
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

नीलकंठ अघोर मंत्र स्तोत्र-Neelakanta Aghora Stotram

नीलकंठ अघोर मंत्र स्तोत्र
Neelakanta Aghora Stotram

Prayer to lOrd Shiva as Neelakanta

Translated  by

Image result for Lord Neelakanta

If you feel some one has used black  magic against you, read this stotra once keeping a small pot of water and after that thinking of lord Shiva sprinkle that  water   all over the  house,it would be also better if you give small quantity of that   water to all those present to drink
Read this great prayer with faith  and firm belief, then you  will definitely get result. This also prevents unnatural death, if you chant it  daily in the morning.The chanting of the stotra should be started  on some monday 
Shri Neelkanth Stotram is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Neelkanth is another name of Lord Shiva which means the one with blue throat. Lord Shiva drank the halahala poison which came out during churning of sea. The poison started spreading in his body. Soon the deadly poison started affecting Lord Shiva and His body started turning blue. Alarmed by the fast spreading of the poison, Goddess Parvati entered Lord Shiva's throat in the form of a Mahavidya and controlled the poison to his throat. Thus, Lord Shiva became blue-throated and came to be known as Neelkanth.


अस्य श्री भगवान नीलकंठ सदा-शिव-स्तोत्र मंत्रस्य श्री ब्रह्मा ऋषिः, अनुष्ठुप छन्दः, श्री नीलकंठ सदाशिवो देवता, ब्रह्म बीजं, पार्वती शक्तिः, मम समस्त पाप क्षयार्थंक्षे -स्थै-आर्यु-आरोग्य-अभिवृद्धयर्थं मोक्षादि-चतुर्वर्ग-साधनार्थं श्री नीलकंठ-सदाशिव-प्रसाद-सिद्धयर्थे जपे विनियोगः।

Om asya  Sri Bhagwan  Neelakanta, Sadha Shiva   Stotra  Manthrasya, Sri Brahma  Rishi, Anushtup Chanda, Sri Neelakanta  SadhaShivo  DEvatha, Brahma Bheejam, Parvathi Sakthi, Mama samastha papa Kshyartha Kshema stairya AAyu aarogya abhivrudhyartham, mokshaadhi  chathur varga saadhanaartham cha Sri Neelakanta Sadhashiva prasadha  Sidhyarthe Jape  Viniyoga

For the neelakanta  Sadhashiva  manthra prayer, the sage is Brahma, the meter  is Anushtup, the God addressed is  Neelakanta  Sadhashiva, the seed  is Brahma, the  power is Parvathi and for complete destruction  of all my sins, for improvement   of pleasant life and stability of life span and health, for getting the four things    Dharma, Prosperity , Desires   and salvation, I  am chanting  this manthra.

Rishyaadhi nyasa
Salutations  Sages and others

श्री ब्रह्मा ऋषये नमः शिरसि। अनुष्टुप छन्दसेनमः मुखे। श्री नीलकंठ सदाशिव देवतायै नमः हृदि। ब्रह्म बीजाय नमः लिंगे। पार्वती शक्त्यैनमः नाभौ। मम समस्त पाप क्षयार्थंक्षेम-स्थै-आर्यु-आरोग्य-अभिवृद्धयर्थं मोक्षादि-चतुर्वर्ग-साधनार्थंच श्री नीलकंठ-सदाशिव-प्रसाद-सिद्धयर्थे जविनियोगाय नमः सर्वांगे।

Sri Brahma  Rishye  nama Sirasi.Anushtup Chandase nama Mukhe , Sri Neelakanta Sadashiva Devathaayai  nama hrudhi, Brahma  Bheejayai Nama Linge, Parvathi  Sakthyai  nama Naabhi
Mama samastha papa Kshyartha Kshema stairya AAyu aarogya abhivrudhyartham, mokshaadhi  chathur varga saadhanaartham cha Sri Neelakanta Sadhashiva prasadha  Sidhyarthe Jape  Viniyogaya  nama  Sarvange

