam priye


That  which protects against planets and diseases and destroys them, increases  pleasure

Due to love towards you , I am telling that manthra, with all its essences now  , daling


8.Sarva kamarthadham  , punyam , rajyam bhogapradham nrunaam

Aapadh udharanam ithi  manthram vakshyam aseshatha


That which fulfills all desires, which is holy, grants pleasure  of kingdom  and alao

Lifts you out of all  dangers is this manthra which I am telling fully


9,Pranvam  poorna madhruthya devi pranava  mudhareth

Vatukaayethi vai paschadh aapadh  udharanaya  cha


Taking  Om in totality, ohGoddess, chanting Om

And then taking in to account Batuka  form of Shiva this later  takes way  all dangers


10.Kuru dwayam thadhaa paschadh vatukaaya  puna kshipeth

Devi,  pranavam udhruthya mantho udharam  priye


Do both  and later add   also  Batuka

Oh Goddess and later  taking Om , the manthra  has to be taken , oh darling             


11.Manthrodharamidham devi  trilokyasyapi  durlabham

“Om Hreem  batukaaya aapad udharanaaya kuru kuru Batukaaya  hreem”

Aprakasayamiam manthram sarva sakthi samanvitham


The manthra has to be raised like this oh Goddess and is rare  even in three worlds

“Om Hreem Oh Batukaa do do saving  from danger , Batuka  , hreem”

This manthra which is not known has all the powers


12,Smaranaadh manthrasya , bhootha pretha  pisachakaa

Viddhravanthi athi bheethaa vai  kala rudradiva dwijaa


Just  by thinking about  that manthra , ghosts, devils  and dead soul

Would run away  greatly scared especially by Brahmins who pray  Kala Rudra


13.Patedhwaa  paadayedhwaapi poojayadwapi pusthakam

Agni choura bhayam thasya thasya  graham raja bhayam thadhaa


Reading  or making it  read or  worshipping the book

The fear of fire  of robbery  of that house would go away and also fear  of planets and king


14.Na cha  maari bhayam  kinchith  sarvathraiva sukhi bhaveth

Aayur aaroghyam aiswarya , puthra pouthraadhi sampadha 


There is not even little fear  of epidemic and every one  would live pleasantly

They will live long with good health  , prosperity along with  children and grand children


15.Bhavanthi sathatham thasya pusthakasyaapi poojanaath

Na daridrym  na daurbhaghyam  na aapadhaam bhayameva cha


If Possible do always worship  of the book also

Then no poverty , no bad luck and no fear of dangers


Sri Parvathyvucha

Goddess  Parvathi told


16.Ya yesha bhairavo nama aapadh udharko matha

Thvayaa cha  khadhitho deva bhairava  kalpa  vithama


If the name of Bhairava  is manthra capable  of avoiding dangers

You have told that God bhairava is capable of granting wealth  for ages to come


17.Thasya nama sahasraani ayutha anya arbudhaani cha

Saaram  samudhruthya theshaam vai naamashtaka satham vadha


The one thousand name  of him would  result  in great wonders

Making the essence you please  tell his  one hundred and eight names


18.Yaani sankeerthayan marhtya sarva dukhaswa vivarjitha

Sarva kaamaanvapnothi saadhaka  sidhameva  cha


By singing that any man would get out of  all sorrows

And his all desires would be fulfilled,and he would become learned  and expert also


Easwara Uvacha

The God said


19.Srunu devi pravakshyami bhairavasya  mahathmana

Aapadh udharkasyedham nama ashta satham uthamam


Please hear  Goddess I will  tell names of Bhairava   the great

The hundred and eight names  which will lift from danger


20.Sarva papa haram  punyam sarva aapathi vinasanam

Sarva Kamarthadham, devi , saadhakaanaam   sukhavaham


That will destroy all sins, is blessed, would destroy  all dangers

Would grant all wealth you desire, Oh Goddess and woulf grant pleasant life to those practitioners


