
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

श्रीकान्तिमतीश्वर्यष्टकम् SRi Kanthimathi easwariya Ashtakam


SRi Kanthimathi  easwariya Ashtakam

THe octet of Prayer   on Goddess  Kanthimathi



SWami  SAchidananda  Shivanubhava  SWami  of  SRingeri


TRanslated  by



( THere is great temple  of LOrd Shiva  in Thirunelveli  town of Tamilnadu.He is called   Sri Nellayappan and also called Venu vana Nathar'

The Goddess  presiding in the temple   is Goddess  Kanthimathi)


You can hear  this great stotra


श्रीमद्वेणुवनेश्वरस्य रमणीं शीतांशुबिम्बाननां

     शिञ्जन्नूपुरकोमलाङ्घ्रिकमलां केयूरहारान्विताम्

रत्नस्यूतकिरीटकुण्डलधरां हेलाविनोदप्रियां

     श्रीमत्कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् १॥


Srimadh  venu vaneswarasya ramaneem , sheethamsu bimbananaam

Sincha noopura komalangri kamalaam , keyura haaranvithaam
rathnac syutha kireeta  kundala dharaam, helaa vinodha priyaam

Srimadh Kanthimatheeswarim bhaje Sri raja rajeswarim


She who is liked by lord of Bamboo forest, who looks like  the cooling moon

The very  preety lotus with wet anklets, who wears crown and necklace

She who has crown and ear globes shining like gem, who gets entertained by sports

I praise The goddess  Kanthimathi , who is goddess of king of kings



तत्त्वज्ञानिहृदब्जमध्यनिलयां ताम्रापगातीरगां

     कारुण्याम्बुनिधिं तडित्तुलितभां तालीदलश्यामलाम्

लीलासृष्टिविधायिनीं तनुभृतां तात्पर्यबोधाप्तये

     तन्वीं कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् २॥


Thathwa jnani  hrudhyabja  Madhya  nilayaam  Thamra  pagaa   theergaam

Karunyambu   nidhim thadi thulitha aabhaam  thaalee   dala   shyamalaam

Leelaa   srushiti   vidhayinim  thanubruthaam  thathparya bodhapthaye

THanveem   Kanthi matheeswarim  hrudhi bhaje   Raja rajeswarim


She who is the middle   of lotus like heart of philosophers, She who  is on shore  of Thamra parni

She who   is treasure  of  ocean of mercy  , She who has  luster equal  to lightning , she who is black like palm leaf

She who doesw creation like play  , She who teaches  human beings   the meaning  of human life

I sing about the delicate  goddess  Kanthimathi    who is  goddess of  king of kings


सङ्गीतामृतसिन्धुमध्यभवनां साहित्यनित्यादरां

     स्वारस्याद्भुतनाट्यवीक्षणपरां सालोक्यमुक्त्यादिदाम्

साधुभ्यः सकलामरार्थितमहासाम्राज्यलक्ष्मीप्रदां

     साध्वीं कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ३॥


SAngeethamrutha   sindhu  Madhya  bhavanaam  sahithya  nithyaadharaam

Swarasyaa  adbutha  naatyya  veekshanaparaam Salokya   mukthyaadhidhaam

Saadhubhya  sakala amararthitha mahaa  samrajya Lakshmi  pradhaam

Saadhvim  Kanthimathi easwarim hrudhim bhaje  Raja rajeswarim


She who  is in  the ocean of nectar  of music, who daily supports  music lines

She whose   interesting wonderful dance  is watched, She who grants salvation to all the world

She who grants    to good people  and devas, wealth  to fill an empire

Oh pious goddess Kanthimathu  , by my heart   I sing about  goddess of king of kings


कल्याणीमखिलाण्डकोटिजननीं कल्हारदामोज्ज्वलां

     कस्तूरीतिलकाभिरामनिटिलां कञ्जासनाराधिताम्

कामारेःकनकाचलेन्द्रधनुषः कारुण्यवारान्निधेः

     कान्तां कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ४॥


Kalyanim  akhilanda koti  jananim kalhara  dhama  ujjwalaam

Kasthuri   thilakabhi abhirama nitilaam  kanchaasana aaradhithaam

Kaamaare kanaka chalendra dhanusha  karunya  vaaraa  nidhe

Kanthaam  Kanthi matheeswarim hrudhi bhaje  Sri  Rajarajeswarim


She who does good  , the mother  of crores of people  of this universe, She who shines in her home  of white lotus

She on whose forehead  is the pretty  musk  thilaka, She who is worshipped  sitting  on golden throne

She  who gave the bow of golden mountain to Manmatha , every day treasure  of  mercy

I pray with   all my heart  the lady goddess  Kanthimathi who is  goddess  of king of kings


