
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Adhi sankara krutha Shri Jagannath Ashtakam जगन्नाथ अष्टकम्


Adhi sankara krutha Shri Jagannath Ashtakam

जगन्नाथ अष्टकम्



Adhi Sankaracharya


Translated by



   (There was a great king called Indra Dhyumna in Orissa  who was a  great devotee of Lord Vishnu. One great scholar once told him about a very rare but extremely holy form of Lord Vishnu called Neela Madhava . The king send all his courtiers in search of this great form of Lord Vishnu . Excepot one minister called Vidhyapathi all of them failed Vidhyapathi with extreme difficulty located  Neela Madhava being worshipped by A gentleman called Vishvavasu belonging to a tribe called SAbara. On his information the king  Indra Dhyumna did reach the place where he found Neela Madhava  but was disappointed as he was not able to see the god there. However he was instructed by God Nila Madhava to construct a temple on the top of the Neeladri(Blue mountain)  and get a  a wooden statue of him consecrated there by Lord Brahma. The God instructed the king to collect the wodden piece sent by him to  carve out the idol of the god. It is believed God himself came in the form of an artist  to carve the statue. He instructed that  he should work alone and should not be disturbed. He said he would work inside the temple and the doors should be closed,. Unable to stifle his anxiety to see the God , the king one day opened the doors of the temple. The Statues of Krishna, Balabadra and Subadra   werenot completely finished and did not have legs and arms. The God ordered the king to worship him in that form only. This is the Lord Jagannatha  of Puri.


It is believed  Adhi Sankara  visited  this temple   and  has written this great prayer.)

कदाचित् कालिन्दी तट विपिन सङ्गीत तरलो
मुदाभीरी नारी वदन कमला स्वाद मधुपः
रमा शम्भु ब्रह्मामरपति गणेशार्चित पदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥१॥

Kadchith  Kalindhi  thata vipina sangeeth tharalo

Mudha bheeri naari  vadhan Kamala swadh Madhupa

Remaa sambhu  brahma  , amarapathi Ganesa  architha  padho

Jagannadha Swami Nayana padha Gaami  Bhavathu they


Once upon a time , in the woods  of yamunas  shore , waves  of music

 With joy  , like a bee, he  who enjoyed  the honey   of lotus  faces of ladies

He whose  feet   was worshipped by Goddess Lakshmi, Lord  Shiva, Brahma  Indra. Ganesa ,

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


भुजे सव्ये वेणुं शिरसि शिखिपिच्छं कटितटे
दुकूलं नेत्रान्ते सहचर-कटाक्षं विदधते
सदा श्रीमद्‍-वृन्दावन-वसति-लीला-परिचयो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथ-गामी भवतु मे ॥२॥


Bhuje  savye Venum , sirasi Sikhi pincham katithate

Dukoolam  nethranthe sahachara  kadaksham vidadathe

Sadhaa srimadh  Vrindavana vasathi leelaa parichayo

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


Holding the flute in his left hand,Wearing the peacock  feathers  on his head, yellow silk on his hips

Side glances with the end of his eyes, bestowing   glances  on his  companions

And he who lives  in Brindavans and who is known  for his glances,

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


महाम्भोधेस्तीरे कनक रुचिरे नील शिखरे
वसन् प्रासादान्तः सहज बलभद्रेण बलिना
सुभद्रा मध्यस्थः सकलसुर सेवावसरदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथ-गामी भवतु मे ॥३॥


Mahambhostheeere kanaka  ruchire, neela  Shikhare

Vasan prasadantha sahaja bala bhadrena balinaa

Subadhraa madhyastha sakala   sura sevaa vasa radho

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


Living in a golden mansion on  shore  of the great sea built on a blue mountain

With his  very pleasing  friend  , a strng   child called  Bala Badhra

With Subadhra  in between and being served by all devas  and Radha

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


कृपा पारावारः सजल जलद श्रेणिरुचिरो
रमा वाणी रामः स्फुरद् अमल पङ्केरुहमुखः
सुरेन्द्रैर् आराध्यः श्रुतिगण शिखा गीत चरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥४॥


