
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ramayana from Narayaneeyam


Ramayam as told in Narayaneeyam


Translated by



(Narayaneeyam is an abridged  version of Bhagawatham. Dasakam 34   and 35   deal with story of Rama)


Dasakam 34 Story of Rama till the meeting with Hanuman

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 34 --

Hear the Dasakam 34




Dasakam 34 Story of Rama till the meeting with Hanuman

(This Dasakam relates the story of Rama, till he meet Lord Hanuman)

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 01
गीर्वाणैरर्थ्यमानो दशमुखनिधनं कोसलेष्वृश्यशृङ्गे
पुत्रीयामिष्टिमिष्ट्वा ददुषि दशरथक्ष्माभृते पायसाग्र्यम्
तद्भुक्त्या तत्पुरन्ध्रीष्वपि तिसृषु समं जातगर्भासु जातो
रामस्त्वं लक्ष्मणेन स्वयमथ भरतेनापि शत्रुघ्ननाम्ना ॥१॥

giirvaaNairarthyamaanO dashamukhanidhanaM kOsaleShvR^ishyashR^inge
putriiyaamiShTimiShTvaa daduShi dasharathakshmaabhR^ite paayasaagryam |
tadbhuktyaa tatpurandhriiShvapi tisR^iShu samaM jaatagarbhaasu jaatO
raamastvaM lakshmaNena svayamatha bharatenaapi shatrughna naamnaa || 1

Sage Rishyasringa performed a fire sacrifice in Kosala,
Called Puthra kameshti, and gave the potent payasam,
Arising out of the sacrificial fire to king Dasratha,
And eating that payasam his three queens became pregnant,
And later you were born as Rama along with ,
Bharatha, Lakshmana and Shatrugna to these queens,
Fulfilling the word given to devas to kill Ravana. 34.1

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 02
कोदण्डी कौशिकस्य क्रतुवरमवितुं लक्ष्मणेनानुयातो
यातोऽभूस्तातवाचा मुनिकथितमनुद्वन्द्वशान्ताध्वखेद:
नृणां त्राणाय बाणैर्मुनिवचनबलात्ताटकां पाटयित्वा
लब्ध्वास्मादस्त्रजालं मुनिवनमगमो देव सिद्धाश्रमाख्यम् ॥२॥

kOdaNDii kaushikasya kratuvaramavituM lakshmaNenaanuyaatO
yaatO(a)bhuustaatavaachaa munikathita manudvandvashaantaadhva khedaH |
nR^INaaM traaNaaya baaNairmuni vachanabalaat taaTakaaM paaTayitvaa
labdhvaa(a)smaadastra jaalaM munivanamagamO deva siddhaashramaakhyam || 2

Oh God , with the permission of your father , you along with Lakshmana,
Armed with a bow went along with sage Viswamithra to protect his fire sacrifice,
And due to the two chants taught by the sage you did not have any travel problems,
And as per the words of the sage you killed Thadaga for the good of mankind,
And you reached his hermitage along with several divine arrows given by the saint. 34.2

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 03
मारीचं द्रावयित्वा मखशिरसि शरैरन्यरक्षांसि निघ्नन्
कल्यां कुर्वन्नहल्यां पथि पदरजसा प्राप्य वैदेहगेहम्
भिन्दानश्चान्द्रचूडं धनुरवनिसुतामिन्दिरामेव लब्ध्वा
राज्यं प्रातिष्ठथास्त्वं त्रिभिरपि समं भ्रातृवीरैस्सदारै: ॥३॥

maariichaM draavayitvaa makhashirasi sharairanyarakshaamsi nighnan
kalyaaM kurvannahalyaaM pathi padarajasaa praapya vaidehageham |
bhindaanashchaandrachuuDaM dhanuravanisutaamindiraameva labdhvaa
raajyaM praatiShThathaastvaM tribhirapi cha samaMbhraatR^iviiraissadaaraiH || 3

In the beginning of the fire sacrifice you drove away Mareecha with your arrows,
And later killed other asuras and on the way you liberated Ahalya from her curse,
And reaching the city of Mithila , you broke the bow of Lord Shiva,
And married Sita who was really Goddess Lakshmi but was the daughter of earth,
And returned back to your country after marriage along with your brothers and their wives. 34.3