21.Sarva mangala mangalyam , sarva upadhrava  nasanam

Aayushkaram , pushtikaram , sreekaram   cha yasaskaram


It would bring all auspiciousness , destroy all   that troubles

Would lead to long life, make one healthy, wealthy  and famous


22.Naama Ashtasathakasya asyaa Chandho anushtup prakeerthidhaa

Brahadaranyako nama Rishir devodha Bhairava


The hundred and eight names will be  sung in meter anushtup,

The sage is Brahadaranyaka and god addressed is Bhairava


23.Lajja bheejam  bheejamithi bhatukamithi sakthikam

Pranava keelalakam proktham ishta sidhyai niyojayeth


The seed is shame and Sakthika  is Batuka

The nail  is pranava and u it is sung to realize the desire


24.Ashta bahum trinayanamithi bheejam samahitha

SAkthi hreem keelalam, sesham ashta sidhyai niyojayeth


Eight hands and three   is the seed  which is selected

The nail is Sakthi hreem And remaining is the eight occult power




Om asya  Sri  batuka   Bhairava nama ashta sathakasya,aapadodharana stotra manthrasya

Brihadarnyako  nama Rishi, Sri Batuka Bhairavo devathaa, Anushtup chandha

Hreem Bheejam Batukayethi sakthi , pranava keelakam Abheeshtathaam sidhyarthm Jape viniyoga

Hreem haim nama ithi  Namaskara  manthra


Om for the one hundred and eight  names of Batuka Bhairava, for the  manthra to lift us from danger

The sage  is Brihadaranyaka, the god addressed is Batuka  Bhairava, meter is Anushtup

Hreem is the sed, The power  is of Batuka, the nail  is pranava, for fulfilling the desires  the chanting is done

The  manthra for salutation is “Hreem Hraim , I salute” 


Adha Dhyanam

Now  meditation


1,Vandhe balam sphatika  sadhrusam kudalobdhasi  vakram

Dhivya kalpair nava mani mayai, kinkinee  neepuradyai

Dheepthaakaaram visadha  vadhanam suprasannam  trinethram
Hasthagraabyaam batakum anisam soola dandou  dadhaanam


I salute the boy who is like crystal, Who shines  in round  ear globes

In the divine age, full of gems, wearing anklets giving Kinkini  sound

He who has a  shining body, broad, pleasany, three eyes

And Batuka   holds in his  hand always  the spear   and the staff


2,Kara kalitha kapala, kundali  dandapani

Tharuna thimira anilo vyala yajnopaveethi

Krathu  samaya saparyaa vighna  vichipthi hethu

Jayathi Batuka  nadhaa sidhidha  saadhakaanaam


With skul  in his hands, having ear  globes  , holder of staff

Young black, riding on black tiger  , he wearing sacred thread

Does worship   during time,  the cause being to destroy  obstacles,

Hail  Lord Batuka  who fulfills   desires of Sidhas


3,Shudha spatika sankaasam , sahasradhithya  varchasam.

Neela jeemootha  sankaasam, neelanjana samaprabham


He who is like  pure crystal  , shines like one thousand suns

He who is like  the blue sun and has shine like  lightning

4,Ashta bahum trinayanam chathubahum bwibahukam

Dasabahumadhhogram  cha  dhivyambara   parigraham


With eight hands and three eyes or four hands or two hands

Or ten hands  but ferocious and wears   divine   silk


5,Damshtra karala vadhanam noopuraa rava  sankulam

Bujanga mekhalam devam aghni varnam   siroruham


With tooth , black face, followed by sound of anklet

The God with snake  as belt, is of the colour of fire and hair  on his head


6,Digambara maakuresam badukaakhyaam  maha balam

Gadwangamasee  pasam  cha  soolam dakshina bhagatha


Wearing directions as cloth, god is with stick, he has form of lord Shiva  and has great  strength