Kripaa  paavaara  sajala jaladha sreni  ruchire

Rema Vaani  rama  sphuradh amala  pankeruha  mukha

Surendrair aaraadhys sruthigana shikhaa geetha charitho

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


Ocean of mercy , the radiantblacish  water filled cloud

Lord  with pure  lotus like face who makes Parvathi   Saraswathi and Rama quiver

Lord worshipped by Indra and is worshipped  by the top of vedic books

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


रथारूढो गच्छन् पथि मिलित भूदेव पटलैः
स्तुति प्रादुर्भावम् प्रतिपदमुपाकर्ण्य सदयः
दया सिन्धुर्बन्धुः सकल जगतां सिन्धु सुतया
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥५॥


Radhaa aaroodo pathi militha bhoo deva  patalai

Sthuthi pradhur bhavam prathi padha  upakarnya sadhaya

Dhayaa sindhur bandhu sakala jagathaam  sindhu  suthayaa

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


He was riding on the chariot with the praise  of crowd of Brahmins  merging

And he   was pleased  by the sound and  was  very  pleased with them

He is the the ocean of mercy and relation of all human beings of the universe

 Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


परंब्रह्मापीड़ः कुवलय-दलोत्फुल्ल-नयनो
निवासी नीलाद्रौ निहित-चरणोऽनन्त-शिरसि
रसानन्दी राधा-सरस-वपुरालिङ्गन-सुखो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथगामी भवतु मे ॥६॥


Param Brahma peeda kuvalaya daloth  phulla  nayana

Nivaasi neeladrou nihitha  charano anantha  sirasi

Rasanandhi raadhaa  sarasa vapor  aalingana  sukho

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


He sits on seat of  divine Brahmam and has eyes  like lotus petal

He lives on blue mountain , keeping  his is pretty feet on head of Adhi sesha

He get immersed  in ecstasic joy  in the pleasure of  embrace  of Radha

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision



वै याचे राज्यं कनक माणिक्य विभवं
याचेऽहं रम्यां सकल जन काम्यां वरवधूम्
सदा काले काले प्रमथ पतिना गीतचरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥७॥


Na vai yaache rajyam na cha kananka manikraya vibhavam

Na yaacheham ramyaam sakala janaKaamyaam vara vadhoom

Sadhaa  kale  Pramadha pathinaa geetha charitho

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


I do not pray  for kingdom nor collection of gold, rubies and precious stone

I do not beg  for very desired bride  who is  loved  by all people

Always I beg to hear  the song  of the story of  the great lord

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision


हर त्वं संसारं द्रुततरम् असारं सुरपते
हर त्वं पापानां विततिम् अपरां यादवपते
अहो दीनेऽनाथे निहित चरणो निश्चितमिदं
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥८॥


Hara thwam  samsram  drutha tharam  asaaram surapathe

Hara thwam paapaanaam vithathim  aparaamyaadhava pathe

Aho dheene anadhe nihitha charani nischithamidham

Jagannadha  Swami nayana padha  Gaami bhavathu may


Please destroy quickly  the physical life which is heavy which I am going through , oh  lord of devas

Please destroy  the ocean of sins without shored  , oh God of Yadhavas

Oh Lord , whose feet is on heads of suffering and orphans who have  him and no one else

Let  that  God Jagannadha and let him come  in the  way of my vision



जगन्नाथाष्टकं पुन्यं यः पठेत् प्रयतः शुचिः
सर्वपाप विशुद्धात्मा विष्णुलोकं गच्छति ॥९॥


Jaganadha  ashtakam punyam ya padeth prayatha  suchi

SArva papa vishudhathmaa Vishnu lokam cha gachathi


Those who read the octet of Jagannadha  with purity and well prepared

He would  be cleaned  of all his sins  and   will go to  world of Vishnu


इति श्रीमत् शंकराचार्यविरचितं जगन्नाथाष्टकं संपूर्णम्

Ithi srimth sankaracharya virachitham Jagannadhashtakam  Sampootrnam

Thus comes to an end the octet of Jaganadha  authored by Sri adhi sankaracharya

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