
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chandra shekara ashtothara satha stotram

Chandra shekara   ashtothara   satha stotram

Translated  by

(these   can be used for worshipping the photo of Jagadguru  on anusham day of the month or it can be used for regular reading)

1.Sri Chandra shekarendra asmad   acharyaya  namo nama-Salutations to my Acharya Chandrashekarendra  saraswathi

2.Sri Chandra mauli padabjaya madhupaaya  namo ama- Salutations to him who is like a bee  on the feet ofLord Shiva

3Acharya padadhishtanaabhishikthaaya   namo nama-Salutations to him who has been anointed  in place  of Adhi Sankara

4Sarvjnaacharya bhavath   swaroopaya  namo nama- Salutations to the   all knowing Adhi Sankaracharya 

5.Ashtanga yoga nishtaa garishtaaya namo nama- Salutations to him who is best among those   who practice  Ashtanga yoga

6,Sankaadhi maha yogi sadrusaaya  namo nama- Salutations    to him who is similar   to the great yogi Sanaka

7Mahadevendra hasthaabja sanjaathaya  namo nama- Salutations to the student of Mahadevendra

8,Maha yogi vinirbhedhya mahathwaaya  namo nama   -Salutations to him who can be only known to grear yogis

9Kama koti mahapeetaadhiswaraya   namo Nama-  Salutations to the one who is the lord of Kamkoti peet

10Kali dosha nivruthyaika karanaya namo nama-Salutations to him who was the cause of removal of sins of  Kali age

11.Sri Sankara  padhamboja  chinthakayai namao nama- Salutations to him who thins about lotus like  feet of Adhi Sankara

12Bharathi  krutha jihwagra narthanayai namo nama- Salutations   to him who  dances on the tip of toungue  of Saraswathi

13Karuna rasa kallola kadakshayai  namo nama- Salutations to him whose sight has waves of merciful   look

14Kanthi nirjitha suryendhu kamrabhayai  namo nama-Salutations to him  who by his luster   won over   the sun and the moon

15Ananthananths krunmandha gamanaaya namo nama-Salutations to him who walks slowly and grants     great joy.

16Adhvaidhananda bharitha chid  roopayai namo nama-Salutations him who has divine   form filled  with Advaitha

17Katee thata lasad charu kaashayayai namo nama- Salutations to him who shines  in the pretty ochre robe tied to his hip

18Kadaksha maathra mokshechaa janakaaya namo nama-Salutations  to him who kindles desire forsalvation by his look by   the corner of his eye

19Bahu danda  lasad venu dandakayai  namo nama-Salutations to him who has a staff resembling  the  shining   flute

20.Phalabhagalasad  tripundakaya  namo nama-Salutatrions to him who has shining three lines of ash on his forehead

21Darahasa   sphurad  dhivya  nukhabjayayi namo nama-Salutations to him wh with his  smile makes his lotus  like face shine

22Sudhaa madhurim aa manju bhashanayai  namo nama-  Salutations whose   pretty speech is as sweet as nectar

23Thapaneeya  thiraskari sareeraya namo nama-Salutations to him whose body has the shine  of sun god

24Thapa   prabhavirajathvaath drusaaya  namo nama-Salutations to him  who has a shining eye due to the power of his eyes

25sAngeethananda sandhoha sarvasvaaya namo nama-Salutations to him who is everything due to  his drowning in joy of music

26Samaraambudhi nirmagna tharakaaya  namo nama-Salutations to the one who brings ashore  those drowned in the  ocean of  Samsara

27Masthokollasi   rudraksha makutaaya  namo nama- Salutations to him who wears a crown of Rudraksha   on his heas

28Saakshad parashivaamogha darsanaaya  namo nama- Salutations to him who shows himself like the    real  God Paramashiva

29Chakshur gath maha thejo athujjwalaaya namo nama-Salutations to him who shines due to great  luster  in his eyes

30Saakshath krutha jaganmathru swaroopaaya  namo nama-Salutations to him who resewmbles the real  mother of the world

31Kwachith Bala janadhyantha sulabhaaya  namo nama-Salutations to who is as easy as   a child

32Kwacxhith maajanaatheeva dush praapyaya  namo naa- Salutations who cannot be easily    attained  by important  people

33Go brahmana hitha saktha manasaya namo nama-Salutations who had a mind partial to  the good of cows and Brahmins

34Guru mandala   sambhaavya videhaaya namo nama-  Salutations who can attain bodulessness and merge  the  Guru mandala

35Bhava  mathra santhushta hrudhayaya  namo nama-Salutations to him  who can become contended only  by good thoughts

36Bhavyaathi bhavya  dhivya sri padabhjaaya  namo  nama- Salutations  toi him who has a divine lotus like feet