He holds the sword and the rope and the spear on his  right hand


7.Damarum cha kapalam cha varadham bujagam thadhaa

AAthma varna  samopetham saarameya samanvitham


Hand drum and skull as well  as the blessing serpent,

Having the   colour of the soul and is blessed with its essence


Moola manthra

Root  manthra


Om Hreem Batukaya aapa udharunaya kuru kuru Batukaya hreem


Chant this manthra 11 or 21, or 51 or 108 times


Adha Storam

Now prayer


1.Om hreem  Bhairavo, bhootha nadhascha, bhoothathma, bhootha bhavana

Kshethranja, Kshethra palascha Kshethrajna kshathriyo virat


1,Bhairava – fearsome god

2,Bhootha Nadha-  Lord of all Bhoothas (beings)

3.Bhoothathma- The soul of all beings

4,Bhoothabhavana –He who things about all beings

5.Kshethrajna- He who knows the body

6.Kshethra Pala- He  who takes  care of the body of beings

7.Kshethrajna  -he who has wisdom to fight and rule

8.Kshetriya-He who is unchangable

9.Virat-He who is gigantic


2.Smasana vasi, Maamsaasee, kharparasi, smaranthaka

Rakthapa, Praanapa, Sidha, Sidhidha  , Sidha sevitha


10 .Smasana Vasi- he who lives in cremation ground

11.Mamsaasee- He who likes meat

12.Kharparasi –He whose nbowl is like skull

13.Smaranthakaa-He who kills just by thought

14.Rakthapa-He who drinks blood

15.Panapa-He who drinks addictive drinks

16.Sidha- He  who is an achiever

17.Sidhidha- He who has achieved

18.Sidha Sevitha-He who is servedby sidhas(Yogis)