भक्तानां भयजालभञ्जनकरीं भान्वब्जशुक्रेक्षणां

     भाग्योदारगुणान्वितां भगवतीं भण्डासुरध्वंसिनीम्

भास्वद्रत्नकिरीटकुण्डलधरां भद्रासनाध्यासिनीं

     भव्यां कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ५॥


Bakthaanaam   bhaya jaala  banjanakareem  bhanvabja  shukrekshanaam

Bhagyo dhara  gunanvithaam bhagawathim bhandasura   dwamsinim

Bhaswath   rathna  kundala  dharaam  bhadrasanna dhyasineem

BHavyaam Kanthimathi   easwarim  hrudhi bhaje Sri   Rajarajeswarim


She  who  powders the  net of fear   of  her devotees. Who has  sits on shining white lotus

She who has nature  of bringing luck   , the goddess  who killed   bandasura

She  who wears shining gem ear  studs, she who sits   on the throne

The pretty   goddess   Kanthimathi   I sing  with my heart   the  goddess  of king of kings


देवानामभयप्रदां विधिनुतां दुष्टापहन्त्रीं सुखां

     देशानेकदिगन्तमध्यनिलयां देहार्धदास्यप्रियाम्

माधुर्याकरचन्द्रखण्डमकुटां देवाङ्गनासेवितां

     देवीं कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ६॥


Devaanaam  abhaya  pradhaam  vidhi nuthaam  drishtapa  hanthrim   Sukhaam

Desaaneka  digantha  Madhya  nilayaam  dehardha  dasya  priyaam

Madhuryakara    Chandra  khanda  makutaam  devanganaa  sevithaam

Devim Kanthimathi easwarim BHaje  sri  Rajarajeswarim


She who grants protection to devas, She who has Brahma as devotee , she who destroys dangers of sea and grants pleasure

She who shines   in the middle  of many counties, She who likes to serve  to other half  of the body

She who makes sweet and and has a piece of moon as crown, She who  is served by   crowd of devas

The  goddess Kanthimathi   and I sing  about the goddess  of king of kings


दुष्टाटोपविनाशनैकनिपुणां दौर्भाग्यविच्छेदिनीं

     दुर्मात्सर्यमदाभिमानमथिनीं दुःखापहां प्राणिनाम्

दुर्वारामितदैत्यभञ्जनकरीं दुःस्वप्नहन्त्रीं शिवां

     दुर्गां कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ७॥


Dushtopa   vinasanaika  nipunaam  daurbhgya  vichedhinin

Durmathsarya  madha abhimana mardhinim ,Dukhapahaam  praaninaam

Durvaaraamitha  daithya   banjana  kareem  , duswapna hanthrim    Shivaam

Durgaam Kanthimatheeswarim hrudhi bhaje  Sri   Rajarajeswarim


She who an expert  in destroying evil people, She cuts of bad luck

She who kills evil competition , and  feeling of great pride  , She who destroys sorrow of animals

She who destroys asuras    of evil  habits, she the wife of Shiva who destroys bad dreams

With whole heart I sing about Durga, goddess  kanthimathi  and goddess  of  king of kings


मन्दस्मेरमुखाम्बुजां मरकतश्यामां महावैभवां

     मातङ्गीं महिषासुरस्य शमनीं मातङ्गकुम्भस्तनीम्

मन्दारद्रुमसन्निभां सुमधुरां सिंहासनाध्यासितां

     मान्यां कान्तिमतीश्वरीं हृदि भजे श्रीराजराजेश्वरीम् ८॥


Mandhasmera  Mukhambujaam  Marakatha   shyaamaam  , maha   vaibhavaam

Mathangim  mahishasurasya   samanim , mathanga  khumba sthaneem

Mandhaara  druma   sannibhaam , Sumadhuraam   Simhasanadhyaasithaam

Maanyaam   Kanthimateeswarim   Hruthi bhaje Raja Rajeswarim


She who has  a smiling face, she who is black  like emerald, She who has very great  powers

Goddess of speech and learning , she who put down mahishasura, she who has pot like breasts  like   elephanr

She who  is like  mandharaa  tree, she who is greatly sweet, She who sits on the throne

With my heart I sing about the respectable  Kanthimathi,  the goddess   of king of kiings



इति ृङ्गेरि श्रीजगद्गुरु श्रीसच्चिदानन्दशिवाभिनवनृसिंह-

भारतीस्वामिभिः विरचितं श्रीकान्तिमतीश्वर्यष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi     SRingeri   Sri Jagad guru  Sri  Sachidananda shivaabhi  nava nrusimha

Bharathi swamibhi virachitham   Sri  Kanthimathi easwarya   ashtakam sampoornam


Thus ends the octet on Goddess   Kanthimathi composed by

Sri  Sachidananda  BHarathi   swami  of Sringeri


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