Touch head   after saying  Sri Brahma  Rishaye nama
Touch face    after   saying  Anushtup   Chandhase  nama
Touch the chest   after   saying Sri Neelakanta Sadashiva Devathaayai  nama
Touch privae parts   after   saying Brahma  Bheejayai Nama
Touch the belly    after saying Parvathi  Sakthyai  nama
Touch all  parts of the body    after  saying Mama samastha papa Kshyartha Kshema stairya AAyu aarogya abhivrudhyartham, mokshaadhi  chathur varga saadhanaartham cha Sri Neelakanta Sadhashiva prasadha  Sidhyarthe Jape  Viniyogaya  nama 


नमो नीलकंठाय, श्वेत-शरीराय, सर्पा लंकार भूषिताय, भुजंग परिकराय, नागयज्ञो पवीताय, अनेक मृत्यु विनाशाय नमः।
युग युगांत काल प्रलय-प्रचंडाय, प्र ज्वाल-मुखाय नमः।
दंष्ट्राकराल घोर रूपाय हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा।
 ज्वालामुखाय, मंत्र करालाय, प्रचंडार्क सहस्त्रांशु चंडाय नमः।
कर्पूर मोद परिमलांगाय नमः।

Om Namo Neelakantaya, swetha sareeraaya, sarpa alankara  bhooshithaaya, Bhujanga parikaraaya, Naga Yajnopaveethaaya, aneka mruthyu vinasaya nama.
Yuga yugaantha  kala  pralaya  prachandaaya, Projwala  Mukhaya nama,
Damshtraa karaala   ghora   roopaaya  Hoom hoom   phat   swaha.
Jwaalaa mukhaaya manthra  karaalaaya prachanda arka saharamsu   chandaaya nama
Karpoora  modha parimalaangaaya  nama.

Om Salutation to  Blue necked God  , who has white body, who wears serpent as decoration, who wears serpent as waist band, who wears serpent as  sacred thread, and  who destroyed several deaths  ,salutations
Who was strong  like a hurricane over several yugas   and pralayas and salutation to the shining  important one
The god who has a form terrible protruding teeth, hoom, hoom, phat, swaha
He who has a lustrous face, who has terrible manthras and who has shine like   thousand sun gods  , salutatios to him
Salutations to the sweet smelling body  and who becomes happy with camphor

ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रीं स्फुर अघोर रूपाय रथ रथ तंत्र तंत्र चट् चट् कह कह मद मद दहन दाहनाय ह्रीं स्फुर स्फुर प्रस्फुर प्रस्फुर घोर घोर तनुरूप चट चट प्रचट प्रचट कह कह वम वम बंध बंध घातय घातय हूं फट् जरा मरण भय हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा।

अनंताघोर ज्वर मरण भय क्षय कुष्ठ व्याधि विनाशाय, शाकिनी डाकिनी ब्रह्मराक्षस दैत्य दानव बंधनाय, अपस्मार भूत बैताल डाकिनी शाकिनी सर्व ग्रह विनाशाय, मंत्र कोटि प्रकटाय पर विद्योच्छेदनाय, हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा। आत्म मंत्र सरंक्षणाय नमः।

Om hreem, hreem  Hreem   sphura   aghora  roopaya, Radha radha    thanthra thanthra   chat chat , kaha kaha madha madha dhahana   daahanaaya hreem   sphura sphura prasphura prasphura ghora ghora   thanu roopa chata  chata prachata  kaha kaha  vama vama bandha bandha bhathaya ghathaya hoom phatr jaraa marana  bhaya hoom hoom  phat swaha 
Anatha ghora jwara marana bhaya kshaya  kushta vyaadhi vinasaya  , sakini  , dakini , brahma raksHas daithya dhanava bandhanaaya, apasmara  bhootha vetala  , dakini, sakini   sarva graha vinasaya  manthra koti prakataaya para  vidhyo chedhanaaya hum  hum phat  swaha.Aathma  manthra  samrakshanaaya nama

Om Hreem, hreem , who shines with hreem , who has a  terrible form, split split  , thanthra , thanthraCrackle, crackle  , say say , burning exhuberance  burning  hreem  light light  , flash , flash  , terrible , terrible, has the form of body split, split , split greatly  say say , eject, eject  , tie tie , burn burn fear of old age   and death   , hum phat swaha

Destroyer of  fear of death  due to terrible   endless   fevaer  , destroyer  of leprosy  , The one who ties Sakini, Dakini  , Brahma Rakshas, Rakshasas   and asuras, , the destroyer of epilepsy , bhoothas, vetalas  , Dakini, sakini and all evil grahas, who comes before us if one crore manthras are chanted, Who cuts off black magic Hum phat swaha  Salutation to him who protects   the manthra   for the soul.