3.Kankalaa, kala samana, kalaa kashta thanu, kavi

Trinethro, bahu nethrascha thadha pingala lochana


19 Kankala-He who carries a skull

20.Kala samana-He who pacifies  god of death

21.Kalaa Kashta Thanu -He who has a body that  kills suffering

22 Kavi-poet

23.Trinethra-He who has  three  eyes

24. Bahu nethra-He who has  many eye

25.Pingala lochana-  he who has yellow eyes


4.Soola pani , khadga  pani, kankaali, dhoomra  lochana

Abheerur bhairavi nadha, bhoothapo, yogini pathi


26.Soola pani- he who holds spear

27.Khadgapani-He who holds sword

28.Kankali- He who holds a skull

29.Dhoomra  lochana- He who has smoky eyes

30,Abheeru- He who is not a coward

31.Bhairavi nadha- Lord of Bhairavi

32Bhoothapa –he  who kills Bhuthas

33.Yogini pathi-Lord of Yogini


5.Dhanadho adhanahari cha dhanavan preethi vardhana,

Naga haro , Naga keso, vyoma keso, kapala bhruth


34,Dhanadha-He who has wealth

35.Adhana haari- destroyer  of poverty

36.Dhanavan preethi vardhana- - He who is rich

37.Preethi vardhana-He who makes  love to increase

38.Naga Hara-He who has a snake garland

39.Naga j kesa-He who has serpents  as hair

40.Vyoma kesa-He who has  windy hair

41.Kapala bhruth- He  who  holds a  skull


6.Kaala, kapala maali cha kamaneeya kala nidhi

Trilochano jwala nethra, trisikhi  cha triloka  bhooth


42.Kala-  He who is time/He who is God of death

43.Kapala Mali- He who wears  skull garland

44.Kamaneeya-He who is attractive

45.Kala nidhi-He who is treasure  of arts

46.Trilochana- He who hha three  eyes

47 Jwala nethra- He who has shining eyes

48.Trisikhi – He who holds a trident

49.Triloka bhooth-He who is being of three worlds


7.Trinethra thanyo, dimba, saantha , saantha  jana priya

Batuko, Batu veshascha, kadwangavara  dharaka


50.Trinethra thanaya- Son of Shiva

51.Dimba- He who moves about

52.Santha jana priya-He  who likes peaceful people

53.Batuka –He who is fierce

54,Batu vesha-He who puts on form of fierceness

55.Khadwanga -He who carries  sword

 56 Vara dharaka-He  who  carries boons


8,Bhoothadhyakshi, Pasupathir. bikshuka, paricharaka

Doortho  , digambara,soora, harina  pandu  lochana


57.Bhoothadhyaksha-He  who presides  over Bhootha

58.Pasupathi-Lord  of all beings

59.Bhikshuka- He who takes alms

60.Paricharaka- He who serves

61.Doortha- he  who is cunning

62.Digambara- He who is nude

63,Soora-  -He who is valorous

64.Harina –he who is like lion

65. Pandu lochana-He who has pale eyes


9.Prasantha, santhidha, shudha, Sankara priya Bandhava

Ashta murthir nidheesascha, jnana chakshu  thapomaya


66,Prasantha-He who is peaceful

67.Santhidha-He who causes  peace

68,Shudha0 He who is clean

69,Sankara  priya bandhava- Dear  relation of Lord Shiva

70.Ashta murthi-He  who has eight forms

71-Nidheesa-He who is  lord of treasure

72,Jnana chakshu -He who  does eyes of wisdom

73.  THapomaya- He who is full of penance


10.Ashtadhaaraa, Shadaadgaraa, Sarpa yuktha, Sikhisakha

Bhoodaro, bhoodharadheeeso, bhoopathi  bhoodharathmaja


74.Ashta dhaara0- He who  carries eight things

75Shadaadhara- He who  is basis of sixthings

76.Sarpa yuktha-  He who is with serpent

77Sikhi sakha- Friend of peacock

78.Bhoodara-He who  carries earth,

79,BHhodaradheesa- He who is master  of those  who carries earth

80,BHoopathi-Lord of earth

81.Bhoodarathmaja- son of he   who carries eath


11Kapala Dhaari , mundi cha naga  yajnopaveethavaan

Jrumbano , mohana , sthambhi, maarana, kshobhanastadhaa


82.Kapala Dhari- He who  carries skull

83.Munda-He who is shaved

84Naga  Yajnopa veethin-He who has serpent as sacred thread

85,Jrumbana- He  who makes  people shiver

86.Mohana-He who attracts

87.Sthambhi- He   who makes  you freeze

88.Maarana- He who kills

89.Kshobhana- He who  makes  people shiver


12.Shudha neelanjana prakhyo, daithyahaa, munda  vibhooshitha

Balibugh, bali bunkhtho , Balo  , Bala  parakrama


90,Shudha neelanjana prakhya- He who is visible as pure blue black

91.Dathyahaa-Killer of Rakshasaas

92.Munda vibhooshitha-  Decorated as shaved

93,balibugh- he who likes sacrifices

94,Bali bunktha-He  who eats sacrifices

95.Bala- He  who is a child

96.Bala  Parakrama-He who is an valorous  child


13.Sravapatharano Durgo , dushta bhootha  nishevitha

Kaami, kala nidhi, , kaantha, kamini  vasa krudhdasi


97.Sarva apath utharno- He who saves from all dangers

98.DUrga-He who is  difficult

99.  Dushta Bhootha Nishevitha- He who saves us from evil spirits

100.Kaami-He  Who desires

101.Kala Nidhi –He who is treasure of arts

102.Kaantha-He who is Husband

 103.Kamini vasa  Krudhasi- He who is angry one  and is in control of his wife


14,Jagad Rakshakaro Anantho, Mayaa manthra oushadhi maya

Sarva sidhi pradha, Vaidhya, prabhavishnur ithiva hi hreem om


104.Jagad Rakshaka –Protector of world

105.Anantha-He who is endless

106.Maya manthra oushadhi Maya-He who is pervaded with magic , manthra  and medicines