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 04

आरुन्धाने रुषान्धे भृगुकुल तिलके संक्रमय्य स्वतेजो
याते यातोऽस्ययोध्यां सुखमिह निवसन् कान्तया कान्तमूर्ते
शत्रुघ्नेनैकदाथो गतवति भरते मातुलस्याधिवासं
तातारब्धोऽभिषेकस्तव किल विहत: केकयाधीशपुत्र्या ॥४॥

aarundhaane ruShaandhe bhR^igukulatilake sankramayya svatejO
yaate yaatO(a)syayOdhyaaM sukhamiha nivasan kaantayaa kaantamuurte |
shatrughnenaikadaa(a)thO gatavati bharate maatulasyaadhi vaasaM
taataarabdhO(a)bhiShekastava kila vihataH kekayaadhiisha putryaa ||4

After the very angry Parsurama stopped you on the way and gave you his own luster,
You reached Ayodhya , Oh pretty Lord and lived in your palace with Sita happily,
And when Bharatha with Shathrugna had gone to his uncle’s house for a stay,
When your father wanted to celebrate your coronation,
It so happened that it was prevented by the daughter of king of Kekaya. 34.4

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 05

तातोक्त्या यातुकामो वनमनुजवधूसंयुतश्चापधार:
पौरानारुध्य मार्गे गुहनिलयगतस्त्वं जटाचीरधारी।
नावा सन्तीर्य गङ्गामधिपदवि पुनस्तं भरद्वाजमारा-
न्नत्वा तद्वाक्यहेतोरतिसुखमवसश्चित्रकूटे गिरीन्द्रे ॥५॥

taatOktyaa yaatukaamO vanamanuja vadhuusanyutashchaapadhaaraH
pauraanaarudhya maarge guhanilayagatastvaM jaTaachiiradhaarii |
naavaa santiirya gangaamadhi padavi punastam bharadvaajamaaraannatvaa
tadvaakyahetOratisukhamavasashchitrakuuTe giriindre || 5

You along with Sita and Lakshmana went to the forest ,
So that the word of your father is honoured and obeyed,
And you stopped the citizens of Ayodhya who followed you,
And reached the place of Guha and wearing matted locks and tree hide,
You crossed the river Ganges and on the way saluted sage Bharadwaja,
And according to his advice you lived happily on the great Chithrakoota mountains. 34.5

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 06

श्रुत्वा पुत्रार्तिखिन्नं खलु भरतमुखात् स्वर्गयातं स्वतातं
तप्तो दत्वाऽम्बु तस्मै निदधिथ भरते पादुकां मेदिनीं
अत्रिं नत्वाऽथ गत्वा वनमतिविपुलं दण्डकं चण्डकायं
हत्वा दैत्यं विराधं सुगतिमकलयश्चारु भो: शारभङ्गीम् ॥६॥

shrutvaaputraartikhinnaM khalu bharatamukhaat svarga yaataM svataataM
taptO datvaa(a)mbu tasmai nidadhitha bharate paadukaaM mediniiM cha |
atriM natvaa(a)tha gatvaa vanamati vipulaM daNDakaM chaNDakaayaM
hatvaa daityaM viraadhaM sugatimakalayashchaaru bhOH shaarabhangiim || 6

You became sad when Bharatha told that your father died due to son’s separation,
And gave libations of water to your late father
And gave your slippers and country to Bharatha,
And later you went and saluted sage Athri and then went to the wide Dandakaranya,
And on your way killed the asura called Viradha and later Oh God,
You saw the happy end of sage Sharabha and granted him salvation. 34.6

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 07

नत्वाऽगस्त्यं समस्ताशरनिकरसपत्राकृतिं तापसेभ्य:
प्रत्यश्रौषी: प्रियैषी तदनु मुनिना वैष्णवे दिव्यचापे
ब्रह्मास्त्रे चापि दत्ते पथि पितृसुहृदं वीक्ष्य भूयो जटायुं
मोदात् गोदातटान्ते परिरमसि पुरा पञ्चवट्यां वधूट्या ॥७॥

natvaa(a)gastyaM samastaasharanikara sapatraakR^itiM taapasebhyaH
pratyashrauShiiH priyaiShii tadanu cha muninaa vaiShNave divyachaape |
brahmaastre chaapi datte pathi pitR^isuhR^idaM viikshya bhuuyO jaTaayuM
mOdaad gOdaataTaante pariramasi puraa pa~nchavaTyaaM vadhuuTyaa || 7