37Vyakavyaktharanaika chithkalaaya  namo nama-Salutations to him who has several divine crescents which are clear as well as not clear

38Raktha shukla prabha misra padhukayai namo nama- Salutations to him who has foot wear of the mixed colour of red and wgite

39Bhaktha manasa  jeeva bhavanaaya  namo nama=DSalutaions to him who lives in the lotus like  mind of his devotees

40Bhaktha lochana neeraaja bhaskaraaaya  namo nama-  Salutations to him who is a sun giving joy to the eyes of devotees

41 Bhktha kama latha kalpa padhapaaya namo nama-salutaions top him who is the wish giving tree  who fuldfills wishes of his devotees

42Bhakthi mukthi  pradhanaika sakthidhaaya  namo nama-Salutations to him who has power  to grant devotion as well  as  salvation

43Saranagatha dheenartha rakshakaaya   namo nama- Salutations to him who protects poor and suffering who surrender   to him

44Samadhi shatka sampath  pradhayakaya  nama- Salutations to  him who can give six  types of  wealth  to us

45Sarvadhaa sarvadhaa loka soukhyadhayai nama-Salutaaions to him  who always and always thinks about welfare  of people

46Sadaa nava nava aakamshayaa darsanaaya namo nama- Salutations to him who sees new and new   worries in people

47Sarva hrudh paksha   sanchara  nipunaaya  namo nama-Salutations  to him who is an expert in travelling in the  mind  of people

48Sarvangatrha parijnana samardhaaya  namo nama- Salutations tohim who is expert in knowing  the  wants of every one

49 Swapna   darsana  bhaktheshta sidhidhaaya namo nama- Salutations to him who appears in dreams and fulfills the wants of devotees

50Sarva vasthu vyvasyathma nama-Salutations To him who sees Atma   in everything

51Dheenabhakthavanai kantha deekshithaya  namo naa-Salutations to him who had taken penance to protect poor and suffering devotees

52Jnana    yoga balaiswarya maanithaya  namo nama-  Salutations to him who is a celebrated for strength of jnanabala

53Bhava  madhurya kalithaa bhayadhaaya  namo nama-Salutations who grants good  things as  per our thoughts

54.Sarva bhootha ganaameya Souhardhaya  namo nama  -Salutations to him who has love towards all  beings

55.Mookeebhoothaneka  loka  vakpradhaaya  namo nama-Salutaions   to him who gave speech   to dumb people

56.Sheetalee kruthaahruthaapa  sevakaya  nama-Salutations to him who removes sufferings of the mind of devotees and who is served by them

57.Bhoga moksha pradhaaneka yogjnaaya  namo nama-Salutations to him who knew several methods of yoga leading to   enjoyment   and  salvation

58.Seegra sidhi dharaaneka yogajnaaya  namo nama-Salutations who teaches  people how to get quick results

59Amanithwaadhi  mukhyaartha sidhidhaya  namo nama  -Salutations to him   who grants   sidhis like humility to his devotees

60.Akhandaika  rasananda prabodhaaya namo nama- Salutations  who teaches about methods to get infinite joy

61.Nithyanithyaviveka pradhayakaaya namo nama- Salutatons to him who gives temporary and permanent   wisdom

62Prathyegatha rasaa akhanda chithsukhaya  nama-  Salutations   to him who give joy   to the soul of each    and everyone

63yihamuthraartha      vairaghya sidhidhaya namo nama- Salutations to him  who creates disinterest in  joy in this and other  worlds

64Maha moha nirvruthyartha mnthadhaaya namo nama-Salutations to him, who gives manthra  to remove   great passion

65  .Kshethra kshethrajna prathyeka drushtidhaya  namo nama-  Salutations  who created the knowledge  of  Kshethra   and Kshethragna

66Kshaya   vrudhi  viheenathmaa saukhyadhaya   namo nama – salutations  to him who gives  joy of soul which neither  increases  nor decreases

67.Thoolajnana  viheenaathma thrupthidhaya namo nama-Salutatons to him who removes ignorance completely and gives satisfaction to the soul

68.Moola jnana Badhithathmaa  bukthidhaya  namo nama- Salutations who   gives wisdom of the soul not affected   by basic ignorance

69Bhranthi meghocchatana prapanjanaaya  namo nama-  Salutations  to him who is like the wind that   dispels the cloud  called misunderstanding

70.santhi vrushti pradhamogha jaladhaya  namo nama  -Salutations to him who is the cloud casing    rain called peace.

