
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mahalakshmi Suprabatham

Mahalakshmi  Suprabatham

Padur Sri Raghavacharyar

Translated by

     (This is a rare  Suprabatham composed about the  goddess  of Ashta  Lakshmi temple    of Beasant nagar, Madras..I have referred to the translation of this stotra by  Dr.R.Kannan , published by   the M.B.Publishers Madras.)

1.Vishnu kanthe  Mahalakshmi , poorva   sandhya pravarthathe,
Uthishta sesha paryangath,karthavyam deivamahneekam

Oh Mahalakshmi, consort of Lord Vishnu, The  dawn   has come  ,
Please get up from   your bed   of Adhisesha and do  your morning  divine duties.

2.Uthishtothishta  Govinda  priye, jaagruhi, jaagruhi,
Sindhuje Jagadambha thwam  triloki mangalam kuru.

Arise  arise , darling of gOvinda, awake awake  ,
Oh daughter of ocean  , oh mother of universe,
Make  all the three  worlds   auspicious.

3.Jagannadha  mana kanthe  , jagadambha Dhayanidhe,
Pahi pahi   Subha lokai sthavada padhyamidham  Jagad.

Oh Dearest of the  mind of  Lord of the world  ,
Oh mother   of universe  , Oh treasure  of mercy  ,
Protect , protect it  which exists   only  because  of you.

4.Omkara  kshethra  sambhoothe mathar omkara  vigrahe  ,
Omkara garbhage devi dhayaya paraaya   avana.

Oh Mother who is the   temple of om , Who is personification of Om,
Who was born  from Om  , please look after us by your  boundless   grace.

5.Thava suprabatha mayi dugdha sindhuje,
Bhavatha  prasanna vadhane, dhaya  mayi,
Druhinadhi deva vanitha krutharhane  ,
Sruthi geeyamana vibhave  Haripriye.

Oh  daughter of ocean of milk  , you are  full of great mornings,
Oh  merciful one   , Oh Goddess   with a very pleasant face  ,
You are worshipped by all devas with   their consorts  including the   trinity  ,
Oh  dearest of Lord Hari  whose praise is sung by the Vedas.

6.TRilokyamathar  Akhileswari Vasudeva,
Vaksho  vihara  rasike, Karuna gunadye,
Swamin yupaasritha janepsitha Dhana dakshe ,
Bho Lakshmi Vishnu dhayitha  thava suprabatham.

Oh mother  of the three  worlds, Oh Goddess of the umiverse,
Who enjoys    being able   to stay  on the chest of  Lord Vishnu,who has mercy as ornament,
Who  as their master has  the habit  of  fulfilling all the desires of her devotees,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

7.Prachyaa mudhethi  savitharpitha  pankajasri,
Vipraa vishudha thanavo  mudhithantharangaa,
BHakthyaa   kruthanjali putasthava dhama  Yaanthi,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The sun when he rises in the east by his rays, opens the lotus flowers,
The Brahmins with a clean body and  a very  joyful mind,
Are  praying with folded hands  and have reached your temple,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

8,Kokaa  prahrushta manasa swa vadhupagudhaa ,
Gookaa  visanthi  darani ruha  kotaraani,
Kuthrapleeyatha thamobhiraho aseshai,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

8.The CHakravaka birds with  enraptured mind are mingling with their own bride,
The owls which get  scared by  the light , nestle in to their holes  in the trees,
And there  is no  darkness  to be   seen any where  ,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

9.Bhaanda prapoorna dhadhi mandhana  sampruvratha ,
Gopi janasya kara bhooshana nadha  misra  ,
Geetha  dwani sthava yasobhirayam  vibhaathi,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The Sound of Gopis  churning  curds  in huge pots,
Mingles with the   sound  of their  shaking bangles ,
And that of the songs  euologising   your fame,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

10.Brahamesa  SAkra dhayithaa  pathibhi  saha   swai,
Thwadeekshanam shubha karam  badha  labdhu kama ,
Dhama  thwadeeya mupayanthi   suvasthu  hastha,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The wives  of Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva    and  Indra  along with their husbands  ,
With   a great desire   to see  you   as it is auspicious  ,
Holding in hands auspicious offerings  are  approaching you,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

11.Prema prakarshatha parileeda vathsaa,
Dhenu swadheeya karunekshana  jatha poshaa m
Thwad   viswa roopa vishaye nihithaa  puraasthaad,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The Cow   which is licking  its cow    due  to ,
Its intense love , which has been mercifully  brought up by you,
Has   been made to stand before  your mega form  for worshipping,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

12.Thwad preenanaaya Nanu  heshatha yesha  vaajee,
Danthavalopi  pari brahmhitha bramhithoyam,
Naaryo  naarascha    drutha  mangala  vasthu  jaatha,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

For pleasing you  the  horses are prettily neighing,
And the elephants are going about trumpeting   in a special manner,
And Ladies and men  have come carrying   auspicious  things,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

13.Supthothithaa janaani   panchara  Madhya bhaajo,
Leela sukhaspadhi  buktha paya  phaladhyaa,
Naamaani they  pari padanthi supaavanaani,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

For   waking up their mother the playful parrots   in their cages,
Which are eating milk  and fruits  which were   earlier offered to you  ,
Are keeping on repeating   your name which is very holy,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

14.SAth punya rasi khani bharatha bhoo nivasi,
SAdhu priyankara manohara   divya  moorthe  ,
Artharthi haarini dhayamayi  loka mathaa,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

Oh Auspecious   goddess  who is very   dear   to all those
Who live   in this Bharatha  from where blessed deeds are mined,
Who   destroys  worries and sufferings   , and who is the  universal merciful mother,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