107.Sarva sidhi Pradha-He who has all occult powers

108.Vaidhya Prabha Vishnu-Doctor  shining like Vishnu


Hreem  Om


Phala Sruthi

Result of reading


15.Ashtothara  satham naamnaam Bhauravaya  Mahathmana

Mayaa  they kadhitham devi  rahasyam  Sarva  kamadham


These one hundred and eight names  of  the  Great one called Bhairav

Which were  told by me, Oh godess is  secret  and fulfills  all desires


16.Ya idham padathi stotram nama ashta satham uthamam

Na thasya  duritham, kinchinna rogobhyo bhayam bhaveth


He Who reads these  great one hundred and eight  names

Not only he does not have suffering but  he does not have fear  from diseases


17.Na cha maari bhayam kinchinna cha bhootha bhayam kacchith

Na sathruhyo bhayam kinchinna prapnuyaan maanava  kachith


He will never have  fear  of epidemics , nor for ever  fear  of evil spirits

No   fear  of enemies at any time would be felt by that man


18.Pathakenbhyo bhayam naiva paden stotra muthamam

Maari bhayam, Rajabhayam thadhaa chairagnije Bhayye


He  who reads thids great  stotra will not have fear of evil acts\

Nor fear  of epidemics , nor fear  of the government  nor that of fire


19.Authpathike maha ghore thadha  Dukha pradasane

Baundhane cha  thadhaa ghore Paden stotram anuthamam


In very  dangers  involving  show  of sorrow,

In  beiend tied which is very severe, reading of this prayer gets matchless  results


20 Sarva prasamaayaathi bhayam  Bhairava keerthanam

Ekadasa  sahasram  thu purascharana  muchyathe


Fear  during slaughter  of all is  preparatory of singing this prayer of Bhairava

Eleven thousand times  and would  be proper


21.Ya trisandhyam padeth devi samvathsara matharinthadha

Sa  Sidhim prapnuyaath ishtaam durbalam api


He who reads it at dawn , noon and dusk, for one full year

He would get desirable  occult powers which is extremely difficult


22.Shanmasam  Bhoomikasthsthu japithwaa prapnuyaan maheem

Raja  sathru vinasartham paden Masa ashtakam puna


If it is chanted for six months  sitting on earth, he will get land

For destruction of king and enemy read  the ashtaka  for one month again


23,Rathrou vaara thrayam chaiva nasayathyeva saathravaan

Japen masa  thrayam marthyo Rajaanaam vasamanayeth


If read for three  weeks at night multitude  of enemies  would be destroyed

If Chanted  for three months man can  make  the king obey him


24.Dhanarthi  cha  sutharthi cha Dararthi cha manava

Japen Masathrayam devi , varamekam thadhaa nisi


He who wants monts , he who wants son and he who wants wife

Should chant it for three months, with one week in a month at night


25.Dhanam puthram thadhaa daaran prapunayath athra  na samsaya

Rogi bhayath pramuchetha , badho muchyathe  bandhanaath


Without any doubt he wil get son, wealth and wife

The sick would get out of fear and the one  tied  would get out


26.Bheetho  bhayaan pramuchyetha, devi  sathyam na samsaya

Nigadischapi badho  Karagruhe  nipathitha


The  scared one   would get  out of fear, Oh Goddess  there is no doubt

Though he is tied by feet    and  put in jail


27Sankala bandhanam praptha,  padeschaiva dhiva nisi

Yam yam chinthayathe kamam tham tham prapnothi nischitham

Aprakasayam  param guhyam  nadheyam  yasya  kasyachith


If  One gets tied  by iron chain, he should read it day and night

That which is his desire, would be definitely  got by him

This is not be published , kept secret and not to given  to every one


28.Sukuleenaaya santhaaya  rijave  damba  varjithe

Dadyath stotram imam punyam sarva  kama phala pradham


Giving  to one born in good family , peaceful, who is healthy and is devoid of pride

This stotra would get you divine  blessings and would get  all desires fulfilled


29.Jajapa  paramam prapyam bhairavasya  mahathmana

Bhairavasya prasanna bhooth sarva  loka  maheswari


By chanting  this  divine one , he will reach the great  Bhairava

And would  make Bhairava pleased, Oh Goddess  of all the worlds


30Bhairavasya  prahrushto abhooth   sarvaga Parameshwara

Jajapa  parayaa bhakthyaa sadhaa  sarvesvara easwarim


Making  Bhairava  pleases  would make  The great god ofd all pleased

And chanting it  with  great devotion would make  the  Goddess of easwara also pleased




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