Then later you went and met sage Agasthya and saluted him, and took an oath,
To kill all the hoards of Rakshasas so that the sages can live without problems,
And from the saint received the bow of Vishnu as well as Brahmastra,
And on the way met Jatayu the eagle , who was the best friend of your father,
And happily lived with Sita in Panchavai on the banks of Godavari river. 34.7

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 08

प्राप्ताया: शूर्पणख्या मदनचलधृतेरर्थनैर्निस्सहात्मा
तां सौमित्रौ विसृज्य प्रबलतमरुषा तेन निर्लूननासाम्
दृष्ट्वैनां रुष्टचित्तं खरमभिपतितं दूषणं त्रिमूर्धं
व्याहिंसीराशरानप्ययुतसमधिकांस्तत्क्षणादक्षतोष्मा ॥८॥

praaptaayaaH shuurpaNakhyaa madanachaladhR^iterarthanairnissahaatmaa
taaM saumitrau visR^ijya prabalatamaruShaa tena nirluuna naasaam |
dR^iShTvainaaM ruShTachittaM kharamabhipatitaM duuShaNaM cha trimuurdhaM
vyaahimsiiraasharaanapyayuta samadhikaaM statkshaNaadakshatOShmaa ||8

You who are having the never tiring power , unable to tolerate Soorpanaka,
Who came there with entreaties of love , send her to your brother Lakshmana,
And the very angry Lakshmana cut her nose off and you fought ,
With Khara Dhoosha, Trisiras and more than ten thousand Rakshasas,
Who became angry because of the taking away of prettiness of Soorpanaka,
And you killed them all without effort instantly. 34.8

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 09सोदर्याप्रोक्तवार्ताविवशदशमुखादिष्टमारीचमाया-
सारङ्ग सारसाक्ष्या स्पृहितमनुगत: प्रावधीर्बाणघातम्
तन्मायाक्रन्दनिर्यापितभवदनुजां रावणस्तामहार्षी-
त्तेनार्तोऽपि त्वमन्त: किमपि मुदमधास्तद्वधोपायलाभात् ॥९॥

sOdaryaa prOktavaartaavivasha dashamukhaadiShTa maariichamaayaa
saarangaM saarasaakshyaa spR^ihitamanugataH praavadhiirbaaNaghaatam |
tanmaayaakranda niryaapita bhavadanujaaM raavaNastaamahaarShiittenaarttO(
a)pi tvamantaH kimapi mudamadhaastadvadhOpaaya laabhaat || 9

Hearing the news from his sister , Ravana who was full of anger and passion,
Went and met Mareecha and according to his wish , Mareecha appeared,
As a magical deer in front of your hermitage and when Sita wanted the deer,
You chased the deer and killed him, and hearing him shout in deceptive voice for help,
Sita sent your brother to help you and Ravana abducted Sita ,
And knowing that though you became sad , but realizing that,
An opportunity and motive to kill Ravana has come, you were happy. 34.9

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam:10
भूयस्तन्वीं विचिन्वन्नहृत दशमुखस्त्वद्वधूं मद्वधेने-
त्युक्त्वा याते जटायौ दिवमथ सुहृद: प्रातनो: प्रेतकार्यम्
गृह्णानं तं कबन्धं जघनिथ शबरीं प्रेक्ष्य पम्पातटे त्वं
सम्प्राप्तो वातसूनुं भृशमुदितमना: पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

bhuuyastanviiM vichinvannahR^ita dashamukhastvadvadhuuM madvadhenetyuktvaa
yaate jaTaayau divamatha suhR^idaH praatanOH pretakaaryam |
gR^ihNaanaM taM kabandhaM jaghanitha shabariiM prekshya pampaataTe tvaM
sampraaptO vaatasuunuM bhR^ishamuditamanaaH paahi vaataalayesha ||10

Then , when you were going in search of Sita , and when Jatayu breathed his last,
Telling you that Ravana killed him when he tried to prevent abduction of Sita,
You did after death ceremonies for that great friend , and later killed Kabandha,
Who attempted to catch both of you and eat you both ,
And then visiting Shabhari who was your devotee , you met Hanuman,
Who was the son of wind God on the banks of Pampa and became,
Happy because you got his help , Oh Lord of Guruvatyur , please protect me. 34.10

Dasakam 35 The story of Rama after treaty with Sugreeva.