71Yeka kala krutha aneka   darsanaaya  namo nama-  Salutations to him  who gives  darsana for several  people

72Yekantha  bhaktha   sambhedhya swagathaaya   namo nama-Salutation to him who has a mind which can be known to the lonely devotees

73Sri chakra radha nirmana supradhaya  namo nama  -Salutations   to the expert in construction of Sri Chakra   chariot

74,Sri kalyana  thara ameya   suslokaya namo nama    -  Salutations to him who has extensive auspicious   qualities

75Aasrathaasrayaneeyathvaa prapakaaya   namo nama- Salutations He who makes what  is needed to be reached    to those    who depend on him.

76Akhilandeswari karna  bhooshakaaya  Nmo nama-Salutations  to one who made ear ornament to Akhilandeswari

77Sasishya gana yaathraa vidhayakaaya namo nama- Salutations to the one who travelled  with group of his disciples

78Sadhu sangha nuthameya charanaaya namo nama-Salutations to  him  wose  feet is worshipped by saints

79Abhinnathmaikya vijana pramodhayayaya namo nama- Salutations to him who  taught wide variety  of knowledge

80Bhinnabhinna mathai schaapi poojithaaya  namo nama- Salutations to him   who was worshipped  by people of different  religions
81Thathadvibhagas sadosha  dhayakaya  namo nama-Salutations  to him who taught people    according to their capability

82,Thathad bhasha prakatitha swageethaya  namo nama-Salutations  to him who can teach in various languages

83Thathra thathra  kruthaneka sath karyaya  namo nama- Salutations   to him who has done good activities in different places

84Chitha chitra prabhava prasidhakaaya namaa- salutations to him who has varied type of different powers

85.Lokanugraha kruth karma nishtithaya namo nama- Salutations to him who is engaged in activities which are   good to the world

86.Lokodathi mahad bhoori  niyamaya  namo nama-  Salutations    to him who observes various penances to the good  of the world

87Sarva vedantha sidantha sammathaaya namo nama-Salutations to him   who accepted different vedanthic philosophy

88.Karma brahathma karana marma jnana namo nama-  Salutations  to him who knows the theory   in offering to Brahma all activies

89Varnasrama sdachara  rakshakaaya namo nama-  Salutations to him who protected the varnashrama dharmas

90Dharmartha kama moksha pradhayakaya namo nama-Salutations to the one who gives Dharma prosperity  , passion   and salvation

91Padha vaakya   pramaanaadhi parinaaya namo nama- Salutations to him who was an expert in grammar, dharma and meemamsa

92 Padha bhoolanathaaneks pandithaya  namo nama- Salutations   to him who was saluted by various   earned people

93Veda sasthratha sadgoshtivilaasaaya namo nama  - Salutatio ns  to him who shines because of the   group of Vedas and sastras

94Veda sastra puraanaadhi vicharanaaya  namo nama-  Salutations to him  who explained  Vedas Sastras and Puranas

95Veda vedadanthathva prabodhakaaya nama-Salutations to him who explained Vedas and philosophy of  Vedas

96Veda marga pramanaprakhyapakaaya  nama – Salutations   to him who   brought out   the meaning of  the principles of path of Vedas

97,Nirneendra thejovijitha nidhradhyaya namo nama- Salutations  to him who by his power of penance won the pleasure of sleep

98Niranthara  mahananda sampoornaaya  namo  nama  - Salutations   to him who is always filled with great joy

99Swabhava  madhurodhara gambheeryaya  namo nama- Salutations  to him whose conduct  is sweet generous   and majestic

100Sahajananda sampoorna   sagaraaya  namo nama-  Salutations   to him  who is like ocean filled  with joy  which comes out of self

101Nadha bindu   kalaatheetha  vaibhavaaya  namo nama- Salutations to him-Salutations  - Salutations to him who has greatness  of  knowing absoulute   status of Brahman

102.Vada bhedha viheenaathmaa bodhakaaya   namo nama- Salutations to him  who  explains to us the nature of Athma without  controversies and differences

103Dwadasantha   maha peeta nishannaya  namo nama- Salutations to him who sits in tepeeta at the end of twelve  stages

104Desa  kala parichinna drugrooopaya nama-  Salutations to him   who has a visible   form not affected by  time and place

105Nirmaana   santhi mahitha nischalaaya  namo nama- Salutations  to him who  is celebrated for his  absence of pride  and his peace

106Nirlakshya lakshya samlakshya nirlepaya  namo nama- Salutations to him who has aim, is aimless and has great  aim

107Sri shodasantha kamala  susthithayai naa- Salutations to him   who sits firmly  of sixteen petal lotus flower

108 ri Chandra shekarendra  sri saraswathyai  namo nama- Salutations to sri  Chandrashekara  Saraswathi

Phala sruthi

Ithyedath guru devasya  naamnaam ashtotharam satham,
Padanaath, poojanaath dhyanaath  bakthanaam   ishta sidhidham

If these one hundred and eight  names  of  the great guru,
Or read, used for worship  or meditated by  devotee, their  wishes  would be fulfilled

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