ह्रां ह्रीं हौं नमो भूत डामरी ज्वालवश भूतानां द्वादश भू तानांत्रयो दश षोडश प्रेतानां पंच दश डाकिनी शाकिनीनां हन हन।
दहन दारनाथ! एकाहिक द्वयाहिक त्र्याहिक चातुर्थिक पंचाहिक व्याघ्य पादांत वातादि वात सरिक कफ पित्तक काश श्वास श्लेष्मादिकं दह दह छिन्धि छिन्धि श्रीमहादेव निर्मित स्तंभन मोहन वश्याकर्षणोच्चाटन कीलना द्वेषण इति षट् कर्माणि वृत्य हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा।

Om Hraam  hreem  hroum  Namo bhootha  daamari   jwalavasa bhoothaanaam   dwadasa  bhoothanaam thrayo  , dasa shodasa  prethaanaam , pancha dasa  dakini saakineenaam  hana hana

Om Hraam hreem hroum  Kill kill  ghosts with drum  . ghosts with flame, twelve type of ghosts forty six type of moving dead bodies and 50 dakini   and Sakinis

Dahana  adaaranaadha   yekaaahika   chathurthika   panchahika   vyaaghya   paadantha vaadhaadhi  vatha sarika kapha pithaka kasa swasa sleshmaadhikam  daha daha, chindhi , chindhi   sri Maha deva nirmitha stambhana mohana  vasyakarshanoccatana, keelana dweshana ithi shad karmaani  vruthya  hoom hoom  phat   swaha

The Lord of the basis  of digestion, once, four times.  Five times explained   in the end, the three  body  constituents of Vatha, Pitha and Kapha cause   the disease  of the lung   breath and burning of the stomach, let all these  get burnt burnt. Let them be torn, torn Let the   stiff, attractive and attracting   chanting made by Lord Shiva  help to increase  the  stopping of hateread   and let the six activities  increase, increase hum phat swaha

वात-ज्वर मरण-भय छिन्न छिन्न नेह नेह भूतज्वर प्रेतज्वर पिशाचज्वर रात्रिज्वर शीतज्वर तापज्वर बालज्वर कुमारज्वर अमितज्वर दहनज्वर ब्रह्मज्वर विष्णुज्वर रूद्रज्वर मारीज्वर प्रवेशज्वर कामादि विषमज्वर मारी ज्वर प्रचण्ड घराय प्रमथेश्वर! शीघ्रं हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा।

Vatha  , jwara  marana  bhaya chinnaa china
Neha neha   bhoothajwara, prethajwara  , pisacha  jwara, rathri  jwara, seethe jwara, thapajwara, bala jwara, amitha jwara, dahana   jwara, Brahma  Jwara, Vishnu jwara, Rudra jwara Maarijwara, Pravesa  jwara, Kaamaadhi  Vishamajjwara, Maari jwara prachanda gharaaya , pramadheswara seeegram  hoom hoom phat swaha

The fever  due to gas  , the  fear of death may be clipped clipped,
May be governed , may be governed, fever  due to ghost  , fever due to dead body , fever due to devil, fever at night, fever  due to cold, fever due to heat  , fever of children , too much fever, fever due to indigestion , fever due to Brahma  , fever due to Vishnu, Fever due to Shiva, fear due to famine, fear   due to entry, poisonous fever due to passion, fever   due to poison, fever due to heavy rain , let   the terrible first god of our home with great speed  put an end

।।ॐ नमो नीलकंठाय, दक्षज्वर ध्वंसनाय श्री नीलकंठाय नमः।।
Om Sri Neelakandaaya Dakshajwara Dwamsanaaya  Sri Neelakantaya nama

।।इतिश्री नीलकंठ स्तोत्र  संपूर्ण:।।
Ithi Sri  Neela Kanta stotram sampooranam
Here ends the prayer   to Neelakanta

1 comment:

  1. Namaskaram sir,

    There is another Aghora mantra that is mostly chanted during Homas esp in Kerala & Tamilnad which is also known as Aghora Mantra which starts OM Hreem Sphura sphura Prasphura Prasphura Ghora ghora... can you write and give the mantra in its entirety too sir.

    Thank you