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 35 --

Hear the Dasakam 35




Dasakam 35 The story of Rama after treaty with Sugreeva.

(This is the second part Ramayana and ends with the going away of Sri Rama from this earth)

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 01
नीतस्सुग्रीवमैत्रीं तदनु हनुमता दुन्दुभे: कायमुच्चै:
क्षिप्त्वाङ्गुष्ठेन भूयो लुलुविथ युगपत् पत्रिणा सप्त सालान्
हत्वा सुग्रीवघातोद्यतमतुलबलं बालिनं व्याजवृत्त्या
वर्षावेलामनैषीर्विरहतरलितस्त्वं मतङ्गाश्रमान्ते ॥१॥

niitassugriivamaitriiM tadanu hanumataa dundubheH kaayamuchchaiH
kshiptvaanguShThena bhuuyO luluvitha yugapatpatriNaasapta saalaan |
hatvaa sugriiva ghaatOdyata-matulabalaM vaalinaM vyaajavR^ittyaa
varShaavelaamanaiShiirviraha taralitastvaM matangaashramaante || 1

After meeting with Hanuman , through him you entered in to treaty with Sugreeva,
Threw the skeleton of the asura called Dhundhubhi by using the thumb of your feet,
And then just by one arrow put a hole in the seven sala trees with one trial,
And later you killed the very powerful Bali who tried to kill Sugreeva,
By very unfair means of hiding behind a tree by using an arrow,
And later you suffered and spent the entire rainy season without Sita’s company,
Near to the hermitage of the saint called Matanga 35.1

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 02
सुग्रीवेणानुजोक्त्या सभयमभियता व्यूहितां वाहिनीं ता-
मृक्षाणां वीक्ष्य दिक्षु द्रुतमथ दयितामार्गणायावनम्राम्
सन्देशं चाङ्गुलीयं पवनसुतकरे प्रादिशो मोदशाली
मार्गे मार्गे ममार्गे कपिभिरपि तदा त्वत्प्रिया सप्रयासै: ॥२॥

sugriiveNaanujOktyaa sabhayamabhiyataa vyuuhitaaM vaahiniiM taamR^
ikshaaNaaM viikshya dikshu drutamatha dayitaamaargaNaayaavanamraam |
sandesha~nchaanguliiyaM pavanasutakare praadishO mOdashaalii
maarge maarge mamaarge kapibhirapi tadaa tvatpriyaa saprayaasaiH || 2

Later after getting scared by the harsh and angry words of your brother Lakshmana,
Sugreeva summoned the monkey army to search for your wife Sita and when they all,
Saluted at your feet and when they were about to start for the search,
You were happy and gave your signet ring and sent a message through Hanuman,
And those monkeys underwent great difficulties in search of your wife Sita. 35.2

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 03
प्रोत्तीर्णार्णोधिरन्तर्नगरि जनकजां वीक्ष्य दत्वाङ्गुलीयम्
प्रक्षुद्योद्यानमक्षक्षपणचणरण: सोढबन्धो दशास्यं
दृष्ट्वा प्लुष्ट्वा लङ्कां झटिति हनुमान् मौलिरत्नं ददौ ते ॥३॥

tvadvaartaa karNanOdyadgarudurujavasampaati sampaativaakyaprOttiirNaarNOdhirantarnagari
janakajaaM viikshya datvaanguliiyam |
prakshudyOdyaanamakshakshapaNachaNaraNaH sODhabandhO dashaasyaM
dR^iShTvaa pluShTvaa cha lankaaM jhaTiti sa hanumaanmauliratnaM dadau te || 3

As per the words of Sampathi ,who got back his wings when he heard your story,
That Hanuman jumped and crossed the ocean , saw Sita in the city of Lanka,
Gave her your ring, destroyed Asoka garden , killed Akshaya kumara in war ,
Suffered the ties of Brahmastra , met Ravana , burnt the entire Lanka,
And speedily came before you and gave you the hair brooch of Sita. 35.3