15.Yelaadhi   choorna  Ghana  saara  vimisra theerthaa,
SAmpoorna kanchana  ghataan   sirasaa vahantha,
Santho visanthi  bhavanam   thava vadhya goshai,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The saints  are entering  your  temple accompanied by sound of musical instruments,
Carrying on their  head   golden pots  filled up,
With  the  sacred waters   which are mixed with powder of cardamom and camphor,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

16.Klupthahneeka sruthi vidha shubha seela vruthaa,
Shudhaa  yime athra bhavathi pari poojanaaya,
Thwad pada padma mupasevya nuvanthi bhakthyaa,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

Those who rituals properly, those who know Vedas  well, Those who behave  with good character  ,
Cleanse themselves  in the early morning so that   they can worship you,
And those devotees have come to your temple to worship your lotus like feet,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

17.Indra agni dharma pathiyaathu papaasivathaa,
Yakshesa bhootha pathayo ashta dasaam adheesa,
Seva parasthava kruthanjalayo vibhaanthi,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

Indra, fire god , Yama , niryati, varuna,The wind God,
The God  of Yakshas Khubera and Eesana who are the guardians  of eight directions,
With a view   to serve you  , Are standing  with folded hands,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

18.Yetho graham  nava Ravi indhu suthendra  bhouma,
SWarbhanu , kethu  , sura gurva asurarya  mandhaa,
THwad kinkara  sthava padabja  nishevanothkaa,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The nine planets   , the sun, the moon  . his son mars   , the son of earth,
Rahu , Kethu  , the guru of devas , Guru of Asuras and Saturn,
Who war    your servants are waiting to wash your lotus like feet,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

19.Mandhakini jala vigaahana pootha dehaa,
Sandhyaam upaasya rishayo  nanu saptha divyai,
Pushpaisthavadarhanaavidhou  thwarayopayaathaa ,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The very  holy seven sages  after  taking their bath 
In the   water of ganges ,and after finishing the rituals of dawn,
Have plucked  flowers from divine trees and have  come  speedily to worship you,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

20.Valmeekaye   munivaraya  nijopadishtam,
Thwath kantha manasa vaseekarana  praveenam,
Gayan upaithi  charitham   thava  Naradoyam,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.

The great sage  Vamiki   who was  advised properly  ,
Had written  your   story that  can attract   your consort
And sage  Narada   has come near you   singing that story,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

21.Swar loka nirvahana karmaani   yasya  medhaam,
Indra sammichathi sadaa  sa guru  suraanaam,
Dhamni sthitha padathi thedhya  dhinasya   shuddhim,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham.
Indra to get   advice on how   to maintain heavens,
Sought the intellect  of Brahaspathi  , the guru of devas ,
And  that  great Guru  has come to your temple  to  read  daily Panchanga,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

22.Thwad vesamani  priya mahorasi bhasamana  ,
Sadrathna dapana sameekshana  kauthavena  ,
Saubrathrabhooma bahumanitha  kaushthbe amba,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham

22.You live shining  in the heart of  Lord Mahavishnu,
And we are able to see  your image in the gem studded mirror,
And oh mother  did not the gem Kausthubha came out of milky  ocean and is your brother
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

23.Nanaaa vapoomshi  bhajatha   sritha rakshanartha,
Pathyu   priyasthadhanu roopa thanoo asrayanthi,
Thad dharmasahyaa karanaa charithaarthathaswe,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham

Your husband undertakes  suitable and proper forms,
For   protecting his devotees who pray him in many lovely ways,
And  as one who assists in his dharma also help him and get fame,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

24.Maanathilangi mahimai  kani ketha bhoothe  ,
Deenartha   dhunanachanaswadhaye anavadhye,
Om kara  paththana subhagya phalayidathman,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham

Oh Goddess  whose greatness  is something which is beyond measure,
Who removes the  problems and pains  of those who are distressed,
You have  become the soul  of  giving  great luck, in the   city of  “Om”*,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.
                    * AShta Lakshmi temple in Beasant nagar

25.Viswam vibhavya bhava sagara  maghnamaddha,
Thad rakshane kaunnayaththa  shubhashta  moorthim,
Omkara namani pure   kalithadhivasam,
Bho Lakshmi  , Vishnu  Dhayithe   thava suprabatham

Realizing that  this world   is  steeped in  the ocean of Samsara ,
For saving it  , due to your mercy you took eight  different forms,
And  you are    always  living  in the city   called  “om”,
Oh Lakshmi, darling of Vishnu, A very good morning to you.

26.Maha Lakshmi suprabatha   sthuthim ye  ,
Naraa  shuddhaa  prathyaham   sampadanthi,
Yasastheshaam   vaagmithaam   vanchitham cha  ,
SWayam Lakshmi   suprasanna vidhaayeth.

Those humans  who read  with  great cleanliness ,
This wishes for a  good morning   to Mahalakshmi  ,
Will get  fame  , power  of oration   and fulfillment all their desires ,
And  Mahalakshmi  along with Lord Vishnu  would become  pleased with them.

27.Vedantha   DEsika  padambhuja bhakthi bhaaja,
Sri Raghavena  kavinaa   saralena  Githa,
Sri Suprabatha  Vishayaa  Sthuthiricha bhavaa ,
Lakshmim dhinothu   harimapya anaghaa   sadaishaa.

The poet Raghava   who  has great devotion ,
To the lotus like   feet of  Swami Vedantha  DEsika,
Has sung this   Suprabatham   as a   prayer  ,
So that  Goddess  Lakshmi who dwells in the heart of Hari is pleased.

      Ithi sri padur   purabhijana sarala kavi vidwad Raghavacharya,
               Kruthi Maha Lakshmi   suprabatha   sampoorna.

    Thus ends the  Suprabatham of Goddess  Mahalakshmi  composed by
              The great scholar   and poet Padur   Sri Raghavacharyar.

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