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 04
त्वं सुग्रीवाङ्गदादिप्रबलकपिचमूचक्रविक्रान्तभूमी-
चक्रोऽभिक्रम्य पारेजलधि निशिचरेन्द्रानुजाश्रीयमाण:
तत्प्रोक्तां शत्रुवार्तां रहसि निशमयन् प्रार्थनापार्थ्यरोष-
प्रास्ताग्नेयास्त्रतेजस्त्रसदुदधिगिरा लब्धवान् मध्यमार्गम् ॥४॥

tvaM sugriivaangadaadi prabala kapichamuu chakra vikraantabhuumiichakrO(
a)bhikramya paarejaladhi nishicharendraanujaa shriiyamaaNaH |
tatprOktaaM shatruvaartaaM rahasi nishamayan praarthanaapaarthya rOShapraastaagneyaastra
tejastrasadudadhigiraa labdhavaan madhyamaargam ||4

Then you along with ,great monkeys like Sugreeva and Angadha and an army,
Spread all over the land , straight went to the sea, and there met brother of Ravana,
And gathering the secret information about Ravana told by him ,
Requested the sea to give way and when your words were not honoured,
You got Prepared to shoot a fire arrow at the God of the sea, and seeing its power,
The sea god was scared and provided a path way in the middle of the sea. 35.4

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 05
कीशैराशान्तरोपाहृतगिरिनिकरै: सेतुमाधाप्य यातो
यातून्यामर्द्य दंष्ट्रानखशिखरिशिलासालशस्त्रै: स्वसैन्यै:
व्याकुर्वन् सानुजस्त्वं समरभुवि परं विक्रमं शक्रजेत्रा
वेगान्नागास्त्रबद्ध: पतगपतिगरुन्मारुतैर्मोचितोऽभू: ॥५॥

kiishairaashaantarOpaahR^ita giri nikaraissetumaadhaapya yaatO
yaatuunyaamardya damShTraanakhashikharishilaa saalashastraiH svasainyaiH |
vyaakurvan saanujastvaM samarabhuvi paraM vikramaM shakrajetraa
vegaannaagaastrabaddhaH patagapatigarunmaarutairmOchitO(a)bhuuH || 5

Building a bridge using the mountains brought from everywhere by the monkeys,
You went to Lanka and you troubled the asura army by monkeys armed,
With only teeth, mountains stones and trees , in the middle of your valorous war,
Indrajit tied you and your brother Lakshmana using the serpent arrow,
And speedily Garuda came there and released both of you from the bondage. ,
By the wind generated by the flapping of his very huge wings. 35.5

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 06
सौमित्रिस्त्वत्र शक्तिप्रहृतिगलदसुर्वातजानीतशैल-
घ्राणात् प्राणानुपेतो व्यकृणुत कुसृतिश्लाघिनं मेघनादम्
मायाक्षोभेषु वैभीषणवचनहृतस्तम्भन: कुम्भकर्णं
सम्प्राप्तं कम्पितोर्वीतलमखिलचमूभक्षिणं व्यक्षिणोस्त्वम् ॥६॥

saumitristvatra shaktiprahR^itigaladasurvaatajaaniita shailaghraaNaat
praaNaanupetO vyakR^iNuta kusR^itishlaaghinaM meghanaadam |
maayaakshObheShu vaibhiiShaNa vachanahR^itastambhanaH kumbhakarNaM
sampraaptaM kampitOrviitalamakhilachamuubhakshiNaM vyakshiNOstvam || 6

Later that Lakshmana , lost his life by the weapon Shakthi of Indrajit,
And he was brought to life again by the smell of the medicine mountain,
Brought by Hanuman and he killed Indrajit who was very notorious by war of delusion,
And you who lost your balance due to the illusion of asuras ,
Was consoled by Vibheeshana and you killed Kumbhakarna,
Along with the army that created tremor in earth by their march. 35.6

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 07
गृह्णन् जम्भारिसंप्रेषितरथकवचौ रावणेनाभियुद्ध्यन्
ब्रह्मास्त्रेणास्य भिन्दन् गलततिमबलामग्निशुद्धां प्रगृह्णन्
देवश्रेणीवरोज्जीवितसमरमृतैरक्षतै: ऋक्षसङ्घै-
र्लङ्काभर्त्रा साकं निजनगरमगा: सप्रिय: पुष्पकेण ॥७॥

gR^ihNan jambhaari sampreShitarathakavachau raavaNenaabhiyudhyan |
brahmaastreNaasya bhindan galatatimabalaamagnishuddhaaM pragR^ihNan |
devashreNiivarOjjiivita samaramR^itairakshatairR^ikshasanghairlaNkaabhartraa
cha saakaM nijanagaramagaaH sapriyaH puShpakeNa || 7

You accepted the chariot and armour sent by Devendra , during the war with Ravana,
And in the war you cut the head of Ravana using the Brahmastra,
And later accepted Sita who was purified by her entering in to the fire,
And then along with the monkeys who died earlier but were given life by the devas,
Vibheeshana and your wife Sita , you came to Ayodhya in the Pushpaka Vimana. 35.7

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 08
प्रीतो दिव्याभिषेकैरयुतसमधिकान् वत्सरान् पर्यरंसी-
र्मैथिल्यां पापवाचा शिव! शिव! किल तां गर्भिणीमभ्यहासी:
शत्रुघ्नेनार्दयित्वा लवणनिशिचरं प्रार्दय: शूद्रपाशं
तावद्वाल्मीकिगेहे कृतवसतिरुपासूत सीता सुतौ ते ॥८॥

priitO divyaabhiShekairayutasamadhikaan vatsaraan paryaramsiirmaithilyaaM
paapavaachaa shiva shiva kila taaM garbhiNiimabhyahaasiiH |
shatrudhnenaardayitvaa lavaNanishicharaM praardayaH shuudrapaashaM
taavadvaalmiikigehe kR^itavasatirupaasuuta siitaa sutau te || 8

After your cornation as king you lived for more than ten thousand years happily,
And alas you sacrificed the Sita who was in a family way due to public scandal about her,
And you got Lavanasura killed by Shatrugna
And later killed the unjust Shudra called Shambhuka,
And at that time Sita who was living in Valmiki’s hermitage
Gave birth to two of your sons. 35.8

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 09
वाल्मीकेस्त्वत्सुतोद्गापितमधुरकृतेराज्ञया यज्ञवाटे
सीतां त्वय्याप्तुकामे क्षितिमविशदसौ त्वं कालार्थितोऽभू:
हेतो: सौमित्रिघाती स्वयमथ सरयूमग्ननिश्शेषभृत्यै:
साकं नाकं प्रयातो निजपदमगमो देव वैकुण्ठमाद्यम् ॥९॥

vaalmiikestvatsutOdgaapita madhurakR^iteraaj~nayaayaj~navaaTe
siitaaM tvayyaaptukaame kshitimavishadasau tvaM cha kaalaarthitO(a)bhuuH |
hetOH saumitrighaatii svayamatha sarayuumagnanishsheShabhR^ityaiH
saakaM naakaM prayaatO nijapadamagamO deva vaikuNThamaadyam || 9

According to the suggestion of sage Valmiki , who made your sons sing,
His sweet epic Ramayana in the hall of fire sacrifice ,
When you wanted to take back Sita, she entered the earth and vanished,
And the God of death informed you that your time of death has arrived,
And for certain purpose you abandoned your brother Lakshmana,
And entered along with all your retinue the Sarayu river and reached Vaikunta. 35.9

Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 10
सोऽयं मर्त्यावतारस्तव खलु नियतं मर्त्यशिक्षार्थमेवं
विश्लेषार्तिर्निरागस्त्यजनमपि भवेत् कामधर्मातिसक्त्या
नो चेत् स्वात्मानुभूते: क्व नु तव मनसो विक्रिया चक्रपाणे
त्वं सत्त्वैकमूर्ते पवनपुरपते व्याधुनु व्याधितापान् ॥१०॥

sO(a)yaM martyaavataarastava khalu niyataM martyashikshaarthamevaM
vishleShaartirniraagastyajanamapi bhavet kaamadharmaati saktyaa |
nO chet svaatmaanubhuuteH kvanu tava manasO vikriyaa chakrapaaNe
sa tvaM satvaikamuurte pavanapurapate vyaadhunu vyaadhitaapaan ||10

It is definitely true that this famous incarnation of you as man,
Is to teach that excessive attachment to desire and Dharma,
Would lead to anguish at parting from each other and
Sacrifice and sufferings of innocent fellow beings,
For if this is otherwise, Oh God who holds the holy wheel,
How can there be sorrow in your mind which is full of divine joy?
And Oh virtuous lord of Guruvayur , please cure my diseases. 35.10

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